View Full Version : Warhammer 40k
Karl Valten
Jun 25th, 2009, 10:37:03 PM
Heheh, I know I already made the Battlefleet Gothic thread (which I will continue to add battle reports to when I can), but I figured this was a slightly different topic.
S'il been getting my crazy-pumped about modelling, converting, and painting the minis so I'm pretty hyped I guess.
Anywho, played my first two games of 40k today as the Imperial Guard. Here is a bit of a breakdown.
Game One - 500 Points
Me (Imperials):
Company Command Squad - 3 Flamethrowers, 1 Heavy Flamethrower, Chimera Transport
Veteran Squad - 3 Grenade Launchers
Veteran Squad - 3 plasma guns, 1 Lascannon
Leman Russ Battle Tank
Andrew (Chaos)
Chaos Lord - Power Sword
Chaos Marine Squad - Missile Launcher
Chaos Marine Squad - Missile Launcher
Not much to say here. Game was a Seize Ground with 4 objectives to capture by the end of the game. I rolled first turn and pretty much ended it in in round one.
Lascannon in a veteran squad sniped the Chaos Obliterator killing it. The Battle Tank landed a shell on a Chaos Marine squad taking cover in a trench emplacement. They panicked and ran off of the board.
End of Game- All chaos forces wiped out with me holding 2 of the objectives. I only lost 2 guardsmen.
Game 2 - 1000 points
Me (Imperials):
Company Command Squad - Autocannon, Camo-cloaks, Master of Ordinance
Five-man stormtrooper squads - Behind Enemy Lines, 2 Plasma guns
Five-man stormtrooper squads - Behind Enemy Lines, 2 Plasma guns
Veteran Squad - 3 Meltaguns, Chimera Transport
Veteran Squad - 3 Meltaguns, Chimera Transport
Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad - Autocannon, 2 Plasma guns, Chimera Transport
Infantry Squad - Grenade Launcher, Autocannon
Infantry Squad - Grenade Launcher, Autocannon
Leman Russ Battle Tank
Leman Russ Demolisher Tank
Andrew (Chaos)
Raptor Lord - Lightning Claws
Five-man Berserker Squad - Rhino Transport
Five-man Berserker Squad - Rhino Transport
Chaos Marine Squad - Rhino Transport, Meltagun
Chaos Raptor Squad - Champion with Lightning Claws
Vindicator Tank
Didn't actually manage to finish this game. Once again it was Sieze Ground with 4 objectives and I rolled first turn again. Ended up being a slugging match though I did manage to kill the Raptor Lord with a Artillery shell from the Master of Ordinance and a number of Raptors with my Infiltrating Stormtroopers. Battle raged for a bit as he got close to my lines and I stupidly charged forward to meet his attack.
Store closed down so we had to call it quits.
End of Game:
Each of us controlled 1 objective. I killed his Raptor Lord, the Vindicator Tank, a Rhino Transport, and a number of Raptors, Marines, and Berserkers.
He managed to kill both Stormtrooper squads and an Infantry Squad and severely mauling a few of my Chimeras.
Pretty good for my first two games I think. In any case I am entering into a tournament that will be played there in a few weeks. Buy-in is going to be around $5 with a $95 first prize and a $35 second prize.
Jan 15th, 2010, 12:07:19 PM
Well I Played my first game with 5th Ed Guard and well I'm still used to 4th ed. I liked my drop sentinels and have yet to get any Valkyre's. We kinda still used the drop troop doctrine since Thats what my force was built to.
Command Squad
plasma pistol, Vox, Medic, Flamer, Missile Launcher
Vet Squad
Shotguns, Heavy Flamer, Melta, Sniper
Vet Squad
Shotguns, Heavy Flamer, Melta, Sniper
Sentinel Squadron
Heavy Flamer, Autocannon, Auto cannon
3 warrior's
2 Death spitters, 1 Venom Cannon
12 Hormagaunts
12 Spinogaunts
1 Carnifex
Sycthing Talons, Sycthing Talons, Sycth tail, Tusked, Bonded Exo-skeleton, Extended Carapace
Well I would like to say I fought the good fight. the sentinels went down turn one. it seems a canifex is bad juju for little scout walkers. Turn 2 saw me getting some retribution in bringing down the fex with malta and a well rolled sniper shot. Turn 3 went bad. The Gaunts were on me and my attempts to kill the big ugly beast in the back spent my fire power in the previous turns. BUt it did die. I guess dropping into a swarm of nids is a bad idea.....
In rethinking my choices I think Frag on the nids would have been a better choice than Krak on the Fex since it was sniper fire that killed it. But I stand by my heavy flamers and shotguns. they did alot better than Lasguns would have.
IN the end My HQ was in retreat, my 20 vets were down to 6 and my sentinels were a bust.
Karl Valten
Jan 16th, 2010, 12:23:01 AM
Well since the last post was months ago, i've come a fairly long way with guard and knowing the game in general. In 5th, the name of the game is mobility with 2/3 of the games being objective based. Combine that with vehicle being much harder to kill, transports/tanks are huge as are was to kill them (melta is your friend).
I wish the doctrine system was still in use. That seemed to be a lot of fun. I guess now the IG have orders and tons of cheap special/heavy weapons and vehicles.
Where you
How many points where you playing? I calculate this out to be 445.
Command Squad
plasma pistol, Vox, Medic, Flamer, Missile Launcher
If these guys are on foot, I prefer giving them camo so they can hide out in cover and boss people around with orders. Vox literally does nothing for you, both the squad issuing orders and the squad receiving the order needs a vox-caster.
I don't find medics worth the points. Feel-No-Pain on five T3 models? Yay (sarcasm). Only time I would take it is for a plasma death squad.
Don't take flamers, these guys are BS4, exploit that to the best of your ability. Melta and Plasma are best (expensive stuff, but BS4 makes it worth it), grenade launchers(nice for mobility) are okay.
I personally don't like missile launchers. Yes they are versatile, but autocannons are my favored heavy weapon.
Vet Squad
Shotguns, Heavy Flamer, Melta, Sniper
Vet Squad
Shotguns, Heavy Flamer, Melta, Sniper
Don't mix and match special weapons....ever. Pick a role and stick to it. I wouldn't take the shot guns if these guys are on foot. The lasguns (especially with First Rank Fire, Second Rank Fire) are almost always superior and you never want to charge anyway. Make your opponent waste his own assault phase attacking you.
Heavy Flamers suck on Infantry. For the same points you can get four normal flamers and do a lot more damage. Not worth it for the extra strength and AP.
Melta's are awesome, but unless you have a ride for these guys they will hardly ever get in range to use them.
Snipers also suck. Rending is unreliable and you will be very, very lucky if you actually pin something with all the high leadership and fearless units out there.
Sentinel Squadron
Heavy Flamer, Autocannon, Auto cannon
I wouldn't take a heavy flamer on scouts. Armoured to use as a tar-pit maybe. The Autocannon scout sentinels are gold and I love them. Outflanking to hit tanks in side and rear armor is great.
Don't squadron unless you have to, though. Too easy to stack wounds on their wet tissue paper armor.
Well I would like to say I fought the good fight. the sentinels went down turn one. it seems a canifex is bad juju for little scout walkers. Turn 2 saw me getting some retribution in bringing down the fex with malta and a well rolled sniper shot. Turn 3 went bad. The Gaunts were on me and my attempts to kill the big ugly beast in the back spent my fire power in the previous turns. BUt it did die. I guess dropping into a swarm of nids is a bad idea.....
Your opponent was using 4th Edition Nids I assume? Yeah, carnies are evil, stay away from them. Autocannons and plasma (or 100 lasgun shots) are about the only way to kill them. Don't even think about assaulting them.
In rethinking my choices I think Frag on the nids would have been a better choice than Krak on the Fex since it was sniper fire that killed it. But I stand by my heavy flamers and shotguns. they did alot better than Lasguns would have.
I'll have to disagree with you there. Lasguns have always worked far better for me than shotguns.
Here is my 500 point standard list if you want some ideas:
Company Command Squad - x4 Grenade Launchers, Chimera (Multilaser/Heavy Flamer) - 125
Veteran Squad - x3 Meltaguns, Chimera (Multilaser/Heavy Flamer) - 155
Veteran Squad - x2 Meltaguns, Chimera (Multilaser/Heavy Flamer) - 145
Heavy Support
Hydra Flak Tank - 75
Jan 17th, 2010, 03:35:18 PM
I used alot of flamers/heavyflamers cause we did alot of jungle battles. The no cover save helped out there.
I think im going to change up for 5th ED.
I like the 4 special weapons in the HQ. But I think I want to do 3 Plasma Guns and A MEdic, Commander with Plasma pistol/powersword, Chimera with M.L & H.F.
Then do the Vet. squads with shotguns and 3 Melta Guns in Chimera with M.L & H.F.
I like the Assault 2 Shotguns for close work. I get 2 shots on the run.
I want to eventually use Valkyries but as I do not have any I guess I use Chimeras.
Any extra points I may throw on some frills or something small who knows I will cross that bridge when I get all the Plasma and melta guns from GW bitz.
I have an Eldar army from 3rd edition I need to get updated. and the 4th ed. Nids. plus My Ordo Malleus force.
I hear tail of a new Ordo Codex with all 3 ordo in it, but who knows. They need something. My Inquisitorial Storm Troopers need the new IG storm trooper stats instead of the stats on the deamonhunter codex. im wondering how a demonhunter codex/5th ed guard mixed force would do?
I have a armored Sentinel squadron with 2 Autocannon/1 Lascannon I have never used. I love sentinels but they die too easy.
Jan 20th, 2010, 11:26:24 AM
SO.... I talked to a buddy today and I see that in the new Tyranid Codex Carnifexs are nerfed!..... I hate when they mess up something good in a new edition. And without number is gone...cry... I may sell my nids. lol
Karl Valten
Jan 20th, 2010, 01:05:00 PM
I have the codex myself. Overall it's a decent codex. The Carnifex lost a few stats and all those odd biomorph options, but their points where brought up to actually match their abilities.
Under the old codex they were ridiculously cheap. Granted I think they should be priced around 140.
The nids may also have lost WON, but they do now have the Tervigon which is a good trade-off IMO.
All manner of gaunts and gargoyles are dirt-cheap. Genestealers are dirt cheap. MCs all got a price hike ( a little too much ) but their point costs actually make a bit of sense.
You can still take a crap-ton of little critters and still fit 3-5 big ones in a list.
Take a look at the following list for instance (and this is a rather fluffy list as well):
The Swarmlord - x2 Tyrant Guard - 400 (ouch)
Zoanthrope - 60
Zoanthrope - 60
Zoanthrope - 60
Genestealer Brood (x10 ) - Toxin Sacs - 170
Genestealer Brood (x10 ) - Toxin Sacs - 170
Termagant Brood (x19 ) - 95
Termagant Brood (x19 ) - 95
Tervigon - Catalyst, Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands - 195
Tervigon - Catalyst, Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands - 195
Total: 1500
Jan 20th, 2010, 04:56:22 PM
I read threw the tervigon stuff and I can see where it could be nice but the whole rolling doubles on 3d6 kinda sucks. Poof I rolled doubles first roll now my Tervigon is way way overpriced.
The synapse power is more important now I see Gaunts turn into terran without it more or less.
I am liking the trygon/mowloc. the new points value and the loss of all the niffty addon to my fexs make the mowloc a far better Heavy.
And forget about the spore mines now... I guess they are ok as one type but I did like the dfferant types of old just did not use them alot.
I guess the worse thing about it is all the conversions I did and add ons to my nids that mean nothing now.
I think I want to use my warriors in 2 troop choices of 3 warriors with 2 Deathspitters and a Barbed Strangler with 2 Guant broods
I do not like Zoanthropes much I would rather use a Deathleaper and maybe a Hive Guard brood. I like the way they look.
I have my tyrant I think i will keep since most games I do now are under 1500 pts. I think if i did 1500 and up I would use a swarmlord. he looks nifty.
I am looking at the mycitic spores for my hormagaunts.
Karl Valten
Jan 20th, 2010, 07:12:58 PM
Tervigon is nice at least being able to give his upgrades to nearby Termagaunts. He still is T6 and W6 so it can take a beating. And with catalyst the ability to grant units Feel-No-Pain is great.
I'm thinking of dropping the swarmlord out of there to be honest. The guy is expensive as hell and almost needs those two tyrant guard to give him some more protection.
A winged Tyrant might be fun, but then he gets just as pricey as the swarmlord. I really like the look of Tyranid Primes, maybe I'll delve into them a bit.
Synapse isn't bad. Worst thing is losing eternal warrior. But at least now nothing can run off the board and most things will end up doing something semi-useful. Assaulty things will run towards the closest enemy (inconvinient, but not useless) and shooty things will shooty things will shoot at the closest enemy (once again, inconvenient, but not useless).
Trygons and Mawlocs are mixed bags. They really need support or they will get shot to pieces after the deepstrike. Both of them can actually be better if you start with them on the field. Turn one you can burrow the Mawloc and he is guaranteed to come on the board turn 2. And the Trygon has a 13-18 charge range.
If you deepstrike him without back-up he will show up, shoot something, then die the next turn as everything the enemy has will target him.
Besides the Zoans are the only source of AP1 (and a lance to boot) in the codex and the cheapest thing with a S10 ranged weapon. They are more fragile now, but they are excellent tank-killers.
Deathleaper is awesome if even just for the leadership drain ability.
Hive Guard are also amazing at killing transports and Tau battlesuits.
Jan 21st, 2010, 12:06:57 AM
I think to do a nid army the way I want I will have to shell out more money. Something I dont have at this moment. I think I will work up my tyrant and warriors and gaunts and do a nice 500 and 1000 point force from what I have.
So basiclly My hive tyrant
6 warriors
who knows how many gaunts.
at least 48 Hormagants
and 2 fexs
SO I will play around with that and justr kinda put them on the back burner.
I think we are going to be doing some planet strike games so I want to do a guard defensive force and an eldar assault force. I preety much have most of what I need to do it.
Jan 21st, 2010, 12:22:57 AM
Just curious
what do you field for your Ordo Malleus army?
I have my
1 Inquisitor Lord Deamon Hammer/Bolt Pistol/Artificier Armor
2 Acolytes
2 cleric
3 Vet Guard
1 Psyker
A rhino Extra Armor/Stormbolter/Smoke Launchers
Grey Knight Terminator Squad(1 Brother Captain/3 Teminators/1 Incenerator/1 Psy Cannon)
Inquisitorial Storm troopers Squads (2 Plasmas/Chimera HHF/Smoke/Xtra Armor)
Inquisitorial Storm troopers Squads (2 Plasmas/Chimera HHF/Smoke/Xtra Armor)
Fast Attack
Grey Knight Teleport Squads (Justicar/2 Psycannons)
Grey Knight Teleport Squads (Justicar/2 Psycannons)
Grey Knight Purgation Squad (4 x Incenerators)
Grey Knight Dreadnaught (Smoke/Huterkiller/Force Blade/Psycannon)
I dont get to use them alot. for some reason chaos players dont like Deamonhunters. Actually noone does it seems unless they are playing them.
I win and lose but I like my GK
Karl Valten
Jan 21st, 2010, 01:47:00 AM
For your nid list I think a Tyranid Prime might help those warriors out. Being able to use his BS and WS would be excellent for them. I've heard Screamer-Killer (x2 Sycthing Talons/Bio-Plasma) in Mycetic Spores can work well in numbers, just take Hive Commander on the Tyrant to make sure you get the reserves roll.
On Daemonhunters I actually don't play pure Ordo. I mix it up with IG.
Grand Master - Incinerator, Unguents of Warding - 165
x4 Terminator Retinue - Incinerator, x1 TH/SS - 199
Grey Knight Terminators - BC w/ Incinerator, x4 Terminators, Incinerator, x1 TH/SS - 280
Inquisitorial Stormtroopers - x5 Stormtroopers, x2 Melta guns - 70
Inquisitorial Stormtroopers - x5 Stormtroopers, x2 Melta guns - 70
Inquisitorial Stormtroopers - x5 Stormtroopers, x2 Melta guns - 70
Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad, x3 Grenade Launchers, Chimera - 105
Infantry Squad - Autocannon, Chimera - 115
Infantry Squad - Autocannon, Chimera - 115
Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad, x3 Grenade Launchers, Chimera - 105
Infantry Squad - Autocannon, Chimera - 115
Infantry Squad - Autocannon - 60
The 3 chimeras in the Infantry squads will go to the ISTs.
Heavy Support
Landraider - Extra Armor, Smoke Launchers - 258
Landraider - Extra Armor, Smoke Launchers - 258
Total Points: 2000
If I need I swap out the Unguents of Warding for a Psychic Hood
Morgan Evanar
Jan 21st, 2010, 03:51:02 PM
I would play Warhammer 40k if people would let me use papercraft versions of stuff. I have no urge to spend money or time painting/collecting. I think the strategy aspect of it is pretty cool though.
Karl Valten
Jan 21st, 2010, 05:29:52 PM
Hey, if you want to play with legos or just use paper cut-outs with the correct sized bases that's fine with me.
Jan 21st, 2010, 10:14:56 PM
I see alot of non Games workshop stuff in games around here. Just play orks... you can get away with having just about anything as long as it looks orky.
Feb 13th, 2010, 01:18:03 AM
OK So I went out and got the NId codex today and worked out my 500pt army.
HQ - Tyranid Prime with Lashwip and Bone sword and Scything Talons - 105 pts
TR - The I have a Tyranid Warrior Brood
3 Warriors 2x Deathspitters, 1x Barbed Strangler - 110 pts
TR - Termagant Brood
12 Termagants - 60 pts
TR - Hormagaunt Brood
10 Hormagaunts - 60 pts
HS - Carnifex - 160 pts
Frag Spines - 5 pts
For a total of 500 pts
Im also playing a small BFG game this weekend I will let ya know how that works out.
Karl Valten
Feb 13th, 2010, 12:04:36 PM
OK So I went out and got the NId codex today and worked out my 500pt army.
HQ - Tyranid Prime with Lashwip and Bone sword and Scything Talons - 105 pts
TR - The I have a Tyranid Warrior Brood
3 Warriors 2x Deathspitters, 1x Barbed Strangler - 110 pts
TR - Termagant Brood
12 Termagants - 60 pts
TR - Hormagaunt Brood
10 Hormagaunts - 60 pts
HS - Carnifex - 160 pts
Frag Spines - 5 pts
For a total of 500 pts
I like the Prime a lot, though I prefer the dual boneswords over the Sword/Lash combo. He is going to be fun to put in a warrior list as now you can play wound allocation games with the unit. I"d suggest taking a deathspitter on the Prime as well.
Carnifex....I really don't know about these guys. The price did go up a ton on them but they are still really good. Frag Spines are a no-brainer, I'm surprised that more people don't take them. I guess I'd like to see him come down in a drop-pod to make sure he gets up close.
Im also playing a small BFG game this weekend I will let ya know how that works out.
Battlefleet is so much fun, I wish I still had my models. Had to sell everything after I go into a money crunch.
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