View Full Version : Tragedy

Darth Viscera
Sep 13th, 2009, 07:02:07 AM
Sigh. I've been really sad lately, and could use some talking to old friends.

Last week, at about this time, there was a tragedy in my family. An alcoholic named Dennis Carter Sr. drove up to the home of his estranged wife with an axe. Using the axe, he cut down the door, and entered the home with an illegal sawed-off shotgun. He somehow accessed his wife's pistol, that she had bought for personal defense against him. Whether he had stolen it beforehand or he was able to get to it before they did, I guess nobody will ever know. Using the stolen pistol and his own sawed-off shotgun loaded with buckshot, he shot his wife 9 times, killing her. The murderous bastard then shot and killed his own 26 year old son. He then shot and killed his 2 year old grandson. He next moved to kill his pregnant daughter-in-law, who grabbed her 2 year old son, and while being shot at, ran and jumped out the 2nd story window. She was shot in the back, which was partially broken, along with suffering some other gunshot wounds. One bullet lodged in her uterus. Both her elbows were destroyed. She was taken to the hospital, where doctors induced labor in order to save her daughter who was 6 months in the womb. Miraculously, both the baby and the mother survived. The baby is now breathing on her own. The mother is conscious but sedated, and deeply depressed and in shock. There was a second miracle that day. Another baby was in the house, but one of the family members acted quickly and hid him behind the couch. The murderer never found him, so the baby survived.

Afterwords, the murderer drove off in his red El Camino, and a neighbor called the police. 20 minutes later, the police spotted the red El Camino driving down the road. The murderer was heading down to a street that held 2 more houses where my family members lived. He was planning on killing every single family member he could find. The police stopped him, and using the stolen pistol that had belonged to his wife, he blew his brains out, the fucking coward. He should have been put on trial and either executed or made to live in a dark hole alone for the rest of his miserable life, without his precious whiskey sour, so he could think about what he did and suffer.

That was my brother's aunt and her family that he murdered. 3 generations, dead. My brother is sad. His mom just lays in bed in her darkened house, crying at the murder of her sister.

This was avoidable. There was no reason it had to happen. The murderer had a record of violence. He had attacked his estranged family 3 times prior to that, and on one occassion attempted to murder his wife with a machete. The police put him in jail all 3 times, then let him go when his parents bailed him out. All 3 times he got a different judge, who just said "no big deal, it's just a domestic dispute" and let him go. The day before the murders took place, the murderer called up and threatened to do just what he did, go on a shooting rampage. The victims called the police, pleading for help. The police basically told them to call back during office hours. The cops could have sent a deputy to watch over them. They could have gone and taken away all the killer's guns. They didn't do jack shit to stop it. May these policemen suffer the same sadness that, through inaction, they have caused others to suffer.

It makes me shaky and tearful just to write it. I just can't believe this is happening. What a nightmare. His own 2 year old grandson. It doesn't make any sense, it completely defies human nature. I don't even think that Hitler or Stalin or Mao or Saddam would have killed their 2 year old grandsons. Why?

CNN (http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/09/06/louisiana.shootings/) | news.aol (http://news.aol.com/article/louisiana-murder-suicide-dennis-carter/657765) | msnbc (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32712873/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/) | The Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/09/06/AR2009090600362.html)

Sep 13th, 2009, 07:22:30 AM
Once again, I offer my condolences, regrets and feel your pain. I was told about this during dragoncon over AIM, and it is still as shocking as surreal now. It's hard to believe such things can happen to yourself or to someone close. Take care now both of yourself and your family. :(

Miranda Tarkin
Sep 13th, 2009, 07:35:59 AM
:hug :( I know I sent you a PM about this when I heard something had occurred. I'm so sorry that your family has to suffer from the inaction of others. :(

Sep 13th, 2009, 08:35:23 AM
My condolances. We've talked over our mutual experiences already, but it's not anything you can really describe until it happens to someone you know. If there is anything you need, please ask me.

Shadow Storm
Sep 13th, 2009, 07:36:49 PM
Wow, I had heard about this a week ago, but I didn't realize it actually involved anyone from the forums. I'll keep you, your family, and your extended family in my prayers. :angel

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 13th, 2009, 07:51:15 PM
I'm praying for you, dude. I'll give you a call tomorrow after I get off work if you'd like.

Darth Viscera
Sep 13th, 2009, 11:46:28 PM
actually, a call does sound like a pretty good idea. i'll pm you and we can work out the details

Sep 14th, 2009, 06:17:01 AM
Wow, I had heard about this a week ago, but I didn't realize it actually involved anyone from the forums. I'll keep you, your family, and your extended family in my prayers. :angel

Same here....

I still don't understand the mindset of someone like that whose anger is so great that they feel taking out everyone in the family is justified and appropriate. It happens way too often, and I will NEVER understand it.

Darth Viscera
Sep 14th, 2009, 06:25:32 AM
Me neither. We animals pretty much are programmed by hundreds of millions of years of evolution to survive, to produce offspring, and to ensure the survival of our offspring. This guy went and annihilated his entire family. It makes no sense. It flies in the face of our nature. Why did he do it?

Peter McCoy
Sep 14th, 2009, 07:32:54 AM
Yo mate, long-time no speak.

This is the first I've read about this and I'm just gobsmacked.

I don't pray, so you're not getting any. But you are in my thoughts. I'm an 'eye for an eye' kinda person. Since the coward took his own life, hopefully you can take something from my belief that whichever astral pit the bastard now finds himself in, he'll be wreathing in agony for all eternity.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 14th, 2009, 12:38:52 PM
:hug I'm so sorry, Visc. I can't imagine anyone wanting to hurt children and it terrifies me and saddens me deeply that things like this actually happen. And that they happen to people we know and care about. I'm praying for your family and for you.

Sep 14th, 2009, 06:22:45 PM
Hi there! I don't think we've met before but I don't need to know you to see you're in pain and understand it to some extent (although my situation is much more different).

Words are inadequate in this type of situation but know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers and that my most sincere and deepest condolences go out to you and your family as well.

What this monster did has no name but it will have a punishment one he will never be able to fully pay for even if he dies a thousand deaths eternity won't be enough for him to settle his debt.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 14th, 2009, 09:50:27 PM
Hey Vis, long time no see. It really blows that something like this was the reason for you to reconnect with us, but you should know that first and foremost, we're here for you whenever you need us.

I've honestly been thinking about this a little bit, because people here kinda know I've had something similar happen in my life, although not on such a large scale. It really puts into perspective what people are capable of and how all the evil we write about really pales in comparison to the real thing. Words can be erased, but the murders can't.

I've come to accept that there are things that defy logic and rational, common sense. Sometimes the actual answer to why people kill is one that does not make sense by any yardstick other than that used by the person making the decision. Sometimes there is no way to understand. Sometimes, all you can do is grieve over what was lost and what might have been.

The answer I took away from my experience was to do my best to treat every day as though it were not a natural right of mine. To treat every friend in a way that let them know how I felt, and to take every opportunity to buy dinner for a group of crazy awesome internet friends that presented itself.

Kinda succeeded at that pretty well recently, I feel. It's an answer that's certainly enriched my life.

Don't know if there's anything I can say or do to help out, but if you need to talk or anything, you know where to find me. Take care of yourself and your family - in the aftermath of a tragedy, caring for the survivors is the best way to honor the dead.

My best wishes go with you and remember: This Too Shall Pass.

Emelie Shadowstar
Sep 14th, 2009, 10:29:10 PM
Been wanting to reply to this thread for a while now... but just haven't found the words. Then realized I don't think I will... I can't even begin to imagine the heartbreak and other emotions that come with such an event. It baffles and horrifies me. Deeply saddens me to know that a friend of various people I now call friends has been directly affected by such a thing too.

Just wanted to throw in that you and your family will be in my thoughts for a while. :hug

Mandy with an I
Sep 15th, 2009, 08:01:08 AM
I hope our phone call last night cheered you up :hug :)

Captain Untouchable
Sep 15th, 2009, 11:18:05 AM
Its been years since we spoke, and even then we didn't really know each other all that well. Even so, hearing that such a thing has transpired at all - let alone to someone I know - seems surreal. That such a thing has happened at all... it defies comprehension. I can't begin to imagine what you or your family must be going through.

I'm not religious, so I can't offer you my prayers; all I can offer are my most heart-felt sympathies. You and your family will be in my thoughts. :(

Sep 15th, 2009, 03:43:49 PM
You and your family are still in my thoughts. I cannot fathom how one can make sense of such a senseless tragedy although I will say this: time heals even the deepest wounds. We need our families more than ever in times like these, keep them close, and remember you always have us. Take care, mate.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 15th, 2009, 03:45:51 PM
You've been in my thoughts too, Walter :hug Take care.