View Full Version : Endor.

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 21st, 2009, 07:43:12 PM
Wei and Aramis arrived on the jungle planet Endor. The lush squawked with life as the ship touched down at a big clear patch of concrete overgrown with ivy. There wasn't much left of the Empire's and the New Republic's bases. Of course, there was the large chunks of debris from the last Death Star pock marking the landscape. They would have to travel for miles--mostly on foot. Then there was the dangerous wildlife. The Ewoks were also a concern. They weren't very fierce by any standard, but their traps and clever methods of staying hidden would cause the two explorers some difficulty.

"Aramis, we're testing everything today. Force boosting, telekinesis. Everything. There's a lot of wildlife here. I remember you mentioned that you have a special empathic power related to animals. There's lots of wildlife here, so you'll get tons of practical use out of that power. Just don't let it overwhelm you."

Aramis Rakai
Apr 24th, 2009, 08:54:16 PM
I nodded as I grabbed my pack and slung it onto my pack. "This should be an interesting move." I said with a slight smile. Whilst traveling, I had practiced on my telekinesis and meditation in my workshop on the lower level. I had spent a lot of time down there, it was where I could gather myself within the innards of the ship and it made me feel somewhat whole again.

A lot of things had happened since I met Wei, some good...some not so good, but I had learned from my mistakes and Wei had forgiven me for the most part.

I tucked my lightsabre into my jacket and made one last check on my cantine, my boot laces and the two small flasks in each of my leg pockets I had filled with tequila that I had packed for Wei. At which, I also had a larger one in my pack, along with many packs of rations...and toilet paper. One could never be over prepared, I remembered my foster father telling me and he was right.

"I will be be cautious." I said as I stood and took one last look at the innards of my ship. "I'm ready."

Wei Wu Wei
May 1st, 2009, 06:12:11 PM
"Ok, let's go. I don't know exactly what we're looking for, but this clearing indicates a landing pad which means a ruined base should be nearby. I'm not sure if this is going to be a Rebel or an Imperial base.

Nearby something watched them from the trees. It was not any sort of mammalian life that they were familiar with. In fact, it wasn't living at all. It spied at them as they took off from their ship.

It noted the lightsaber that Aramis put in his jacket and came to once conclusion: the new lifeforms were targets.

Wei motioned for Aramis to start looking off to one side. "Look for something that might be rocks overgrown with plants. or something that might look like a cave. You'll know something is off if the edges seem too straight on some sides or if the openings in the hillsides and whatnot are too perfect or too square."

Aramis Rakai
May 1st, 2009, 08:23:26 PM
I nodded as I went the opposite way that Wei had. I stood near the edge and looked over cautiously, it was quite a drop from where I stood. The overgrowth hid anything beyond it. I sighed and continued on. The green trees and foliage seemed to go forever and the combination of sweet smells and fresh air lifted my spirits. I was going to like this place.

New ones! New ones! Who are they? Who are they? Let me see!!

The abundance of nature startled me as I suddenly heard all these strange little voices at once. Anyone else would have believed schizo, but I knew better. This was a plane on which I was quite used to and could not help, but to smile.

I could not see these critters who were so interested in Wei and I, but I sure could hear their ongoing chatter as I continued on my way of finding this cave.

Wei Wu Wei
May 4th, 2009, 07:10:29 PM
Wei walked up to a vine covered rock and grabbed the thick rope-like plant in his hands. Wei loved the way ivy worked. It could grow at alarmingly fast rates on some planets and depending on species and could weave together like a lattice or just tangle in each other. Not to mention those small but incredibly strong root like things on the stalks that kept it so solidly stuck to the things upon which it grew.

He felt the Force in his arms, back, and legs and gave a tug. The ivy resisted for a moment. Wei took a step back and continued to pull. It started to give. Wei dug in and grounded his center of gravity. Now he was rooted to rock. He pulled again, causing the vines to give way, revealing a large rock streaked brown where the ivy had been. Not a hidden base.

Meanwhile it watched them. One on a precipice. Simple enough to destroy. The other was tearing down vines. Animals of all kinds did not seemed bothered by it at all, nor was it bothered by them. It had learned the animals were not a threat and so it did not concern itself with them.

With a quick sudden motion that was signature of most Imperial technology, an aiming scope locked over an optical sensor and put Aramis in its crosshairs. One quick, efficient sniper shot to the head and the intruder would fall over the cliffside. Then it would have the other to deal with.

Aramis Rakai
May 11th, 2009, 06:11:45 PM
Aramis! Drop!

The command came so quickly, I did not even have time to think. I just hit the ground as I heard a ricochet hit a nearby tree.

Wei Wu Wei
May 15th, 2009, 10:09:42 PM
Wei turned at the sound of the blaster fire and saw Aramis hit the dirt.

"You ok? What just happened?" he asked as he turned on his lightsaber.

Wei scanned the forest edge looking for whoever was firing the shots. Maybe some people who got left when the Rebellion and the Empire pulled up shop? No way. Wei focused on the hum of his saber as it mingled with the chirping of insects and broadened his awareness. Animals. Lots of animals. But nothing intelligent. That was upsetting. But Wei could see whisps of something. It moved the animals, made them react.

"Aramis, ask your animal buddies what's out there."

Meanwhile it scanned the forest floor for Aramis and lined up it's next shot on Wei.

Aramis Rakai
May 28th, 2009, 08:45:48 PM
I rolled out of the way as I scanned the area, I saw nothing.

My friends, what is out there?

I heard a rustling of animal thoughts and then silence.

"They all just went silent." I informed Wei. "I don't know what it is."

Wei Wu Wei
May 30th, 2009, 09:20:35 PM
Suddenly there were hundreds of bright red laser beams careening towards Wei. The saber became a flurry of color. The beams contacted the blurring color and suddenly diverted off on numerous paths. Wei jumped danced and spun.

He had no time to think. He just needed some cover. But the laser fire, though generally inaccurate, was relentless. He needed a chance to sort it all out.

Aramis Rakai
Jun 16th, 2009, 05:06:38 PM
I dodged the fire again as Wei was attacked. Pulling my blaster from its holster on my leg, I began my own onslaught. Though, I did not see what I was shooting at, I kept at it to help Wei.

Wei Wu Wei
Jun 16th, 2009, 07:52:39 PM
It shifted to avoid Aramis' fire, returning with more high powered energy at him while still firing on Wei. Attention perfectly split in two, neither escaped its sensors. It hung back in the camouflaging foliage.

Now that Wei didn't feel so pinned down, he began to slowly advance towards the source of the fire. It was difficult because of the frequency of the shots, but he was making his way closer with each second.

"Aramis, do your animal buddies have anything to say about this thing? No 'mynock's eye view' or anything you can take advantage of?"

Aramis Rakai
Jun 17th, 2009, 06:13:15 AM
Come on, guys help me out here! What is that? I asked as a flock of birds began fluttering around the area that the fire was coming from.

Big! No man! No animal! Not know! Hard skin!

I thought for a moment...hard skin? A droid? "Wei! I think it's a droid!" I called.

Wei Wu Wei
Jun 18th, 2009, 11:15:21 PM
Wei thought that one over. "Yeah, a droid would make sense."

He stopped moving but didn't stop his defensive maneuvers.

"Aramis, we need to find cover. We're in the open right now. If we can find some place to get out of sight, maybe we can lure it into something more to our advantage."

Aramis Rakai
Jul 4th, 2009, 09:19:37 PM
Time was hard-pressed as I heard Wei's request. "I'll lure it!" I yelled before I even had a chance to think.

I ran and jumped off the platform. I did not care how far the drop was. All I did know was that I needed to be a distraction and that I was. I flew through some branches and caught a few where one did not want to catch a branch.

I grimaced as shots began to come my way. With a thud, I hit the ground and rolled, coming up behind a tree I hunched down a bit and scanned the area.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 28th, 2009, 07:49:40 PM
The droid immediately turned its full attention to Aramis and sprayed laserfire at him. The wide area of attack didn't require the droid to aim particularly carefully. It was a very big danger.

Wei looked around to find some reason the machine would be in the area. "Aramis, there's something here. This droid must be guarding something."

What was it?

Aramis Rakai
Jul 28th, 2009, 10:29:23 PM
What in the worlds would it be hiding? I could not bother with knowing too much at this time, because I had bigger fish to fry. The firepower it was throwing my way was endless.

I'll lure it away, so you can figure that out! I must've been crazy, but I did as I said and took off. At first, I wasn't sure if it were going to follow as I waved my hands in the air for it to see.

"Hey, you dumb piece of junk! Come and get me!!" I yelled as I saw it move my way. I took off again.