Karl Valten
Apr 21st, 2009, 11:19:46 PM
I figured it out BITCHES!
% Problem 6.5
% Find the maximum rate of climb for a Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II twin-jet attack aircraft at sea-level and
% at an altitude of 5km given the following information
format compact
%RC_max at sea-level
% Parameters
S = 47; % wing area
Cd_o = .032; % zero-lift drag coefficient
AR = 6.5; % aspect ration
e = .87; % oswald efficiency factor
X = ones(1,101); % ones row array for Weight array calculations
W = 103047*X; % weight array
T = 2*40298; % static thrust for both engines
Rho_sea = 1.2250; % air density at sea-level
% solve for lift coefficient
V_inf = 0:4:400;
Cl = W ./ (.5.*Rho_sea.*V_inf.^2.*S);
Cd = Cd_o + Cl.^2 ./ (pi*e*AR);
% calculate required thrust to maintain level flight
T_required = W ./ (Cl ./ Cd);
%Calculate and plot Power Required curve to maintain level flight
P_required = T_required .* V_inf;
plot(V_inf , P_required)
% Calculate and plot power available
hold all
P_available = T.* V_inf;
plot(V_inf , P_available)
hold off
% Calculate excess power
P_excess = P_available - P_required;
% Calculate and plot rate of climb
RC = P_excess ./ W;
plot(V_inf , RC)
RC_max = max(RC) % maximum rate of climb at sea level
% RC_max for altitude of 5km
Rho_five = .73643;
Cl_five = W ./ (.5.*Rho_five.*V_inf.^2.*S);
Cd_five = Cd_o + Cl_five.^2 ./ (pi*e*AR);
T_required_five = W ./ (Cl_five ./ Cd_five);
P_required_five = T_required_five .* V_inf;
P_available_five = P_available*(.73643/1.225); % power available is proportional to ambient density
plot(V_inf , P_required_five)
hold all
plot(V_inf , P_available_five)
hold off
P_excess_five = P_available_five - P_required_five;
RC_five = P_excess_five ./ W;
plot(V_inf , RC_five)
RC_max_five = max(RC_five)
RC_max (sea-level) = 87.8658 meters / second
RC_max (5 kilometers) = 51.5777 meters / second
I figured it out BITCHES!
% Problem 6.5
% Find the maximum rate of climb for a Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II twin-jet attack aircraft at sea-level and
% at an altitude of 5km given the following information
format compact
%RC_max at sea-level
% Parameters
S = 47; % wing area
Cd_o = .032; % zero-lift drag coefficient
AR = 6.5; % aspect ration
e = .87; % oswald efficiency factor
X = ones(1,101); % ones row array for Weight array calculations
W = 103047*X; % weight array
T = 2*40298; % static thrust for both engines
Rho_sea = 1.2250; % air density at sea-level
% solve for lift coefficient
V_inf = 0:4:400;
Cl = W ./ (.5.*Rho_sea.*V_inf.^2.*S);
Cd = Cd_o + Cl.^2 ./ (pi*e*AR);
% calculate required thrust to maintain level flight
T_required = W ./ (Cl ./ Cd);
%Calculate and plot Power Required curve to maintain level flight
P_required = T_required .* V_inf;
plot(V_inf , P_required)
% Calculate and plot power available
hold all
P_available = T.* V_inf;
plot(V_inf , P_available)
hold off
% Calculate excess power
P_excess = P_available - P_required;
% Calculate and plot rate of climb
RC = P_excess ./ W;
plot(V_inf , RC)
RC_max = max(RC) % maximum rate of climb at sea level
% RC_max for altitude of 5km
Rho_five = .73643;
Cl_five = W ./ (.5.*Rho_five.*V_inf.^2.*S);
Cd_five = Cd_o + Cl_five.^2 ./ (pi*e*AR);
T_required_five = W ./ (Cl_five ./ Cd_five);
P_required_five = T_required_five .* V_inf;
P_available_five = P_available*(.73643/1.225); % power available is proportional to ambient density
plot(V_inf , P_required_five)
hold all
plot(V_inf , P_available_five)
hold off
P_excess_five = P_available_five - P_required_five;
RC_five = P_excess_five ./ W;
plot(V_inf , RC_five)
RC_max_five = max(RC_five)
RC_max (sea-level) = 87.8658 meters / second
RC_max (5 kilometers) = 51.5777 meters / second