View Full Version : Echo

May 15th, 2009, 06:17:00 PM


A rustle could be heard. Quiet, almost at a whisper, but it could be heard. Through the hard door, thick wall, glass windows, sounded off a blip. It went in a rhythm. Blip, blip, blip, it echoed lowly for the keen ears near. There weren’t many keen here, though. Cunning maybe, definitely well-trained, but they certainly weren’t many keen. Sly folk slithered all about Coruscant. The planet was a big city, an ecumenoplis, and the shrewd were the only ones that could live lavish. This was a fact that based the Imperial Palace. Even the architecture bore this truth. Every arch on the palace’s structure was foreboding. Curved and craved so precisely it could be mistaken for a layer of daggers. Black daggers ready to cut any fool that dare stand against it. But the blips did not come from a standing man. Instead they came from a sitting one.

The room was black. Lights came from the devices. Blue, red and neon lights sprinkle the room from the panels. Each one made a hushed sound. One even hummed with life. It was circular, planted in the center of the room, made for holo-transmissions. Few calls had come into the room over the day, none in the last hour. All the transmissions were re-routed. Only a careful hand could have reprogrammed it though. And those hands were causing the blipping.

Off to the left wing of the room came the sound. The wall was fashioned with a window. Above shinned the sun, flowing through for some organic light to the room. The sun reveled in revealing this man, while the slick men in the palace couldn’t. At first it only focused on his hands. They were dark, underneath the black gloves. No one would track his prints and shouldn’t. He dressed the part well. Up his arms lay the sleeves of a reigning officer. Black and thin, the Imperial uniform held his body beautifully. It seemed fitted because it was. The spy was playing his part to the tee.

His hair was his only fault. Curly Mohawks weren’t exactly under Imperial mandate. However, ensign caps were, and it covered any sign of fault in his design. Zai, or as he was identified as John Yarnshoo, was hard at work in the databank files. Information was cycling through by the minute. His fingers were doing half the work. The other half was given to his eyes. He read through like it was a timed test.

It was.

Time wasn’t on his side that was for sure. At any moment someone could bust in. He had an alibi. He was good at explaining himself. Although that didn’t mean he wanted to. Zai wanted to get in and get out. No hiccups. Not like the other times he played dress-up as an Imperial. Another blip on the screen, and he blinked. But somewhere…between those blinks, he remembered.

He remembered when the objective wasn’t Jedi. He remembered when the mission was Zann’s. Zai remembered when he wasn’t John Yarnshoo, but Iasi, a pilot in training. Those were simpler days. The days went better, but simpler.


Trots repeated, and badly. The halls were cold, silver, and wide. Everybody was busy. Men stood stout, sturdy, not round. Hefty wasn’t allowed here. Heaviness was only accepted when it describe crowds. Crews adorn in black sprawl the hallways in those trots. Step after step could be heard, banking through each earlobe like an explosion. The explosions, though, they were in the distance. This was the Imperial Navy Academy, and no one laughed.

Well, except Hinsoo.

A new face and he had a big mouth. Hinsoo was good though. Good enough to even be pompous on occasions when he wanted to be. Just another face in a family line of adequate pilots was all he was though. Everybody kept their mouth shut about him, around him, too. At least, most people did. Iasi didn’t.

“Wha—y’think your better than me?” Hinsoo laughed at him. A wide toothy look marred his tubby face. Somewhere along the line Hinsoo lost weight. His face was still portly though. Red in the cheeks too, and Iasi…or Zai…or whatever didn’t like it.

A crowd had formed. A grimaced formed with it. Iasi sat, looking up. The locker room reeked. Most of it was Hinsoo. He overdid it. Sweated way too much and scowled at anyone who dare give him a look. Sometimes he’d even go over the top, be aggressive, push a weakling for covering his nose. Iasi wasn’t weak though. He looked up at him, half-dressed and twisted his lips in disgust. No words were necessary. Everything was communicated. Hinsoo didn’t even deserve being stood up to. Iasi just stayed seated and tied up his shoes.

“Oooh, can’t talk?”

Iasi snorted. Then, he cleared his throat. Grabbed up another one of his laces, and continued tying. All the others around stared. The red in Hinsoo’s face grew. A smile bolted itself along Iasi’s lips, but his eyes didn’t stray. They were still focused on tying his shoes. Already the big, bad, pilot-boy was being made into a mockery.

After a nice tug, Iasi stood. Hands slipping into his pockets, he barely gave Hinsoo side-glance. Grabbing up his bag, he yanked at the string and threw it over his shoulder. Shaking his head at dismay, he rolled his eyes, and strolled smoothly out the crowd. Small giggles could be heard, fixing the air with a hushed tension. Hinsoo stood there alone in the dispersing circle gritting his teeth. By the time he ran to the door to catch Iasi, he was gone.

In the hall of trots and talks, Iasi blended in. He was heading to the grill. Even under-cover food was a necessity.

“Stupid,” he muttered, as he kept shaking his head, walking down the path. His eyes were almost closed thinking about it. They shouldn’t been though – he almost bumped into somebody. If it wasn’t for a bit of good reflexes, he would have.

“Oooh…my bad,” he smiled. He smiled because it was a girl…

Kistra Dubreas
May 18th, 2009, 01:33:41 PM
She was younger then, more wide-eyed and openly appreciative of the prospect of becoming a pilot. Moreso, becoming a female pilot. One of the few in the Empire. Back before Tarkin became Empress. Back before perhaps Hellfire Squadrion was even conceptualized. Back then she'd been nothing but a cadet and the steely gaze she'd perfected over her time at the Academy hadn't even the hintings of setting in. So it was not a scoff or a glare that the boy whom she collided with was met, but rather an embaressed smile as she quickly collected up the datapadd she'd been holding on to that had fallen and stood back up, clutching the object with one hand while the other was busy brushing back a strand of hair.

"No no, I wasn't paying attention, my fault."

Kistra meant it. Meant it down to her core. It didn't really matter if she had tried to avoid the contact, it didn't matter that any witness to the tiny incident would be hard pressed to put the blame upon her, somewhere deep down in her psyche it was her fault because she was there. A fact that'd been drilled into her head by a father consumed by the military. She was a girl, not the son he'd expected, and so anything little or small would always be her fault. But faults were always accepted gratiously and she was already straightening her posture to be more deserving of her wanted future rank.

May 20th, 2009, 04:56:34 AM
"No, no," she said. He heard. His upper lip didn't even quiver. It moved slick, like skates across syrup spills, and stuck his mouth in a smirk. The two pair of eyes of his lowering. The lids cascaded only a tad, letting the center of his eyes do the staring. This was a split moment, nothing more. But it was impulse, intuitive, and he gave what she merit: the look. She continued, 'I wasn't paying attention, my fault."

Zai bit his bottom lip. A habit he hadn't ditched from his mischievous younger days. Although it was like the look, only for a second, it did show itself. He used that split second to think of an apt response while he took in her face. For some reason, he felt like a prey. He felt like Hinsoo, helplessly exalted and aggressive. And worse, or maybe best of all, he liked it.

The innocent smile of his appeared. Above his lips were his eyes which had kept focused. He looked back at her's as if he was waiting for her to continue. Each word she sprayed he took like an infection. Although very little was said, his mind moved meticulously at deciphering for an accent, a trait, or something remarkable to hold onto. This was the section of his brain most active on the job. See, he hadn't forgot he was still playing spy, despite the look of things. To be frank, he was being himself, a flirt.

"But I was payin' attention - so let me jus--" He bent over before he finished. The datapad had popped out a chip when it fell. Before she could say another word, it was in her hand. "Where were y'headin to anyway - everything that way is barracks, lady..."

Zai was insinuating something, but it was covered deeper than ancient tomb.

Kistra Dubreas
May 25th, 2009, 01:01:56 PM
As chip was placed in her hand she set about the task of figuring just where it had escaped from, the question that left the man she'd run into was heard but only on it's basic level.

"The sims..."

She tried to fight back that giddy feeling that came with saying it, after all, most everyone whether they were ever to use them or not knew about that particular building. The main compound of the Academy held most of the classrooms, lecture halls, indoor simulations for both potential army and navy cadets. But there were another set of simulators, flight ones specifically, set up closer to the barracks. The ones designated for the future star-fighter pilots. Infamous in many ways, some for the harshness of the exams and the instructors themselves, others for the small percentage of students that ever saw them.

The small smile that had come with the confession of intended location was starting to fade as she continued to fuss with the datapadd.

May 25th, 2009, 10:51:51 PM
At first there was surprise. The Sims were official. Going there meant good business, at least on her part. Beside that though, there wasn't too much shock. Deep down, Zai always had these high expectations for women. Anytime they didn't reach them, he wasn't surprised - but he wasn't all that thrown off by the other end of the spectrum either. Clearly, the gal had some skills if she was heading there.

Not just anyone went there.

But still, she was fiddling. It was laughable. No matter how much someone could do, they had their flaws. When he finally noticed he almost burst into laughter. If it wasn't for the guidance of a well placed hand, and a strong gut, he would have embarrassed her. Instead, he decided to calm himself, and be...helpful?

"Lettme," he said, grabbing at the device. Quickly he handled it, placing the chip where it should be. Zai had decrypted a few in his day.

"Now," Zai handed it back over, "What was that big smile for?" The young, mohawked soldier turned about, as if he was going to walk her. He wondered if she even noted the subtle motion.

Kistra Dubreas
May 31st, 2009, 07:21:32 PM
She managed a "thanks" that had wanted to escape when he'd handed her the chip in the first place but now that he'd gone and placed it where it belonged, it couldn't he held back.

The first few steps back towards her intended location were slow, casual, unsure if he was going to follow along or not. There wasn't any time to stand about, despite that girlish consideration that crossed her mind for a split second.

"Oh. Just...excited I guess. I haven't gotten to do this before..."

Jun 3rd, 2009, 02:53:52 AM
"..And what is that exactly?"

He allowed her one of his smiles. The type of smile that is reassuring, true and genuine. The type of smile that isn't too often found around the barracks. Zai was careful, though. Even as his focus lay on her, his mind was elsewhere. Stretched a long the hall were officals of all kind, walking pass, going about their day idle. Yet, they were trained. Small things could trigger their intrigue, and curiosity killed the cat.

Zai didn't want to be that cat.

"Because it sounds nerve-wracking..."

Kistra Dubreas
Jun 8th, 2009, 10:09:53 AM
That unfamiliar genuine smile was about the only thing that kept her from letting a laugh pass at his question, but there was no hiding that questioning are you serious? look that instantly came across her.

"TIE sim. Even worse is some of the others are saying this will be a first round of elimination testing. Screw up and it's off to punching in coordinates on a battle cruiser and calling it piloting for you."

The nervous fidgeting was calming down and the chrono on her wrist was checked. Okay, so she was over compensating. Still another 45 minutes until her scheduled time, but it was always better to be early than even on time, right? Kistra glanced back up at the boy and allowed herself another small smile in return to his. Okay, maybe there wasn't a need to rush over there just yet.

Jun 8th, 2009, 08:33:55 PM
"And when do ya plan to be eliminated?"

A smirk thwarted his genuine smile. Tease. An involuntary wink slipped over his eye at her. Why? Because Zai didn't have a conscience about flirting. Charm wasn't really that fit him, but he was sly. The man had made his way into this sabotage mission by sheer skill alone. He was apt, for - well, just about anything - at least when it came to being mischievous. That was why the kid was Zann's prize possession.

Good thing too. Force-Sensitive spies aren't always the hardest target to find when the galaxy is overrun by men in big black suits, with a red stick and asthma...or whatever people call that horrible breathing problem that guy has.

Kistra Dubreas
Jun 10th, 2009, 04:03:37 PM
If it wasn't the question, it sure as hell was the wink that brought out the embarrassingly girlish giggle from her. It got caught off shortly as she brought the back of her hand up to her mouth as if resting her knuckles against her lips would stop another from escaping. It remained there for a moment, lingering to let soft skin brush against itself but not hard enough to smudge the perfectly applied subtle bit of lipstick, before it lowered once more.

"Well, hopefully never. Failure isn't quite an option now is it?"

Jun 10th, 2009, 04:24:44 PM
She giggled, and he looked off. Perfect. That was the word for how it was going...at least in his head. There weren't any objectives - not yet - but the nature of the conversation was so comfortable for him he could go on with it without the need of his eyes. She didn't need his eye contact anymore. Not for that second.

Distance was key. Something to tug her attention and make her notice him. It was the subtle things that mattered, that set off the feelings between thoughts. Unconscious body language communicating on vibrations and levels that the conscious mind just couldn't grasp, and Zai had a keen grasp of it. There wasn't much more than his personality to credit for it.

He was a flirt. Simple as that, the boy was a flirt, and he revel in the experience like no other. A peaceful, calm rolled over him as he walked. He was reserved, instead of restrained, and contain and intent in his eyes deep enough to make his brown eyes a galactic black. Smooth, even, satin like steps slung over the surface with the constants of a drum beat. Everything was music to his ears, even her girlish giggle. Sweeping his eyes back to her, he didn't care to turn his head. A door was coming up down the hall, and they would go through it. Traffic splashed along side him, and he gave them their much needed nods. Everyone wanted to feel special, cared for, and noticed in the halls. It was like building momentum for the day, to conquer bigger and better things.

The same was with this girl.

He didn't know her name yet...she was just this girl.

"Thats what I like to hear," he gave a nod to a passerby. Then, he turned his head, his ears catching the sound of the sliding door as it opened. 'So whatcha name pilot lady?"

Kistra Dubreas
Jun 11th, 2009, 01:57:10 PM

She stopped halfway through the designation she'd been given upon entering pilot training. You weren't good enough for a name. You were a number, or just "cadet" at that point. In truth, thanks to most of the clones still running around most never outgrew their number and received a proper call sign. It was something that would change in the future but this was then and that was now.

It was hard to pull away from such a thing when it was what you were used to responding to, but this wasn't a superior officer asking her a question, demanding information or a response, this was another cadet, a boy asking her.

"Kistra." The name was shortly followed by another demure smile. "...and you?"

Jun 11th, 2009, 03:46:39 PM
"Iasi," he said quickly, pushing the pressure off himself with his eyes. He stared at her. Words didn't come. Not readily, not immeditately, but they were coming. That was evident. He made it known with his gaze. The twitch in his face rolled along his mouth. His lips pushed to the side and that grin he had made himself known for was once more exposed.

"Kistra...thats a nice name...better than DC-842."

They walked through the door. Zai trailed, but only by a bit. She was the one putting on the show, and these corridors were foreign to him. He wasn't here to be the greatest pilot. He was here to fake being a cadet - and that didn't require all this...but it was a perk.

Talking to pretty girls was always a perk, though. Despite the calm in his face, this wasn't business as usual. He was actually...enjoying himself.

Kistra Dubreas
Jun 12th, 2009, 10:19:35 AM
The walk through the hallways was practically automated. Routes and ways plugged and drilled into the brain so many times you really didn't have to think about it and next thing you knew you were sitting in the briefing room or lecture hall or testing arena. Even the current location was well known; after all, practically anyone going for starfighter pilot no doubt had walked past it many times with that some day attitude.

The stride that had been sure and with purpose now (thanks to lasi) had become slower, more casual. Still heading onward to that fateful end but the nervousness could at least be relieved by just talking with someone else. It was a rare opportunity in the academy and for once she was going to let it last.

"So what are you going for? Pilot? Tractor beam operator? Or you one of the ground folks we have running around here with their toy guns before they move on to the bigger and better things?"

Jun 12th, 2009, 03:27:38 PM
As she talked, he laughed. It was a sedated laugh. He remain calm. Each step he took was laden with something classic, superb, and graceful - but restrained from anything pompous. The sway in his feet talked with a casualness, just like he had. Hands tucked behind his back, he replied with a glint shimmering in his eyes. The lights above shone down on them, sparkling down the hallway as they got closer and closer to their destination. The bustle echoed in the background when he spoke, but his attention was on her. That wasn't going to change.

"No...no imma pilot," he started. One glance about, he regarded the surroundings, but only as support. His next words wouldn't stray from her. She was still the focus in this conversation - nothing else mattered...yet.

"But not like you - ya probably better than me...right?"

Kistra Dubreas
Jun 25th, 2009, 09:50:55 AM

Her voice carried that soft hint of surprise at the question, but her eyes held the key to the sarcasm that was just hinting on her response. For just an instant the inside of her lower lip was nibbled at, just one small nip that caused a delicate puckering before she spoke again.

"Well I don't know about that, never seen you fly. Can only speak to my own skills and that lies somewhere above a bunch of recruits I've seen bomb out and below others that have excelled and walk around like their head would float off into atmo if it wasn't attached to their necks."

The politely held smile turned a tad playful for an instant. She'd never been good at flirting, but his own was subconsciously edging her to go along with it.

"Can't say you seem like the later type. For a flyboy you seem pretty grounded."

Jun 28th, 2009, 10:04:06 PM
Zai shook his head. A sharp smile lay on his face still, comfortable. He was the observant type. The in the moment type, that didn't allow such things like doubt leak into his mind. Whatever came into his head, came out of his mouth...most of the time. The times it didn't were a bit like this.

Instead of caring on down that path of his skills, his ability, he deviated. It wasn't natural, and it wasn't him - he was interested - but he had to restrain. He was on a mission...nothing else, nothing more. So in the depths of his mind, with the conscious of Zann sitting on standby, he compromised. And then came up with this...

"As grounded as you are..."

The hands went diving in his pockets. Calm.

"Flyboy, tho? Soooo that'd make ya, what...a flygirl?" He almost said that sarcastically. He kept it subtle, soft, hoping to switch the subject little be little. His occupation here shouldn't be on her mind...

Kistra Dubreas
Jul 3rd, 2009, 09:56:34 AM
She was a bright girl, always picked up on those subtle things that let you know when a person was trying to hide something. But nerves were clogging the gears and so it didn't catch. There was a hinting in the back of her thoughts as to his little diversion but then the butterflies in the stomach took back over and she let out a laugh at his question.

"Well I suppose so. I never thought about it that way. Don't think anyone's actually called me that before. Guess the old men that train the lot of us still haven't gotten used to the idea of more of us girls being around."

The shrug in her shoulders came softly as both her hands now held onto the datapad, giving the small action an overall immature if not slightly innocent appearance. Kistra had come from a home that had been overly opinionated about women and their place in military, she was used to the I know nothing about that and have no real opinion on the matter act.