View Full Version : Box Office Contest Summer 2009 Weekend 1 picks due Friday 10PM PST
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 20th, 2009, 07:51:40 AM
Well I am debating about doing this, this year. So, I wanted to see what response I get this week. If I think there is enough interest I will do it. So who is up for it?
Here are the rules
1. How to play: Each weekend, predict the order of the top 5 movies, and how much each film will make. To make sure people don’t make the same predictions, post your dollar figures to the nearest ten thousand, for example "25.58M" (25 million 580 thousand).
2. Movie Order Points: For every film you place in the correct order, you get 5 points. If you get #1- 5 right, you would get 25 points.
3. Accuracy Points: The closest person to each of the five films also gets points, and they are as follows;
# 1 - 25 pts
# 2 - 20 pts
# 3 - 15 pts
# 4 - 10 pts
# 5 - 5 pts
This year you don't have to get the movies in order. If you are closest to the #2 movie and picked it third you still get the points.
4. Double Points Weekends. Points are doubled on the following weekends:
* Memorial Day May 21 - May 26 (Terminator 4 comes out Thursday, so it will be 5 days) All points are doubled.
* 4th of July 1st to 5th All points are doubled.
* Labor day weekend September 4th - September 7th
* Transformers weekend June 24h –July to July 28th All points are doubled.
* Harry Potter weekend July 15th to July to July 19th All points are doubled
5. Vacation rule: New to the Contest this year, we will only count the your top 12 scores. So, if you miss a week or two you won’t be out of it.
6. Deadline: All predictions must be in by Friday 10PM PST every weekend. On double points weekends, special deadline will apply. Please make sure your predictions are in before the deadline, however, we may look the other way if the estimates are not yet made public and/or it is obvious such results have not been seen.
8. Who can play? Everyone. It is fun! You may enter or exit the contest at any time or post predictions whenever you like, as long it is within the deadline.
8. The winner: The player with the most points at the end of contest, wins instant fame and glory (being worshiped by the all the BO forum posters) AND a Supporter account!
It all starts this Friday, good luck.
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 20th, 2009, 08:19:50 AM
Wow! This time again already. Someone's got to strip Yog of his title.. ;)
Xavier Synik
Apr 20th, 2009, 08:24:33 AM
Remind me how this works again...
Apr 20th, 2009, 09:28:55 AM
I have to defend my spot in the top 5 as the bottom count me in.
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 20th, 2009, 10:59:28 AM
Remind me how this works again...
Here are last year rules
1. How to play: Each weekend, predict the order of the top 5 movies, and how much each film will make. To make sure people don’t make the same predictions, post your dollar figures to the nearest ten thousand, for example "25.58M" (25 million 580 thousand).
2. Movie Order Points: For every film you place in the correct order, you get 5 points. If you get #1- 5 right, you would get 25 points.
3. Accuracy Points: The closest person to each of the five films also gets points, and they are as follows;
# 1 - 25 pts
# 2 - 20 pts
# 3 - 15 pts
# 4 - 10 pts
# 5 - 5 pts
This year you don't have to get the movies in order. If you are closest to the #2 movie and picked it third you still get the points.
4. Double Points Weekends. Points are doubled on the following weekends:
* Memorial Day May 22 - May 26 (Indy comes out Thursday, so it will be 5 days) All points are doubled.
* 4th of July 3rd 6th All points are doubled.
* Labor day weekend August 29th - September 1st
* Batman weekend July 18th -July July 20th All points are doubled.
5. Vacation rule: New to the Contest this year, we will only count the your top 12 scores. So, if you miss a week or two you won’t be out of it.
6. Deadline: All predictions must be in by Friday 10PM PST every weekend. On double points weekends, special deadline will apply. Please make sure your predictions are in before the deadline, however, we may look the other way if the estimates are not yet made public and/or it is obvious such results have not been seen.
8. Who can play? Everyone. It is fun! You may enter or exit the contest at any time or post predictions whenever you like, as long it is within the deadline.
8. The winner: The player with the most points at the end of contest, wins instant fame and glory (being worshiped by the all the BO forum posters) AND a Supporter account!
We will have to change the double points rule for Batman could count double for Transformers 2 and/or Harry Poter.
Xavier Synik
Apr 20th, 2009, 11:05:26 AM
ah yes I remember now...
I'm in.
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 20th, 2009, 11:58:30 AM
I'm in. :)
Liam Jinn
Apr 20th, 2009, 09:44:30 PM
I'm also in.
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 21st, 2009, 04:41:15 PM
I think we have enough and I suspect CMJ and Yog will play.
Apr 21st, 2009, 06:22:32 PM
You bet.. ;)
Shadow Storm
Apr 21st, 2009, 06:27:40 PM
I vill play as well.
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 27th, 2009, 08:37:15 AM
Here are the rules
1. How to play: Each weekend, predict the order of the top 5 movies, and how much each film will make. To make sure people don’t make the same predictions, post your dollar figures to the nearest ten thousand, for example "25.58M" (25 million 580 thousand).
2. Movie Order Points: For every film you place in the correct order, you get 5 points. If you get #1- 5 right, you would get 25 points.
3. Accuracy Points: The closest person to each of the five films also gets points, and they are as follows;
# 1 - 25 pts
# 2 - 20 pts
# 3 - 15 pts
# 4 - 10 pts
# 5 - 5 pts
This year you don't have to get the movies in order. If you are closest to the #2 movie and picked it third you still get the points.
4. Double Points Weekends. Points are doubled on the following weekends:
* Memorial Day May 21 - May 26 (Terminator 4 comes out Thursday, so it will be 5 days) All points are doubled.
* 4th of July 1st to 5th All points are doubled.
* Labor day weekend September 4th - September 7th
* Transformers weekend June 24h –July to July 28th All points are doubled.
* Harry Potter weekend July 15th to July to July 19th All points are doubled
5. Vacation rule: New to the Contest this year, we will only count the your top 12 scores. So, if you miss a week or two you won’t be out of it.
6. Deadline: All predictions must be in by Friday 10PM PST every weekend. On double points weekends, special deadline will apply. Please make sure your predictions are in before the deadline, however, we may look the other way if the estimates are not yet made public and/or it is obvious such results have not been seen.
8. Who can play? Everyone. It is fun! You may enter or exit the contest at any time or post predictions whenever you like, as long it is within the deadline.
8. The winner: The player with the most points at the end of contest, wins instant fame and glory (being worshiped by the all the BO forum posters) AND a Supporter account!
It all starts this Friday, good luck.
I am just going to update this thread for the first week instead of starting a new one.
Xavier Synik
Apr 27th, 2009, 08:54:46 AM
Cause I just thought about this part... What are we predicting? US revenue, global, other?
Apr 27th, 2009, 10:54:31 AM
Oh, I'm in too! And ditto to Xavier's question.
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 27th, 2009, 01:19:24 PM
Cause I just thought about this part... What are we predicting? US revenue, global, other?
The top 5 movies for the weekend. When they post this past weekend's actuals, I will post them.
Weekend Actuals
1 N OBSESSED SGem $28,612,730 - 2,514 - $11,381 $28,612,730 1
2 1 17 AGAIN WB $11,518,495 -51.4% 3,255 - $3,539 $39,823,333 2
3 N FIGHTING Rog. $11,024,370 - 2,309 - $4,775 $11,024,370 1
4 N THE SOLOIST P/DW $9,716,458 - 2,024 - $4,801 $9,716,458 1
5 N EARTH BV $8,825,760 - 1,804 - $4,892 $14,472,792 1
New releases
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past
The Battle for Terra (even though it looks awful)
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 28th, 2009, 09:22:09 PM
US revenue, Xavier. :)
1. Wolverine $67.98 M
2. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past $19.53 M
3. Obsessed $15.74 M
3. 17 Again $9.21 M
4. The Soloist $8.52 M
5. Battle for Terra $7.19 M
Xavier Synik
Apr 29th, 2009, 10:27:22 AM
1. Wolverine $64.95 M
2. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past $15.32 M
3. Obsessed $9.45 M
3. Battle for Terra $8.39 M
4. The Soloist $7.23 M
5. Fighting $5.52 M
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 29th, 2009, 11:37:43 AM
1. Wolverine $95.58 M
2. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past $19.43 M
3. Obsessed $12.99 M
3. 17 Again $7.75 M
4. The Soloist $6.92 M
5. Earth $5.89 M
Apr 30th, 2009, 07:38:00 AM
1. Wolverine 92.3M
2. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past 21.52M
3. Obsessed 12.23M
3. 17 Again 6.25M
4. The Soloist 5.55M
5. Earth 5.23M
Apr 30th, 2009, 06:09:45 PM
1. Wolverine $73.88M
2. Obsessed $15.23M
3. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past $14.86M
4. Earth $8.66M
5. 17 Again $7.25M
5. The Soloist $6.45M
Liam Jinn
Apr 30th, 2009, 09:19:27 PM
1. Wolverine $69.11M
2. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past $18.76M
3. Obsessed $10.17M
3. 17 Again $7.54M
4. The Soloist $6.31M
5. Earth $4.22M
May 1st, 2009, 06:00:36 PM
1. Wolverine 68.0M
2. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past 20.78M
3. Obsessed 13.40M
3. 17 Again 8.01M
4. The Soloist 5.95M
5. Earth 5.25M
May 1st, 2009, 06:28:07 PM
1. Wolverine 91.29M
2. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past 22.75M
3. Obsessed 12.24M
4. 17 Again 5.65M
5. Earth 5.54M
Liam Jinn
May 2nd, 2009, 03:37:59 PM
Haha, I just noticed most of us can't count.
Jedi Master Carr
May 2nd, 2009, 06:58:19 PM
Haha, I just noticed most of us can't count.
LOL I just see that, I think we copied the order of each other and just changed the numbers. I guess the first 5 will be the only ones to count.
Liam Jinn
May 2nd, 2009, 07:03:51 PM
Yeah, drop the 6th pick.
Jedi Master Carr
May 3rd, 2009, 10:16:43 AM
Weekend Estimates
1 X-Men Origins: Wolverine $ 87,000,000 4,099 1 $ 21,225 $ 87,000,000 Fox
2 Ghosts of Girlfriends Past 15,300,000 3,175 1 4,819 15,300,000 Warner Bros.
3 Obsessed 12,200,000 28,612,730 -57.4 2,514 2 4,853 47,002,000 Sony
4 17 Again 6,100,000 11,518,495 -47.0 3,255 3 1,874 48,242,000 Warner Bros.
5 Monsters vs. Aliens 5,800,000 8,520,826 -31.9 2,626 6 2,209 182,405,000 Paramount
May 3rd, 2009, 01:58:40 PM
Haha, I just noticed most of us can't count.
LOL I just see that, I think we copied the order of each other and just changed the numbers. I guess the first 5 will be the only ones to count.
Guilty as charged!
May 3rd, 2009, 02:23:04 PM
Yup, I was too lazy to type the name of the movies, and I agreed on the order, so... v:)v
Jedi Master Carr
May 3rd, 2009, 06:00:57 PM
Yup, I was too lazy to type the name of the movies, and I agreed on the order, so... v:)v
LOL I did the same thing.
May 4th, 2009, 03:11:46 AM
Do we now disqualify us all as a punishment fpr lazyness and stupidity? Just to be fair to all the people that get disqualified for posting too late.
Jedi Master Carr
May 4th, 2009, 05:26:24 PM
Do we now disqualify us all as a punishment fpr lazyness and stupidity? Just to be fair to all the people that get disqualified for posting too late.
Well everybody posted a top 5 but just added on an extra film. Since it isn't in the rules everybody's picks will count but just the first five.
Here are the weekend actuals
1 N X-Men Origins: Wolverine Fox $85,058,003 - 4,099 - $20,751 $85,058,003 $150 1
2 N Ghosts of Girlfriends Past WB (NL) $15,411,434 - 3,175 - $4,854 $15,411,434 - 1
3 1 Obsessed SGem $12,052,151 -57.9% 251 -2,263 $48,017 $46,854,485 $20 2
4 2 17 Again WB $6,361,358 -44.8% 3,255 - $1,954 $48,503,817 - 3
5 6 Monsters Vs. Aliens P/DW $5,803,429 -31.9% 2,626 -732 $2,210 $182,407,971 $175 6
I will trying to post winners in a second.
Jedi Master Carr
May 4th, 2009, 05:46:26 PM
Here are the results
Winner of #1 Movie CMJ
Winner of #2 Movie Xavier Synik
Winner of #3 Movie CMJ
Winner of #4 Movie Yog
Winner of #5 No one
Weekend totals
CMJ 60
Xavier Synik 35
Yog 30
Lilaena De'Ville 20
Crusader 20
Jedi Master Carr 20
Liam Jinn 20
Lykaios 5
Nobody give up because you have like 5 weekends that won't count.
May 4th, 2009, 09:54:55 PM
Somehow that seems fair since I only posted 5 films. ;)
Jedi Master Carr
May 5th, 2009, 03:55:47 PM
Somehow that seems fair since I only posted 5 films. ;)
lol I know you were the only one.
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