View Full Version : GI Joe

Mu Satach
May 1st, 2009, 03:59:40 PM

Popcorn with extra butter and sprinkled with cheese.

Yo - Joe

Dasquian Belargic
May 5th, 2009, 08:10:48 AM
Aside from the pleasure of seeing the Eiffel Tower collapse, that trailer does absolutely nothing for me.

May 5th, 2009, 08:41:25 AM
I like the brief hint of Snake Eyes vs Storm Shadow...can't wait!

Mu Satach
May 5th, 2009, 11:33:05 AM
It made me laugh hysterically for about 3 min. first time I saw it.

Granted I had been only getting about 1-3 hours of sleep every other night for about two weeks straight due to finals and living in the lab... (I wasn't quite right in the head, in fact I'm still recovering.)

Still, watching it now makes me giggle, can't help but think of Team America every time I watch it. If I was 9, it would be the coolest thing evah!

May 16th, 2009, 09:42:16 AM
I've seen this trailer before Star Trek both times...it's not doing a whole lot for me either. Although the guy a couple of rows in front of me yesterday seemed really excited, he did a major fist pump in the air as the trailer ended.

I never dreamed I'd be interested in a Transformers movie until it actually arrived, so I don't know if I'll change my mind once GI Joe actually opens. But right now, I don't have any plans to see it.

Mu Satach
May 16th, 2009, 07:28:14 PM
I'm probably going to pass on it. Unless a trusted source near me say's "Nat you've got to see it because [insert OMG awesomeness reason here]."

May 17th, 2009, 11:28:24 AM
It looked dumber than the Transformers sequel. Which is saying quite a lot.

Sanis Prent
May 17th, 2009, 12:50:22 PM
Those suits suck. What made GI Joe fun was that it was the village people of private military contractors. No dress code shall apply.

Jun 29th, 2009, 11:31:30 AM
Saw the slightly extended trailer during Transformers on Sat night down in Manhatten and it got a huge reply from the crowd, obviously its not on a lot of people's radar yet as many were suprised and loved the few shots of Snake Eyes and clapped when they saw the G.I.Joe Logo.

Morgan Evanar
Jul 1st, 2009, 11:38:25 AM
This looks awful.

Aug 4th, 2009, 08:10:37 AM
I'm getting oddly excited for this, its getting good reviews and looks to be a great summer action flick.

Saw this on Huffingtonpost about it....

"Devin Faraci from the film Web site CHUD.com is one of the few writers who have seen it for review purposes, and not just for junket interviews. He's among the critics who've contributed to the movie's 88-percent positive rating as tabulated by Rotten Tomatoes, saying: "If I was 10 years old, `G.I. Joe' would be one of the best movies I had ever seen."

Faraci said he was in Toronto recently when he received a phone call at 8:30 a.m. Los Angeles time, asking if he could come to the Paramount lot that day for a "G.I. Joe" screening. He flew back, got off the plane and headed right over.

"It's silly. It's a film that plays on its own terms," he said. "I don't think reviews will kill it but I think it'll get a more positive response than they expect. It's a big, silly, pulpy, cartoony action film and it makes no apologies for being that way."


So it basically looks like it doesn't take itself too seriously and it is what it is...which is all I'm asking for. G.I.Joe was never very deep and was all about cool vehicles, big characters and lots of neat Ninja action so as long as we get that then this movie is a success.

Aug 6th, 2009, 04:34:27 PM
I think it will go down better with Joe fans than the Bay Transformers films. I'm probably taking my son to see it this weekend. It looks like a decent pop corn flick but how can you screw up Snake Eye's costume? Lips? Really Summers?

Ryan Pode
Aug 6th, 2009, 06:56:31 PM
It looks like it will be fun. Lots of crazy vehicles with more missiles than cubic footage, which is what GI Joe really was all about. I'll probably see it in a week or two.

Aug 6th, 2009, 09:49:20 PM
Actually the first couple Snake Eyes in toys/comics had lips on the costume :)

Aurelias Kazaar
Aug 7th, 2009, 06:49:18 PM
This looks awful.

It is.

If it was called 'Team World' it'd be fine. But GI Joe it's not.

Aug 11th, 2009, 07:30:24 PM
This looks awful.

It is.

If it was called 'Team World' it'd be fine. But GI Joe it's not.

Saw it today and loved it...I know G.I.Joe and this felt exactly like G.I.Joe should...it was exactly what it should have been and that was lots of action, very thin terrorist plot and Ninja's...

I had a few minor quibbles but nothing major.

Shadow Storm
Aug 11th, 2009, 09:27:24 PM
Saw it with a friend the other day. My thoughts, having never seen the cartoon other then one or two episodes, is that it is a good action film, with a followable storyline, but anyone who goes to the movie just for a storyline is going to be horribly dissapointed. My friend, who was a big GI Joe fan, had this to say -

He was horrified with how little he says it follows the GI Joe cartoon, particularly with the whole Destro being Cobra's Dominatrix instead of it being the other way around.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 11th, 2009, 10:59:18 PM
Saw it - thought it was fun. I know why they made the Joes a global force rather than an American one with international members, but it was still weird.

There should have been a PSA after the credits, too. :colbert

Aug 12th, 2009, 09:11:29 AM
Saw it - thought it was fun. I know why they made the Joes a global force rather than an American one with international members, but it was still weird.

There should have been a PSA after the credits, too. :colbert

The Joes were always a global force, they were stationed in the US but never stayed there and were always fighting abroad with members from all over the world.

As for it not being like the cartoon...thank god! That cartoon was fun but it was cheesy as hell. It wasn't perfect but it was a solid fun adaption.

Drin Kizael
Aug 14th, 2009, 05:56:11 PM
Okay it didn't suck. I liked it for what it was. I'd watch it again.

But Good Lord it still had major problems. It could have been worse, but it could have been so much better. I had so much to say I just posted a blog on MySpace...


I am most vindicated in my hatred of the removal of Stalker from the script and the casting of Marlon Wayans as Jar Jar.

It was much easier to get past the whole NATO multi-national thing than I thought. It was mentioned as part of the team's back story, but it was not crammed down the audience's throats, and it made sense given that it was a sci-fi future and all.