View Full Version : Scavanger Hunt

Jax Stracken
Jul 26th, 2009, 03:11:00 PM
Jax turned off the video display as his meeting with Xavier (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showpost.php?p=315541&postcount=3) finished.

There was one thing that he hadn't told his boss, one of their freighters was over due. At this point it was only a day overdue, a small enough amount of time that it could be explained by being detained by a security checkpoint or mechanical failure. But both of those usually came with some sort of communication and unless something had changed in the last hour while he was meeting with Xavier, none had been received.

Getting up from his desk Jax left his office and headed to the communications office to double check. He had left orders to be notified immediately if the freighter, simply called Silenus 023, made any sort of contact. But as soon as he stuck his head in the door the communications tech looked up and shook his head. Letting out a long sigh, Jax spun on his heel and made his way back to his office.

It was time to start making some inquiries to his contacts on both sides of the moral line. The frieghte had been hauling some valuable cargo that could be fenced through "legitimate" dealers, but that were most likely now on the black market. The most worrying to Jax was a large shipment of medical supplies that had been headed to their friends in the Rebellion. The shipment had taken months to put together. A few extra med kits on an order here, and a few tanks of bacta on an order there; Xavier and Jax had been careful not to do anything that would have drawn the attention of anyone that they would prefer not having looking into their records.

Now the ship carrying that shipment was missing. More then that, it was missing, and Jax had decided to keep it from his boss. A decision made based on his feeling that his boss has more important things to concentrate on... like the Russard agreement, and taking some time off.

Time that Jax was hoping would be enough for him to track down their freighter, and more importantly their cargo.

Tarn Ardsul
Aug 6th, 2009, 08:14:00 AM
The Silenus 023 had long since been cleared of all its cargo and gutted of any computer, weaponry and any spare parts that could be cobbled together for use. Every now and again, little flashes of white light illuminated the viewports as the ship floated dead in space outside Alzoc III. It was left there to rot as the survivors of the crew were given a sporting chance to try and survive the harsh, frozen lands of the planet below with a weeks worth of supplies. It was only until recently that the Empire was courting the idea of returning here to reclaim the mines so they could export ore to the shipyards and commission new ships for the great Imperial Navy. But for now it was desolate, except for the native Talz - who were on the other side of the continent.

Never say that Tarn Ardsul of the Black Blood Pirates never gave anyone a sporting chance.

That was three days ago. Now he was sipping spiced rum in Nuba City on the planet Nubia with a rather attractive redhead in his lap. They were having a pleasant afternoon outside the Nisan Way Tavern, laughing and flirting with one another as the lunch crowd walked passed him, while his runners were out scouting interest in the cargo they had acquired. Considering that this planet was home to PharmCorp, Ardsul was quite certain that there would be some Black Market scouts looking for medical supplies. It would just be a matter of time ...