View Full Version : Concerning Jedi

Mar 13th, 2009, 03:15:47 PM
This thread is all about discussing the game plan for Jedi when they finally converge in one place under one banner. Just like everyone else, I have an idea or two I'd like to share with regards to this for the following reason: if, when the time comes, the Jedi Order reforms in a fashion identical to the one we know from the Prequels(other than it being based on Coruscant, of course) then it will be very dull indeed. What is the point of resetting without approaching the Jedi, as a group, in a new light?

Post-reset, post-Order 66, the Jedi are scattered and struggling desperately to survive. There are very few left who can claim to have walked inside the Jedi Temple and fewer still who hold those old values close to their heart; some have fallen, some have lost faith, but there are some, like Serena for example, who still hold true to the old ways. The likelihood is that these traditional Jedi will be in the minority and the rest will be just as divided amongst themselves.

The surviving Jedi hail from all kinds of diverse backgrounds, with histories as dark as they are desperate because since the reset, a Jedi's top priority has been to survive and this leaves little room to accomodate idealised doctrine and morals. Consequently, what we will have is a convergence of characters who view themselves as Jedi but all having strong and opposing views with regards to what defines a Jedi, what rules they should follow, and most importantly, how they are relevant in this different and dangerous time.

My idea is fairly simple, the Jedi unite under one banner and follow a basic set of guiding principles, but within the order there are divisions. These separate houses or clans or whatever one would want to call them each have their own set of values, codes of honour, and unique practices. Which of these divisions a Jedi belongs to depends entirely upon the views of the character. I think the easiest way to describe this is like Hogwarts for Jedi, such as how there are houses for students with certain skill sets and personal traits. Another way of looking at it is to compare this to the vampire clans or werewolf tribes of White Wolf's World of Darkness.

The Jedi would still be united, gathered in one place, but this way we're given the freedom to explore new boundaries of what defines a Jedi. It also lends itself to opportunities of internal conflict within the Jedi Order itself, when the various divisions clash over certain issues. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting we have Dark or even Gray Jedi running around in sects, this is still all about the good guys. Except now, on top of your traditional Jedi, you may have Jedi who view themselves as warriors first, or healers, or humanitarians, or law-enforcers, or political figures, or who knows what. The point would be diversity.

Personally, I think the groundwork is already down for something like this, what with how we have all approached our Jedi characters. Now it is a question of deciding what we would like to do with them, together, as a group. All I know is the last thing I want is to see all these fascinating Jedi characters pigeon-holed into one kind of Jedi template just so we can bring them together. I'm fairly sure no-one wants that but the question is: what are we going to do?

Mar 14th, 2009, 05:15:56 PM
I'm still lost in the progression of the unification. Although it was jointed for a short second, there was a lot of people outside of the Red Head Circle. Since the seperation it seems theres a few steps to be taken before there is an true new assets added to the Jedi's effort to re-establish the Order in any form. There is still a Galactic Civil War going on, and it's hectic, as well as unsafe.

The problem I'm worried about is how long could an Order actually maintain under the Empire's watch.

Estelle Russard
Mar 14th, 2009, 07:01:10 PM
The problem I'm worried about is how long could an Order actually maintain under the Empire's watch.

I guess we will worry about any new Order surviving the Empire's attention once we finally get it together enough for it to come under their radar.

I like your proposal Droo. I have Harlequin, who's motto is Peace through Conflict. She is searching for the Jedi so she can come into the fold and learn the old ways, but I fear her nature will take quite some changing to fit in the old preconceived Jedi mold. She would have been perfect for the Pre-reset Lost Jedi group, I should have thought.

How we go about it? I think we should have some front runners who agree to form a "Jedi Council" but despite having a overall unified goal (the resurgence of the Jedi as a whole) they all differ as to how to achieve it and therefore have a loose truce between themselves in an effort to realise this. Compromise for the common good, sort of thing, for as long as they all can stand t do so.

This would make for some interesting Council meetings, at the very least imo.

Peter McCoy
Mar 14th, 2009, 07:38:42 PM
I think it's a good idea.

The good thing is I can talk with Droo face to face to brainstorm and throw ideas around in a more efficient and dynamic way than over AIM.

One thing that got me thinking was along the lines of Warhammer 40,000. Anybody familiar with the Dawn of War games should get what I mean when I mention the space marine chapters. Every single one of them is a battle brother - grunts in power armor, armed with bolter guns and fighting in the name of the Emperor. But they don't all follow the same rules. Some are by-the-numbers outfits, adhering to the established rules in textbook format, never deviating. There's a right way to do something, and there's a wrong way to do something. Others are more diverse. They loosely follow the codex but fudge things around where they see fit, based upon their own style of combat or attitude towards certain things. And then you have some chapters who take one aspect of that codex and focus all their wefforts on it, highly specialising in one form of combat, their strategies based on that one single ideal and shunning other options no matter what.

Each chapter is very diverse, with its own style, pro's and conns, look, feel and attitudes. But when you get right down to it, they're still Space Marines fighting for the Emperor of Mankind.

A Jedi organisation with the same thing in mind would be a very diverse, dynamic and exciting thing to be a part of. Multiple views on the same situations would add great drama and personal conflict.

One simple example could be of two 'clans' shall we say - one which is deeply concerned with recovering and preserving that which was lost as a result of the purge. Reclaiming lost artifacts and holding onto long-standing ideals and ways of life while passing them on to newly-initiated and discovered Jedi who are finding their place in a galaxy which is, for them, a very dangerous place right now. And the other, a more here and now, survival-orientated sect, whose primary concern is not the past, but the future - forging new ideals and approaches to deal with a galaxy very different from the one they knew - one in which the major superpower's ultimate goal is their annihilation - the recovery of dusty books and heirlooms pales in comparison to the paramount issue of ensuring their survival and safeguarding their future by whatever means necessary (by that I don't mean they'll kill innocents, but they would hardly consider archaeology to be a necessary endeavor). The concerns and objectives of such sects would likely conflict at times, and that would be a very interesting thing to watch as it plays out.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 15th, 2009, 01:51:57 AM
I don't think that there was ever any doubt that the united Jedi would only be united loosely, at best. We have a handful of Knights and a Master who have all come from different upbringings, different methods of training - and none of them are perfect. There has already been conflict amongst individual Jedi about how to approach certain situations, whether to work closely with the Alliance or not, etc. Bringing everyone together formally will only increase those conflicts, I'm sure.

The idea was proposed, in the Avalon forum, that we base the Jedi on Mon Calamari as this is realistically the most secure world available to them - however that plan has been throw into slight confusion by the fact that the Empire may be launching an attck on Mon Calamari. I'm not sure what people want to do with that now. Personally I'd still like to see it happen, but the Imps need to make some final call on what they're doing before we can roll the Mon Cal plan into action.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 15th, 2009, 02:37:10 PM
I don't think that attack would go well for the Empire unless it basically wants to get knocked around. I imagine it would be a fortress at this point.

Drin Kizael
Mar 15th, 2009, 05:06:42 PM
I think this is essentially what everyone was going to do anyway, but it's definitely good to have it articulated here.

We all come from different schools of fandom. We all have different takes on the Force and the Jedi, and few of them (if any) jibe with Lucas much. I'd hate to play a Jedi in the pre-Clone Wars era. *shudder* Thankfully we have plenty of in-story reasons to explain why that vision of the Jedi Order could never survive post-Empire.

And why am I chiming in on the subject?

Well with the reboot and this unification and the new Empress and the handful of free time I'm starting to manage these days, I was thinking it's time to get Kizael out of retirement. Maybe Yun Tilgraze, too.

For those who don't know... he's a Master with energy absorption a la the Halcyon family. I've been loosely part of SW-Fans since pretty much day 1, so I'm hoping I can keep that. Given his back story with Navaria, those facets of the character are kind of hard to write out.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 15th, 2009, 06:59:30 PM
Dac is not going to look friendly for Jedi when it is blockaded by the Empire.

;) And Morg and I are sort of writing the Jedi off of Bespin. So we'll have to think fast! Maybe we should stay nomadic and in space most of the time, cobbling our ships together between hyperspace jumps. :D

:ohno... actually I love this idea.....:eee

Mar 15th, 2009, 07:20:49 PM
A mobile Jedi academy? I think that's an excellent idea.

Mar 15th, 2009, 09:37:26 PM
And Morg and I are sort of writing the Jedi off of Bespin.

I've been meaning to chat with you two about bringing an uninvited passenger. :)

Mar 15th, 2009, 10:04:36 PM
A mobile Jedi academy? I think that's an excellent idea.

I think this idea really should be worked. A mobile Jedi Academy would be an amenity for all this planning for unification.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 16th, 2009, 02:41:31 AM
Dac is not going to look friendly for Jedi when it is blockaded by the Empire.

If not when.

A mobile academy... how would new members find it?

Mar 16th, 2009, 05:20:57 AM
It would figure, what with Jedi having to be secretive and all, that new members couldn't just find it but the new members would have to be found by the existing members, and brought along.

Mar 16th, 2009, 05:48:18 AM
Rebellion Intelligence could have the details of the convoy's route; let's say they go around in big circles, changing co-ordinates with each cycle, perhaps keeping an eye out for hints of other Jedi and picking them up along the way. And as for the rest, it would be down to the Rebellion to inform the Jedi who come to them where they can find the convoy and join them.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 16th, 2009, 06:06:23 AM
Ah, so we are assuming that the Jedi will be working with the Rebellion.. interesting :mneh

Mar 16th, 2009, 06:16:20 AM
I don't believe anyone has said anything to the contrary. All that I know is that I'm interested in seeing new and original things done with the Jedi in our Star Wars universe, and this secret convoy idea is both. The fact is things are going slowly, its been a month since anything was further discussed in the Avalon forum, which means that if we start co-ordinating between both the Jedi and Rebel groups, it will take even longer. Pragmatically speaking, I can't see the Jedi being able to do anything without the support of the Rebellion anyway, but this mobile academy thing is probably the most independent way they could survive.

Mar 16th, 2009, 01:51:22 PM
This mobile academy idea is a really cool idea. I am wondering where we find the ships for it - obviously, Serena's got the Serenity, and Nav has a Y-Wing, but that's not exactly a convoy.

So either we mooch a few bigger ships from the Rebel fleet, which doesn't really help us keep independent, or we find some of our own.

It just so happens that Intersections of Light and Dark (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=17537) includes a bulk freighter (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Bulk_freighter) that was attacked by pirates and cast adrift. It's possible it could still be drifting. The ship carried 3,000 passengers crammed in like sardines, so it could easily accommodate a fledgling Jedi order, and with a little retrofitting, the cargo bays could become training arenas, council chambers, whatever we want.

Granted, depending on what else happened - whether the remaining passengers were rescued - there might be a bit of mess to clean up first.

Yeart Quenn
Mar 16th, 2009, 02:38:40 PM
I could offer the Voodoo Heart - the Black Bloods pirate vessel. It's a large ship and when Dar locked up the pirates and turned them in, the ship basically was left behind since it was never allowed to come near the base. If some Jedi would come across it.... a bit of code cracking, and some quick fight against a pirate or two, and the ship can be theirs.

As long as they don't mind the garish color scheme on the outside.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 16th, 2009, 03:10:18 PM
Having the Jedi travel like the Minbari Grey Council would be all shades of :cool

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 17th, 2009, 06:08:22 PM
Having thought about this a little, I think that for new Jedi to find us would be difficult. But that's sort of the point - we don't want just anyone running into them.

I was picturing the ships being all airlocked together like a conglomerated space station. We would probably need a bigger/biggish ship in the central spot.

And - we would have one or two of the smaller ships go on supply runs. These would probably be planned pretty thoroughly, and perhaps coordinated with the Rebs?, to avoid Imperial entanglements and pick up adepts.

As far as a 'route' I think we wouldn't travel a lot. Every week or so perhaps jump to a new position? And stay away from the main routes, of course.

Mar 17th, 2009, 07:47:33 PM
Just exactly where would this large ship come from? And would a Council need to be formed before hand, or would one of the higher ups present the idea to the rest and go from there?

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 17th, 2009, 10:50:03 PM
We have very few knight/master Jedi, I suppose once we established a new 'base' that it would be a simple process to set up a new Council for the Jedi Order.

A large ship might appear through RPing magic;)

I don't think everything has to be talked to death before we RP it. I would just choose a few people to RP getting supplies or a larger ship from a junkyard or whatever, and let them do their thing. Call it a mission?

I don't like planning everything down to the nuts and bolts because the RPs necessary to cause the things to happen then rarely do. If that makes sense. I'm more of a 'basic framework' kind of gal. I think.

I can see the new Order having 'factions' as Dru says, but we're not going to be big enough for that to be a big deal. At least for now. If we want to decide OOC what 'factions' we're ending up with, and then make sure we have a knight/master on the Council that represents that viewpoint, I think that should be good. Then a 'school of thought' can evolve through RP around that council member. ?

Mar 18th, 2009, 12:30:07 AM
I only ask because this seems like a perfect entrance for Zai, since this whole deal with Jedi, big, expensive, hard-to-track ships is right up his alley.

Mar 18th, 2009, 07:43:38 AM
The ship sounds a bit like that thing they had in Outbound Flight.

Mar 18th, 2009, 11:15:17 AM
The whole idea reminds me of Chu'unthor

Peter McCoy
Mar 20th, 2009, 03:26:29 AM
I pointed that ship out to Droo the other day. The praxeum ship which crashed on some planet 300-400 years before Yavin. Yoda once taught onboard the ship. It had hundreds of sparring rooms, meditation chambers, workshops for lightsaber crafting and medical rooms for teaching Jedi healing. It measured something like 1km by 2km.

But for a fledgling, below-radar Jedi group I think thats a bit too grand and impractical. Plus it's a carcass of a ship buried in the sand. I wouldn't have thought it would have been a model of ship, but rather a custom job. Perhaps the group could find the wreckage and gain some useful knowledge/equipment like a holocron perhaps. And finding the ship inspires the creation of the fleet maybe?

Mar 20th, 2009, 06:21:25 AM
That would be interesting. I'm not bias toward any idea for stirring up a move, or just doing it, but I know I want this character involved. As Lil said, it's probably best not to plan it down to the tee, but have this idea out there. I think it's definitely out ther enow, and theres no way to return it. No receipt on this buddy.

So, I'm sure it will flow into motion. I've sent out PMs and stuff of this character's info to people about this, because I think he would be a near-perfect fit for supporting this effort.

Mar 20th, 2009, 07:27:39 AM
The Chu'unthor got stranded on Dathomir. Getting it off that planet might prove interesting.

Salem Ave
Mar 20th, 2009, 07:35:01 AM
There are some Dark Jedi on Dathomir. It might be interesting to have a run-in with them. Although admitedly at the moment there are only two active members of that group, since Jeseth and his cronies seem to have vanished. Still, NPCs could be conjured out of the ether.

Razielle Alastor
Mar 20th, 2009, 11:28:45 AM
I would love it if more people wanted to play some Dathomir natives. :ohno

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 20th, 2009, 01:36:06 PM
I was thinking that for now the practical solution for our Jedi would be to use the ships they already have. We have three, don't we? Plus whatever Charley's Jedi have, I'm not sure about their ships. But Serena, Morgan and Rhianna flew two ships to Bespin, and the other Jedi that were on Coruscant have a ship.

Grand plans are grand, but should be used later when we're grand enough for them, I think.

Mar 20th, 2009, 01:40:11 PM
I think a bigger one would be more sensible for the future, because the natural progression seems to be pointing to what Lil proposed. Then, eventually, after a bit of talking, they can make a more organized move to develop it.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 20th, 2009, 01:47:29 PM
Three ships isn't really an academy though, is it? I thought we were trying to go for something where everyone was all together.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 20th, 2009, 01:49:20 PM
Would the Alliance possibly provide a larger cruiser specifically refitted for Jedi use?

Mar 20th, 2009, 01:49:25 PM
I agree. Let's not get ahead of ourselves with this, besides, I think it's far more interesting to a have a rag-tag makeshift fleet of clunky old ships. There's far more character to that than there is to capital ships and the like. To add to the fleet, Acacius Blade and Abarai Loki should've acquired the Dusty Duck depending on a certain someone getting his arse into gear - yes, Peter, I'm looking at you! :shakefist

Also, a few of us have been discussing the need for a catalyst which can bring the Jedi together, a lightning rod to the cause, and one idea which came up was a prophecy focused around an individual, who's appearance acts as a sign that the time for the Jedi to reunite has come. I won't go into much detail since it doesn't really involve me and I'd rather not jump the gun with this, nevertheless I thought I'd put the idea out there in some vague capacity. I mean, how do people feel about this mythical element to Jedi lore? I know Loki couldn't give a fig about prophecies and myths but surely there'd be some. I dunno, I'm not feeling very coherent due to the fact that I haven't slept since Wednesday night. Excuse me... :zzz

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 20th, 2009, 01:51:24 PM
Prophecy? Mythical individual? Who? o_O

Mar 20th, 2009, 02:03:29 PM
Like I said, it's not my place to say. If the guys involved went ahead with any such idea, I'd rather not spill the beans without their consent. Suffice it to say I'm not talking about plans, I'm talking about brain-storming.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 20th, 2009, 02:11:40 PM
Well if it's potentially going to be the reason we all come together, they might want to go public with it soon because it seems like people are pushing for this faction unification sooner rather than later.

Mar 20th, 2009, 02:18:28 PM
I completely agree, but it doesn't directly concern any of my characters, hence why I edited my post. I just wanted to discuss the idea of a prophecy of some sort acting as a catalyst for this whole thing. A few of us have spoken about a specific idea, but I don't want to be the one to go "Hey guys, how about this?" and divulge all, that's their prerogative. Hope you understand I'm not trying to be awkward, it's just not my place to say anything else.

Rev Solomon
Mar 20th, 2009, 02:30:33 PM
If prophetic interpretations are required, I'm your man.

Actually, I'm hoping to get involved again anyway. My underground railroad for Force-sensitives never really took off...

Mar 20th, 2009, 02:45:16 PM
I just hope I'm not getting ignored in all this.

Mar 20th, 2009, 03:04:21 PM
No-one's getting ignored. I read your bio and you're right, your character can fit into the scheme of things nicely but as I said before, this is just brain-storming, and here people have the opportunity to put their ideas down on the table so we can figure out where to go with them. No decisions have been made, although I think it's safe to say the idea of the Jedi being on the move in a small fleet, jumping from place to place, is popular.

Personally, if the Jedi need a central vessel in this fleet of theirs, a bigger ship to act as an academy of sorts, then I like Kale's idea about the bulk freighter left conveniently adrift at the end of our thread. It's already been roleplayed into existance and is there for the taking, if we so choose. Kale could inform his Jedi friends of its whereabouts and they could find its weak distress signal weeks/months after it had been abandonned.

Mar 20th, 2009, 04:40:09 PM
I like the notion of rebuilding the order basically from scratch, cobbling together everything until something more functional is required and able to be manned.

I definitely hope I can squeeze Hob in there somewheres. :)

Serena Laran
Mar 20th, 2009, 05:23:28 PM
Hob is welcome. You did mention you wanted to hop a ride...? You should drop me a PM.

Regardless of what the rest of you are doing, Serena has to leave Bespin post haste, and I'll start this 'mobile' base with her. :mneh So you can all keep talking or join her I guess. ;) I NPCed Daria a bit in my recent RP with Morgan, so the Bespin Jedi should be getting a move on shortly. in theory.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 20th, 2009, 05:33:33 PM
Wait what did Daria do? :huh

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 20th, 2009, 05:47:25 PM
She answered the phone.

Morgan only had a moment's hesitation before his brain instructed his body to move. He headed for the cockpit, and selected the common frequency range that they'd been using for communication on Cloud City.

"Daria?" Morgan asked over the comm. He hoped she was there.

"Morgan? Did everything go okay at the garrison?"

"Yeah. Is everything okay there?" He looked at Serena who looked back at him, and she sighed in relief when the other Jedi affirmed that yes everything was fine.

"Tell her to keep an eye out," Serena added, and when Morgan disconnected the connection she was again sifting through the vials and bandages and bacta packs and synflesh that was littering the decking. After a few more tense minutes she sat back on her heels. "I had a datacard hidden in that cupboard.

"A recording of my knighting ceremony. From the Order."

After half an hour of meditation, sitting in the sunlight that flooded the niche she'd settled in, Serena was no closer to an answer than she had been before. She called Daria on the comm and told her to move everyone out of the hotel that Serena was staying at. The Jedi were not all clustered in the same hotel, but Rhianna and Wyl and Daria were staying at the same one as her, and she didn't want them to be discovered should the Empire stop by.

Serena explained the why to Daria in as few words as possible. "We will need to leave Bespin, sooner rather than later it appears."

The other knight agreed, and the conversation ended. Serena got up and walked towards where Serenity was waiting, Morgan inside and looking the ship over. Pad R51 was a short walk away, and soon enough she was peering up the boarding door, her hand on the smooth hull of the yacht.

That's what happened.


Dasquian Belargic
Mar 20th, 2009, 05:52:33 PM
I didn't know we were in a hotel @_@ where is Navaria in all of this? Where is this in the timeline?


Peter McCoy
Mar 21st, 2009, 03:17:42 AM
Oh...before you were born.


Miranda Tarkin
Mar 21st, 2009, 07:20:37 AM
Yeah where am I? :p And fyi - considering what Navaria looks like, she is staying at a small cookie cutter room in one of the not so nice part of town where most of the factory workers are.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 23rd, 2009, 09:24:37 AM
Well, the Imps tell me that the attack on Mon Cal will go ahead (at some point..) so I guess for now we have to settle for this fleet academy.

(...star..fleet academy? >_> Anyway..)

How about we try to get this rolling? Everyone obviously wants it to happen, we just need to establish the timeline point when it's happening and get started. There have been some cool ideas tossed about already which I think would at a lot of flavour to the story, rather than it simply being a case of everyone showing up at point A and saying 'okay we an order now'

We need to stop talking and get doing!

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 23rd, 2009, 04:45:15 PM
I didn't know we were in a hotel @_@ where is Navaria in all of this? Where is this in the timeline?

I figured we were staying somewhere!

Where this is in the timeline is sometime after Serena, Morg, and Rhianna went to Bespin in the first place, after the other three women came to bespin too, and after Tak and Zem arrived (and Tak left with Arya).

I don't know. There hasn't been a lot of discussion about what the Jedi are doing as a whole, people have just been doing their own thing and its hard to say where the pieces fit.


Mar 23rd, 2009, 05:08:23 PM
So since it looks like the roaming Jedi fleet idea has been given the green light, there's the issue of how the Jedi characters scattered all over are going to be contacted and consequently informed of the fleets whereabouts while at the same time avoiding any Imperial... entanglements.

I was rambling with Jenny the other night about an idea I had concerning this and the simplest way to describe my solution is a treasure hunt. The small fleet is roaming the galaxy so first of all they need to let Jedi all over know they are out there: hijack a government channel and broadcast a message, something simple telling the Jedi to leave any Imperial controlled worlds.

Then sometime later, weeks or months, a pirate broadcast is made to these non-Imperial planets, informing the Jedi to make their way to a certain system where they are to await further instruction. A week later, another broadcast informs them to get to a certain planet in that system and the following day they are given an hour to get to a certain city on that planet then the last message gives them a five minute window to get to a specific starport or hanger where a ship is due to leave - this ship will then take them to the fleet.

This would give us plenty of room for interesting story-telling, it also gives the Imperials a way to react and chase the Jedi before they escape, after all, anyone within the designated region will recieve these transmissions, and with the time window getting smaller and smaller, it will be quite intense. Perhaps the Empire could establish a blockade over the planet and thus the Jedi would need the Rebellion's help to get away safely. And think, each Jedi will have their own story to tell of how they got to the rendezvous point, their paths crossing along the way perhaps, encountering bounty hunters, running from Inquisitors, etc. etc.

Anyway, having given it some thought I think this is quite a logical way to approach contacting and rescuing the Jedi from their anonymity while at the same time serving up some excitement and drama along the way. How do people feel about this?

Rossos Atrapes
Mar 23rd, 2009, 05:20:19 PM
The Inquisitors will definitely be in the chase. >D

Mar 23rd, 2009, 09:11:06 PM
The Inquisitors will definitely be in the dust. >D

Fixed it for you. ;)

Not a bad idea Droo. Did you have someone in mind to kick that off?

I think I am going to have to introduce Hob to the notion of tv.

Mar 23rd, 2009, 09:44:30 PM
Not a bad idea Droo. Did you have someone in mind to kick that off?

Navaria Tarkin making the innitial broadcast, preferably hijacking a live broadcast of her twin sister, Empress Tarkin, would probably make the biggest impact.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 24th, 2009, 03:05:47 AM
I'm down for the "Navaria hijacking the airwaves" idea. :thumbup

Miranda Tarkin
Mar 24th, 2009, 04:33:21 PM
I'm not :shakefist

Plus it would make the entire populace go :huh

Mar 24th, 2009, 04:48:44 PM
Reminds me of that scene in V for Vendetta where he hijacks a news room and yoinks the news feed.

Interesting idea and Morgans a splicer so he could possibly hack into the feed? Sparing the details that hacking the feed from an outside source wouldn't be very likely. You Jedi would definitely be stirring up the hornets nest with that sort of publicity.

Are you sure you want such a public display of "Hey the Jedi are trying to reform? Check it out.". I think the fact there are so few Jedi and they have all been relatively underground and quiet has for the most part kept the Empire from looking for them. This would certainly change things.

And I like it.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 25th, 2009, 03:26:17 AM
I think that is definitely the idea, to create the maximum amount of impact possible. After all, the last few years have proven that skulking in the shadows is getting us nowhere - we need to stand tall and proud and let people know that the defenders of the Republic will not be defeated, etc :mneh

Morgan Evanar
Mar 25th, 2009, 09:27:25 PM
I think that is definitely the idea, to create the maximum amount of impact possible. After all, the last few years have proven that skulking in the shadows is getting us nowhere - we need to stand tall and proud and let people know that the defenders of the Republic will not be defeated, etc :mnehOr, you know, we could have a sense of self-preservation.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 26th, 2009, 03:05:20 AM
Well whatever. Let's just do something cause I am bored as hell.

Mar 26th, 2009, 05:10:01 AM
Or, you know, we could have a sense of self-preservation.

Which is fine and dandy for the folk who've found themselves a handful of other Jedi characters with whom to roleplay. The rest of the Jedi have very little company, as realistic as the "let's hide forever" option is, it is certainly not conduicive to roleplaying for the community of Jedi characters at large. So unless we all just conveniently happen upon Bespin and the little band of Jedi there all at the same time then I don't see any other choice, and besides, I'm sick of convenience, it's about time we did something.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 27th, 2009, 02:57:01 PM
Or, you know, we could have a sense of self-preservation.

Which is fine and dandy for the folk who've found themselves a handful of other Jedi characters with whom to roleplay. The rest of the Jedi have very little company, as realistic as the "let's hide forever" option is, it is certainly not conduicive to roleplaying for the community of Jedi characters at large. So unless we all just conveniently happen upon Bespin and the little band of Jedi there all at the same time then I don't see any other choice, and besides, I'm sick of convenience, it's about time we did something.I think what was really bothering me more was the venue or choice of implimentation. On the whole I have no big issue with the cat getting out of the bag (I stated that poorly), I feel that having Nav do it would be tremendously out of character (and she's already objected). I think what would be better is a public situation that ends up going sour and a Jedi has the option of letting thousands/millions of people die and displaying ability that only a Jedi of legend might have is the only way to solve it.

Mar 27th, 2009, 03:33:25 PM
I feel that having Nav do it would be tremendously out of character (and she's already objected).

Yes, I found that quite odd, since she was originally all for the idea on AIM. Anyway, the idea wasn't that she would just suddenly want to thrust herself into the limelight, we knew that would be out of character, and consequently, that was why we were interested in having someone like Rev Solomon onboard because he could try talking her into taking up this mantle, it having been prophesized and being her destiny, etc. Him being the religious nut that he is but I digress.

I also understand your concerns, and I'm more than happy to hear ideas and suggestions, but the main attraction of all this to me is that it will serve several purporses on a purely OOC level:

1. It brings Jedi characters together in a way which isn't convenient.
2. It ups the ante dramatically and tips the dynamic of Jedi and their relationship with the galaxy and, more specifically, the Empire.
3. It's different.

Jedi cannot afford to be noble self-sacrificing zealots harking from a dated era; they are the outlaws, they are hunted, and they are alone and desperate. If there's a feasible way for a plot in which a few Jedi decide to act and save the lives of innocents can bring the Jedi community together in one place, then I'm all for it but frankly, I don't think it can be done without communication - there are Jedi out there that need a message, and are looking for a direction, and I'm finding it difficult conjuring up a solid idea which brings them together without alerting the galaxy to their presence.

As far as I'm concerned, my desire to actually roleplay far outweights my character's desire to be discreet and survive. I just want to see a change since reading and writing about a Jedi character slumming it alone is becoming tedious and repetitive.

Mar 27th, 2009, 05:11:46 PM
I also understand your concerns, and I'm more than happy to hear ideas and suggestions,

Perhaps its unfeasible for the Jedi to make such a public claim but maybe it wouldn't be out of character for the Empire?

What I mean is, perhaps a Jedi (maybe Navaria?), is captured by the Empire. Through interrogation its found out she was part of a smaller group of Jedi and in an attempt to capture and finish them off for good they make it look like shes successfully hacked into a main holonet and broadcast a message to all Jedi. Then the treasure hunt of destinations begins...

Like your idea except its an unwilling broadcast. The Imperials lay a trap but it fails when too many Jedi show up and run amok. OR something like that?

Fits with the Star wars theory of the Empire always shooting itself in its foot with their schemes. The formation of the rebellion for example. (For those who have played the force unleashed)

Miranda Tarkin
Mar 27th, 2009, 06:15:44 PM
Much drama llama could be created out of her capture for many reasons too ... and the Empire IS gunning for her. It would be logical, except she is hiding really well in plain sight. Something would have to happen for her to go slip up. Something major ... if we were to go that route ..

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 27th, 2009, 06:19:19 PM
It seems just as unlikely and improbable that Navaria should be captured, based on what we have seen of her In Character. She is the senior ranking Jedi after all, and has always shown herself to be level-headed, not liable to wander easily into some trap. Whatever happens here, it's obviously going to be outlandish - whether she is captured and makes this broadcast against her will, or does it out of choice.

Acacius Blade
Mar 27th, 2009, 06:38:08 PM
Outlandish, you say? Perhaps I can be of service?

Acacius certainly doesn't play by the rules. He's a bit off the rails, not one to hide (but that's not to say he's an idiot with no self-preservation either. And he also has a flair for the dramatic, so a speech on a broadcast would come quite naturally to him.

(And on a side note, Tear - I didn't interpret what happens in The Force Unleashed as a mistake at all.)

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 27th, 2009, 06:56:35 PM
If there's any way I can help muck things up with s'Il let me know :)

Mar 27th, 2009, 08:26:22 PM
Did someone call for some chaos?

Also, do not underestimate the persuasive abilities of that cagey Hobgoblin. I hear he once persuaded a young girl to run around the Cloud City red light district with him.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 27th, 2009, 08:27:30 PM
This could be a good chance for Carthis and co to do something with a big impact. They could be the ones who instigate... whatever happens that threatens lots of lives and forces the Jedi to use their power to help.

Mar 27th, 2009, 08:44:18 PM
(And on a side note, Tear - I didn't interpret what happens in The Force Unleashed as a mistake at all.)

How so? It was Vader and the Emperor's intention to use Marek as bait in drawing all the rebel leaders out of hiding. Then they sprung the trap and captured them with the intention of interrogating them for information before executing them.

If it wasn't for Star killers intervention they would have all been put to death as traitors. But he intervened and saved them hence the rebellion official was born. Least canon wise. Unless you chose the dark side ending in which they all die:lol

The Emperor is even quoted to saying, "this alliance we have unwittingly created could be our undoing".

Unless you mean it was all part of Vaders plan... which would been an interesting theory.

Captain Untouchable
Mar 27th, 2009, 09:29:16 PM
Does it have to be a conventional message?

What if we get someone - maybe a one-shot Jedi Master left over from the purge, who dies at the end of the thread - to send up the Force equivalent of a signal flare, which the Jedi would feel drawn towards? Sure, it'd draw the Darksiders, Inquisitors and what-not as well, but there's potential for all kinds of fun there. All we need to do is get the Jedi in the same place so they can add everyone to their SpaceBook friends list, and we can use more clandestine communications to cluster everyone together in a safe haven later on.

What if we pick somewhere relatively inaccessible, like Iego or something? The moons and debris field would prevent anyone from showing up with a sizable force; we'll wind up with whatever Jedi manage to turn up, and a few transports full of Inquisitors. Maybe both Tear and Valten could send people, and wind up having a bitch-off against each other that allows the rest of the Jedi to escape? The one-shot Master could always throw in some sort of heroic saccrifice as well.

Alternatively, we could just get a giant red and blue shape-changing robot to stand on a cliff and announce to the galaxy: "I send this message to any surviving Jedi taking refuge among the stars: we are here; we are waiting." ;)

Mar 27th, 2009, 09:41:41 PM
Alternatively, we could just get a giant red and blue shape-changing robot to stand on a cliff and announce to the galaxy: "I send this message to any surviving Jedi taking refuge among the stars: we are here; we are waiting." ;)

:lol That one gets my vote.

Peter McCoy
Mar 27th, 2009, 11:12:38 PM
Unless you mean it was all part of Vaders plan... which would been an interesting theory.

Bingo. Taking into account what happens in all 6 films, that idea makes so much sense to me.

Dakota Gue
Mar 28th, 2009, 12:04:10 PM
Does it have to be a conventional message?

What if we get someone - maybe a one-shot Jedi Master left over from the purge, who dies at the end of the thread - to send up the Force equivalent of a signal flare, which the Jedi would feel drawn towards? Sure, it'd draw the Darksiders, Inquisitors and what-not as well, but there's potential for all kinds of fun there. All we need to do is get the Jedi in the same place so they can add everyone to their SpaceBook friends list, and we can use more clandestine communications to cluster everyone together in a safe haven later on.

What if we pick somewhere relatively inaccessible, like Iego or something? The moons and debris field would prevent anyone from showing up with a sizable force; we'll wind up with whatever Jedi manage to turn up, and a few transports full of Inquisitors. Maybe both Tear and Valten could send people, and wind up having a bitch-off against each other that allows the rest of the Jedi to escape? The one-shot Master could always throw in some sort of heroic saccrifice as well.

Alternatively, we could just get a giant red and blue shape-changing robot to stand on a cliff and announce to the galaxy: "I send this message to any surviving Jedi taking refuge among the stars: we are here; we are waiting." ;)

I think it should be a MisInformation message. Completely bogus news of a Jedi cell that has been discovered and destroyed. However, within the message (and Acacias might be perfect for this platform) is included an old Jedi adage or long-forgot word that only students of the Jedi code would recognized. They recognize it as a call to arms, or rally cry or something and so the only logical thing would be to head over to the place where the cell was supposedly destroyed and put some feelers out there.

Of course there will be the odd Darkside or Jedi hunter who knows their Jedi-lore and may recognize it too...but I doubt a full scale jedi-hunt would be launched on such flimsy pretense.

Its thin, but it could work as a starting point. Remember, there are some Jedi Masters out there who wont need a flashing neon sign to locate their brethren via the force.

Mar 28th, 2009, 01:43:46 PM
I think putting these ideas together would work, because there seems one little thing in each concept that is a bit nagging. Such as the idea of the misinformation, which is good, but the Jedi adage and words aren't known by everyone. Some, not all, were old enough and active during the period of the Jedi Order. A few were younglings, others were simply not born.

How I see it, I think the best way would go about doing a one-shot Jedi Master that hacks into a feed and thwarts it a bit to hold some message about the Jedi.

I totally support the idea of sending out a beacon though. Bringing in all the Force users, Inq and otherwise, a long with the Jedi would cause a lot of fun. I really like Jace's idea because it stirs up a lot of fun without doing too much.

Mar 28th, 2009, 01:48:01 PM
I really wouldn't want to see yet another Force Rallying Cry sent throughout the galaxy, it's far too convenient and can be done in one post as opposed to sending a real transmission, which requires characters and story.

Captain Untouchable
Mar 28th, 2009, 01:52:35 PM
A bogus message sounds interesting; what if it was cryptic? The message could contain no information regarding where the Jedi need to go; except for the fact that it is signed "Jolee Bindo". Anyone who knows their Jedi history might know that Jolee Bindo went into exile on Kashyyyk, and thus know that the meeting is there. It probably wouldn't work to call to arms any "new" Jedi, but it'd certainly work as a summons for any old school survivors of the Order.

Alternatively, the message could call for people to congregate at "the seat of the Jedi Council". Most people would assume that means Coruscant, but if one of the old KOTOR characters signed the message, that might be a clue to go to the ruins on Dantooine. Or, some message signed by Revan/Malak/a Sith could be a clue to go to Koriban.

It'd be a clue that requires a certain degree of knowledge and wisdom; that way we'd know for sure that Tear won't work it out. ;)

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 28th, 2009, 01:56:39 PM
^ All of that assumes that the Jedi have knowledge of the past and the history of the Order. Some characters probably do, but I'm sure there are just as many others who don't - all the characters who weren't around for Order 66, for instance.. they have had no formal education of Jedi Lore, for the most part, so I can't imagine how any of them would know anything more than a handful of often inaccurate facts about Jedi history. What's important to them is the here and now.

Mar 28th, 2009, 01:57:50 PM
I like this cryptic way.

None of my characters are survivors. Most the important Jedi would know what was going on. Even if the lore is lost, I think there is other cryptic ways of telling all the Jedi what is going on. Whether it involve a lightsaber crystal, or the Force. There are certain things all Jedi know.

EDIT: But I also think this cryptic idea should to worked with the way of hijacking a feed or something as Droo had put it. Also, as Lil had put it some time ago, I think its best not to over-plan it and just do it. Someone needs to DO this stuff and not plan it down to a tee. Leave some room for improvising and start acting on these ideas so that we can get the ball rolling.

Miranda Tarkin
Mar 29th, 2009, 04:04:09 PM
I'm not :shakefist

Plus it would make the entire populace go :huh

I think this needs to be clarified - I was joking around. I'm sorry if that was misinterpreted. I am all for the prophecy angle if people like it :) And decide to go with it.

Honestly, with all the suggestion and how many turns this thread went, I am not sure what people like and don't like O_o

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 30th, 2009, 02:46:23 AM
I'm not really up for contributing much but if you need a Jedi to be captured feel free to use Serena. She's already potentially exposed, and her capture by the Empire would work to send the Jedi on Bespin fleeing for the stars.

Then you can use the Inquisitorate to say nasty stuff on the public airwaves like "We know the Jedi are back, but give up all hope you pansy do-gooders, we will always triumph.. because good is dumb."

Also, then, if my erstwhile padawans launched a rescue and sprung Serena from the Empire's clutches I think there might be knighthoods involved. (erstwhile... I like the word but I'm not sure I'm using it correctly, but it sounds cool in my mind.)

And THEY can be like hijacking the airwaves while they're in there (maybe she's being executed on the 'net and they interrupt?) and tell all the pansy do-gooders the secret message that the Empire can't use to find all the other Jedi but the Jedi can.

Just an idea.

Apr 2nd, 2009, 11:52:47 AM
Any progress in putting something together?

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 2nd, 2009, 12:08:58 PM
Not that I know


Apr 2nd, 2009, 05:11:15 PM
Here is an idea I have tossed about:

Have the Jedi meet at Endor and/or Dagobah. Both planets are very symbolic, and can also be referenced cryptically with something like "Meet where the last Jedi was first, and the first was the last Jedi."

Drin Kizael
Apr 3rd, 2009, 01:46:33 PM
[QUOTE=Miranda Tarkin;305224]
Honestly, with all the suggestion and how many turns this thread went, I am not sure what people like and don't like O_o
Okay I'm glad it's not just me.

Y'all are having someone get captured... and now meeting on Endor or Dagobah first to? ... officially decide on building this "Gray Council" model roaming home for wayward Jedi? Or did I miss something else?

Why not just build it and start sending out the word? I liked the idea somewhere back there about leaving clues that lead to a pick-up point for new arrivals.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 3rd, 2009, 01:58:22 PM
We aren't doing anything. Nothing has been decided, though there are a number of ideas being tossed around, though I doubt any two of them would be used at the same time.

Maybe we should just have a vote on this, to see which idea is the most popular.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 3rd, 2009, 11:22:18 PM
The vote should be set up in Avalon. :) imo. Keeps the pesky non-Jedi from pushing their hidden agendas. ;)

Set it up myself.

If you're a Jedi character with no Avalon access, go to Group Memberships in your User CP and request membership to the Jedi group already. Sheesh. ;)

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 4th, 2009, 03:49:43 AM
Alright, action!
