View Full Version : Heroes Chapter Five -- Redemption
Doc Milo
Sep 22nd, 2009, 05:27:45 PM
Anyone still watching Heroes? If so, was wondering what people thought of the season premiere.
I thought some interesting set-ups have been established. It seems to be trying to take its time once again. Hopefully it will get back to the way it was season one.
I'd be interested to see if Peter's power grows and he is able to hold onto more than one ability at a time. I don't mind limiting him to having to touch someone to gain the ability, I just don't like that he can only hold onto one power at a time.
Just wondering, really, if I'm the only one who has kept with the show after last season...
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 22nd, 2009, 05:41:34 PM
Doc!!! :eee Good to see you!
I'm keeping up with Heroes, but I don't hold much hope they'll re-attain the level of storytelling/characterization that they had with Volume One. Then again, the writers could surprise me.
I like the carnival characters so far, and I'm as pleased as punch to see Ray Park on TV.
Hiro and Ando's story as set up seems mostly just a rehash of 'Hiro blathers on about his destiny and mucks something up/then saves the world again' but I could be wrong. And Claire's storyline seems as forgettable as ever (as in, I wish the writers would forget she exists and move on). The rumored lesbian exploration in college phase that she may be going through soon is so cliche and boring. SHE is boring.
Peter, on the other hand, seems to actually have grown a few brain cells and is actually making some good decisions. He had some of the best lines last night. "So why don't you just let him have it?" Why not indeed, HRG, why not?
AND we had a fight scene that wasn't behind a closed door. So, things are looking up in Heroes land, and I hope the trend continues.
Miranda Tarkin
Sep 22nd, 2009, 05:43:26 PM
Meh... I will wait to hear how the season turns out and then perhaps re-watch it. Last season disillusioned me so bad that I am quite bored with the whole thing.
I'll look forward to the updates and possibly being surprised.
Sep 22nd, 2009, 06:03:28 PM
Meh... I will wait to hear how the season turns out and then perhaps re-watch it. Last season disillusioned me so bad that I am quite bored with the whole thing.
My feelings exactly. I wrestled with the question of whether to watch last night or not, and I finally decided that it was time to bow out. They botched it so badly last year that I've lost interest, and don't hold out hope that they can rescue the show from the garbage bin. I'll keep watching the opinions here as well, if I'm proven wrong, maybe I'll try to catch up with it again. But as for now, I'm done. :(
Sep 22nd, 2009, 06:11:58 PM
I thought some interesting set-ups have been established. It seems to be trying to take its time once again. Hopefully it will get back to the way it was season one.
I noticed that as well. This was the opposite of season 3 premiere, where they tried to cram as many revelations into it as possible, and then the season just watered out. I think they are going to build things up again.
I wonder what is the deal about the tattoo guy and the compass. Guess we'll find out.
Jedi Master Carr
Sep 22nd, 2009, 08:13:08 PM
I watched it, the carnival was the best part. Samuel could be a cool bad guy. We shall see if it can return to form, though I have my doubts.
Sep 23rd, 2009, 04:56:42 AM
I haven't watched the show since early Season 3. :\
(hell, I'm not even sure if it still screens down under anymore)
Mu Satach
Sep 23rd, 2009, 03:08:35 PM
I've never seen anything in this series to hook me. :p
I am addicted to Castle! with occasional Fringe infusions. :cheers
Captain Untouchable
Sep 24th, 2009, 12:21:38 AM
I'm surprisingly fond of Peter this time around. He was one of my faves back in the beginning, but he got pretty annoying last year. Glad they've grounded him again: he's a much more likable character when he's being a "nice guy".
Similar story with Matt Parkman. I don't think the whole being a rebel thing suited him: he seemed a bit... moody. But he's back to being a cop, and a dad; I like that side of him, so extra bonus marks from me there.
I'm surprised they brought back Ms Strauss. I was expecting them to go with the other triplet this year. I guess it was worth it just for the whole slash/spash thing with knife dude.
I'm sad to say it, but Hiro's storyline isn't doing that much for me this time. I think they've just overplayed the honour / hero card with him at this point. But, I heard a couple of spoilers about his plans over this season; hopefully they'll touch base and get back to those roots with him.
Was a tad confused by the pen/ink thing, though. Figured it was topless girl's power, and Samuel was a terrakinetic; but then there was the tattoo hand strangling knife guy, so I dunno. :\
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 24th, 2009, 02:07:06 AM
If Samuel can manipulate minerals there might be something in his special ink that makes it so he can move it.
And the tattoo girl has some sort of variation of Molly's power, where if you tattoo a face on her she can tell you who and where they are? I'm not sure on that one - its hard to say what Samuel is doing and what she is doing in those scenes.
Baby Matt wins for best actor, though, for that expression when we see Sylar is holding him.
Captain Untouchable
Sep 24th, 2009, 02:18:52 AM
Haha. Very true.
Know if its the same baby as last season, or did they have to switch because of him getting older between the seasons?
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 24th, 2009, 02:51:32 AM
I heard rumor that it is a different baby and they had to get a new one because the parents of the original Baby Matt wanted more money.
However, I haven't done any investigating. The two kids look very similar. And I would imagine they'd have to recast anyway because 'six weeks' in TV show time is hard to mold a rapidly growing baby to.
Hmm, I should go to bed, that sentence barely makes sense. :p In the show only 6 weeks has passed, but its been a lot longer than that IRL so Baby Matt from last season would have grown a lot more than he should have.
There. I did it. :)
Captain Untouchable
Sep 29th, 2009, 02:31:56 AM
Is it bad that after last night's episode, I want a Sylar in my head too?
I think its because he "oozes charm". :lol
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 29th, 2009, 01:58:11 PM
I thought this was a really solid episode. If you ignore the Claire parts. ;) Every 'new' storyline they come up with for her is basically something we've seen before. *sigh*
Sep 29th, 2009, 03:03:24 PM
Yeah, 'Clairebear' has been done ad nauseum. But other than that, this was actually a really good episode. I'm already a fan of the deaf girl who sees sounds through colors, and still wondering what is the deal about that tattoo guy and the compass. I also love the Sylar in Matt's head scenes. Great stuff. :D
Captain Untouchable
Sep 29th, 2009, 03:19:56 PM
While the character is interesting - and Heroes is certainly the kind of place where it might be made to work - I can't help thinking of her as their answer to Daredevil: a character with a disability whose power is to overcome said disability. :\
It'll be interesting to see how they develop her into the story; whether she'll turn out to be useful, or just become Peter's floosy / someone to take a power from, when he starts being able to have several again.
Nathanial K'cansce
Sep 29th, 2009, 03:29:23 PM
While the character is interesting - and Heroes is certainly the kind of place where it might be made to work - I can't help thinking of her as their answer to Daredevil: a character with a disability whose power is to overcome said disability. :\
Wouldn't be the first time they did that. Remember the Speedster Chick? Hiro's "Nemisis" and Matt's love interest for some time. I missed half of this episode due to making nice with the stomach because it was angry, so I'll be catching up on hulu soonish. I did see some of the Claire scenes, though, and my god all I could think of is "They really are going to play out her power and experience with a lesbian undertone" thing. o_o
Miranda Tarkin
Sep 29th, 2009, 03:30:36 PM
Yeah! They already had their first 'date' and 'met' Dad at the same time! And just like any good Lesbian couple, they're moving in together :p
Sep 29th, 2009, 03:43:14 PM
Wow, Daredevil is about the last thing that would have entered my mind. I was thinking more about how she reminded me about some of the people who got real "super human powers". Like that guy who I saw on TV the other day who could calculate math problems better than any computer, but he sees numbers as shapes, or how some autists who are really good with music or painting sees colors in everything, due to a genetic variation that changed how their brain is working compared to other people. She stroke me as a more realistic character than the stereotype. I'm also curious to see what her power can be used for.
Captain Untouchable
Sep 29th, 2009, 04:21:29 PM
I'd forgotten about the whole Speedster not walking thing. And her as a character, actually. Which is weird, since I actually liked her. :\
Probably an unfortunate side-effect of trying to pretend that the god-awful treatment of Matt last season happened. >_<
Don't get me wrong: its certainly realistic, in a real-world context. But it strikes me as a not-very-useful power, in the grand scheme. Heroes isn't a comic book, and the characters aren't cliché superheroes in a typical scenario, so I'm sure they'll manage to make it work. She will, I'm sure, make for a very interesting character. I suppose she helps to diversify things as well, so that not everyone has an immediately "useful" ability.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 29th, 2009, 06:03:08 PM
Sure synethesia is an actual medical condition, but that isn't just what she has. Seeing sounds as colors doesn't make you able to pick up a cello and play beautiful music.
I'm sure there's more to her 'power' than meets the eye (har har) at the moment.
But, speaking of, I thought the cello moment in the park was really well done and was really beautiful. :)
Miranda Tarkin
Sep 29th, 2009, 06:08:36 PM
Have to agree with Alex and Holly. I like the spin they are doing with her and I really like the interpretation of what she sees. It's really beautiful. This is not a Daredevil thing. That was some crazy sonic, hypersenses thing going on. This is just an intricate ability for this deaf woman to actually 'hear' in sight.
Captain Untouchable
Sep 29th, 2009, 07:12:35 PM
Have to agree with Alex and Holly. I like the spin they are doing with her and I really like the interpretation of what she sees. It's really beautiful. This is not a Daredevil thing. That was some crazy sonic, hypersenses thing going on. This is just an intricate ability for this deaf woman to actually 'hear' in sight.
...and Daredevil was just an intricate ability for this blind man to actually 'see' in sound. :mneh
I guess I'm not expressing my point very well. I am sure that, as the story develops, she will make for an interesting character. I'm not disputing that in any way. The reason I draw the Daredevil comparison is because, were it not for her pre-existing disability, her power would be lame and useless. At least Nemesis was considerably better at walking/running than a normal person. But after spending a while pondering it, the only way I can see for her ability to be of any use to anyone but herself is maybe working out where a noise is coming from, because that's where the colour is... seeing a cloud of blue over a person buried under rubble, or whatever. And that's a pretty contrived scenario.
Its an ability that only benefits herself. By using it, she isn't any better at percieving sound than a non-deaf person would be. There's nothing wrong with Heroes including that sort of power. There just isn't an advantage, compared to a "normal" person.
I'm sure they'll do something great, story-wise. The power is just a bit... "lame". Most characters have a power that makes them abnormal. Her power - and Daredevil's power - instead counteracts an existing "abnormality".
Still not very well phrased, but oh well. Interesting from a character perspective: most certainly. Beneficial to anyone other than herself? Not so likely. Its about as useful as Jubilee, but only she can see the fireworks. *shrug*
Miranda Tarkin
Sep 29th, 2009, 07:25:03 PM
I think that it is refreshing to have someone have an ability that isn't so vastly superior and up front important because you'll learn how it develops through the story. Not every power has to be that special. That isn't realistic as to how mutations occur. :p
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 30th, 2009, 02:57:28 AM
I like that someone has actually developed an ability that helps them overcome a deficiency. Technically everyone's abilities have been linked in some way to their personalities - Peter being an empathetic person is an empath, blah blah, everyone else yada yada. So this isn't really a huge leap or a departure for the show.
And even if it was, I don't think its a bad thing. I like it.
Plus it would be funny if Peter accidentally took her power - something basically useless (as we see it now, who knows what the full extent of her power actually is) to a hearing person.
Miranda Tarkin
Sep 30th, 2009, 05:18:18 AM
oh! I should have qualified that Drin said I should try and watch this so I caved. >_>
Verse Dawnstrider
Oct 3rd, 2009, 04:54:50 AM
I like how they are going with this season (All but Claire. Same as Holly's reasons).
Besides Claire I wish they would just dump Hiro and Ando. Hiro is just around to be the Heroes Maguffin. Fate and Destiney and Honor.... all to tell me "Bad shit will happen".
I like Peter as he is. I grew very very tired of the 'Sylar vs on Heroes' and my favorite 'This week we go to the future...and it is Sylar vs Peter'. Peter reminded me to much of Superman. He was strong, could fly, couldn't be killed, had hundreds of powers. I just wanted a spin off of 'All the cool shit Peter could do' and call it a day.
Like this season so far. Seems to be closer to season 1.
Captain Untouchable
Oct 14th, 2009, 08:56:16 PM
Huh. So... slightly more useful than Daredevil, then. I retract my earlier criticisms, and am off to go and invest heavily in the plaster and wall repair industry.
Oct 15th, 2009, 03:02:08 AM
That last episode was creepy as hell. Sylar seeing a circus and the tattoo guy, and everyone else sees a lake in the forest? That's some David Lynch stuff right there.
Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 15th, 2009, 02:59:34 PM
I believe the carnival was teleported in and then away again once Sylar entered.
That's just what I think, though.
I thought this episode was AWESOME (:rolleyes at the Kiss though) and had some great reveals and moments. This season is shaping up to be quite good.
Its too bad Brian Fuller didn't stay on for the whole season, but apparently he did help write a 'season bible' for the rest of the writers to work off of. Maybe they'll absorb some of his greatness.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 6th, 2010, 03:48:28 PM
Oh no! We totally missed that Heroes started again ON MONDAY!!!!
Thankfully I stumbled upon the special two episode episode replaying on g4 this morning. But I missed recording the first 15 minutes of it. >_<
Haven't watched it yet. Anyone else seen it?
Anyone else surprised that Nathan once again DIED FOR REALS GUYS this season? I expect he'll be back. After all, his body is still being kept on ice for some mysterious reason.
Jan 6th, 2010, 05:13:39 PM
Anyone else surprised that Nathan once again DIED FOR REALS GUYS this season? I expect he'll be back. After all, his body is still being kept on ice for some mysterious reason.
Not this time: The actor is unemployed now
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