View Full Version : Of Wheels and Fortunes
May 23rd, 2009, 04:29:16 PM
Alex sucked the edge of her thumb, more as a stopper to her mouth to keep from cussing further than any sort of medical application to the injured digit.
"These frelling bolts are soldered on, Im prety damn certain of that" she groused.
The hand-in-mouth was an imperfect remedy and Desi Garood scowled at her. "Keep a civil tongue in your head, Harlequin. You're supposed to be a Jedi."
The pilot, and owner, of the Gullycrawler - the offending ship whose bolts were giving Alex such fits of ill-humor - took the wrench from her hand with a disdainful 'hurrump."
"Why dont you just use a little of that force-mojo on it, save us all the agrivation of listening to your whining" he added, setting to work on his ship with the familiarity of a lover.
Alex sneered. "We're not supposed to use it for tricks and things. We are supposed to be responsible." Her tone expressed just what she thought of that idea, though, as an afterthought, Coal looked surrepticiously about for her Jedi Master, Hobgoblin, who would not be pleased to hear her say such such things. Coal couldn't see him, but changed the subject just to be on the safeside.
"Rogue Squadron is supposed to arrive today, if they dont get lost that is" she moved around, getting up under Desi's reach to inspect his progress on the bolt and getting a sharp whiff of perspiration for her trouble. "Crack-pilots, I hear" she went on, "How come you never joined up with the Rebels like that, they could use your help you know."
"Busy. Doing. Other.....Stuff" and with a small pop the bolt turned and Desi smacked his elbow painfully against the bulwark as it gave way, "Damnit!".
Alex grinned smugly. The force, of course, might be used for putting know-it-all veteran pilots in their place once and a while.
Proximity alarms suddenly went off and warning lights began flashing all through the hangar getting everybody's attention with all immediacy.
Rebel fighters began filing into the huge docking bay of "The Valiant"
"Looks like the hot-shots didn't get lost after all" Alex remarked to Garood, cleaning off her grease-marked hands with a dry rag and openly gawking at the inspiring spectacle the disciplined pilots made as one craft after another neatly took its place within the great ship.
May 24th, 2009, 12:19:12 AM
"Indeed, they did not."
The sound of cackling gravel rang out with Hob's words. It took both his companions a moment to realize that the Jedi Master spoke not from beside them, but above them.
The top of the ship had the best view, after all.
Placing one hand atop the hull of the ship, Hob did a cartwheel that turned into a wall slide. A few feet from the bottom of the ship, he leapt to the floor next to Harlequin. "Hurt, are you?" he asked, observing her sucking her thumb.
Harley shrugged and removed the thumb from her mouth. "I'm fine," she stated.
Hob nodded gently. His apprentice needed much guidance in the way of accepting help from others.
She needed guidance with patience too. Hob pointed towards the arriving ships. "Wait, this task can," he said. "A break we should take. Take a look at our new allies, we can."
Harlequin's face brightened. "Anything to keep from working on this... stuff." Her sentence had trailed off a bit at the end; most likely Hob's presence had forestalled the word she'd originally chosen.
Desi, on the other hand, seemed unenthused by the idea. "I'll pass," he said. "Need to get this done."
As Hob and Harlequin strode over to where the new ships had berthed, Harley began inspecting them. "Those look like Rogue Squadron insignias," she remarked. "How did they get Rogues assigned to our junk parade?"
"We asked," Hob said, craning his head for a better view at the people emerging from the fighters. To him, the ships and the reputation meant little. It was the people he was most curious about.
"But," Harlequin was now looking at him. "Why would they listen to you?"
"I was not alone in asking," Hob said absently. "Several discussed the request with the Alliance leaders."
Harley stopped in her tracks. "What in the Core did you say to them?"
Hob turned to her, his attention now no longer diverted. "I reminded them," Hob began. "That whether they believed in our cause mattered not. Believed in theirs, we did, and we would help them however they saw fit."
It was a profound statement; the kind that could cast perceptions in a new light during a heated discussion. The gravity of it hung in the air between the Master and the Apprentice. Clearly, whatever quirks the goblin possessed, he also fielded his fair share of wisdom when the occasion demanded it.
Then suddenly, Hob turned and leapt onto a passing repulsor cart droid. "Wheeeee!" he said as the droid scooted the cart off to where the Rogues were arriving, disappearing from view as the cart drove out of sight.
Kelly Perris
May 29th, 2009, 11:16:52 PM
When all the birds were 'grounded', the pilots emerged in a cacophony of whooshes, low thuds, shouts, bleeps, whirrs and other sounds associated with the power-down and reorientation of the squadron to relatively normal atmosphere. The Rogues, headed by one Commander Kelly Johnathan Perris, hopped out of cockpits, some chatting with their astromechs as well as each other, most wondering just how much of a leeway in terms of a break they would have before the real work began.
The commander knew very well just how much. The Wheel was already in motion, the work was on from the get-go. This was a precious cargo.
"Hey guys... listen up! Hey! Shut your traps and give me all your eyes and ears. Gather around." Kelly stood a short distance away from the collection of x-wings, hands on his hips, looking around a little himself and watching his pilots as they came from their craft to his immediate vicinity. When he was satisfied that he had their attention, he continued to speak.
"Welcome to the Valiant." He began. "This great, big, galunking bird is headed by none other than Colonel Leela Vorega, whom I am sure most of you are familiar with - cut the chatter, it's not funny - and I would expect you all to behave like the grown men and women you're supposed to be. The Colonel, I'm sure, will not take kindly to hooligans making a mess of her baby."
He left out the well-known bit about their rivalry. Though she was no longer the immediate head of the Valkyries, he knew very well that pilots like her and he carried strong feelings for their squadrons long after they left them - something he was not at all looking forward to doing. He hoped the time would never come but if Leela couldn't avoid it, someone of his stripe (they'd begun calling him 'legend' somewhere along the line) would hardly be able to escape being shoved on ahead. Kelly sighed, mussed a hand through his hair and loosened the collar of his flight suit, casting a knowing eye on his two lieutenants, Jaden Luka and Jamo Jakatta - especially the latter.
"As it is, I'm told there are others in this ship's compliment that are not its crew and are the majority of our reason for being here, so I doubly expect that you all live up to the name of this squadron. Is that clear? Good. Any questions?"
Jaden Luka
May 30th, 2009, 12:44:25 AM
If there was one thing Jaden hated more than anything in the world, it was his droid. Seriously. He'd aquired R2-T10 from elsewhere in the Rebellion; they didn't give him the specifics on how his previous owner came to not need his services anymore, and Jaden didn't really want to know. Whomever that pilot had been, they'd made the mistake of compressing the unit's designation into 'Titan', which had apparently gone to the little droid's core processor.
Even from half-way across the bay, Jaden could sense the scathing critique that was boiling up inside Titan, ready to point out every minor flaw and inconcistancy in his flying, timing, fuel efficiency... and apparently his health and fitness as well. Honestly: how could a dome-headed walking trash can possibly lecture him on that?
It was weird being back on the Valiant. He'd expected it to be like a homecoming, but even during his short time with the Rogues, things had changed. Maybe it had been the framing of that view on approach - seeing it through an X-Wing cockpit rather than an A-Wing. Maybe it was because he wasn't dreading the glowering attention of Captain Tyree this time. Maybe it was because he knew he was different now; an outsider. Whatever the reason, the Valiant felt like just another assignment. And that felt weird as hell.
Others in this ship's compliment. That brought Jaden's mind back to the reason that they were here. Jedi. Freaking Jedi, a whole convoy full of them. It was insane. They were all meant to be dead, and while usual Imperial efficiency almost guarenteed that some had slipped through the cracks, he would never have expected even this many to still be around. Sure, chances were that the myriad of ships drifting around out there weren't completely crewed by Jedi alone, but still. Wow. It was like something from a bedtime story - some epic tale of the lost Jedi, returning from the blackness to restore order in the galaxy.
This will probably be a holovid one day, Jaden mused, with a fleeting half-smile. I wonder who they'll get to play me?
"I do have one question, boss," Jaden chimed in, pushing his thoughts aside and focussing on the present. A grin cracked on his face. "This ship still has a bar, right?"
Henry McDonnaught
Jun 1st, 2009, 09:56:36 PM
onut hoisted himself out of his craft and shambled his way over to where the Squadron was loosely congregating. Glad to pull his head out of his helmet, he pulled a palm across the back of his neck, smearing off some lingering perspiration.
Tuning into Perris with half an ear, Henry looked around for the Layla...keeping an eye out for Prent, the newest 'future hero of the rebellion' they'd picked up in-transit aboard the Dauntless.
Shuffling into place behind Jamo and Luka, Henry queried in a voice loud enough to be heard by Perris, "Did I hear right? Did the Cap'n just say we gotta act like rogues and keep our reputation?"
Braden Bailey
Jun 5th, 2009, 12:01:35 AM
You would think that after as long as the squadron was out in the deep black, that the entire crew would be ready to hop out of their ships, and get themselves the equivalent of a break before hey got to busting humps, and protecting the precious cargo as it had been so put. Braden, or Frost as he was known to the squadron had earned the nickname for being one cool customer. In mid flight, he never panicked, or made an ignorant decision. Well, to rethink that last part, never made an ignorant decision that caused anyone their life, or vessel. With the helmet lifted off, and the canopy open, Braden leaned his head back against the rest, the beeps of Rick, aka his R2 unit caused that voice of his to call back. "I'm fine." The helmet was placed on the console for a moment as he pushed himself up, and out of the cock pit. A muscular leg, hidden by his flight suit was swung over the side, and onto that yellow latter. As he straddled the side, he looked at Rick. "You'll get cleaned up just like I promised. We've got a little time before we get serious."
The calls of his leader put a little get up in his step. The helmet was grabbed, and held onto in his right hand as he worked his way down until he lead from one ship, to the next, only this next one was far larger. Braden was unfortunately was one of the last squad members to show up, as the leader would realize was no disrespect. The entire time, he remained attentive, watching the exchange pass from Kelly, to the open question forums. There was nothing for him to really say, unless it pertained to them getting space side, so Braden's eyes just remained focused on those who spoke.
Jun 5th, 2009, 09:28:46 PM
Irritated that her Master had buzzed off midway through what promised to be an interesting conversation - if Harlequin had atleast got a chance to ask a few more questions of him that was - the novice Jedi turned her attention from the Rogue X-wings to the Rogue pilots themselves. At least the view was pretty.
Coal inched closer to the assembled men, not really caring if she intruded on the group or not, but was hopeful of listening in on something she had no real part in. Hob was constantly sewing small seeds of innuendo and possibility in the things he said to her and they transferred in their turn in Harlquins mind to a chance to stickit to the Imperials some how. Preferrably, as was Alex's fervent hope, in the detenation of high explosives some where in the Citadel or at an Imperial relay station causing maximum damage. An X-wing pilot or two would not go astray in something along those lines..
She caught the eye of one of the pilots and nodded a greeting, "Hey"
Kelly Perris
Jun 5th, 2009, 10:14:57 PM
Perris actually grinned at the comments of his squadron, being quite ready for some downtime himself. He pulled one hand through his hair and then crossed his arms, laughed and licked his lips. Most of the men here would be eager for a little downtime and he fully understood that. Furlough was a long way off for anybody and everybody, especially now that they were on an assignment of indeterminate length.
"I hope so, Luka." He replied, a smirk on his face. "'Else 'Lever' is gonna have a mutiny on her hands eventually."
Kelly laughed again at Donut's comment and shook his head with the amusement.
"I meant to say 'grown, responsible men, not children', but the point is, don't do anything that'll cause anyone any mess of paperwork." He gave every last one of them a hard look, then a sly grin crept up on his face. "At least try. There are other squadrons around here, from my understanding... so don't take anything too personal and try not to get laid up in medbay on account of stupidity. Keep your ears and eyes open for briefings, scrambles and the like. Now scatter."
Just in time too. The passengers were starting to take an interest in the group. He heard a 'hey' and saw one of his men step up to respond. Kelly turned and stepped away, intent on either finding his own conversation or at least a quiet drink, a meal and a shower. He wondered at the chances of seeing Leela, hopefully without the want for knocking each others blocks off this time.
Braden Bailey
Jun 5th, 2009, 10:23:46 PM
No offense to the Rogue Leader, or anything of the sort, but Braden's mind had begun to wonder off in the midst of him reprimanding the more rowdy of the bunch. They couldn't be blamed for being so excited. Here they were, on the fore-front of the fight. Cover the Jedi where their light sabers did little good. The Wheel concept had captured his imagination from the get go. A mobile temple, some place where they could be considered safe for the longer term than remaining on a stationary planet. Braden was ready to get right back into formation with his wing man, and fly over the larger ships, waiting for some pirate to get old, or some sort of issue with Imperial's to arise so the S-foils could open up, and take that signature X style into the heart of combat. It's what he did all to well. He could see it now, chasing down Tie Squadrons, and letting the quad lasers rip through their hull. Oh, it sent chills down his spine every time.
The dismissal couldn't of come at any better of a time, for one of the passengers, and by the look of it one of the ones that The Wheel was designed for. Braden glanced up to make eye contact with the one who voiced the "hey". Braden, ever being interested in conversing with someone new, gave a slight, upwards tilt of the head, returning her greeting. "Hello." He took that as a que to possibly satisfy both of their curiosity's. Truth be told, he had never truly had a one on one conversation with a Jedi. Well, not exactly one on one, because she was bound to catch the attention of multiple fly boys just like Braden. "I'm Braden." His left hand tugged at the fingers of his flight gloves, tossing them into the helmet he carried in that same hand, before extending it to her. "I'm Braden."
Henry McDonnaught
Jun 5th, 2009, 10:42:12 PM
Henry caught Kelly's eye and in mock-seriousness motioned like a boxer for him to keep his right hook up. Perris wouldn't want another black eye from Vorega, one was already fodder for so much ridiculing.
"And Im' Hank" Henry interjected, stepping forward to Harlequin and crowding out Braden just enough to pre-empt her shaking his offered hand. Donut flashed his lady-killer smile, ignoring the pilot beside him. "Nice to meetchya...." the sentence hung, waiting for her to say her name.
Jun 5th, 2009, 10:50:17 PM
Alex looked at "Hank" and took her time responding. Typical frellin' flyboys, everything is a damn competition.
"You leave your manners back on the Dauntless, did you, HANK?" It didn't seem possible, but the pilot's smile just got bigger. Alex ignored him as best she could, which was difficult cause he was right there.
"Im Harlequin" she replied to Braden taking his hand and shaking it firmly. "Its good to have you guys here. You see any Imperials on your way in?"
Braden Bailey
Jun 5th, 2009, 11:11:10 PM
The first instinct that rushed through Braden's mind was to pop Donut upside the head. While, it would not of been in such a challenging manner, more of a "what are you thinking" type of thing, it quickly dissipated. He was no teenager, there was no need to try and box the male out for the Jedi's attention. He figured the situation would defuse it's self, or it simply would not be worth his time.
Sure enough, the Jedi did not disappoint him. Hank was quickly called out for the snub, and the attention shifted back to the Braden. Despite the grin on his lips. He'd make sure to give his fellow Rogue hell for it later with a good laugh, but for now he'd pay his full respect to the Jedi.
"Pleasure to meet you." He said in a collected tone, coming off that mama had taught the boy manners before he went off to be a fly boy. "It was a quiet ride in. Nothing overly eventful. Any activity here, or has it been pretty quiet?"
Jamo Jakatta
Jun 6th, 2009, 03:03:32 AM
The Valiant was new stomping ground for Jakatta, but the Lieutenant known as 'Joker' to his co-pilots wasn't in the least bit intimidated. Upon dismissal by their Commander, most of the squadron hadn't gone far, ambling about inside the ships huge hangar bay, sizing upon any potential competition. Jamo was no different, though his blue eyes took in the length and breadth of the place in a single sweeping glance, almost too casual to really make note of what he saw.
When a Jedi approached, quickly seizing the attention of more than one of the crew members, Jakatta's smiled a breezey sort of smile. His wingman, Iyar 'Flipper' Thiled, nudged Jamo with an elbow to the side. “Twenty says you can't do it,” the Zeltron whispered, flashing the Lieutenant a saucy grin.
“Don't you ever give your libido some down-time, Iyar?” Jakatta countered, smirking.
“It's in my blood, Joker. Just like competition is in yours,” the pink-skinned pilot replied and was soon rewarded with an almost disbelieving shake of the head. Whoever had paired Joker and Flipper up as flight buddies either hadn't known what they were doing, or had and decided it was best that the pair of them jostle with one another rather than rub off on the rest of the squadron with their sport and spoofing.
Of course Jamo ambled towards the small gathering, his focus cutting through his squad-mates to find the Jedi. Hands on his hips, in a posture that he and Commander Perris seemed to mirror in one another, he held his handsome head high. As one of the longest standing members of the Rogues, second only to the Commander, he had every right to be cocky.
“Business talk already, boys?”
Jul 5th, 2009, 02:09:21 PM
"It was a quiet ride in. Nothing overly eventful. Any activity here, or has it been pretty quiet?"
"New faces every day" she said eyeing each new pilot that presented himself among the group with a mixture of keen measure and curiousity. So...this was the elite Rogue Squadron she'd heard so much about. They'd got the Rogue part right, by the look. "The Wheel is like a magnet for all kinds of space junk, it seems." Cleary, Alex was not entirely thrilled with the fact.
Henry McDonnaught
Jul 19th, 2009, 01:04:47 PM
“Business talk already, boys?”
"Just Bailey.." Henry quipped over to Jamo, "..He's very serious" he said while very seriously knotting his eyebrows together.
"Well, we are here to protect all this space junk and everyone who finds themselves here" he said turning back to Harlequin, "And I will make it my responsibility to especially look out for you Miss Harlequin." He added a small bow, which earned him a punch or two in the back from his peers and a "Donut, you're a ponce"
Harlequin looked unimpressed. She turned on her heel to return the way she'd come.
"Canteen is down on level B6 if you guys are hungry" she called to them, walking away.
Donut grinned at Bailey. "You think she likes me?"
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