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Tionne Thanewulf
Jun 15th, 2009, 04:41:23 PM
Ice. It conserved matter, hindered change. The nature, whilst in the enchained in icicles, lay dormant and serene, only to wake with the first rays of the spring sun. Tionne was the one who was frozen, as the galaxy underwent reform; chaos and order intertwined, erasing most of things and people she was familiar with. Yes, the Jedi had found her by some mysterious act of the Force and let her thaw into reality; the Order was destroyed, the Republic was no more and all the benchmarks, all the moral compasses the Knight used to stir through life were now gone. Secretly, she had hoped to wake in a better world than the one she left behind, preferably thousands of years after the events that stirred her into her carbonite grave. Disappointment plagued her as Tionne witnessed a shattered galaxy, worn out by more than two decades of conflict, a political system that deprived of basic civil rights and democracy that perished into nothing more than a term jotted down in history books.

The trip to Arkania did not take as long as she anticipated; the speedy X-wing she was granted by the remnant of those who called themselves Jedi raced along the streaks of hyperspace, light and agile as a bird of prey. The controls were somewhat different than those on her old Helix interceptor, but Tionne was a fast learner. Momentarily, she remembered her student and smiled, reminiscing how he grew to be a versatile flyer, despite his resentment towards flying as such.

‘’I’ll find you, Klo-Ude. I just need to get my ship back. And the things Demitri left for me…’’ the redhead muttered under her breath upon switching to manual controls when the vessel plummeted out of subspace. The viewport was dominated by an icy white orb that glimmered in the faint light of Olim, a dim star that lay in the center of the Perave system. Setting a course for polar regions of the northern hemisphere, the Knight closed her eyes and sighed; more than a quarter of a century passed, yet the planet remained the same. Tionne rejoiced to get a grip on her personal belongings that would at least, for some brief period of time, serve as her anchor in this vexed realm.

The Coruscanti smoothly landed on a clearing surrounded by high mountains jagged with razor sharp peaks; the location of the hideout was carefully selected due to dolomite rock sediments that jammed scanners and made the cavern in which she hid her belongings almost untraceable. But it was not only her personal belongings that the cave withheld; her Master had also stashed away all the Jedi artifacts, holochrons and books he managed to salvage from Coruscant and other academies alike, safely depositing them underground to wait for less perilous times. Tionne knew not the exact contents she would find there, thus she carefully approached a large metallic door, that it its texture and color reminded of surrounding stone, and pressed her palm against a small motherboard.

The process of scanning took some time, leaving the Knight shivering in the icy wind that blew amidst the mountains, peeling off snow in a swirly motion, creating sharp fragments of ice that brushed past her cheeks, sending down chills down her spine. The clothes she was given aboard the Knightfall were far from appropriate for this kind of weather, but Tionne could not complain. Given her ferocious emergence from slumber it was a miracle they haven’t shot her on first sight.
Eventually, the door hissed open and the redhead took one measured step inside. The air was not as stale as she deducted it would be. A ginger eyebrow was quirked.
‘’I don’t remember putting any ventilation here.’’ she commented, staring into pitch black darkness of a large cavernous hall.

Jun 15th, 2009, 05:49:59 PM
Out of the sweltering jungle, and into the deep freezer. The problem with trying to flee an outer rim territory that had only been charted by pirates and the Jedi that sent him there was the fact that it's out of the way nature made navigation by an ancient, un-updated star map rather hard. Throw in the years of neglect and abuse it had taken through storms, temperature change, and beasts trying to use it as a nesting ground, and you had the blue prints of a ship that was destined not to make it to far from the world it had lifted off from. If the assassins ship had not been so horribly damaged in their battle that had taken place weeks before his leaving exile, then he would of just taken it, but it would take a combination of parts new and old to re-rig his vessel to make it. Hours after the jump to light speed, problems began to develop in the relic of a vessel, and a simple choice was presented. Crash land on the world that was covered in frost, or attempt to make it deeper into the core, to a planet with actual cities and no another extreme environment. The choice was simple. Down there he had a chance of survival. In space, it was by the will of the force that his rust bucket held together, and he must not forget that.

A strong vibration of the entire ship was evidently caused by pieces of the ship breaking off on entry into this atmosphere, heavy jolts of an on coming storm were little to ease his his mind. Flurries of snow were covering his wind shield as the small shuttle came in hot over the covered terrain. This was rough, and something he could promise would not be easy. Judging by the readings on his meters, he had less than thirty seconds to make a move. Damn it all! How hard must he try to make it back to known space, was the very thing he had trained to control keeping him from ever making it back to the worlds of other creatures that were not out to kill him? Well, provided he was not exactly sure what the assassin was all about. Holo-recordings had done little to teach him of what had happened, only thing he learned from the assassins ship was his location, information about himself he already knew, and that he was not the only Jedi that was to be hunted down. What the hell had happened in so many years? His mind was having horrid attention problems. The pilot seat was not exactly the safest place for one person to be sitting when about to crash land. The big glass panes were a problem. The blast shield on the ship began to role down from the top of the vessel, his only option for safety on the decent as the sound of air rushing through the newly town holes filled the cockpit. Now he was flying blind. A mixture of his navigation computer, and his attempt to draw upon the force were all he had to lead him through this rough landing. The numbers on the altitude meter went from four digits, to three, to two, two one...

A pair of eyes watched the woman push open those doors from the shadow ridden confines of jutted construction. His presence had already been suppressed to the largest extent that it could possibly be by his own power, and he dared not move. A woman though, how long had it been since he had even seen one of those? No matter, stay focused Vale. Fortunately for her, or unfortunately, however you looked at it. Some of her artifacts she had been searching for were right there in the middle of the floor, left in what would appear to be a hurry by the hasty manner they were laid about. Oh, unfortunate woman this was to stumble across Vale and his studying of her masters work. The hood kept his face in the shadows, and for now, he would be alright. For now she would be allowed to live un-harmed, but in the pit of his stomach he knew that this woman was here to find what he had been into, and dragged out of it's original hiding place.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jun 15th, 2009, 06:27:29 PM
''Efff....'' the Knight hissed through her teeth, already somewhat suspicious of the setting she found herself in. Without a doubt, the door has been opened recently, the scent of freshness permeating through layers of dusty, stale air. Nevertheless, Tionne figured there was a fair chance that whatever raided her depository was still around; instead of arousing panic by drawing her weapon, she continued her sarcastic monologue.

Another few steps were taken to turn the light switch on, illuminating the cavern in faint, flickering neon light. Tionne looked up to the high ceiling, at the array of stalactites, sharp as teeth in a beast's maw. Her gaze then turned to the ransacked crate that was surrounded by scattered items, now even more convinced that somebody was here.

''Well, look on the bright side, Tio. At least your underwear is still intact. Hard to find decent knickers these days...'' she commented nonchallantly, picking up a spherical holocron from the floor. A guttural feeling was telling her she was not alone, inherent female instinct signalling far more than the Force itself.
''...ehm... Now, where did I leave those socks...'' the redhead trailed off, tossing the holochron back into the crate and making her way to another crate that stood unpacked nearby.

Jun 15th, 2009, 07:01:51 PM
As the light flooded his naturaly set hidding place, Vale made no sudden moves, only when he caught her gaze going up towards the celing did he recede back out of the imideate line of sight. Now, how to go about this situation, because this woman was about to take away some hidden bits of knowledge that he NEEDED. It was the first insight into the order of the Jedi that he had in some long while. Whom exactly was she trying to fool with those random calls out to the heavens, or hells this place hid away in the underground halls. Vale's eyes went narrow as he peeked out from the corner just enough to watch her talk about socks, or whatever the named of the force she meant. Resting along the front of these wobes was a leather belt that rested over his high waste, and stomach. Tucked away in the front of this in a pouch was his light saber. While some let theirs hang so freely from their waste, he did no such thing. This also gave his form shape when he wore those robes. Long, sleeved hands reached for the hilt of his saber, slowly sliding it from the tight pouch it was tucked into. The golssy black material fitting perfectly into his hand. Make your move little woman, for the second she turned her attention away, this would be made short.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jun 15th, 2009, 07:26:13 PM
Carelessly humming, Tionne leaned over the crate and typed in her personal identification code, the cube hissing open as if depressurized. Flicking the metallic lid open, the Knight peered inside, a wide smile stretching her lips.
''Ha, there it is. My wardrobe. And quarter of a century later...I still fit into it!'' the redhead exclaimed in jest, stretching out a piece of her dark gray Jedi robes. Suddenly, she noticed a minute hole in it and her brow furrowed.

''What??? Moths? On Arkania?'' she yelped, tossing the garment back into the crate. Surely, flying pests were not her biggest problem now, but there needed to be something the Knight would clutch to. She strained her senses to their limits, trying to perceive the immediate danger she found herself in. And there it was - a Force signature behind her, murky as muddy water after rain. Tionne snorted.

''You gonna let me pick out a dress you bury me in?'' she inquired, leaning forwards as she placed her hands on the lid of the crate as she closed it.

Jun 16th, 2009, 01:04:24 AM
The woman knew that someone else was there, she was not dense. This went double for the fact that she knew that her stuff was supposed to be there, and not out in the middle of the floor. Come on, did she play this man for a fool, he may of been gone a long while but he was not born yesterday. His body took upwards, kicking off a wall, and propelling him higher, this was all done without the aid of the force. His kind was naturally agile like that. His body remained in leap, air kicking up around his form, still making virtually no sound until decent. Just as she began to talk about her dress for the grave, he landed a solid thirty feet or so behind her. Talk about strange timing, meant to throw her off in mid speech and possibly not even finish the sentence.

"I wouldn't say that I'm going put you in your grave.." The male began, his hand holding fast to that weapon of his. The blade had remained quiet, but still, the threat to spring to life was always on the table when it came to situations like this. "But I would like to finish as I was doing with those Holocrons." No, there was no demand, or veiled threats of fighting. In fact, she wouldn't be able to even sense darkside within him. Possibly the faint traces most ad in them, but nothing more than that. This despite the fact taht he had been sneaking around this place in black robes, and a hood. Go figure.