View Full Version : Ain't Technology Grand?

Captain Untouchable
Oct 16th, 2009, 01:44:43 PM
To cut a long story short, my internet is fried. Sort of. More griddled, I guess. There was some sort of overheating incident that has apparently damaged the modem part of the router. For reasons that I can't fathom, the router resets after a random period of time and won't regain a connection for hours. Sometimes that period is a matter of seconds; other times like now it seems to go on indefinately, and then vanishes without warning.

I'm told some sort of replacement is on order, but don't have the slightest clue when it will trip off... like it did just then. Damn it. >_<

Basically, I'll be intermittant for a while, until the replacement machine shows up. I'm not lucky enough to have one of those phones with free internet, but I may manage to sneak online to check PMs periodically; if you need me, shoot me one of those.

And if the prospect of spending an indefinate amount of time without me fills you with dread and dispair... PM me your mobile / cell phone number or something; I'll even throw in a free cheesy chat-up line when I text back! :mischief

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 16th, 2009, 01:46:05 PM
Good luck surviving in the desolate wasteland that is life without the internet! :ohno

Captain Untouchable
Oct 17th, 2009, 04:19:29 PM
One of the problems of being stuck living at home: parents are permitted to make idiot decisions, and you can't really do anything about it.

My dad has - in his infinite wisdom - decided to change his ISP and get a free modem/router combo, rather than simply buy a replacement. There is a certain amount of logic in that; unfortunately, it'll be two weeks before the switch is complete, and regular service is resumed.

I've managed to beat our existing router into submission: I can manage to get online in ten minute bursts, but as soon as the modem trips off I'm sat waiting for ages with the power unplugged while it meditates - or something similarly mysterious and mystical - before it'll let me connect again. Sometimes I'm lucky and get back on after fifteen minutes; sometimes it's upwards of an hour.

I should be able to post, using the "Open everything in a new tab while the internet is working, and read it / write a reply while offline" technique, but I'm unfortunately not going to be around very much for chatting, messaging, etc.

Thank god the shows I watch online all buffer: they may wind up stopping at frustrating points, but at least I have something to pass the time. >_<

Captain Untouchable
Oct 24th, 2009, 09:55:26 AM
I'm encroaching on the hospitality of my relatives for the next two weeks, so I have the internet again. :eee