View Full Version : Star Wars - The Essential Atlas

Captain Untouchable
Oct 13th, 2009, 06:47:27 AM
This is partly because I just had a joygasm when the mail came today, and partly because I could use y'all's help, input, approval to nurse my insecure ego, etc.

I just picked up a copy of Star Wars: The Essential Atlas. To put it bluntly, its frakking awesome. I like maps anyway, but the level of detail in this, and the fact that it's based off the "official" galaxy information that the EU novel writers have to play with, makes me want to burst with geekish joy. It has more information than you can shake a stick or swing a cat at (I tried); beyond the maps there's a whole host of information on dozens of planets, as well as in-depth studies of certain sectors, information on swathes of historical expansion and exploration, graphic depictions of the movies; its 200+ pages of awesome.

What I'd like to do - with permission - is set about trying to transpose some of the maps from SW:TAE into a barebones form that I can adorn with Fans-based information. I realise there's a perfectly servicable map here (http://starwarsatlas.uw.hu/thelist.htm), but unfortunately in light of the new book its a little wrong, and there's tons of extra detail in this version.

* * *

Assuming you guys are cool with me wasting my time away doing that sort of thing, I could use your help mapping out which planets are significant, and worthy of being pointed at with big shiny arrows.

Rebel Alliance

As far as I know, Mon Calamari, Bothawui and Sullust are Rebel Alliance territories. I'm assuming that the same can be said of their respective Sectors.

However, Alderaan, Corellia and Ithoria are also represented on the Alliance Council. I'm assuming that Alderaan and Corellia are still in Imperial-controlled space, being so close to the Core: but have we liberated Ithoria as yet, or is it on the Alliance "to do" list?

Are there any other worlds that are considered Rebel controlled?

Independent Worlds

Onderon and the Hapes Cluster have a little alliance going on at the moment. Because LDV is Mandalore, does that mean that Mandalore and her sector are allied with Onderon as well, or is she just the leader of the local Mandalorians, from Onderon and Dxun? Even so, Mandalore itself is still presumably an independent world, right?

The Corporate Sector is now allied near-completely with the Empire, and Bothan Space is fully Rebel, so I don't need to worry about those. However, I know there are a few independent worlds like Serenno out there. Are there any more significant indie worlds that have featured in Fans plots - or perhaps ones that were independent but now aren't - or is pretty much everything else just as it was in the EU, circa Episode VI?

Galactic Empire

Aside from adopting an "everything else belongs to the Empire" policy, are there any significant worlds that I should keep an eye out for? Planets like Byss and Tython hold particular significance in the Deep Core. Are either of them noteworthy, perhaps as Inquisitorius strongholds, or training worlds for other branches of the Empire?

Extra Planets

I know I'm personally guilty of making up planets every now and again, if there isn't something pre-existing that fits with what is needed. Aside from Ord Anor and Ord Ithil from the Montegue: Origins arc, are there any new worlds that need adding to the map, and if so where are they?

Thanks in advance, guys!

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 13th, 2009, 03:58:11 PM
LD is only mandalore of the Mandos that were stranded and cut off from the others on Onderon and Dxun. They've been apart so long her mando's would probably be considered a bit old fashioned by the others in the galaxy, but still unmistakably deadly and mandalorian. SO - Mandalore the planet is independent and I have nothing to do with it. :)

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 14th, 2009, 12:43:39 AM
Damn, I will need to have a serious think about this.. :headache

Blade Bacquin
Oct 14th, 2009, 06:05:02 AM
Also I was wondering personally about planets like tatoonie(sp). Technically Tat was pretty independent thru imperial control and even later Republic control mostly cause it's put in boonies of space. Although the imps did claim jurisdiction over but heck they claim jurisdiction over everything even if the rebels controlled it. Just wondering what a planet like Tat would be classified as?

Travis North
Oct 14th, 2009, 07:57:29 AM
Tatooine would be classified as an Imperial world possessing a number of small garrisons in the major settlements, however they only keep the peace when things go awry. It remains a haven for scum and villainy.
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Nov 2nd, 2009, 06:28:17 PM
I think in our current time line if we go by whats happening in canon Mandalore would be under Imperial control with its inhabitants currently being used as slaves and the planet being strip mined for Mandalorian iron.

Least thats what I've been able to gather from the Star wars wiki. I have an upcoming thread which involves Mandalore (the planet;)) so I did a little digging.

I also have some planets I'll have to toss up here in a bit.

Nya Halcyon
Nov 6th, 2009, 04:52:00 PM
Uhh... Tear, hold off on Mandalore for the time being. There's something big and fishy happening about Mandalore because of the damned Clone Wars animated.... apparently they decided to give us new information about Mandalore and discard the old (so much so that Karen Traviss, who wrote a lot of the most recent EU novels based on or around Mandalore and the Mandos decided to stop writing for SW cos they messed up all continuity).

I had some plans for Mandalore, too, since I've got an NPC or three based on there, and Nya and Dar had their home there.... but nothing set in stone, and right now it's all sort of in motion anyway because of this recent news....

Nov 6th, 2009, 05:09:40 PM
Oh this can't be held back old bean. Its already been written. I just haven't posted it yet because I wanted to finish a couple of other things before I officially started this one.

I don't know how much continuity surrounding Mandalore could really change post Clone wars. It seems in the animated series they're siding with the seperatists which would leave the winner (The republic/Empire) in the same position Mandalore is left in after the wars, occupied.

If you want we could share ideas over pm's to see if our ideas conflict?

Nya Halcyon
Nov 9th, 2009, 10:43:04 AM
At the moment anything could happen. It's gotta be some giant big bad difference, like wiping out all life or blowing up the planet for Karen Traviss to not be able to retcon it. So i'm a bit wary of making any plans about Mandalore at the moment, post Clone Wars.

Nov 9th, 2009, 01:49:01 PM
Well I'm gonna go ahead with my idea weather they blow it up or not. Its not really feasible to hold your breath in accordance to continuity that has yet to be written. Even it is from the 'past'.

The animated series/future movies/shorts/books should be used more as inspiring fluff to pad history not cause us to have to work around it.

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 9th, 2009, 01:54:00 PM
I agree with Tear. We have been pretty flexible with canon after all, completely ignoring everything that comes after ROTJ, so there's no reason we can't ignore more :lol

Nya Halcyon
Nov 9th, 2009, 02:28:58 PM
Fair enough. Then Nya's "tribe" is still holed up on Mandalore :p

Dec 16th, 2009, 12:17:00 PM
Not that I'm stealing this lil' project from the Captain but for my own reasons I had begun marking various places of interest. Then I got to thinking to make it complete I should just add everyone else as well.

So Imma gunna! So far there's only a few different places that need to stand out

Hapes Cluster and Orderon

Hutt Space.

The Corporate Sectors


I'm guessing the Cizerack (Where are they located again? Anyone know?) are the only ones that should be standing out for us?

Maps not going to be pretty. Just something I've stolen and scribbled over with crayons. But we can use it for a reference at least.;) Let me know. Also let me know what colors you want on the map. Or im gonna give some poor guy pink or something.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 16th, 2009, 05:04:12 PM
I know there's a old galaxy map that was edited for various 'new' SW-Fans specific places like the Carshoulis Cluster (Cizerack) that there is probably a record of somewhere.

I might even have a copy saved someplace. Not sure, I'll have to look.