View Full Version : Google OS
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 8th, 2009, 12:39:41 AM
Wow. So you know all those whispers about a Google desktop operating system that never seem to go away? You thought they might with the launch of Android, Google’s mobile OS. But they persisted. And for good reason, because it’s real.
In the second half of 2010, Google plans to launch the Google Chrome OS, an operating system designed from the ground up to run the Chrome web browser on netbooks. “It’s our attempt to re-think what operating systems should be,” Google writes tonight on its blog.
But let’s be clear on what this really is. This is Google dropping the mother of bombs on its chief rival, Microsoft. It even says as much in the first paragraph of its post, “However, the operating systems that browsers run on were designed in an era where there was no web.” Yeah, who do you think they mean by that?
And it’s a genius play. So many people are buying netbooks right now, but are running WIndows XP on them. Windows XP is 8 years old. It was built to run on Pentium IIIs and Pentium 4s. Google Chrome OS is built to run on both x86 architecture chips and ARM chips, like the ones increasingly found in netbooks. It is also working with multiple OEMs to get the new OS up and running next year.
Obviously, this Chrome OS will be lightweight and fast just like the browser itself. But also just like the browser, it will be open-sourced. Think Microsoft will be open-sourcing Windows anytime soon?
As Google writes, “We have a lot of work to do, and we’re definitely going to need a lot of help from the open source community to accomplish this vision.” They might as well set up enlistment booths on college campuses for their war against Microsoft.
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 8th, 2009, 05:51:35 AM
Another half arsed Google POS. Fuck off already you bunch of wankers, your shit sucks and gets removed on sight.
BTW I heard it before. It was called Sun OS Java thin clients with Netscape and that turd called Ellison tried to spruke it. It was shit then, this is shit now and wont work.
And does it matter I know developers of this personally and told them off for wasting time? Yeah, dont be amazed, it's crap. It's just a linux backend with a Chrome turd polished front. Woooow. Not. If you want something non Microsoft, get Ubuntu and be happy.
Jul 8th, 2009, 07:31:18 AM
^^ I hate to say it, but I suspect Mr. Grumpypants above is right. :mneh
(Although, I would not critique Google for releasing an alternative, no matter how crappy it turns out)
A google chrome frontend on top of vanilla linux? I'm not sure what's the point. It is probably going to be lacking either in control or user friendlyness. Also, is it going to be as compatible with software / hardware as current linux kernels?
Jul 8th, 2009, 10:31:48 AM
^^ yup I totaly agree with you guys.
Ever since I heard about Google's 23AndMe I have become more and more cautious with google products.
But back on topic:
As long as MS Office and other software does not run on it, it will never be an alternative to windows.
I know that OpenOffice is cool and that it has got a lot of nice features. I installed both on my Windows XP based ASUS EEE PC 900. But in the end it is not me who decides what software is used the most but people like our parents or coworkers that own PCs but do not really know how to use them.
So the PC Owners will decide if we are ready for a Google OS and not the PC Users. Once the Owners are ready for open source software the big software companies will have to adjust to this situation but until that day most of them will support MS Windows and a few of them Mac OSX as well.
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 8th, 2009, 11:08:42 AM
Well, if nothing else I am intrigued to see what they will come up with. If nothing else, it could make using alternative OS's more appealing to those without a great knowledge of technology.
Morgan Evanar
Jul 8th, 2009, 12:33:55 PM
As much as people like to bag on MS, Office is great and Outlook is an incredible piece of software, doubly so when paired with Exchange.
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 8th, 2009, 03:50:41 PM
Well, if nothing else I am intrigued to see what they will come up with. If nothing else, it could make using alternative OS's more appealing to those without a great knowledge of technology.
What they are spruiking already exists. They are suggesting - or doing - nothing new. And most applications should just plain NEVER be run as a web app..... actually most of them shouldnt.
And there is no way I want a company that makes it's money advertising anywhere NEAR my data - or corporate client data. If you dont know why, bluntly you dont know what IT security is so get educated.
If you want an alter..... wait a moment, there's no counter required here. Windows is perfectly fine for the technologically retarded already. Win7 just. plain. works. Or use OSX.
Office is great and Outlook is an incredible piece of software, doubly so when paired with Exchange.
This. I'd still prefer to pay up than deal with OpenSores. And I'd still prefer to pay up than go near the abortion of GoogleDocs.
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 8th, 2009, 03:55:33 PM
Presumably Google would be legally required to adhere to the Data Protection Act - or whatever equivalent there is in the US/outside of the EEA - in which case they wouldn't be able to hold or disclose any personal information without consent from the individual it concerns?
Jul 8th, 2009, 04:14:28 PM
Presumably Google would be legally required to adhere to the Data Protection Act - or whatever equivalent there is in the US/outside of the EEA - in which case they wouldn't be able to hold or disclose any personal information without consent from the individual it concerns?
They prettymuch have you give consent in order to use their products. It's in the terms of service nobody reads.
If you use Google, GoogleDocs, or Gmail, technically they have full right to go through all you do on their software, read it, and do whatever they please with it.
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 8th, 2009, 05:48:56 PM
Presumably Google would be legally required to adhere to the Data Protection Act - or whatever equivalent there is in the US/outside of the EEA - in which case they wouldn't be able to hold or disclose any personal information without consent from the individual it concerns?
Seriously incorrect. And you are well advised to look up how Google and Yahoo bend over to the Chinese and reveal info in Tibetian protestors. Oh and how they kotow to government agencies like in the UK. Data Prevention acts are overruled by Big Borther legislation in the name of TERRISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you use Google, GoogleDocs, or Gmail, technically they have full right to go through all you do on their software, read it, and do whatever they please with it.
Absolutly correct. You store shit on their servers, it's theirs to look over. You specifically hand that over to them on signing on because you are on a private network - like how NOTHING on a corporate network belongs to anyone but the company in question, even if it's your private shit, as the sys admin I can and will do what the fuck I want with it as it's not you network or servers or PCs. And there is not a thing legally you can do about it. Dont do your private shit on the corporate network and certainly dont put your nude shots on the file server.
Remember this always - NO free service like Hotmail or Yahoo or Gmail is secure or private. In fact email isnt exactly the most secure thing at all to begin with.
Why do you think I completely refuse to allow any of my photos NEAR Google or other photo hosting sites? That would be I begin to lose control over them and why I am very happy to pony up for server space of my own and run the server instead for myself.
11 Undocumented Features Of Google Chrome OS
1. Your family photos are accompanied by text ads for skin care and diet plans.
2. Removes all Falun Gong references from your files.
3. Every month, the hard drive is automatically defragged and investigated for anti-trust violations.
4. Invests in, develops, acquires, and abandons your best ideas.
5. Integrated tax preparation software includes "I'm Feeling Lucky" deductible button.
6. Changes your icons daily, forcing you to look up which obscure scientific figure is having a birthday.
7. Spends 20% of its time not doing what you tell it to do.
8. Prevents all evil activity unless it is deemed to be for the good of the shareholders.
9. Masseuse comes by every Monday afternoon.
10. Constant crashes won't bother anybody as long as it's labeled "Beta".
11. "Beta" status won't expire until 2038.
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 8th, 2009, 06:02:22 PM
:lol I work for a government agency in the UK, so I guess I shouldn't comment on that. Funny though, I have actually just spent the last few days reading about our policies on data/information disclosure.
9. Masseuse comes by every Monday afternoon.
Score :smokin
Peter McCoy
Jul 9th, 2009, 02:53:24 AM
The Data Protection Act is a constant thing where I work. Customers complaining because we can't reset their email password for them when they're not the account holder. Funnily enough my Team Leader had to take an escalation for a colleague yesterday because the account holders wife was getting irate because the girl couldn't reset her email password. Obviously I could only hear what my Team Leader was saying but it sounded like she wouldn't shut up and kept cutting him off. He was just blunt with her and said 'Look - we will not be resetting the email password with you, that's it. You're not the account holder so it would be against the Data Protection Act and we could be prosecuted.'
I believe she hung up on him.
Back on topic - I'm happy with Windows for the time being. I've got my other PC running now and have previously used Ubuntu on it. My dads mate said he'll see if there's a spare copy of Linux at work for me to use on it. I've used it briefly when I worked at the university for two months in 2007, so it'd be a little bit familiar (can't remember which of the many versions it was, though I know the computers in the HEP labs use Scientific Linux. Not sure if Red Hat Linux is the same/another name or a variant but that was also mentioned.
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 9th, 2009, 10:27:59 AM
The Data Protection Act is a constant thing where I work.
Likewise. Today alone I had requests from a whole variety of external organisations, including two prisons, for information on customer details and whether they were still in receipt of benefit.... tricky business :x
Xavier Synik
Jul 9th, 2009, 11:10:03 AM
I won't be changing to GoogleOS if it ever appears... but I will be interested in how it looks/works. Might install it on a computer that I don't really use just to play with it.
Khendon Sevon
Jul 9th, 2009, 05:20:07 PM
From a developer's perspective, this is silly.
From a marketing perspective, it's not all that stupid of an idea.
Sure, it'll be just like Easy Peasy ( or Moblin (; but, Google has a wonderful way of galvanizing developers and getting regular people to use products they wouldn't otherwise touch.
I personally run Ubuntu Netbook Remix on my netbook, and it's damn sexy. I wouldn't change a single feature about it.
Many valid points here, especially about Win XP being fine for the masses. Regardless, it's nice to see Google going so open source (check out Wave, too).
I <3 free software that gives me access to the source.
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 9th, 2009, 06:04:45 PM
If you want marketing, you look at OSX -and Google can NEVER match that and frankly that's where they will get "switchers" - I dont know where you think this is close to intelligent marketing because Google tried it before with Chrome and god knows what else witht heir other shit, hell the search engine blows goats now. Chrome fucking sucks. Developers are clueless when it comes to actually throwing something out the door that actually solves real problems for the end user.
The real problem Linux or GoogleOS now faces is that OSX is not just a tiny bit competent - it has finally got real support as it's seen as a serious alternative especially with the way iPhones just work - never seen anythign connect so damn easy to the network and just work. Pity the touchscreen blows, else I'd have one now. It now has mindshare and growing. Linux just will never get this on the desktop and Google isnt going to change that.
It took Vista for Macs to gain that mindshare. And right now, OSX is entrenched BUT the other issue Google faces is that Microsoft told the developers to go fuck themselves and actually got a proper study done on what users truly need. As a result Windows 7 is simply shaping up as the best OS by a bloody mile - it's still a bloated mess that shows the developers are lazy fucktards and need a asskicking again but it actually runs faster than XP, is incredibly stable and just plain works. And much to my amusement, shat on the previous Linux install of an Asus Eee fo speed and usability. 7 also runs very well on old hardware, something Vista failed to do. The best sign is that in the office, we are right now plannign Windows 7 rollouts because we have become very confident Microsoft have finally delivered - and scary enough, it'll be ontime too.
They must have unleashed the Exchange team on 7. Might be too feature rich and bloated, but Exchange is one aweinspiring bit of software. Whomever decided that Windows 2008 should not have the native ability to back up Exchange tho unlike 2003 needs to be shot. From my understanding.... developers did it. Yay retards. Good thing marketing is forcing it back in with the next Exchange service pack, probably due to the howls of sys admisn everywhere.
There's a moral to this lesson that Google probably missed. They are shit at marketing and thence whatever they produce is a turd.
Khendon Sevon
Jul 9th, 2009, 06:15:02 PM
It's seriously not worth getting all worked up over.
Software Darwinism will win out.
Jul 10th, 2009, 12:02:20 AM
I really don't know how getting into the OS market will work. I'm not really sure they did that bang-up of a job with their browser, so maybe they should work on that more before leveling up?
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 10th, 2009, 03:46:40 AM
Software Darwinism will win out.
That term doesnt mean what you think it does.
I really don't know how getting into the OS market will work. I'm not really sure they did that bang-up of a job with their browser, so maybe they should work on that more before leveling up?
There a fuckton of other things they should be working on. Especially when Bing has some really good interface features, even if it doesnt quite have the results returned compared to Google.
It all goes to prove Google isnt a IT company, they are an advertising one.
Khendon Sevon
Jul 10th, 2009, 05:12:18 AM
C'est la vie.
Think what you like.
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