View Full Version : Into the Belly of the Whaladon.. (open)
Daria Nytherciria
May 21st, 2009, 08:54:45 AM
OOC: This thread is open to any Jedi who have joined the Wheel and are looking to start training. Consider it.. a fairly informal gathering. You can either write that you know Daria already, having seen her about aboard the fleet, or that you have never met her or any of the other class attendees before! I'll be tossing a couple of NPC students into the story now and then, just to add some extra flavor – enjoy!
The cargo bay of the Action VI transport ( known as The Whaladon was a cold, empty place. In times past, the ship had served the Rebel Alliance was a transport vessel, ferrying goods from outpost to outpost in the Outer Rim territories. It had the capacity to carry fifty-thousand metric tonnes of goods, but at present it was occupied with far less. Though there were crates piled against the hangar walls, the most precious cargo aboard was the Whaladon's passengers.
Daria Nytherciria knelt in the centre of the cargo hold, her head bowed in silent meditation. A Knight of the out-lawed Jedi Order, she wore grey robes and at her hip there hung proudly the unmistakable hilt of a lightsaber. Today was an important day for Daria, and indeed for those she had invited to join her in the belly of the Whaladon. Though her own Padawan was still lost, there was precious little time to grieve for his disappearance. Instead, her efforts would be focused on something more immediate – beginning the training of the newest generation of Jedi.
May 22nd, 2009, 01:26:18 PM
Anj was young, tender, and all of 17 years old. Life had been rough for him. Life had been rough for everybody. Everyone in the convoy could relate. A few of Rebels even knew the boy. He was with them almost exactly after the official conception 2 years before the Battle of Yavin. The blame wasn't on his grandma, she had kept him safe. The blame was his grandpa. He hadn't been around for months. And not because he didn't want to be. Scrimmages had broken out on Tanaab. It wasn't major news. Actually, HoloNet didn't even care to report the skirmish. They didn't want to overload the public with insignificant things. The problem was that insignificant was his Popa. A few people suspected those weren't stray blaster bolts that hit the man. At least Anj did. No one in the fleet answered him when he tried to uncover the case, but he knew. His Popa was a somebody. Beside being a Professor at Pandath University, and pretty good farmer, he was something else. Anj could always tell.
As he got older, though, he wanted straight answers. Most of everybody was in the know. No one would him what he was. They just gave him an off-handed "special" and went about their duties. Being raised in the bustle, and work did things to him too. There was an inherit spite, precaution and savvy that he got. Everybody was an adult, and he was all alone. Death sprawled the barracks, garrisons and safe-houses he was bunked at too. His grandmother couldn't fend off reality as a Rebel. The fact that she was an associate already created troubles for the kid, so there was no point in trying to hide the life from him. But she tried. She definitely tried.
Time had come though. Two years it had been, exactly, and she was gone too. For about two years he was alone. All he had for a while was the Rebellion. Then, he got Zai. The man, not too much older than him, told him everything. Anj even worked for him for a bit. Zai was like a brother. The brother he never had, and he was gone now too. He had delivered Anj like he said he would.
And, he had a family.
Needless to say, the boy was exhausted. A lot had happened. Too much for him to recall at times. Instead, he just lived. It was easier that way. Being a free of all those worries had kept life moving easier. Even when idle he had the convoy to entertain him. He also had these...skills. Zai showed him a bit. They were like magic tricks...but real. It kept Anj's spirits up. And now, he was going to learn some more, or so the Captain said.
Slim frame, hairless, boyish face and an innocent smile came sweeping down the hall. Some of the familiar faces caught him in the hall. They talked, chatted, laughed at a joke and let him be on his way. His way was some place he hadn't been before, with a woman he hadn't met.
"Dah-ria," he read, trying to get it right. As his feet thud against the hollow, he went through his datapad. The info wasn't enough. He felt off. This was a first meeting - something important - and he didn't know what to say. But whenever he was in a bind, he always had his smile. Stepping to the door, he let it open, and slipped in. Clad in the robes Zai had given him, he smiled.
This was what he dreamed for - belonging.
He pushed the hood back. His eyes shot out at the red hair, the blank eyes, and lean face. Anj looked different. While her skin was a vanilla sprinkled with strawberry pinks at the cheeks, his was cinnamon all around. The thin lips he was expecting her to greet him with were still and serious. In return the Tanaab native offered her a hospitable grin with ample, lush lips. Every tooth was straight, a credit to his Nana (grandma). She was always sending him off for check-ups, and forcing him to eat the healthy brands. One thing they had in common though was a glow. Anj couldn't put his word on it - none fit - however, he felt it.
He wondered if she did too.
"Miss uh...Nyth-ee--umm," he stopped, letting a nervous chuckle pause him. "How do ya say ya name, ma'am?"
And there it was. The quaint drawl that could often associated with Tanaab. Oh how he missed those days running through the tall grass, and wind blowing. The convoy was dreary, cold, and sometimes lifeless. It was a ship, and as much as he loved space, he hated flying.
Abarai Loki
May 23rd, 2009, 06:25:55 PM
Two days had passed since Loki had joined The Wheel, a rather elusive and non-descipt designation to his mind, and he was dissatisfied. Quietly. There seemed to be little order and organisation amongst his Jedi peers and, while this mobile port of safety might have been in its infancy, he saw it as no excuse for an absence of rules or regulations. A poor start is destined for a poor finish.
So he took it upon himself to attend this preliminary meeting, an induction to training in the Jedi arts as it were, and was keen to see the direction in which this Wheel would take its space-faring Jedi fledglings. He'd arrived early and was sat, cross-legged, upon a stack of three large crates to one side of the cargo hold affording him a decent view of all that transpired below.
Had there been rafters, he may have sat amongst them.
Navaria Tarkin
May 26th, 2009, 02:31:29 PM
"That would be Nee-thur-see-ree-ah," came a lax voice from behind the young man. The owner of said voice was dressed in similar robes as Daria; though the well traveled robes that hung to her frame were brown and sand colored.
Navaria Tarkin, Jedi Master and twin to the newly crowned Empress of the Galactic Empire, stood against the wall next to the entryway like a sentinel. At least for now. It was best to appear guarded instead of looming over Daria like an overprotective lover. Her appearance would be jarring to some, if not most, and almost declined to come. However, it had been said quite often in various ways from the Knight that the lessons Navaria could impart upon the newest generation of Jedi would be invaluable. So she had come at her behest for moral support and to teach if required.
She had sensed the burden which had been placed upon them weighing heavily on Daria, but her attention was still upon the newcomer. "Easier to say then to spell," she said with a lopsided grin. "Trust me."
Soolin Anjhurin
Jun 2nd, 2009, 11:14:55 AM
:: Soolin laced up her boots, still looking more like a Mercenary. The years of traveling the outer rim had forced her to adopt the life of a Bounty Hunter for her protection, and Vishan's, but as she stood, she carried herself with the grace of a Jedi Knight. The two had finally made contact with the Wheel, and she waited for Vishan as she clipped her sabre to her side ::
Vishan Korogoth
Jun 2nd, 2009, 04:01:37 PM
He gave her a boyish grin, hoping to calm Soolin down. Vishan could tell his Master was nervous. It had been a long time since she was around other Jedi. this would be his first time.
"Are ya ready?" Soolin gave him a stern nod but before she could have a chance to open the door to their shared quarters, Vishan stepped right in front of her and planted a soft kiss upon her forehead.
With eyes closed, he pulled away slowly and looked down at her. "Now you're ready."
Before she could retort, he hit the panel that opened the doors. It was like a switch flipped. Soolin was professional, to an almost scary degree, but after all the dren they had been through with the Imperials and Slavers, scary would do just fine. They only had been here a day. Trust would take time.
Ten minutes later, they arrive inside the cargo bay. They were already given a heads up about the 'Tarkin' on board. Normally, he wouldn't give a flying frell about it. People could choose their own paths. Soolin taught him that, but unfortunately his eyes couldn't help but linger on her form for a few seconds more. Her appearance was uncanny to Miranda and as a former solider of the Empire, Vishan could help but be taken aback.
Daria Nytherciria
Jun 13th, 2009, 11:11:40 AM
It was a meager gathering. Daria glanced slowly around the room at the people present, their unique presences within the Force visible to her for the first time. With some late arrivals, there were ten of them in total. Some were strong, like stone pillars radiating light. Others were like wriggling glow-worms, young yet with potential. It seemed as good a time as any to begin.
“Welcome, all of you. This is.. an important time for all of us, and it seemed only right that we should gather together like this. Though we may be strangers, from all corners of the Galaxy, a shared burden rests upon our shoulders. There may be others who we have yet to find – they may be in hiding, in their hundreds – but we can assume nothing. Here and now, we are the last of the Jedi Order.”
Here, the Miraluka paused, allowing her words to settle into the vast silence that filled the hangar bay.
“Whether you have come to the Wheel to aid in the rebuilding of the Jedi Order, or simply to seek sanctuary from persecution, you are welcome... but for those who wish to do more than hide, today we begin anew. Our shared experiences will form the foundation of what is to come, and in this task no voice shall be weighted more heavily than another. I ask, therefore, that you each step forward and speak your mind... tell us who you are, where you came from, and why you are here. I shall begin.”
Touching fingertips to her chest, Daria – though she could not see in any conventional sense – tried to make eye contact with each of the Jedi in the room. “My name is Daria Nytherciria. I was born on Coruscant and at the dawn of the Clone Wars, taken into the care of a Jedi named Bra'jaa, who trained me and three others in a hidden facility that is now occupied by the Empire. I am here because it is the will of the Force that I should be here, that I should play a hand in reclaiming what has been lost.”
Jun 14th, 2009, 03:35:51 PM
The room was crowded. People flocked in like bees to honey. That word had definitely gotten out. Some weren't what Jedi used to be. Time had done them in, that was for sure. But Anj was calm. Navaria, with her familiar face, kept him calm. Her presence was good. She seem so fond, caring, and true that he wouldn't dare betray her nature for the spite he felt from the one.
Anj only gave Abrai a glance. Nothing more, nothing less, and so his focus returned to Daria. She stood there before them all, white-eyed and stout. Easy breathed lifted and dropped his chest as his head went lop-sided. Bobbing to the left, he watched her curiously as she went through her speech.
He was restless.
They were Jedi, that was true. However, he had come here to learn. Intrigue was getting the better of him, and his dulled imagination was going to implode soon enough. Taps of his feet sent the message. The innocent hum of his own little tune only further emphasized. He wanted to get down to business. Do something, anything - just as long as it wasn't he had been doing. All the bustle of the ship just wasn't enough. Anj had gotten use to the jumble of shipyards, and craziness. What really grabbed him was discovery, and there was no better exploration than one of self.
That was something he learned when he first called the force.
Memories burst to life, vibrant and vivid as he stood there. Although he gazed with intent, he was gone. His own little world was calling him, and it wasn't like him not to pick up. Off in the whirl of beautiful clouds, ships, and stars, he danced amidst the old days with his grandmother and popa. So much had been done, so much had been seen, but now it was all gone.
All he had now was this...this refuge of old Jedi to show him the way.
"Are you gunna...teach us?"
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 24th, 2009, 04:09:18 PM
Navaria did not move from her spot as she answered the question, merely stood casually against the wall with a soft spoken voice. "We are here to help you along the path the Force has chosen for you. Whether it is to survive in these times or thrive as a Jedi, we will do what is necessary."
Daria and Navaria were liked minded in expanding the Jedi, but also realized that everyone had their own path to follow. It was their duty to train and protect who wanted to learn.
Soolin Anjhurin
Jun 25th, 2009, 08:44:48 AM
:: Soolin stepped forward to present herself to the others ::
"I am Soolin Anjhurin, last Jedi Knight of the Order of Darkmere. I present myself and my companion, Vishan, to this Circle. I vow to defend it with my life, and help rebuild what's been lost."
:: She dropped to one knee in a knightly fashion, and bowed her head respectfully ::
Vishan Korogoth
Jun 25th, 2009, 09:03:18 AM
Eyes upon them, Vishan tried not to panic. He really didn't know what to say that would have put a boot in his mouth. Soolin was a proud warrior and the last thing that her Padawan wanted to do was embarrass his Master.
Following suit, he dropped to one knee and lowered his head in respect to the Jedi present. Yet, he couldn't help but open them just a hair slit to keep an eye on the Tarkin.
Daria Nytherciria
Jul 5th, 2009, 12:06:35 PM
“We here to teach and learn, all of us. Many of us are new to one another... we have a great deal of knowledge to share. Our time in exile from the galaxy has been one colored with uncertainty and perhaps even fear... but with our collective experiences pooled, we can shed light onto those shadows that once haunted our footsteps.” Here, the Miraluka paused for a moment, before continuing.
“However... I am aware that our time here may be limited. Some of you will have spent years learning the ways of the Jedi, but we no longer have the luxury of time. My own studies were a decade in the making, but yours may not last a year. If you have been given any training, formal or otherwise, up to this point... speak now and make it known. There's no sense in rewriting what has already been written.”
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