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Tiberius Anar
Apr 20th, 2009, 05:58:48 AM
‘Between the Sovereign and those tasked with the execution of the Sovereign’s will sits the Chancellor. The Chancellor is tasked with co-ordinating the activities of the Imperial Government’s ministries and agencies, to which end he meets regularly with the heads of those bodies and receives reports from them; in company with them the Chancellor devises policies and procedures through which the Sovereign’s will might be realised.

For the sake of this end, the Chancellor must maintain cordial and professional relations with those with whom he works. The Chancellor’s opinions are, therefore, given great weight in the Sovereign’s deliberations upon the appointment of ministers and other senior officials for a chancellor and a minister at odds is a discord that creates chaos in government. This consideration for the Chancellor’s opinion must not, however, be mistaken for deference to him on the part of the Sovereign nor for the subordination of the Sovereign’s will. As in all things, the will of the Sovereign must rightly prevail in the appointment of ministers and, thus, when it is the Sovereign’s will that a being should serve whose relations with the Chancellor are strained, it is incumbent upon those who serve, both Chancellor and minister, to change their relations.’

- from Servants of the Throne: Chancellors and Ministers of the Empire by Professor S. J. K. Barten-Huber.


Tiberius Anar was reading. He read a great deal. Every day all manner of written matter- memoranda, circulars, briefings, speeches, policy documents, laws, decrees, orders, reports- passed under his eyes. Each item was scanned, analysed and stored in his brain.

Tiberius Anar had a prodigious memory. He remembered a great deal. Everyday he drew upon his memory- a hundred, a thousand, a million times a day perhaps- to aid him in his work. He had honed his memory, trained it, perfected it, nurtured it. For that reason he had no need to check his diary for what was coming, he had no need to check the aide memoir prepared for him by helpful secretaries to ensure that he comported himself correctly. He had already read the papers, he had prepared.

The intercomn buzzed. A slender finger touched the key.

”Monitor Tagge to see you, Your Excellency.”

“Send her in.”

The Chancellor remained seated at his desk behind his neat piles of datawork, he carried on reading. He would not stir himself until his guest entered.

Sanya Tagge
Apr 24th, 2009, 04:29:02 PM
It was an unfamiliar and unsettling emotion that carried Sanya Tagge into Chancellor Tiberius Anar's office: anxiety. To be nervous was not a weakness that the Sub-Adult Group had encouraged, as such a disposition implied the presence of fear – and if there was one thing she could not, under any circumstances, show it was her fear of this man.

In some ways, Anar had been her predecessor and yet in spite of her ascension to the newly-created position of Minister of Truth, he remained in office, something of a shadow to her own efforts. As an old man, apparently set and content in his ways, Sanya had dismissed the Chancellor and any bearing he might have on her. Now, she wondered if her assumptions about him had been correct...

“Mr. Anar.”

Escorted into his office, Tagge smiled primly and offered a nod in greeting. She had dressed conservatively for the meeting, in a mercury silver dress-suit, skirt cut at the calves. Her platinum-blonde hair was caught up in a tight bun, to create a look that was feminine yet at the same time business-like.

Tiberius Anar
Jun 21st, 2011, 03:43:46 PM
Anar looked up from his work, "Monitor." His hand took in a seat in front of his desk, indicating that Tagge might occupy one.

He did not bother with the new title of his guest. First of all, it had not been confirmed. Second, he considered the proposed change of from "Propaganda" to "Truth" a laughable cosmetic innovation.

Contrary to what might be expected, Anar did not bother with pretending to return to his work. Instead he fixed his guest with a level gaze and waited for her to speak. As a general rule, people felt the need to fill the silence and the way in which they did this was revealing.

Sanya Tagge
Aug 4th, 2011, 02:55:41 PM
She took the offered seat, crossing one leg over the other and folded her hands neatly in her lap. On the other side of his desk, Tiberius Anar sat in stoic silence, his eyes studying Sanya with only the faintest hint that he was interested by what he saw. If truth be told, she was none too enthused about her host either - she had spent enough time dealing with the greying relics of Palpatine's reign to know what they thought of a woman in her position - but whatever she felt she concealed behind bright eyes and a practised smile.

“Shall we begin, Mr. Anar? I am certain that neither of us has the time to sit and stare at one another all day, however much we might enjoy the view.”

Tiberius Anar
Sep 2nd, 2011, 06:36:32 AM
"I see that reports of your directness have not been exaggerated.

"Very well," he took a pad from a pile that lay near at hand and held it up, "This is the order appointing you as Her Imperial Majesty's Minister of Propaganda. As Chancellor," he placed the slightest of stresses on the word, "I am empowered to implement the order. It is Her Majesty's wish that I do so."

The pad went down onto the desk. A stylus, plucked from holder by thin hand, hovered over the surface.

"But, perhaps, you would do me the courtesy of telling me, now, what I can expect? I am told of proposals of the most interesting sort."

Sanya Tagge
Dec 25th, 2011, 01:49:23 PM
Directness. It was a deliberate turn of phrase; one could expect nothing less from Tiberius Anar. Maintaining her smile, Sanya filed that assessment of her manner away for later consideration. For now, it seemed she would be called upon to justify the implementation of Her Majesty's edict. She watched the tip of Anar's stylus, poised as it was to begin noting every word that was about to pass her lips.

“Propaganda is such an... unseemly word, Mr. Chancellor. It suggests an amount of deception that I, quite frankly, don't have the guile for. The ministry will be concerned chiefly with the monitoring and regulation of the HoloNet and other media outlets. In addition to this, we shall be assuming some of the responsibilities of the Coalition for Progress, in particular those duties relating to the standardization of the arts, the sciences and so forth.”

Tiberius Anar
Jan 13th, 2012, 07:57:33 AM
"Have you not met Ernst Blomberg?" asked Anar.

The former Minister of Propaganda was neither terribly seemly nor particularly adept at deception. Nor was he especially guileful. He did not need to be: he had subordinates for that.

Seeing that Tagge either did not know (or did not want to admit that she did) about Ernst Blomberg's ideas and methods, Anar moved on.

"The Ministry has, customarily, been responsible for those things." The Chancellor considered for a moment. "If you do not intend a radical alteration of remit must I conclude that the radical change will be in a divergence from past methodology?"