View Full Version : School's over... now I'm broke... :p

Nya Halcyon
Jul 22nd, 2009, 10:49:08 AM
I've finished my diploma course to become a teacher for english as a foreign language....

... but I'm pursuing a second diploma to become a class teacher, which means I have to spend one year at a school as an assistant teacher. I found a school I can do that in, but the trouble with that is that it's not paid, I don't get state benefits for it and I can't get a scholarship. I NEED to do it though, in order to become a class teacher, because being an english teacher only doesn't pay that well.

So I'm going to be extremely broke and relying on my parents for finances. Which is horrible. I just about hope I can get some part-time work teaching in the afternoons, etc. The only good thing about it is that I'm really going to get a lot out of this practical year, and I have a 100% guarantee of getting employed right away afterwards but... no money for a year?!?

I'll be assisting in the 1st grade (the 7-year-olds) and teaching english in 2nd grade, so at least it's not THAT work intensive. Then again, Waldorf schools always have a huge amount of variety in their classes, so who knows what I'll be doing. I know one thing: this one year of teacher training has brought me back to being a hell of a lot more creative in every way, from making totem poles out of paper maché, sewing costumes, drawing in chalk, making harps, to taking singing lessons, doing clowning and learning how to play three types of flutes.... it's made me slack off writing, though, so I'm going to try to keep it balanced a bit more in the future.

Anyway, just thought I'd share that. It feels good to be able to say I'm a qualified english teacher now (even if I can't work as one just yet....). Never expected to hear myself say that, either.

Oh - here's two chalk drawings I made in my final course. They're done in chalk on blackboard. One's a Christian motif, the other something totally different - the class was history, and we were doing illustrations for it.



Jul 22nd, 2009, 12:23:47 PM
hey, it's only short term, then wiht your pretty brain, I'm sure you'll be rolling in the dough. Just don't forget us little brothers, eh...EH?

Nice work, btw

Jul 22nd, 2009, 01:45:50 PM
That's gotta be the first time you're saying that instead of the other way round... No worries, how could I forget you? *hugs*

Jul 22nd, 2009, 02:13:56 PM
That's gotta be the first time you're saying that instead of the other way round... No worries, how could I forget you? *hugs*

I don't know how you could forget me. I mean, I'm a pretty memorable person. Not always for the right reasons though ;)

Jul 22nd, 2009, 11:14:26 PM
Congratulations! :) Watch out for those chalk-drawerings, I hear they can have a life of their own. ;) Those are rather nice by the way and from a historic perspective, one could actually imagine artists from the eras depicted creating something similar. :p

I have heard 'good things' about the Waldorf system, though I couldn't actually tell you how it differs from any other program.

Those of us with kids of our own, are carers for and those of us who are over-grown children ourselves in a sense, thank you muchly. :)