View Full Version : Info on the Whaladon

Daria Nytherciria
May 22nd, 2009, 01:36:19 PM
So, you may have noticed that I started a thread (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=19618) in which Jedi could come, get to know Daria and one-another and start training. I based it on board a ship called The Whaladon - and I just wanted to open up the floor for other people to use this ship as a place to train. It's cargo hold is huuuuge and doesn't have a lot in it right now, making it probably the biggest open space we have access to for training. So if anyone else wants to use the ship as a place to conduct lessons, please feel free :)

Navaria Tarkin
May 22nd, 2009, 01:58:08 PM
I likes :cool:

I'll probably maybe join in that thread a bit later!

Daria Nytherciria
May 22nd, 2009, 02:01:53 PM
Thanks bebe :-*

Ilias Nytrau
May 23rd, 2009, 03:21:01 AM
Cool beans. Once I've got my brain wrapped around exactly how Ilias fits in... I'll be sure to make some form of appearance, maybe in another thread, maybe in this one. :)

Captain Hekimi
May 27th, 2012, 08:17:48 PM
A bit of thread necromancy here to add some more details:


Decks 1 and 2
Decks 1 and 2 are accessible by authorized personnel and house the ships's landing gear, the turbolift and cargo lift machinery, and the ship's garbage compactor, which ejects the refuse into space.

Deck 3
The ship's hangar bay, though modest in size when compared to most capital ships, is sufficient to house a squadron of X-Wings, a squadron of Delta-7 starfighters and associated hyperspace rings, or a handful of smaller freighters, up to 40 m in width. The hangar also holds several short-range cargo shuttlepods. The Whaladon's shuttlepods are designed for ship-to-ship transportation and ferrying cargo to and from the ship's hangar.
Cargo may be loaded into either of the ship's two heavy cargo lifts (capacity 40 tons). The heavy lifts may also be accessed directly from space or a planet's surface (if the Whaladon has landed). If loaded in space, cargo is directed to the heavy cargo lifts using tractor beams (a pair each, fore and aft).
Forward and aft ramps lead from the hangar to deck 4. The upper floors may be accessed using the midship or the forward turbolifts.

Decks 4-7 are primarily configured for cargo. Decks 8-12 are configured for crew quarters, recreation, and ship control.

Deck 4
Deck 4 comprises a forward section and aft section. Each section provides some moderate cargo space that is accessible from the hangar by a ramp and houses a pair of quad turbolaser batteries. The aft turbolift teminates on deck 4. Deck 4 also provides access to the primary and secondary reactor rooms for authorized personnel.

Deck 5
Deck 5, often called "The Belly" is the ship's main cargo hold. A pair of quad turbolaser batteries are mid-mounted in the hold. The hold's cavernous volume may be subdivided into smaller sections.

Deck 6
Deck 6 is home to the ship's compliment of escape pods (36 6-passenger pods). The pods are ejected though six airlocks (2 fore, 2 mid, 2 aft) and each of the airlocks include a standard docking ring, allowing small freighters and other ships to dock with the Whaladon. If deck 6 suffers a hull breach, the individual sections may be sealed off to prevent decompression and allow access to a maximum number of escape pods. Egress using the forward and aft airlocks is monitored by security checkpoints. Deck 6 is also home to a number of smaller cargo holds that are used as training rooms for jedi or storage.

Deck 7
Deck 7 similarly houses several smaller cargo holds that are used as training rooms for jedi or storage. Deck 7 is also the location of the ship's medical facilities and droid maintenance and storage facilities. The forward section of Deck 7 is configured for habitation, including dwelling space for up to 180 individuals. The ship's sole forward-facing quad turbolaser battery is accessible from deck 7. Deck 7 is the uppermost floor accessible from the heavy cargo lifts.

Deck 8
Deck 8 includes an aft section with quarters for up to 90 individuals. The forward section is home to the ship's main bridge, communications center, the weapons lockers, and the officers' conference room.

Deck 9
Deck 8 includes an aft section with quarters for up to 64 individuals. The forward section is the ship's entertainment center and is the location of the mess hall, the rec hall, the observation deck. Deck 9 is also the location of the ships's largest communal fresher.

Deck 10
Deck 10 includes a forward section containing habitation space for the captain and his officers. A habitation section extends along the spine of the ship with quarters for up to 160. The former officers' lounge and conference room has been converted for jedi use and now includes a small library, a conference room, and a private Jedi Council chamber with two individual meditation rooms. The aft section houses main engineering, tractor beam system control, and the chief engineer's office. A ramp allows access to deck 11.

Deck 11
Deck 11 includes the aft control room. In emergency, if the primary bridge is damaged or destroyed, the ship's control functions are automatically routed to the aft control room. Deck 11 provides access to the dorsal airlock and includes a security checkpoint.

Deck 12
Deck 12 contains the ship's aft dorsal quad turbolaser battery, accessible by ladder from deck 11.

Emergency stairwells allow unfettered travel between deck 10 and deck 5 (forward) and deck 10 and deck 6 (aft) in the event of a turbolift malfunction. The aft stairwell further allows access to the deck 4 and 5 engine room. Floor/ceiling hatches allow egress between floors in an emergency. Access to additional engineering areas (e.g., the forward sensor array, etc.) is available to authorized personnel.