View Full Version : Curiouser and curiouser
Cleo Némain
Sep 30th, 2009, 11:23:33 AM
The Whaladon...
Cleo hadn't gone about there yet so it did seem to be one of those places that was necessary to visit. After all, practically every ship in the convoy had been visited by the impish woman at one point or another, whether their crews knew or approved or not. The Knightfall was sorta home-like but staying on one ship too long, she realized, made her all kinds of jumpy and agitated and just not a real nice thing to be around. And while everyone else could just avoid her, avoiding yourself when you were all kinds of disagreeable was another matter entirely. Best to just prevent that sort of thing... so she explored and adventured, well, best as she could do when dealing with a string of ships all floating about in the vast nothingness.
Sometimes she ran up against people who were like her. Well, not really like her. No one was really like her and that was fine with her. But the bright spots were kinda like her, at least as best as she could pose to be like them. Most were dim, just starting out to regain their glow after having been so lost for so long. Cleo often wondered just how bright they'd eventually be. Maybe if they all stuck together she'd be able to see them from all sorts of far away. Then again, she wasn't so sure that if they all stuck together that she'd ever really want to leave them all. And then her own little orange tinted glow could mix with the rest and she'd be part of that single bright spot in the galaxy. It was a nice thought anyway.
It was the odd thought like that which meandered about in her head as Cleo aimlessly let her feet lead her along the corridors of the big 'ol Action VI with a name that brought to mind all sorts of funny images of giant swimming things.
The wanderings eventually lead to one of the cargo bays that had been set up as a make-shift training area. It was the kind of place that made Cleo feel all fidgety. Too important to be ignored but it wasn't supposed to be. This particular one only had one occupant who was currently in the process of calmly moving through various sets of movements that Cleo found oddly amusing in the way they looked like part of a strange dance that could probably beat someone to a pulp. Even more amusing, if not a bit intimidating, was the fact the woman was perhaps one the brightest of the people she'd ever come across. Almost hurt to look at her after having seen nothing but murk and cloudy mess around people for so long on Nar Shadda. It was a pretty type of glow, though... soft and kinda blue and yellow-ish and spring day-ish. Or at least that's what it made Cleo think of.
It seemed a real shame to interrupt the Cleo did about the only thing she could think of, which was try and be quiet as she came into the room and found a place to drop to the ground and sit and watch. It wasn't as good as running about a ship, or trying to join in the strange movements, but she'd been told a great number of times of the importance of being able to sit still and it seemed a good time to practice...not that she was achieving the "still" bit.. small fidgets and twitches and shifts in how she was sitting were an almost constant. At least Cleo was managing to avoid humming...for the moment.
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 30th, 2009, 12:32:54 PM
Routine was something a Jedi didn't want to fall victim to. It was important to adjust themselves and change their actions depending on what the Force would bring. A Teacher could meld easily into a Commander Officer if circumstances warranted, often the roles of the higher ranking Jedi as of late in the Wheel.
Daily life aboard the collective vessels had become mundane and almost far too quiet. Rebels and Jedi alike did not want to be lured into a false sense of security, but as of late, the Force was quiet. No dangers were alluded to since Navaria Tarkin had come aboard months prior. The same held true for the other Jedi. Their foresight was not clouded either. Thus far, they were one of the best kept secrets in the galaxy.
But for how long was the unspoken question on everyone's minds. Though questions had long since been quieted within Tarkin. She was focused on her exercise, allowing the Force to flow freely into her well conditioned body in order to keep in shape. Something that the uninvited guest could see since the brown tunic she wore exposed well defined arms. The luxuries, which they were to her and most of the stranded Force Users, of having meals and a bed to sleep in everyday could dull the body when one was used to being on the run, quite literally at times.
It was her usual routine before lunch, mediation, kata, and strengthening exercises, which had the side effect of making her ravenous enough to eat the rations aboard the Rebel ship. Grateful for the food, it still was tasteless.
Upon completing several fast passes of elbows and fists, her body became alert that she was no longer alone. Leaping into a butterfly kick, legs circled the air and landed safely to where they had left the mat before, though she ended the exercise by dropping to one knee and centered closed fists parallel to the floor.
"Hello," she said with gentle smile. "I don't believe we've met."
It was true. Navaria had no memory of the girl sitting on the far side of the cargo bay. Focusing on her breathing, it slowly returned to a regular rhythm and the Jedi not longer felt winded. Sweaty yes, but a shower will cure that later.
Cleo Némain
Oct 15th, 2009, 12:53:48 PM
It was because of all sorts of uncontrolled feelings of a bit of awe that Cleo found her mouth was left hanging a bit open as the woman finished her movements. As they came to an end it was the realization of that fact that forced herself to press her lips tightly shut, pinching them slightly between her teeth. Wandering eyes that had been practically staring quickly fell away but fluttered back as soon she was spoken to. Having your mouth sealed shut was no good when trying to talk to someone so as her left hand came up and as her index finger found its way to her mouth, the pressure she was applying with her jaw was slowly released so bottom lip could be rolled free. There was a momentary worry if a slight noise would come from it all. Cleo normally loved the small whistles, squeaks, and chirps that a person could make if they were so inclined to... but now really didn't seem the proper time.
With everything pretty much back where it should be, except for the fingernail that was being nibbled on for a moment Cleo finally forced the reply that had been doing a balancing act on trapped tongue a moment ago.
"Nope...'aven't. Though, I'm kina thinkin we jus' kina did, ye? Well...sorta. Meetin by seein is one kinna thing, actu-acksha- ... really goin and gettin to meet 'nother person by gettin to know more 'bouts them is 'nother."
Her tone was unusually timid, the rambling wasn't. Cleo had never really been the type to sort of what she was going to say and then say it. But the almost quiet manner in which everything was coming out probably was making her out to be far more nervous than she was, but still that feeling was there...which was odd, and slightly annoying all things considered.
Navaria Tarkin
Nov 1st, 2009, 08:58:53 AM
As the girl rambled on about the question posed, Navaria was slowly making her way over to where she sat.
"I agree. Meeting and understanding are two different objectives when dealing with another person," she said and folded her legs underneath so that they may sit together. The cold floor of the cargo bay did not bother the Jedi, but she wanted to be on an even level as she spoke to the girl. Hopefully subsiding some of the nervousness felt.
"I'm Navaria Tarkin," she said with even breaths. The laboring breath of her workout had long since past and took a healthy sip of water from a canteen before offering it to her new acquaintance.
Cleo Némain
Dec 22nd, 2009, 12:45:02 PM
All those bubbling up feelings of wonder came up and over their boiling point as her little bit of verbal thought-bombing was actually apparently understood and even responded to and Cleo couldn't help but blink several times in a row and feel a bit dumbfounded as the lady sat down next to her.
Then the introduction came, since they always seem to do that, and for once, though not unexpectedly, Cleo found herself completely unable to twist around the way it had been done to draw in a nickname of sorts. She liked nicknames. Yet none would come to mind! Stubborn mind, it had gotten too wrapped up in being all amazed to actually do her any good.
"'M Cleo."
Her own name came fast before she could realized that she hadn't reciprocated with her own full name and felt somewhat foolish for it. But then it hit her. It was sudden and just as jarring as if someone had taken a heavy pillow that was filled with thick feathers and smacked her upside the head.
"Wai' ...Tarkin?"
That name sounded awful familiar. Like it had been paraded around a bunch lately and yet she couldn't quite grasp why. Cleo had never been one to like making assumptions, even if it happened sometimes, so she let it linger, hoping that Navaria would put pieces together... even if Cleo was getting the sneaking suspicion that she probably had to all the time.
Navaria Tarkin
Dec 29th, 2009, 01:05:29 PM
"Yes," she replied evenly. "Tarkin. You heard correctly, Cleo."
Navaria was quite used to explaining herself when the name didn't often invoke down right disgust. Even the more oblivious sentients eventually put two and two together over time. No one could forget the destruction of Alderaan, they just didn't like being reminded of it.
She used the given name to hopefully ease any unwarranted tension between them.
Cleo Némain
Dec 29th, 2009, 01:34:48 PM
Her lips pursed and the smallest amount of scrunching of her face occurred, more in thought than any trace of disgust. It was out of that same odd feeling that she probably shouldn't be so twitchy at that moment that kept her hand firmly placed upon the ground... rather than letting it raise up to her head to tap on it. Think think think...
Though with the hand behaving, the head went off on its own, canting to the side just slightly as she eyed the woman in front of her. It only righted itself as she gently shook it back and forth a bit.
"Bu'..." It was plain to Cleo, just like the woman sitting in front of her, there was a simple fact that didn't add up. The name was familiar, of course, and while she had never seen either of the two that instantly came to mind when it was uttered, Cleo had always been sure that if they gave off any sort of look, it would be cloudy and full of muck. Not like this one, whom Cleo was still musing was like some sort of sunny field with grass where the wind swept over it. The kind where you'd lay down and the blades were taller than you so you could almost hide and just watch clouds all day. Not that she had ever been to a place like that... but it stood out in her head like that so that was what she thought of.
"You're ta... bright ta be like-a them. Can see it jus' as easy as lookin a' anythin else."
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 16th, 2010, 08:35:58 AM
It only took but a moment, but the Jedi Master eventually found herself smiling and she offered a small bow of the head in gratitude. "I appreciate that."
Raising her head once more, the weight of her namesake seem to have been lifted as shoulders righted themselves just a nudge higher then they were before. It was subtle, but it was there. "I'm not often greeted in such a wizened manner. It's refreshing. Thank you Cleo."
Cleo Némain
Mar 16th, 2010, 03:07:26 PM
Wizened. Over the years of living, the things Cleo said or did had been called a great many things and described in a great many ways, but that word was new. New, strange, and a bit overwhelming. Enough so that it brought a tiny squeak of surprise out of her that she instantly felt embarrassed by. Wizened folk didn't squeak.
Though there was no denying that whatever it was that Cleo had said had managed to take a weight from Navaria (Cleo couldn't figure out what else to call her, her name simply fit. But no doubt it would be shortened and mussed with later on when she had time to think about it.) and that was a good thing. Which made Cleo feel good, or, at least like she wasn't totally messing things up at the moment.
Though it still didn't leave her with a lot else to say. Her shoulders shrugged slightly, though, even if it was of their own will.
"Welcome. Nah sure why others dun see it, though. Cuz, they should."
Her head nodded in agreement.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 26th, 2010, 08:07:17 AM
Obviously taken by surprise, Cleo managed a small response before looking expectant. Was not entirely her fault, the Jedi Master gave her little to work with, and it was time to rectify that.
"How is it you came to find yourself amongst the Jedi of here, Cleo?" she asked and hoped to slowly divine the reasons for this young woman's purpose for arriving on the Wheel. It would be a glimmer into the possibilities that awaited the eccentric spacer.
Cleo Némain
Mar 28th, 2010, 05:04:03 PM
First came a hesitant hum then a look that drifted off and away before finally her right hand reached up and rubbed at the upper part of her left arm. While the story she had only told once before had sounded well and good enough for the crew of the Knightfall, it had been the truth after all, it didn't seem to quite fit with the setting she was now in and the person she was sitting with.
"Cap'in Barty's ship brought me here..." She began, seemingly cut off by her own thoughts with a mumbled "tis a good ship," and then Cleo continued on the first line. "Bu' tha Knigh'fall dinna find me, I went and found it onna tha Nar Shaddaa. Tha's where Mum and Da were from. I think..."
She glanced back at Navaria before letting her eyes go back to wandering. There was no sense in fighting them if they wanted to do that.
"Dinna know from no ones tellin' me where tha Knigh'fall was goin', though. I just kinna... knew. Well, tha's nah really righ' ... was cuzza Cap'in Barty tha I knew. He was a brigh' spot, still is, but nah as brigh' as you..."
It wasn't coming out right. She knew how it happened and Cleo could guess as to why, but it wasn't leaving her brain and her mouth in a proper order. At least... she guessed it wasn't. But you can't just toss a half finished recipe out, sometimes you can salvage it.
"See, mos' peoples, they're all nothin special or kinna cloudy lookin. Bu' some peoples they're all..." she wiggled her fingers slightly. "glowy, kinna. An' my Mum she told me, when I was small... er... than now, tha those kinna peoples can be trus-... folla-... they're good. Nah bad. Even iffin they dunno it. And Barty is onna these types and sa, I went onna his ship. Anna I knew it was gonna take me somewhere I needed ta go."
Her hands, that had continued to make small motions, were slowly reigned in and placed on either knee.
"An'... 'ere I am."
Navaria Tarkin
May 25th, 2010, 11:10:27 AM
As difficult as is were for Cleo to express herself, Navaria could follow the story and realize of which she spoke - the Force. The girl was gifted and could sense the Light coming within those that are sensitive to its call.
"Here you are indeed." Eyes widened in question, "And now what? What do you feel is the reason you are here?"
Cleo Némain
Jul 2nd, 2010, 10:41:39 AM
A flicker of worry showed, it had to. After all, Cleo hadn't really gone and thought about that sort of thing. She had just done what she had done, going with the flow of the universe (if you wanted to put it all high and mighty like that), she didn't question, just... did.
"Uhm...."It almost hurt the mind to think about it. There had to be a reason though, there just had to be.
Her lower lip was drawn into her mouth slightly, bitten in the lightest manner possible and a finally her head bobbed in a gentle nod as she came up with the only reasonable reason.
"I wanna do somethin' importan'... somethin' tha's good. Done alotta things 'm nah all tha 'appy wit' cuz di'nna know best. Well... tha's nah 'tirely true, prolly knew it was nah tha bes' inna the firs' place bu' nowadays know better anna... wanna go an make up for it."
It made sense, it sounded decent enough as she could make it come out and it was the truth. Cleo did want to make up for past mistakes and help where she could... of course little white lies happen all the time even when faced with someone you instantly find respect for. Leaving out unintentional damage caused by her little gift was going to have to suit for now. She figured everyone had that sort of thing going for them though. Just hopefully she'd get the guts to go and tell someone before...well... she didn't really want to think about that at the moment and shoved it right out of her mind.
Navaria Tarkin
Jul 24th, 2010, 01:43:58 PM
She smiled reassuringly to the young woman, having felt similar emotions though the past mistakes were not of her own creation. Navaria wanted to make up for a legacy of suffering that her Imperial bloodline had created.
Navaria could still sense some hesitation, but to push too fast too could quite possibly regress Cleo's openness thus far.
"It does. The Force is forgiving and if you truly believe in redemption, you might find the peace you are searching for."
Cleo Némain
Jul 26th, 2010, 03:09:11 PM
The bit of sing-song in her voice and the way Cleo looked down at her hands made it horribly apparent she wasn't quite sure if she believed herself, even when the word itself meant she didn't have to commit to anything.
But as the mind started working, if you wanted to think of it in terms of gears turning, then her hands began mimicking it all. And the more she thought, the more they continued to roam around each other in a circular way. That was, until her palms met and rubbed against each other for a little bit. It was the heat caused by that particular movement that made her stop again and spit out what was tumbling around in her head.
"Dunna s'pose ya know anyone tha' can go anna 'elp wit' tha' sorta thing..."
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 3rd, 2010, 08:28:35 AM
Navaria looked down in her lap and let Cleo work out the questions in her head slowly. She was a vibrant person, always moving as a means to accept stressful situations or thoughts. She heard her wrist pop and then skin against skin. When it ceased, that was when Navaria looked up just as Cleo asked the pressing question on her mind.
Her question was so sincere and innocent and shy. "If you would, I could help you."
This was meant to be. Why their paths had crossed this day.
Cleo Némain
Aug 6th, 2010, 02:13:57 PM
It was like a light bulb had been turned on inside of her that made her think she must have suddenly been glowing, maybe even shining from her eyes like two lamps. It was a ridiculous thought, but it certainly was how Cleo felt at that very moment.
"Y'-ya will?
Her voice had gone up several octaves too and it was the moment she heard it that everything came back to centered, the sudden feeling of elation dropped back down to a reasonable measure.
"Ah, I dun wanna be a bother or nothin'. Iffin' tis ta much trouble. Dun wanna go an b'come nah kinna burden on yas..."
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 12th, 2010, 07:05:57 PM
"You are not a burden," she said gently. "None of you are. There are far fewer places in this galaxy where one can feel safe. Feel as if they have a home."
Resting a hand upon her shoulder, she squeezed it for emphasis. "The Force never gives you anything you cannot handle. You will learn that in time."
Cleo Némain
Aug 16th, 2010, 12:20:59 AM
When most people touched her she shied away, cringed, attempted to flee... but there was something comforting when her shoulder was touched, it only added to the reassurance of the words spoken.
Cleo still couldn't help but draw in a quick breath though and she watched as the bright colors drifting off the woman lingered on her shoulder for a moment.
She looked back to Navaria, knowing that she still had that look of wonderment.
"Th...thank you."
It was all she could think of saying, all that seemed appropriate.
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 16th, 2010, 05:42:58 PM
"Well I don't know about you but I'm starving," she said and got to her feet. All this awe about her from Cleo was not deserving. Navaria was only doing what was right, for the Force and for a fellow Force talented user.
And it was easier to break the ice for someone as shy as Cleo.
"How about we head on over to the mess hall and fix that."
Cleo Némain
Aug 17th, 2010, 09:51:07 PM
Cleo found that sort of thing funny, how you could almost go for a day without eating if you didn't really stop and think about the fact that you may or may not have been hungry. No doubt today would have been more of the same except for one thing: It was mentioned.
No sooner had Navaria gotten to her feet than Cleo felt the slight grumble in her stomach that seemed to creep up through her chest and finally through her throat and ran along her tongue.
With the smile on her face only becoming somewhat contained, Cleo got to her feet, brushing herself off as if to remove invisible dust.
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