View Full Version : Deadliest Warrior

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 12th, 2009, 12:59:39 PM
Does anyone here watch this hilarious TV show? I just discovered it by way of a clip-show quiz-thing over here, where the host/guests were gobsmacked/laughing their arses off at the hilarity of a TV show that pits the IRA against the Taliban to see who is the most 'deadly' (WTF :lol) For those who aren't familiar with the premise, here's what Wikipedia has to say:

Deadliest Warrior is a television program on Spike in which historical warriors are pitted against each other to see who can outlast the other. Each episode showcases two warriors in a hypothetical battle to the death.

Each warrior is given weapons from the particular group they are associated with. Modern fighters and experts on said weapons present the strengths, and weaknesses of each arsenal, including real tests of the weapons.[2] The data collected is then fed into a computer simulation based on an unreleased commercial game engine developed by Slitherine Strategies[3] to determine the average winner of one thousand battles. After the winner is determined, a mock battle takes place to showcase how each weapon is used in a real battle situation, and to determine which combatant is the "deadliest warrior".

It looks like you can watch ALL episodes from the first season online at spike.com here: http://www.spike.com/full-episode/ir-vs-taliban/32259

I can't be the only one who finds this hilarious.

Jul 12th, 2009, 06:55:31 PM
I miss how its hilarious? It takes two sets of Warriors from different times/periods and pits them against each other in a computer simulation. Obviously the fights would never happen but its a fun What if and you see some neat demostrations of their weapons actually being used against balistic dummies.

Captain Untouchable
Jul 12th, 2009, 07:16:47 PM
Didn't they do a "Deadliest Animal" series... the same principle, but with animals? I remember seeing something along those lines on Sky3 at some point; they built a titanium version of a shark mouth and a hippo's head, and made them bite canoes.

Karl Valten
Jul 12th, 2009, 07:46:00 PM
I found it both amusing or entertaining. Its an interesting concept and fun speculation. But dahumn do they needs a different narrator and cheesy lines.

Its trying to put a mythbusters style spin on the show...and failing. Overall kinda so-so to me. Not Great, but doesn't completely suck either.

Ryan Pode
Jul 12th, 2009, 07:54:28 PM
When they had the pirate beating the knight, I was turned off the show.

Travis North
Jul 12th, 2009, 09:48:08 PM
Does anyone here watch this hilarious TV show? I just discovered it by way of a clip-show quiz-thing over here, where the host/guests were gobsmacked/laughing their arses off at the hilarity of a TV show that pits the IRA against the Taliban to see who is the most 'deadly' (WTF :lol)

That was a good episode, I caught it a while back. The last kill made me laugh so hard, the look on the guy's face was priceless.

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Jul 12th, 2009, 10:14:35 PM
I find it pretty goofy. They're picks of who wins vs who is probably decided through drawing short straws behind the scenes or the crew favorites. Like Karl said the entire myth busters aspect is pretty lacking. Their "science" isn't very fair.

Axe vs side of a pork. Oooooo! Carnage!

But now we'll test tooth pick through melted butter. Ohhh Tooth pick wins.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 13th, 2009, 12:28:36 AM
I miss how its hilarious? It takes two sets of Warriors from different times/periods and pits them against each other in a computer simulation. Obviously the fights would never happen but its a fun What if and you see some neat demostrations of their weapons actually being used against balistic dummies.

I guess it's just a cultural difference thing. You would never see something like that on the TV here in the UK, so it just seems quite bizarre to me - especially the Taliban vs IRA episode. Not that I don't find it very entertaining, it's just another one of those US shows that makes me shake my head (grinning all the while) and wonder.

Jul 13th, 2009, 06:29:56 AM
I guess it's just a cultural difference thing. You would never see something like that on the TV here in the UK, so it just seems quite bizarre to me - especially the Taliban vs IRA episode. Not that I don't find it very entertaining, it's just another one of those US shows that makes me shake my head (grinning all the while) and wonder.

Lol...that makes sense, sorry for the misunderstanding. Thats par for the course over here, in fact the show is better than a lot of the crap on TV so I actually like it.

Yeah its not even close to perfect but to see the weapons demonstrated against human like flesh in slow mo/motion capture is pretty neat.

I don't really like the re-enactments at the end but they have to film/stage something to show what the computers picked.