View Full Version : Meeting of Malevolent Minds (Open)

Park Kraken
Sep 29th, 2009, 02:50:55 PM

Alarms beeped through the station as the sensors detected multipule exit velocities and vectors for captial ships leaving hyperspace. The beeping did not generate into a full blown alarm though, since identities were immediatly establish as 'friendly' for the new arrivals.

On board the first 'friendly' vessel to arrive, Admiral Park Kraken stared out the viewport from the bridge of the Decimator, taking in the serene yet powerful look that Coruscant had about it. Accompanying the recently refitted Victory class destroyer were eleven other ships of the same type, a full fleet squadron that was ready to rain down death and destruction upon any unsuspecting enemies.

That...that purpose would be gotten to soon enough. But first, they had a meeting to tend to.

"High orbit as been achieved Admiral, other vessels reporting likewise," reported the helm and communication officers.

"Very well. I am taking leave of the ship now. Captain Harlock, you have the bridge and command. Inform me if any Rebel ships should show their presence," ordered Kraken, knowing even as he issued them it wouldn't happen. Not a snowballs chance in hell with this much and more of the Imperial fleet showing up at the capital.

Park stalked through the corridors and turbolifts of the mighty warship, taking in her gleaming paint and new ship smell, even if on the inside she was still a fifty year old rustbucket, in some places more than others perhaps. A fresh coat of paint and newly durawelded steel did much to hide her true age though.

His stormtrooper escort formed up around him as they entered into the main hangar bay. A single Imperial Lambda class shuttle rested there in the ready depature area, along with four TIE Interceptors.

Minutes later, safely enclosed with the shuttle, he was headed to the surface, the four TIE Interceptors flying escort for him. He gazed upwards at the shrinking forms of his vessels and other warships, both large and small, receding into the sky.

Once again, he wondered for the reason of calling together a big meeting like this, but hopefully it would involve the chance to once again crush Rebels....

Travis North
Oct 28th, 2009, 07:06:03 PM
North tapped his datapad's screen flicking through satellite images of supposed Rebel fleet sightings. He sighed a few moments later and sat the pad down. These images were only a few days old and no trace of Rebel activity had been found in follow up investigations of the region.

Turning his seat so he faced down the length of the briefing room's long oval table he watched the reactions of the other officers and listened to there conversations, none of which seemed to be about the Alliance as far as he could make out. It was mostly personal drek spoken among co-workers.

"Is there any Admiral here slightly concerned about a vanishing Rebel fleet or do you all believe these are ghosts of Endor." he said loud enough that heads turned. A number of superior officers glared at Travis for interrupting them.

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