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Rossos Atrapes
Sep 29th, 2009, 09:30:01 PM
Imperial Centre, 2 ABE

Unknown period before Darkest Days: Sacrifice

The Imperial Palace

He'd been here before. He'd spoken with the Emperor, personally. He'd glided down these halls, through the secret passages and all the trees Palpatine had installed along the main corridors of the Palace had marked his passing at one point through their changing colours.

He'd been here before. It was the seat of the Empire. It was the place of ultimate influence. It signified all that he and many of the Inquisitors and other members serving the Empire had sought to uphold and enforce throughout the galaxy.

But even so, the Palace was a place of court intrigues, of power plays by mostly small people with little minds trying to eke their way to the top so they could parasitically latch onto the Empress and enjoy all the comforts, but none of the responsibilities of true influence and, for lack of a better term, power.

Atrapes felt it. The Emperor had loved it; all those little people glorifying him and dependant upon him for their very existence and meaning. Atrapes had not. He had no time for such things. So he skirted the well known corridors and passageways to get to his destination, even though he knew that most would bow their heads and avert their eyes.

'Inquisitor,' each would think, and so would fear. That, Atrapes enjoyed. He drank it in. But it also signified a very large problem: no one should know who he is. Rumours of the Inquisitoriate were more than fine, for rumours could be easily made out to be legend and fantasy; mere whispers in the dark. That was what the Inquisitoriate was supposed to be.

But with each passing day, the Inquisitors were becoming more and more well known. It was necessary to keep the Empire stable of course, but now with an Empress, the Inquisitoriate was finding itself hampered by the notoriety. It could not keep all its secrets when so many were watching. This, Inquisitor Atrapes knew, needed to change.

He'd been dealing with this problem ever since he'd come to Imperial Centre. His meeting with Judge Corta had only impressed the severity of the situation on him, not opened his eyes to it. A civilian had entered the Citadel, with intentions of trying to force or cajole the Inquisitors into divesting themselves of their secrets.

He had been working the problem through his head for days, for weeks. The Inquisitoriate needed to be a shadow in the dark once again, so it could fulfil its duties to the Empire in the manner that it needed to. Atrapes was going to do this.

He had a plan. It would take time and effort, but that was something he was already giving to the Empire.

So here he was, getting ready to intercept Agent Elias Akasha, who was escorting Moff Ceto Rübezhal to his transport, one that would take him, eventually, to Serenno. He slipped into the corridor ahead of them, and stationed himself at the entrance to their landing pad. Both of them looked surprised to see him.

“I have need to speak with you, Agent Akasha,” Atrapes said quickly, circumventing any sort of conversation beyond what he wanted to speak of. “Let us continue onto the landing pad, before this conversation continues, however. There are too many ears to hear what was not meant to be heard here.”

Elias Akasha
Sep 30th, 2009, 11:01:25 AM
Both men halted; Elias felt his muscles bunch beneath his uniform in response to the unexpected appearence, though the tailors that Tarkin had employed to robe her personal staff had crafted a garment that kept it mostly concealed. Suspicious eyes narrowed as he regarded the Inquisitor; though the Empress had taken Valten and his people into her trust, Akasha had made it very clear - in private, of course - that he had not. After his first real encounter with the Inquisitorate at Doldur, his opinion of them - as compared to the mythos they attempted to generate around themselves - was somewhat tarnished.

His eyes turned to Ceto briefly, voice low but insistant, though loud enough that the Inquisitor could catch every word. "I suggest you wait in the shuttle, Ambassador," Elias stated, emphasis on Rübezhal's new status placed as subtle information to the Inquisitor more than anything else. Vision flicked towards Rossos. "I'm sure our exchange will be brief."

Though twisting internally in discomfort at having recieved such a curt instruction, Elias none the less followed the Inquisitor obediently into the cavernous bay where the shuttle from the Warspite sat waiting. He observed in silence as his new charge boarded the craft; satisfied that he was safely within and - for now at least - free from any forseeable danger, Elias rounded smoothly on his new companion, arms folding across his chest as his expression made no effort to mask his displeasure. "Inquisitor Atrapes," he unleashed, words lacking the lilting elloquence he reserved for use during official business, "This had better be important; as I'm sure you know, I have somewhere to be."

Rossos Atrapes
Sep 30th, 2009, 11:17:52 AM
Atrapes looked unfluttered by the Agent's lack of regard. In fact, if anything it seemed to amuse him.

“I have need to speak with Empress in privacy. An order of privacy that is unheard of on this planet. So I turn to you, knowing that you can do such without gaining more attention than usual, while if I were to do so, it would be quite the more eye-catching.”

Akasha looked even more annoyed than he did before. However, there was no stench of fear, as he sensed on all the others. There was a stern sort of determination and dislike. Atrapes' estimation of the man rose.

“I am aware you are leaving. So tell me you can do it while you are tasked with the Ambassador to Serenno, or direct me to someone who can do it discreetly.”

Elias Akasha
Sep 30th, 2009, 11:43:38 PM
A fractional breath of a laugh escaped from Elias, but his expression didn't alter to display any of the mirth one might have expected; it remained bitter, and cast notes of distrust and veiled threat into his words. "Now, what -" he asked, peering down at the comparatively short Atrapes, "- would posess me to allow a dangerous and untrustworthy man like yourself to have a private audience with the Empress?"

He shook his head, dismissing any attempt by the Inquisitor to offer an answer to that. He squirmed internally at the sheer arrogance of the demand, and of the man behind it. It was true that Elias really didn't have time for this: but a mix of pride, honour and duty would not allow him to step aside; not yet. The Empress may have relieved him - temporarily - of his need to protect her, but Elias would not; her safety was his main priority, and all others - even Miranda's own, explicit orders - would always fall a distant second.

He squared his shoulders, tightening how his arms wound across his chest. "You want to see the Empress? Then you tell me why. Exactly why." He jerked his head towards the maw-like tear in the wall of the hangar that led to the outside world. "Your alternative is making use of that exit; I'm still in two minds over whether you'll be inside a ship at the time or not."

Rossos Atrapes
Oct 1st, 2009, 01:53:36 PM
“That, Agent, is not for your ears yet,” Atrapes replied. But he knew that the man was not bluffing, and would not say anything if he was not in some way satisfied. Atrapes felt a stab of satisfaction at the fact that the Empress was being protected by competent soldiers as he continued seamlessly.

“Suffice it to say that there is a plan I wish to speak to the Empress about, which includes the Inquisitoriate once more working only in the shadows, where it belongs. Where dangerous and untrustworthy men like myself belong.”

Atrapes smirked slightly, though the expression still managed to remain completely serious. There was... something... at the edges of his perception of the man. Something that would need further investigation, though it would be later, after the upcoming stages were completed.

“It may yet turn out that you will play a part in that. Perhaps. But there is no time. Can you do it? And if not, direct me to someone who can.”

Elias Akasha
Oct 5th, 2009, 03:41:02 AM
"You're quite the arrogant ass, aren't you Mr Atrapes?"

The statement came after a pause, where frustration had curled at Elias' lips. The urge to scruff the insolent man had already tightened his hands into fists, and the only thing belaying that action was the fact that he was somewhat attatched to his arms; or rather, fond of his arms being attatched to him, which was a state unlikely to continue if the Inquisitor chose to retaliate with the lightsaber he no doubt carried.

He sighed, shoulders slumping almost imperceptively in resignation. There were always affairs of state that Elias was not privvy to, even if the Empress did regard his council with apparent fondness. His eyes narrowed; when the content was mysterious such as this, there was always the risk that to rebutt it on gut instinct might prove to be a mistake, and Elias was determined not to suffer the repercussions of one of those.

"Eerika Praji," he stated, the name shoved off the tip of his tongue with some reluctance. Praji was a veteran: a hold-over from the Crimson Guards under Palpatine's rule, if her heavily classified service record was to be believed. She also had an uncanny ability to unravel even the toughest and most resiliant of men, and find her way to the heart of their intentions. That was why she had selected her to train his replacement: if anyone could break down Aiden Tahmores and reforge him into the weapon that one of the Empress' bodyguards needed to be, it was her. And she was exactly the sort of person Elias needed to put this insolent Inquisitor in his place.

Elias relaxed his expression, but only slightly. "She has been assigned to supervise the Empress' security contingent in my absense. She will see to whatever arrangements are appropriate."

Rossos Atrapes
Oct 5th, 2009, 11:11:29 PM
With those last words, the Imperial Agent turned and made his way up the shuttle ramp. Atrapes watched him for a moment before turning away to continue his search for someone who could do what he asked.

Eerika Praji.

Normally, he'd ask IMP, the link to the Inquisitorius main computer, to look up the files he needed now. But he had shielded himself mentally from the intrusion of IMP so that he could complete his goals in the utmost secrecy. Shielding himself granted him the privacy he needed for the moment, but it also cut him off from having the current location of Praji within three seconds. Now, he'd have to look for her the hard way.

With a step back to the Palace, he passed the data-terminal that stood and beckoned ever so seductively, and disappeared once more into the hidden passages. As an Inquisitor, he held codes and passwords that could grant him access to nearly any file stored on Imperial Centre, and many other planets besides, including almost all military files. But every electronic impulse left a footprint, and his passage would be marked. He couldn't have that at the moment; the use of an Inquisitoriate code would be logged into the main computer, and though it would be unlikely to get so much as a raised eyebrow in normal circumstances, Inquisitor Atrapes was fighting against a foe that was anything but normal.

He was fighting a ghost. He had no knowledge of his enemy but that they, whoever they were, existed. They also had no small sway within the Inquisitorius itself. And he was almost by himself. He only trusted one, and even she was not completely trusted.

He would simply have to find the woman the way he'd found dozens of Force users before he'd been given the link to IMP, before he'd been gifted with the dozens of pass codes and all the other myriad things he took for granted now. He'd have to rely on his instinct and intuition; on his intellect and intelligence.

He let a small smile play out on his face as he disappeared into a hidden passageway.

It had been far too long since he had recourse only to his own abilities, and he was going to enjoy the short amount of time it would take to track this Eerika Praji down.


<style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 56.7pt } P { margin-bottom: 12pt } P.western { font-family: "Garamond", serif } --> </style> It was with a small feeling of surprise that Atrapes found Praji sitting in a café only a short walk from the Palace. He'd learned she was slated to start teaching an Aiden Tahmores to take the place of Akasha as the Empress's guard, but beyond that, no one he'd 'asked' had any idea where she could be. But using the information he'd gotten, he began to scour areas that she'd been known to go.

This café had been the last of the places to check, and he'd been expecting to find that place as successful as all the locations he'd looked before. But, there she was. He moved in swiftly, all patience with the situation gone. He'd wasted some time trying to find this woman, and he needed to get some answers.

The café was busy, but not so much that it was difficult to enter and get to the woman's table. A slight touch of the Force was all that was necessary to enable that none would be listening in on there conversation.

“Eerika Praji,” he said, sliding into the opposite seat of her small table. “I trust you know what it is that I represent.”

Eerika Praji
Oct 13th, 2009, 08:24:24 AM
Her attire was civilian, though it betrayed much of her Corellian heritage. The Praji's were a venerable House, but there were traces of the brash bloodline in her veins. The gold blood strip on her black trousers was a testament to her Great-Grandfather's courage after rescuing his Commanding Officer during a pirate raid near Drall. They had been raiding the Corellian sector for over a year and when the government had intercepted a transmission on their next point of attack, they responded in force. However, they had underestimated their weaponry and were outnumbered. In an act of bravery, Mantesh Praji set a collision course to the main ship, which had lost their rear deflectors in the attack. It was timing and luck that the insane act worked, allowing the survivors to escape.

The yellow piping belonged to her Great-Grandfather, but Eerika had earned her strips as well. But that was classified.

She was reading the morning news on two separate datapads, sipping morning tea in relaxation. It was the one time in the day, when duty allowed, she could afford a sense of personal awareness. Though today's ended up being cut short. Eerika recognized the use of the Force instantly and mildly rose her head, mirrorshades obscuring her eyes, to regard the man sitting across from her. "Yes," she sighed and looked away long enough to save her readings. "What may I do for the Empire this day?"

There was no indication of anger or ambivalence to his appearance. Only that the understanding of duty transcended over anything else in these troubled times.

Rossos Atrapes
Oct 13th, 2009, 03:12:27 PM
The Inquisitor was pleased to note that Praji was prepared, in a sense, for this conversation. It served her well.

“I am in need of a private conference with the Empress,” he said quietly. Though the Force trick he had used was more than enough to keep any wandering eyes and ears in the vicinity from hearing them, it sadly did nothing for electronic surveillance. “I need complete silence and no documentation that I have ever spoken with her, and I am unable to do so on my own without having some unwanted attention upon myself. I have spoken with Akasha, and he has directed me to you.”

Closer study of the woman indicated that she held the spark of the Force within her, and was very well trained, as far as he could tell, though not as well as he in some of the more esoteric techniques undoubtedly. She was better at direct combat though; that he was quite certain of. With his momentary study complete, he continued.

“I can give you more information when you tell me that this thing can be done,” he said, not wanting a repeat of Akasha’s response. The man had no real reason or need to know beyond his own need for control of the situation. Unfortunately, at that time, he did have control of it. But with this woman... Praji, he sensed that she could be much more useful to the plans he’d be proposing to Her Majesty.

Eerika Praji
Oct 17th, 2009, 12:16:45 PM
The request was a bit surprising. One didn't just ask to see the Empress without some ulterior motive. Her mind grew suspicious, as it was trained towards. Praji's thoughts always shifted to either assassination or manipulation. Not all Inquisitors were elated to have Tarkin on the throne. Not all of the dissidents have been found either.

With a small sigh, she lifted her hands to remove the mirrorshades, carefully lowering one temple so the other could slide into one of the pockets on her blouse. Folding her fingers together, she placed them upon the table so that their eyes could meet. Her blue eyes were cautious and searched for deceit. Thus far, she had found none. "It is of course doable, but it remains to be seen if I will concede to your request without understanding the nature of your audience with Empress Tarkin."

Rossos Atrapes
Oct 17th, 2009, 02:06:31 PM
It was indeed unlikely that Praji would find any hint of malice towards the Empress, as he held none. Even if he did, he would make use of his abilities to hide such from most eyes, including Praji’s. All it required was the burying of such emotions and intentions beneath enough layers of thoughts so as to have even himself unaware of his end. This was more difficult than most would think, but Atrapes had found it useful in his dealings on Imperial Centre.

“I wish to speak with her about the nature of the Inquisitoriate, Praji,” he said in reply. “And how to make sure it remains most effective in the coming days. It belongs in the shadows, unseen and unheard save for the most unhinged of rumours. That is not the way things are now.”

Atrapes studied her even more intently. “And there is another reason for the need for secrecy. Though that reason must remain unsaid until I am in conference with the Empress.”

Eerika Praji
Oct 21st, 2009, 04:27:14 AM
Her body shifted subtly with Praji's next inhalation of breath, considering his request fully. Secrets would not, and could not, be revealed fully in public, Praji understood this and took no offense. She also felt no duplicity from the Inquisitor. Not everything for her was relied through the Force. Over the years in training and honing her instincts in the art of espionage proved just as valuable.

"It would have to be at the end of day. Her Majesty is entertaining several important guests until then." Empress Tarkin and the Consort Tagge were continuing certain negotiations with several members of the Executive Directorship Board, along with their Imperial Advisor. "How do you wish to be contacted once I've secured a time?"

Rossos Atrapes
Oct 26th, 2009, 12:10:36 PM
“I will know,” was all he said in reply. “But in case I am held up by other matters, use this commlink.”

He pulled a small device from his belt and slid it across the table to her. “It will work only once, and after five standard minutes or it is shut off, the internal systems are programmed to self-destruct. It is not dangerous to you, but it may grow a bit hot as the components melt inside of it. There is no room for error. To use it, simply power it on, and press the connection switch. It will immediately contact me.”

He stood, nodding in some approval as he noticed the commlink already gone from the tabletop. He bent over, bringing his face closer to hers.

“I will be waiting,” he murmured lowly, and strode out of the café and into the bustling streets. Despite the uniqueness of his uniform, he was almost immediately lost to sight.

Eerika Praji
Nov 1st, 2009, 06:49:01 AM
After deliberations with the Central Committee, Praji had her opening for the Empress' ear. Tarkin had wanted an update about her new guard, Tahmores, between meetings. It was here she also interjected about Inquisitor Atrapes request for an audience. She had noted Tarkin's intrigue that a member of her Inquisitors needed to request such a minor thing through back channels. One she had enlightened her Highness that Atrapes concerned with the current situation of his organization, it had made more sense to the secrecy and granted the an audience after the meeting with the CSA Board and Imperial Liaison.

She slapped a small metal device with a blinking green light inside the empty conference room. It fluctuated, blinking at random intervals until it shifted to red. The room was clear of listening devices and she thumbed the comm unit ...

Rossos Atrapes
Nov 2nd, 2009, 12:00:23 AM
Atrapes’s voice hummed through the commlink within two seconds. It sounded like he was moving quickly.

“I shall be arriving momentarily,” he said.

He arrived as quickly as he had promised, striding into the conference room quickly, as if he were running from something. While he was not panting, he was breathing more deeply than was normal.

“Very good,” he said, turning to regard Praji. “I shall want you to stay with us while I speak with the Empress. My proposal might be interesting to you as well.”

Eerika Praji
Dec 19th, 2009, 08:37:08 AM
"Is there anything you'd like to prepare me for before we enter?" she asked out of clarity, not curiosity. Praji was a women of discipline and that she would be present for Rossos' presentation was enough. His plan would be revealed and then the older Hand would judge his worth. "There are still several moments before her Highness is free."

Rossos Atrapes
Dec 19th, 2009, 07:12:19 PM
Atrapes was silent for a moment as he thought the request over. He was tempted to give her an abbreviated form of his plan, but the thought was cast aside. The Empress’s opinion was the one that mattered, and the only one that would either see it come to fruition or be disregarded.

“There is nothing in particular you need to be prepared for. However, I would like for you to consider the proposal personally as I speak to the Empress, and the possibility of you having a place within it.”

Eerika Praji
Dec 26th, 2009, 07:58:39 AM
There was no sense in asking further, once an Inquisitor made up their minds, they would not bend unless they were convinced of a flaw in their way of thinking - and that did not happened often.

"Very well, Inquisitor Atrapes. I will wait. It shouldn't be much longer," she said just as Praji received an incoming call on her ear piece. Touching her hand lightly to her left ear, Praji nodded. "Good. We'll be arriving now."

Refocusing her attention upon Atrapes, the Hand motioned towards the throne room, "If you would please, Inquisitor."

Praji led the way to the Empress' private throne room in silence. She and Atrapes both knew the time for the exchange of words between them had passed, which was a waste of their time, and the Empress'. The double metal doors that displayed the crest of the Empire opened up upon their approach. Praji had always been relieved that Empress Tarkin had kept the throne room exactly (http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/thumb/d/dd/Vadersquest_throneroom.jpg/400px-Vadersquest_throneroom.jpg) the same as Palpatine had. It gave those of the old guard a sense of security that Tarkin's words of remembering the deceased Emperor and ensuring that his Empire continues was a token of genuineness - even down to the four masked Crimson Guards that stood stoically over the Empress in fanatically protection.

Dressed in her black tailored military suit to display an imposing visage as a military commander, with hair in an elegant, yet simple style. Thick brown locks were currently loose up towards her head which became a tighter braid the further it went down. It perfectly hugged the Empress' shoulder as she watched her Hand and Inquisitor make their way towards the throne.

A purposeful sharp step halted three feet before Tarkin and Praji fell to one knee, "Your Majesty."

Rossos Atrapes
Jan 3rd, 2010, 12:05:16 AM
He could sense a slight something from Praji after he had given his answer, but she was trained enough to keep the specifics from his perception. He didn’t bother with trying to parse the woman’s response though, as he would know soon enough.

The walk to the throne room was silent and short, and Atrapes felt a deep sense of satisfaction upon entering. The Empress held the true power in the Empire even if she wasn’t as trained as Atrapes would like; but that could and was being rectified. Her abilities were growing, and that was all that could be asked for.

The Inquisitor knelt as well, once he was abreast of Praji.

“Your majesty,” he intoned, bowing his head. He waited for her to allow him to rise.

Miranda Tarkin
Feb 16th, 2010, 09:50:21 AM
"Inquisitor Atrapes," she said with a hint of curiosity and command, "Please rise and enlighten me on the purpose of your arrival."

Brown eyes danced from her Inquisitor to her Hand, "Praji commented that this was a matter of great importance, but could provide no details."

There was an unspoken understanding between Empress and Hand, which caused Praji to rise without a verbal invitation as her Majesty continued. "I'm interested in hearing them now."

Rossos Atrapes
Feb 19th, 2010, 02:32:55 PM
“Indeed,” Atrapes murmured as he rose. “I have noticed with alarm recent events in the Inquisition, Your Majesty. While backing you to the throne was the correct action, revealing ourselves to the galaxy at large was not very productive. There is still a vocal minority among the Inquisitors concerning your rise to the throne and the Inquisitoriate’s hand in that. They are being dealt with, but in doing so, the Inquisitoriate’s resources will be strained.”

Atrapes paused to gauge the Empress’s reaction to all this filler. She seemed to be patiently awaiting where he was going, and for that, he was glad.

“This is due to the Inquisition’s set objectives and goals, Your Majesty. We are not meant to be so visible an institution. It has come to the point that I feel that another, more visible organization should come to light and cover the Inquisition; to allow it to more ably conduct its operations. An order of Knights, to be the Empress’s fist, to be accurate.”

Miranda Tarkin
Mar 26th, 2010, 08:57:24 AM
"You continue to have my attention Inquisitor Atrapes, but I feel it prudent to have your idea expanded on - and I will not discount that your observations are not without merit. Having the Inquisitors return to the shadows will give all enemies of this Empire more to fear when they realize that the instruments of their judgment are no longer visible."

Rossos Atrapes
May 12th, 2010, 09:43:10 AM
“Very much so, your Majesty.” Atrapes’ smile was almost smug, as if he were greatly satisfied.

“My proposal in detail, your Majesty, is this: we publicly terminate the Inquisition. Privately, it continues. In order to cover for the continued actions of the Inquisitorius, we organize an ‘order’, if you will, of Imperial Knights, fighters who use the Force for your Throne, crusading against any and all users of the Force who do not bend their knees to the Empire.” Atrapes paused. “Unlike the Inquisition, the Knights would be primarily military in scope, acting as advisors to military commanders or as military commanders themselves, or taking missions to kill Jedi or unaligned Adepts.”

Another short pause.

“Any Inquisitor who needs to move in the public can be given the role of a Knight, and thus the Inquisitorius will, once more, become only a shadow of a memory. A nightmare to our enemies.”

Miranda Tarkin
May 29th, 2010, 06:30:37 AM
Miranda's long time stance against the Force would be called into question, but the general populace could no longer deny the true threat of the ever growing numbers of Force Users. They had already defied the Empire repeatedly by attacking the Empress herself prior to her coronation, several other ranking officials, and of course there were the Jedi in collusion with the Rebellion.

Something had to give, but the insertion of the Inquisitors in daily life were overstepping their boundaries. In the time of need when the Empire needed order after Palpatine's death and Miranda's ascension to the throne, it was a necessary evil. But now ... stability and perceived trust had to take root once more.

"How would these 'Imperial Knights' be chosen then? Shall it be held under the scrutiny of the Inquisitors in secret to ensure that none betray the Empire?" Being public 'heroes' of the Imperial Regime could allow for an ego that the Empress would not allow.

Rossos Atrapes
Apr 8th, 2012, 09:47:04 PM
"An Imperial Knight, your Majesty, would be taken from primarily the military ranks of the Stormtroopers, Inquisitorial Troopers, and other branches. A legacy of discipline and combat will be necessary; though at first we may need to look outside and perhaps into the general populace for suitable candidates until the ranks are full enough. At most I foresee the Knights numbering no more than two hundred."

Her question as to whether the Knights would be overseen by the Inquisition was a good one, and he wanted to be sure that his answer satisfied.

"It would indeed be overseen by the Inquisition in secret, though it needs to be visible. Without visibility, it cannot make the impact that it must. To keep questions from being asked too deeply, the Knights should have oversight of themselves, to a limited extent. You would knight them, of course, and give them their commission. Their loyalty would be to you, as the Empress and the occupier of the Galactic Throne."

Miranda Tarkin
Apr 10th, 2012, 01:43:57 PM
A small army at her disposal strategically place could do much for her. A grand army was already under her control but that power was shared amongst Moffs, Generals and Admirals. Even the Crimson Guards who sworn to protect her still were overseen by the Inquisitors and had been appointed as her body guards through their orders. This gave her the supreme authority over these soldiers and the power to approve or deny their membership, ensuring that they were loyal to her.

"There needs to be no confusion as to who truly controls the Knights and that is me. The Inquisitors are highly respected by myself as they continue to hold the ideals of the Empire true, but I want to ensure there is no challenge to my authority."

Leaning back, Miranda offered another proposal. "The ranks are to be small. A specialized force of skill, acumen and in certain cases power if they are touched by the Force. I suggest one amongst the ranks to serve as my general. They will take the oath and serve me and lead them as if they were my voice."

Rossos Atrapes
Apr 10th, 2012, 03:14:57 PM
"Of course, my Empress," Atrapes said, nodding deeply, heartened by her proposals and statements of clarification. "That would be most wise. Egalitarianism has no place in a military order such as this."

He was further heartened by the sheer will that was coming through in her demeanour and bearing. He'd been among those in the Inquisition that had been wary of someone untrained in the Force being raised to the throne, but now he saw she was coming along nicely, and had a mind for controlling the various disparate and abrasive elements that made up the Empire.

She would need the Knights to crush dissent and cement her position as Empress, which was becoming stronger every day she remained in the position; but if Endor had taught the Inquisitor anything, it was that the position itself was always quite tenuous, even at its most stable.

"If I may, your majesty, I would move to make this order of Imperial Knights to be exclusively made up of Adepts. Perhaps we can make use of non-adept persons in lower positions, as aides and perhaps other tasks of like manner, but for what is required of the Knight, I believe that the Force is required."

Miranda Tarkin
Apr 11th, 2012, 09:42:48 AM
Miranda listened to his suggestion of how to swell the ranks and had to agree. If they were going to have an edge against the enemies of the Empire, the Force could provide that extra leverage.

"I concur, but do not discount those that do not sense the Force. Their voices are just as powerful as lightsaber. Sheer will alone have overthrown rulers, which almost came to pass on Endor." Brown eyes narrowed dangerously. If the Republic had not lost its great leaders on that day, she might not be sitting upon this throne. The Empire avoided an insurmountable loss that day.

"To exclude those passionate enough to defend the throne with their own live would be a disservice. Favoritism for one or the other breeds jealously and suspicion. I want a unified unit."

Rossos Atrapes
Apr 13th, 2012, 05:04:52 PM
"I do not discount them," Atrapes answered quickly, if still deferentially. "Given the rarity of Force sensitivity, I would be foolish to completely overlook non-Adepts and their own abilities. But, I feel that non-Adepts have plenty of avenues for advancement in the other bureaus and departments within the Imperial establishment. As of the present, unless specifically granted rights to work in other departments, the only avenues for Force Adepts are in the Inquisition, or as Your Hands."

Miranda Tarkin
Apr 30th, 2012, 12:32:08 PM
"I concede that point, but not all Adepts will be a favorable choice as one of my Knights. This will require far more sacrifice and loyalty then what has been laid out before," she said, continuing her point. "Those that are worthy shall be Knighted because it is meant to be, not that they are merely gifted. The rank can swell with non-Adepts until suitable Adepts to replace them are found. Then they can remain an ancillary part of the organization."

Her words carried a weight of finalization as a brow rose. "I believe this is a valid compromise to provide avenues for the Adepts and not discourage those who do not have use of the Force."

Rossos Atrapes
May 3rd, 2012, 07:52:32 PM
Atrapes quelled a stab of impatience and irritation; she was misunderstanding, either knowingly or unknowingly, the crux of the matter concerning his proposal. His expression remained placid, however.

Adepts were the only ones capable of serving in this capacity.

The Stormtrooper Corps were the elite arbiters of the Empire's will in the galaxy, disregarding their record against forces trained to fight them. Not many were truly able to stand against the discipline and numbers of the Stormtroopers.

Jedi, and some of the more elite forces the Rebel Alliance fielded could (and even then only with difficulty unless they were prepared and possessed a high amount of skill), and only Adepts could face them and level the field. Inquisitors were not uniformly trained to face down fully trained Jedi. Some could, but most could not.

There were elite teams for nearly every branch of the military, and intelligence. Even in the Inquisition, there were more than a fair amount of of non-adepts bearing the same title that he held. All for good reason, but investigation did not require rigorous training in the Force.

But the Empress was not going to gainsaid. He would have to step up the recruitment drive for Adepts then and phase out the non-adepts as soon as possible.

"As you will, your Majesty," he said, refraining from completely agreeing with her. He would do as she commanded, even if he disagreed. "It will be as you say."