View Full Version : Inglorious Basterds
Shadow Storm
Aug 24th, 2009, 12:19:38 AM
:lol Went to see the movie tonight. I must admit I did like the film, for me it was a mix of comedy, action, and a little romance, in an odd sort of way. Very graphic though. Has anyone else seen this film yet?
Aug 25th, 2009, 05:52:54 AM
Best WW2 movie ever!
This is Quentin Tarantino at his best and I really loved the fact that Tarantino was using language as an artistic device.
What I really liked about this movie was the fact that it featured so many perspectivs on the war:
Hugo Stiglitz and the Frau von Hammersmark that tried to be the good persons in an evil place. Landa that did not really care about the whole ideolegy but took great pride in his work and how it was executed.
Lt. Aldo Raine that was acting like a villain for a good cause.
The British agent that showed great respect for German movies and art before and during the NS regime.
The Jewish girl that was so driven by her wish for revenge that she has become blind for other things.
It was great to see a war movie with characters that featured a level of detail unknown to this genre. There is no glorification of heroism in this movie. It may not be based on actual facts (infact we all know that it is not) but it really shows WW2 from an perspective you haven't seen before.
On a personal note: This movie is one of the few movies where I feel that Germans are correctly depicted in this period. We have the fellow travelers, the ones that are blinded by Nazi ideology and people like Landa who do not really care as long as they profit from what they are doing.
And then on the other side we have got people who work in the underground that want to bring down this regime of terror.
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 28th, 2009, 04:00:21 PM
Just got back from seeing this... very enjoyable. Landa was my fav.
Aug 29th, 2009, 07:05:54 PM
Some great scenes. Nice set pieces. First scene was by far the best. Mike Myers was surprisingly fine in his role. Colonel Landa was brilliant. The soundtrack was lackluster and Tarantino rehashed too much music from Kill Bill. Overall, I felt it didn't knit together very well and as an overall experience, I felt underwhelmed.
It was great to see a war movie with characters that featured a level of detail unknown to this genre.
I'm sorry but have you even seen another war movie? We're all entitled to our opinions here but I strongly disagree with you on that statement. And as for your remark about the "correctly depicted" Germans, I have to say I found the portrayals of the Germans to be quite generic, stereotypical, and comically broad, yet I feel this was deliberate. For Christ's sake, Hitler was flouncing around in a big cape!
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