View Full Version : The Ferryman Left His Boat Adrift in the River Styx

Y'roth Helghast
May 21st, 2009, 01:48:04 PM
Reference: A Dark Departure - http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=19597

Aboard the Vibre-class Assault Cruiser (VAC) Soul Eater, Helghast stood on the bridge looking out the forward observation screens. The crew members made no attempt to glance or give any sign that they might have their minds on anything but their duty at hand. To the left and right were the strike cruisers that Grand Inquisitor Valten had spoken of, the Rubicon and the Well of Souls. Two Spectre-class Corvettes waited on either side of the VAC between the strike cruisers. This was Helghast's task force Witchhammer, and on board the Soul Eater was Project Nightmare, the heart of fear in the Empire.

Behind Inquisitor Helghast stood Agents Bren'lar Scothis and Y'lor Jerrard, the only two other than Helghast still active within Project Nightmare. Agents Crestmere, Lang, and Reyok had their own duties to attend within the Inquisitoriate and moreso for the Empire. To replace them, Helghast had 'acquired' new talent. Karric Oonel, Dakler Nexlan, and Jaan Berray were their replacements, specializing in demolitions, piloting and mechanics, and covert infiltration respectively. Those three were in their quarters, preparing their gear. The missions ahead would be their first directly under Helghast's command and they had yet to receive their initial counseling into the Project.

Further behind Agents Scothis and Jerrard was Agent Class I Xanatos Etanial. Agent Crestmere had groomed him psychologically and deemed him ready to work. He was not military proficient enough to be a combat member of Project Nightmare using the Nightmare suit however as an adept, there was no denying his potential. Inquisitor Helghast would ensure that Xanatos fulfilled a promising role within the Empire as a member of Project Nightmare.

The datapad Valten had given Helghast sat on the desk in Y'roth's personal quarters. The information on it had been cleaned out and transferred to Helghast's internal drive on his neural implant. His cybernetic eye flashed a bright red to indicate that a stream of data was flashing across his vision. His ability to process data was astronomical in comparison to the average organism but such a benefit did not incur a cost. It was only that the cost had called for something, more aesthetic and actually only aided Helghast further in his object. Wires ran beneath his skin like black veins and the glowing red eye was a trademark of fear that very few would ever forget.

"Inquisitor Helghast, the task force is ready to depart on your mark."

Captain Luiz Rawlston, lead officer and coordinator of the task force for Helghast saluted crisply, staring into space from where he stood behind the Inquisitor. Y'roth slowly turned to face the skinny human, giving a glance that told the Imperial officer that Helghast's confidence in him had not yet been substantiated.

"Take us to hyperspace then, Captain."

Xanatos Etanial
May 22nd, 2009, 08:34:06 PM
Xanatos fought the urge to tug at the collar of his uniform, he didn't usually suffer from nervous habits, but there was something about being on a vessel this imposing that left his mouth dry. Then again, perhaps it was because he only had a handful of experiences traveling through space, at least while sober. He focused on the forward observation screens, looking past the other members of Project Nightmare who were on the deck, including the ever imposing Inquisitor Helghast.

It was Inquisitor Helghast that had requested him for this mission in fact, and Xanatos did not want to disappoint the man. So he stood at attention, kept his eyes sharp, his ears focused, and fought that ever rising urge to yank at his collar.

Y'roth Helghast
May 23rd, 2009, 08:31:45 PM
Helghast turned to face the Agents that stood behind him. The starscape now set against Helghast's profile turned sharply and then the distant stars seemed all that much closer as the task force entered hyperspace and the stars became lines of light rather than small points.

Helghast glanced over the men and then Agent Jerrard, the second in command of Project Nightmare and probably the most veteran agent between them all, stepped forward, whispering something over Helghast's shoulder. Y'roth nodded in some form of consent and then made an unheard reply.

Scothis, who no matter how many times he might shave, still carried a rough demeanor at any hour of the day, grinned at Xanatos' bearing. He sidled up next to the kid, leaning against the closest console that one of the crew members was attending. The crew member gave Scothis only a glance to acknowledge that the man could possibly be in the way but did little to absolutely nothing about it.

"Hey, X, right? Relax. Never been in the military before, eh?"

Scothis was not picking at him, just trying to help ease the guy down. He remembered what it was like, and then to be brought under the command of someone like Helghast right after being with a flexible commanding officer like Crestmere? It was like taking a bright red piece of steel from the forge and not just dowsing it in water but buring it in a glacier.

Xanatos Etanial
May 24th, 2009, 01:13:14 AM
Xanatos glanced over at Scothis, and let out a breath slumping down a bit, if only for a moment. "Is it that obvious?" He had hoped he at least looked the part, but apparently his 'freshness' on the mission was apparent. "I'm just a bit anxious, this is my first actual mission." He did seem to relax as if admitting it to himself and someone else was enough to calm his nerves.

He straightened and clasped his hands behind his back, and gave the bridge a look. "Its an amazing vessel."

Y'roth Helghast
May 25th, 2009, 03:57:05 PM
Scothis' smirk only persisted.

"Don't get out much, do ya' kid? This vessel is not as amazing as others in the Imperial Fleet. This vessel like a lot of the folk in our business is just straight out mean..."

Scothis might have gone on to explain further but for Jerrard approaching the two of them.

"We're heading down to see the new..."

Jerrard glanced at Xanatos.

"... newer members of the team. Our Inquisitor has some things he wanted to ensure with the coordination of the task force."

Scothis shrugged and slowly stood from the console he was leaning on, holding his out towards the door in possibly sarcastic courtesy to Xanatos.

"After you."

Xanatos Etanial
May 26th, 2009, 09:35:17 PM
He coughed slightly at the comment about him not getting out much. Great, he was already looking fresh out of the academy, and now he looked like he was from some backwater corner of the universe... no matter how close to the truth that may have in fact been it didn't help his situation.

"Yes, well..." He had begun, and just as quickly stopped as Jerrard approached and took control of the conversation, moving them along. Scothis motioned for Xanatos to go first, and again X found himself feeling a bit ill at ease. He couldn't by good manner refuse such an offer, and yet he knew it made him seem even more out of place than he already was.

He'd simply have to remain calm, let everything just roll off his shoulders and it would be alright. "Oh." He gave a slight cough, and then gave the biggest, fakest smile he could in response. "Why thank you." And headed for the door.

Y'roth Helghast
May 29th, 2009, 04:25:48 PM
Scothis returned the fake smile to Jerrard who barely smiled in response.

"Age before beauty? Why thank you."

Scothis followed X' through the doorway with Jerrard tailing behind. Helghast watched their backs disappear as the door closed behind them before he turned his attention to the man standing before him.

"Inquisitor, here is the initial report..."

Helghast dismissed the data pad in the Captain's hands as the ship had already forwarded the summarized report to him. He just needed the confirmation from the man that it was ready.

Everything was fine but for one item, labeled as an anomaly. Helghast's eyes turned from where they had stared into space to the short man's face before him.

"Elaborate, Captain, on this anomaly..."


The three of them were standing in the lift taking them to the desired level on the ship as indicated by Jerrard. Scothis was staring at the ceiling, opening his mouth to pop his ears as the lift traveled downward. The silence was not too awkward but Scothis felt as if there could have been some elevator music in the background to kind of lighten the mood on board the vessel; then again, that would probably ruin the atmosphere of a ship named Soul Eater. Then again... again, Scothis smirked, maybe it wouldn't.

The doors opened to the lift and someone sitting in the middle of the main lobby to the Nightmares' quarters stood abruptly at the position of attention. Scothis wiped his nose to cover the smile while Jerrard took lead out of the lift.

"At ease, Oonel. We're not the Inquisitor."

Karric Oonel turned his eyes to his peripheral and quickly relaxed, blushing in embarrassment as he rubbed his hands together. Jerrard continuing walking through the lobby, headed to his quarters most likely and Scothis approached Oonel.

"A bit jump there, eh Oonel? Careful, someone might have been thinking you were doing something wrong."

"I'm just nervous is all. Last time I saw the Inquisitor he said I needed to ensure that I maintained my professional bearing because I was slouching a bit while standing before him."

"It happens..."

Scothis shrugged and took a few steps away, looking around in the main lobby. When he spoke, he spoke to no one in particular and not necessarily as if he expected an answer.

"Where are the other two noobs?"

Karric Oonel was the shortest member of the Nightmares standing at just barely 1.6 meters. His hair was dark and short but just long enough to tell he was surely going bald. He did not appear to be too much older and his voice was that of someone still young. His eyes had tell tale signs of worry and stress. But for a demolitions expert, this did not convey a weakness but rather a tried and true master of dealing with ordinance his entire career in the Empire. He gave a shy smile as he extended his hand to Xanatos.

"Hi, I'm Agent Class III Karric Oonel. I don't think we've met."