View Full Version : Resident Evil 5

Peter McCoy
Sep 14th, 2009, 02:05:11 AM
Did anyone play this?

I bought it the other day and was wondering what others thought of it in the aftermath of the greatness that was Resident Evil 4.

So far I just see it as a sequel to Resident Evil 4.

Whereas Resident Evil 4 (in my opinion) pushed the game forwards into the next generation beyond it's 2D predecessors, this one just feels like more of the same. Apparently there's an even greater focus on combat than in RE4.

I don't know whether they knew they were really onto something with RE4 and so have made this one bigger and better, or if they're playing it safe in the wake of RE4's success. Up to now it feels like the latter but it's not fair to pass judgement at such a shallow point into the game (Chapter 1:2).

Any thoughts from anybody? I'd be particularly interested in what other fans of the series have to say.

Sep 14th, 2009, 05:05:39 AM
The game is a blast but I suggest you that you play the game in COOP because it is twice as good if you play it with a friend.
This is actually the first RE game for me. I played RE1 on the PS for some minutes at a friend of mine but this does not count in my eyes.
Do you play this game on the X360, PS3 or PC?
If you want some company you can always contact me on XBL: My Gamertag is CrusaderJ11.

Peter McCoy
Sep 14th, 2009, 07:17:12 AM
I'm playing it on PS3.

As for the partner - I've sold her gun. Now, any ammo Sheva picks up, she just passes to Chris. As a result she avoids combat, so I don't have to worry about her getting in the way.

I've read up on it and apparently there are a shedload of unlockables so that'll be fun once I finish it.