View Full Version : Starship Design

Bercilak de Hautdesert
Oct 14th, 2009, 12:48:01 PM
I'm trying to design a fictional starship as realistically as possible using somewhat "advanced" technology. The scale of the ship is near that of an Imperial Star Destroyer. I think I've thought of all the major systems that would be needed, but would like anyone who has a creative atom in their body to feel free to pitch in and throw ideas at me for anything from propulsion systems to hull structure to life support, so on and so forth. The crew of the ship is composed entirely of humans, but all of the main ship-related posts (such as Captain, Navigators, Pilots, Engineering, etc.) are manned by genetically enhanced humans called the Genhanced. Genhancement is typically a job-specific thing (for example a pilot might have enhanced reflexes whereas an engineer might have enhanced dexterity). Genhanced also have twice the lifespan of a normal human. The only reason why I mention the Genhanced at all is so that they can be kept in mind as far as the running of the ship and which redundant systems would be needed and which would not.

Speaking of redundancy, the ship is going to be designed to be extremely redundant. If it has a hyperdrive, a warpdrive, and the capability to use wormholes and slipstreams, then so be it. Pretty much anything and everything. I have already determined the primary power source of the ship is going to be a singularity created through the manipulation of anti-gravitons (aka a theoretical white hole, the opposite of a black hole) so if you have an idea but don't know whether it would be plausible for a ship, even of the size of an Imperial Star Destroyer, post it anyways. I might consider using it or any idea myself or someone else can build off it. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 14th, 2009, 01:48:03 PM
Is this for roleplaying purposes on this board?

Bercilak de Hautdesert
Oct 14th, 2009, 07:02:32 PM
Alas, it is not. It's not actually Star Wars related, just sci-fi in general. World creation is the first major step in the development of a story or series of stories and for what I'm going to be writing, the "world" is going to primarily be the ship and whatever I may have it encounter. The focus is mostly going to be on the ship, the crew, and whatever they may come across much like many of the Star Treks series were except for the fact that in my groundwork for the backstory, Earth and the colonies on Mars are gone and the ship and its inhabitants are the only remaining humans left in the universe. I intend for it to be a continual story going from one generation to the next. I think it will be interesting because of the dynamics between the ordinary humans and the Genhanced humans will slowly get out of balance lifetime-wise due to the Genhanced humans having a longer lifespan. At the same time, I'm trying to incorporate as many redundant systems simply so that if I use the failure of a system as a plot point, then the ship isn't dead in the water because, for example, it can't move.