View Full Version : Checking In
Acacius Blade
Oct 12th, 2009, 12:00:34 PM
The YT-2000's cockpit was bathed in a blue-white glow coming through the front windows - the crackling vortex of hyperspace. The pilot sat up in his chair and yawned before standing and stretching himself out of a well-earned nap. He closed his eyes momentarily as if trying to make out a distant sound, like voices carried faintly on the wind. Then his eyes shot open again and he slapped a nearby protocol droid across the face.
"Ha-ha! I told you, didn't I!? I knew the exact place! Ta-da!"
And just like that, a bright flash of light replaced the vortex with starlines which quickly compacted into pinpricks. But that was all there was. No ships, no fighter escorts - nothing.
"No, there must be some mistake. They're supposed to be here - this is where they are! I didn't guess, I knew!"
"Oh my!" exclaimed the protocol droid.
"There's no need for obcenities. And don't gloat because I'm not wrong!" he said, slumping back into the high-backed leather chair and folding his arms in a sulk. Just then, a red warning light began flashing with a low, dingy-sounding alarm. "Proximity alert!" said the droid. The roar of engines vibrated throughout the ship as a large vessel sailed over the top of the light freighter. It was an MC-40a cruiser and looked very friendly indeed. Several other ships cruised alongside it.
He gave a smug look at the droid who was indifferent to the entire situation.
"See - I told you I knew the exact place!" The robed gentleman leaned over the command console and thumbed one of the many buttons. "This is Acacius Blade of the YT-2000 freighter Whoopsie Daisy calling the MC-40a cruiser Valiant, requesting permission to dock."
He took his thumb off the button and sat back into the chair again. Less than a second later he leant forward once again and thumbed the button.
"Please! Oww! I strained my neck doing that, confound you!"
Abarai Loki
Oct 13th, 2009, 12:33:58 PM
Loki was on the bridge when it happened. He had requested a review of internal security protocol aboard the Valiant and after enduring four minutes of small talk from Lieutenant Muchweiss, his report appeared in the hands of a rather fatigued young petty officer. He raised a clammy hand to his glistening brow, saluted the lieutenant, presented him with the datapad then disappeared. The boy frowned, having expected to see a reprimand for tardiness, he found himself disappointed.
"Thank you, lieutenant," he said at last, taking the security report, "And to answer your question: no, one cannot become a Jedi by filling in an application form. If you are considering a career change, I suggest you first rethink your options."
He turned to leave when a proximity alarm sounded, drawing both him and the lieutenant to the nearest tactical console. The officer tensed as he observed the readings, and barked an order to hail the unidentified vessel, but before a transmission could be sent a tinny voice suddenly spoke through a nearby comm station. That voice. Loki froze with a fleeting flicker of shock on his face, then quickly turned and left the bridge.
"Grant this man docking clearance. I... know him."
Acacius Blade
Oct 14th, 2009, 04:14:52 AM
Distant noises echoed across the hanger. By the time they reached Acacius' ears they sounded like titanic behemoths lumbering throughout the decks of the ship. He stood at the bottom of the boarding ramp beneath the belly of the freighter. Astromech droids whirred and beeped as they approached to service the ship, while his own squarbled and chirped back as they rolled down the ramp to let the others know what needed doing. A group of armed guards approached. Nothing menacing, just cautionary. The robed Jedi bowed before them.
'Acacius Blade at your service - it's a pleasure to be here...'
He spied a smaller figure amongst them.
'Loki - is that you!? Thank goodness you're safe. I was worried sick! Are you hurt? Have you eaten?' he exclaimed, eyes wide and on the lookout for danger.
Abarai Loki
Oct 14th, 2009, 05:48:54 PM
"Acacius Blade," he said flatly and raised his piercing gaze to the man stood before him.
"Matters of my personal well-being are irrelevant. How did you find us?"
Loki folded his arms, awaiting an answer, and although Acacius towered over him and the surrounding guards, the boy coolly regarded his old travelling companion with the air of an equal. No, a superior. Garbed in his own unique Jedi garments, impossibly, Loki seemed somehow more humourless.
"This is a question of fleet security so I suggest you answer quickly and thoroughly."
Acacius Blade
Oct 15th, 2009, 04:22:45 AM
"How else, Sport? The Force of course! I've been around you long enough to know how to sense you no matter how far away you are. I just had to concentrate and look for the proud little rock withstanding the onslaught of the ocean waves, silent and stalwart. And whad'dya know?! The Force picked up and answered...'
He turned and addressed the guards who were somewhat puzzled by a man who looked as aged and reserved as Acacius yet spoke in such a light-hearted, joking manner. Acacius threw his arms out in surprise. He put on an authorative yet mystical voice.
'Oh Loki!? Yeah, sure - he's over there. Make him laugh, please!'
'That was my Voice of the Force voice, pretty cool, huh?'
His smile disappeared and was replaced by a stern look.
'How did you get here Loki?' His voice was laced with sarcastic suspicion.
Abarai Loki
Oct 15th, 2009, 04:50:38 AM
"By chance I met one of the ship captains prior to her rendezvous with the fleet. That was on Dantooine, after I left you on Nar Shaddaa."
His expression and tone betrayed no degree of pleasure in his words but he was happy to drop the hint. He glanced to one of the troops at his side and said:
"His story is suspicious. Anyone can conjure up such a convenient tale of psychic astronavigation and pose a serious threat to the security of the fleet. Process him thoroughly."
And without giving Acacius so much as a second look, he turned to leave.
Acacius Blade
Oct 15th, 2009, 05:44:08 AM
Acacius smiled to the troops.
'Kids, eh!? Lead on, gentlemen.'
Five hours later, after checking ships logs, contacting other ships to try to verify his story, Torquemada and his Inquisition deduced that although they could not prove Acacius was who he said he was, they could confirm that he had not been in contact with the Imperials since the Wheel's conception - a claim backed up by their spies to the best of their ability.
All that was left was for Acacius to prove his sincerity, which would take time. As such, he was free to go about his business and get aquainted with the ship, it's crew and passengers, and to integrate himself into the fledgling Jedi gathering around him.
The office door swished closed behind him.
'Now, first thing's first - where is that little brat. I've got a wedge with his spikey-haired name on it!'
Abarai Loki
Oct 16th, 2009, 01:51:33 PM
"We could always ask him."
"Him! Over there!"
"Are you serious? He's a Jedi!"
"So am I, guys..."
"No, nerfbrain, you're just a pawadan. I mean a real Jedi."
"It's padawan..."
"You mean he can do all that cool stuff? Read minds? Float objects?"
"I heard he's so fast... he's invisible!"
"He seems like a dork. I bet he has a cool lightsaber though!"
"He has exceptional hearing, too."
The group of boys fell suddenly silent and stared in shock at the boy across from them. He was sat alone on the neighbouring table and sipped quietly from his tin mug, paying the trio no attention whatsoever. They shared glances of apprehension and wondered whether they had imagined hearing the voice. The eldest, a tall blond-haired boy, rose from his seat and approached him.
"Hey, buddy," he said, hoping to make eye contact, "Me and my friends are gonna have a game of smashball in the forward hold while it's empty. We're a man down and, well, we're wondering if you wanna join us? We have some spare pads and a helmet your size!"
Loki looked up, the boy addressing him was already wearing his knee and elbow pads and sat at the table behind him were his friends, their necks craned and faces eager. His eyes narrowed and he laced his fingers neatly on the table.
"First of all, my name is Abarai Loki, and that is how I am to be addressed. Secondly, a Jedi has far more important things to do with his time than play childish games. You would do well to remember that, padawan."
His frosty gaze fell upon the ginger-haired boy he'd seen at one of Master Nytherciria's lessons and the youngster blushed, looking away, crestfallen. The tall boy started to retreat, perplexed, and Loki quickly added:
"But no, thank you."
Acacius Blade
Oct 17th, 2009, 05:23:43 PM
'It wasn't a mess hall in design, but for the forseeable future it was one in function. A over-sized crew and passenger count rendered the actual canteen inadequate. And right now it wasn't even full, yet Abarai Loki had decided to sit by himself in this cold, lonely room.'
The boy looked at the silver-haired man with a look of indifferent, mild contempt.
'It's fun to narrate your thoughts!'
Loki looked away, still holding the mug.
'This place is too quiet anyways. Whatcha up to, short stuff? Fancy giving your old pal a tour? I don't have the first clue where anything is and since I'm going to be here for a while, it'd be a big help if you could show me what's what.'
Acacius sat opposite the young Jedi Knight, a mischievious smile proudly sparkling across his face.
Abarai Loki
Oct 18th, 2009, 07:42:48 AM
"Acacius Blade," he began, in that steady, disinterested tone with which he always greeted the old man, "You know my name. Please use it."
It was with reluctance that Loki allowed his eyes to fall upon him. Acacius was bizarre even in appearance; with every exaggerated expression the aged flesh stretched, rolled, and crashed about his features like loose rubber, his self-satisfied grin was positively eerie, and playful mischief lit up his bulbous eyes with startling youth. He was like a hyperactive boy trapped behind the unnerving visage of some foul demon of poor comedy. His horse-shoe hair glistened above his head like a silver halo. What a demented looking man, thought Loki.
"If you wish to see the ship I suggest you speak to a member of its crew. I am very busy, and I am not a tour guide."
His attention turned to a datapad lying on the table, he tapped the screen twice and said, "However, if you have any questions now, I will answer them."
Acacius Blade
Oct 18th, 2009, 01:35:24 PM
'Okay okay! Questions, questions, questions. A-ha! I've got the best question ever!'
Acacius jumped up and walked hastily around to the other side of the table and sat next to Loki. He put his elbows on the table and placed his head in his hands, then leaned into Loki so that he could see the datapads contents.
'Whatcha doooin?'
Abarai Loki
Oct 18th, 2009, 03:25:32 PM
"I'm selecting a time slot in which to conduct my first lesson."
His words were drawn out, he spoke measuredly and with an undertone of annoyance in his voice, much like an adult attempting to remain civil with a bothersome child. His body swayed under Acacius's weight, he froze suddenly and cast the old man a scathing glance.
"Please distance yourself from me. The stench of your cologne is offensive and if you wish for me to humour this inane line of questioning any further you will respect my..." he paused, searching for the phrase, "Personal space."
Acacius Blade
Oct 19th, 2009, 11:40:23 AM
Acacius giggled boyishly, before vanishing in the blink of an eye. It couldn't have been more black and white. One second he was there, sitting next to Loki. The next...
Abarai Loki
Oct 19th, 2009, 03:46:14 PM
Loki frowned at the sudden disappearance and scanned his immediate surroundings. There was no sign of Acacius Blade at all; no gleaming bald head, no annoying laughter, his very presence had vanished from the Force and even the odious stench of cologne was gone. He shook his head and returned his attention to his work.
"Impossible man..."
Acacius Blade
Oct 19th, 2009, 04:39:09 PM
"I'm gone..."
The voice came out of thin air.
"...but then...I'm not gone..."
There was no point of reference. The sound wasn't emanating from anywhere specific. It wasn't emanating at all. It just was.
"So, if I do leave, you can never be sure that I am gone, can you?"
Abarai Loki
Oct 19th, 2009, 05:08:47 PM
His clenched fists struck the table so hard the datapad was sent into the air.
"Acacius! I didn't travel halfway across the galaxy to spend my days being tormented by the likes of you! Now end this ridiculous charade and reveal yourself, you imbecile!"
The mess hall seemed suddenly silent. Every head turned in alarm, he was stood alone at his table, and all eyes were on him. He cleared his throat.
"Excuse me," he said, his voice was hoarse from having just yelled at, seemingly, no-one. Promptly, he retrieved his datapad from the floor and left the room.
Acacius Blade
Oct 19th, 2009, 06:45:50 PM
A face wearing a great big grin popped into existence in front of him as he walked. Well, it was more like a grin with a decent amount of face stuck all around it. It bobbed in the air as the boy marched off down the corridor.
"They think you're mad. But don't worry - we're all mad, here. If we weren't, I suppose we'd be someplace else. A small group of surviving Jedi and assorted force-sensitive beings bundled all together in one place - an easy target for anybody looking to rid the galaxy of our kind. Talk about putting all your eggs in one basket, huh!?"
Abruptly, ripples cascaded through the air, revealing a neck, tunic, arms, sash, robe and almost-concealed boots beneath it, all in sequence. Acacius was walking backwards, and he seemed quite happy to do so indefinitely.
"So where are we going now? Is this the start of the grand tour?"
His body jaunted occasionally as he shifted his weight quickly in the direction they were headed, still backwards and facing Loki.
"If you're wondering why I'm skipping it's partially to keep up with you - you power-walking pipsqueak - but it's also because it's kinda fun. So where to first, my gallant guide?"
Abarai Loki
Oct 20th, 2009, 06:06:46 AM
It was sometime before Loki answered him. His solemn gaze was fixed on the floor in front of him, following wherever it led him while he cleared his head; he recalled his training, and the older boys who teased him for being either too weak or too slow, and the red hot feelings their words stirred within him. He rose above it back then, he became stronger and faster, and the bullies were found wanting. A heavy sigh expelled the tightness from his chest.
"What is it you want?"
Acacius Blade
Oct 27th, 2009, 05:28:14 AM
Acacius' stomach groaned.
'Well you could start by showing me where I can get something to eat.'
He paused - no reason, just for effect. Then he threw his arms into the air and shouted at the top of his lungs.
'After that - show me everythiiiiiiiiing!!!'
Abarai Loki
Oct 27th, 2009, 10:56:45 AM
"We have just been in a place where you can eat," Loki grumbled, his eyes closed in irritable disbelief. They were stood at a junction of four different passages, crewmen shuffled past the mis-matched pair on their way to lunch, Acacius's hungry eyes following them. Loki folded his arms.
"I am not going back," he said, a delicate hint of pink entered his face at the recollection of having just made a spectacle of himself in the mess hall only moments ago, "If you want me to guide you around the ship, now is the time. First, we are to go to the forward hold, please keep up."
And Loki took off down a passage with some urgency in his stride.
Acacius Blade
Nov 19th, 2009, 11:45:50 AM
As Loki walked with a brisk, long stride, Acacius took shorted, faster steps. He lowered his body slightly, bent his knees more and began raising them higher with each step. He breathed heavily, scrunching his face and mouth up.
Suddenly he stopped, and simply walked normally at a quick pace.
"So whats in the forward hold? Your girlfriend?"
Abarai Loki
Jan 2nd, 2010, 04:37:23 PM
"You are forgetting, Acacius Blade, that I am a Jedi and my time is far too limited and important to concern myself with frivolous dalliances."
His tone was quite serious and, if anything, he was surprised his companion had forgotten about the rules concerning Jedi courtship. A youngling he recognised was escorted past them by his mother, who led him by the hand, to a lesson for which he was obviously late. Inwardly, Loki reflected darkly on the parents of padawans and their interference in their children's education; their doting affections was a bad influence. Acacius greeted them with booming voice and an enthusiastic wave.
"Clearly you are out of practice at actually being a Jedi. Thankfully, we're going to a place where we can rememdy that and where you may possibly make some use of yourself."
A pair of large doors parted with the hiss of pistons and before them unfolded an enormous cargo outfitted to look like a gym, assault course, and playground all in one. The clash of wooden sabres echoed from the far end of the room.
"The Jedi Training Facility."
Acacius Blade
Jan 3rd, 2010, 09:39:48 AM
As the doors came to rest, Acacius stepped into the large cargo hold.
'Clearly you're out of practice of actually being a person, my young friend.'
He walked into the hold, taking in his surroundings. Young Jedi-in-training roared with fervour as they charged at each other with mock-sabers, and charged forth with sutyh enthusiasm as they took on the obstacles of the assault course. There were crash mats, horses, practice dummies, punchbags, the works.
'This is fantastic. You were very fortunate to have a ship with such a large, free cargo hold. I can't see such activities being of much benefit in the cramped corridors, or that puny mess hall where you made such a show of yourself earlier.'
He breathed in healthily and gave a big content sigh.
'How many other Jedi are there in the fleet?'
Abarai Loki
Jan 6th, 2010, 01:51:24 PM
"You are the twenty-fifth. Fourteen of whom are padawans. Naturally, training is one of our top priorities, second only to security. But these facilities are makeshift..."
His voice trailed off in disappointment. He folded his arms and looked up at Acacius with uncharacteristically softened features.
"They are eager to learn and some display true potential but its difficult here. We share the workload, I instruct combat skills and rudimentary swordplay. Will you contribute?"
Acacius Blade
Jan 6th, 2010, 06:56:02 PM
'But of course!'
He stepped further forward, casting an eye across the assault course.
'When I'm finished with you, your swordplay will be far from rudimentary'
He slowly approached the start of assault course, surveying it's various obstacles inquisitively.
Abarai Loki
Jan 9th, 2010, 05:59:50 PM
"My swordsmanship is far from rudimentary!" Loki barked suddenly, offended by the insinuation.
His fists clenched as he recalled a life of hard work and study; years of training in the Jedi arts, that which made up the very essence of his being, everything he knew, all of it mocked and ridiculed with one careless remark. His hand opened and was poised hungrily over the lightsaber at his hip. He closed his eyes and, recalling where he was at last, relaxed.
"Acacius Blade," he said quietly, "If you cannot speak without trampling upon my pride then I suggest you remain silent. Despite my appearance, I am not a child. And despite your appearance, I know you're no fool. Do you speak as such deliberately? And are you incapable of respecting your ally?"
Acacius Blade
Feb 22nd, 2010, 06:00:55 PM
Acacius sighed. It was the first time he'd ever done it in front of Loki. Perhaps Loki thought it was the first time he'd done it ever.
A trainee leapt across the assault course with ease before returning to the start, red-faced and exilirated with excitement.
'It was a joke, Loki! A pun, a jib, a dig, a lark, tomfoolery, in jest. It makes things fun. You know fun, right!?'
Acacius lightly concentrated on the obstacles comprising the assault course. The rope moved higher towards the supports, a barrel was removed and the others moved further apart to even it out, and the middle platform started moving from side to side of it's own accord. The young trainee smiled at Acacius, who winked.
'Try that on for size, champ!'
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