View Full Version : The Augurs of Igneon Lux
Galix Martonus
Mar 12th, 2009, 06:18:36 PM
The ritual had lasted for two days. The rhythmic chants of mages in the academy surrounding Weeta had gone on seemingly without end.
"Vatri veta megra Igneon prastati meli."
It was to implore Igneon's raw essence from immolating the girl, and running wild through anything around her. The fire mages of Igneon's academy were still at a loss to understand how such a transmutation of affinity power could even occur through a woman with seemingly no talent in the arts. It was the latest in a litany of blasphemies to occur in the face of the Affinity gods.
Martonus had prepared the lantern to receive its power from the girl, but the process was going slowly. From what he could tell, she would live, and the power would eventually return to its proper place. That said, there was much work to be done before it was complete.
Itege Savarna
Jun 13th, 2009, 08:29:34 PM
Travel to Demos was a rare occurrence for Itege Savarna. She was faithful to the water, faithful to Denetion, and venturing from her temple was an act only brought about by great circumstance.
News of Fyrian's family crest had been one such thing to bring her up from the ocean's depths, and it was not surprising when word of Fyrian's daughter Ariadne reached her; that the girl had been so brazem as to storm the Oratorium itself with her father's severed head held high and Necia's Golden Lantern in her grasp. Since hearing such news, the old Glaucan had begun to formulate her own theories on what had brought Kariun's daughter away from her previous wild life.
She had often found herself smiling at the thought.
In Demos now though, Itege was not so amused. Her servents had brought her ill tidings, and her communion with Denetion had only yielded troubling omens that gave her mind no rest. She had heard of the Mer girl, beset upon by the powers of the Lantern, and it caused her worry. Events were being put into motion that the old Glaucan had not ever thought possible; the Affinities were restless, and all of Asga were being stirred. If the powers of Igneon Lux saw fit to possess an innocent Mer, there was no telling what else might be affected; what other transgressions may come to pass.
Itege Savarna, preistess of Denetion, faced the Fire Academy with a stern face.
She must discover what was happening here.
Drawing her robes around her slim frame, the Glaucan stepped forward to enter.
Galix Martonus
Jun 13th, 2009, 11:21:38 PM
The guards of the Academy were ceremonial fixtures, though fully adept in Igneon's affinity. They stood at the door, nodding politely to the approaching priestess of Denetion.
"Igneon's Academy is, regrettably, not admitting worshipers or visitors today. Do you have alms or a message to the God to deliver?"
Itege Savarna
Jun 13th, 2009, 11:49:27 PM
A polite bow, and Itege folded her hands together in front of her. It was understandable that none were to be allowed within, but the Glaucan would not be denied. This most recent affront against the nature of the Affinities was of such grave consequence that her presence was necessary.
"I am here for Galix Martonus," there was a pause as she considered carefully her next words.
"... As well, I am here for the cause of the Academy's closure; I must speak with him regarding this matter."
Galix Martonus
Jun 14th, 2009, 12:26:10 AM
The guard considered her words. Consulting his opposite, he again turned to the priestess.
"With apologies, a moment."
He retreated into the doors of the academy. Minutes later, the doors again re-opened, this time, by a shorter and harried-looking man.
A polite smile.
"My apologies, we run in rather cloistered circles and I have not had the pleasure."
Itege Savarna
Jun 14th, 2009, 12:39:49 AM
"Itege Savarna."
Her words were short, but there was no malice at all; instead, her tone was one of patience. By the look of him, it was apparent that he was rather preoccupied.
Itege drove to the heart of the matter that had brought her to Demos. She kept her voice low.
"I am here to speak of the girl."
Galix Martonus
Jun 14th, 2009, 03:01:30 AM
He nodded hurriedly, no further explanation was needed as to whom she spoke.
"Yes, your interest is understandable. Igneon does not often reveal his mysteries to Mer people."
Itege Savarna
Jun 14th, 2009, 10:17:26 AM
"Indeed he does not."
For a short while there hung a silence between the two as both stood facing each other, but it wasn't long before Itege inclined her head to the side.
"Am I to be permitted within your great walls then... ?"
Galix Martonus
Jun 14th, 2009, 11:29:41 AM
"I'm afraid it's not permitted within the Citadel, but we retain venues for business with those not directly in communion with the Fire Lord."
He nodded to the guard, who opened the door, and gestured for Itege to follow.
Itege Savarna
Jun 14th, 2009, 11:42:36 AM
It was understandable, and Itege gave a nod as she stepped inside. Tall even by Glaucan standards, it was no surprise that she very nearly towered over the Necian mage as they walked together. She cut a serene, slender figure, her movements smoothed over by age and wisdom. Each step she took seemed measured and sure, and her shoulders straight. Regal would have been an apt word chosen to describe her bearing, and even now, in surrounded as she was by Igneon's followers, she remained a stoic and graceful creature belonging to Denetion.
She was silent for a short while, taking her time in formulating her next words.
"The balance is coming undone," she finally started evenly.
"I can sense it crumbling even now around our heads."
Galix Martonus
Jun 14th, 2009, 11:50:21 AM
"We are concerned as well."
Galix nodded as they walked, keeping his voice down so that such concerns did not become endemic.
"It is as you say, unusual to say the least. This Mer woman is an Augur of some message which we are as of yet unclear."
Itege Savarna
Jun 14th, 2009, 12:10:01 PM
She stared at the architecture they passed, wordlessly approving of the workmanship and care that was put forth to construct the Academy. While far more drawn to the stylings of her own people, she could still appreciate Necian craftsmen and their trade.
"Perhaps. Many such warnings and troubling news has been coming to light. My fellow priests tell me that the powers in the Bowl Reef are becoming skewed and wild. I do not know what is happening to the west I fear, but it would be folly to assume that these omens are not exclusive to the eastern coasts."
Itege pulled a perplexed face.
"Many changes are taking place that deviate from their normal happenings. There is an upheaval to the ever-constant nature of the Affinities that I fear may leave us all in ruin."
Galix Martonus
Jun 14th, 2009, 12:42:07 PM
"It may be premature to assume ill portents from what we've seen."
The mage at last stopped at an arched doorway, escorting his guest in to sit at an elongated table.
"When the Gods speak, it can sometimes be in a voice loud enough for all to hear. It doesn't betray the message content simply by the gravity of the voice."
He arched an eyebrow.
"Perhaps the message is one of good tidings? The sign of peaceful unification of Midgard under benevolency? I am speaking hypothetically, but I understandably think ill feelings may be as of yet premature."
Itege Savarna
Jun 14th, 2009, 02:04:41 PM
"It is true, that every omen we may see may not be inherently bad, but I find it increasingly harder to ignore the direction that I feel this particular portent is pointed toward."
As she sat, Itege placed her hands on the tabletop, folding them together.
"I look at every other sign preceding this, and those so close to follow after. The theft of the Lantern was a grave matter, a wound to our national pride and a nearly unforgivable act; Denetion's wrath, manifested in a terrible and destructive storm was dirrected at the pirate Fyrian, but there was much collateral damage and many of Necia's brave soldiers perished because of it. Men who had dedicated themselves to the safety of the state and the return of the Lantern - brushed from existence so swiftly.
"As well, let us not forget our own Phressian Satrap consorting with the daughter of the pirate captain - though she may command the Fold now, it is worrisome to some degree. I do not doubt his intentions were in concert with Necia's own best interests, and that she did in fact return the Lantern to us is testament enough to that.
"But now we are at war. With Ankaa no less. Taming the Jarnvidd and the wild peoples of that land is one thing, but to do battle with Ankaa is a far larger matter."
Itege leaned back in her seat.
"I pray that I am wrong, and am misinterpreting what lay before me."
Galix Martonus
Jun 14th, 2009, 08:56:08 PM
"I've seen no other signs that would indicate Igneon's displeasure with our actions. I will cast a slaughtered bull into the fire pit for further insight into this particular matter."
He clasped his hands together, deep in thought.
"I understand that by your very nature this meeting is singularly important, so I will put our time to maximum use. Suppose your assumption is correct, what do you suggest? The Affinity colleges do not often collaborate over their heavenly dialogues. I admit I am more accustomed to speaking into the ear of a statesman than of a kindred spirit."
Itege Savarna
Jun 14th, 2009, 09:20:40 PM
Itege fell silent at that, her eyes falling to her hands. So used to her normal solitude beneath the waves, with none but Denetion and her own fellow priests and the temple novices to surround her, the Glaucan found it increasingly difficult to imagine a follower of the Gods so unused to the company of those he would consider 'kindred spirits'.
"I am afraid that for now there is nothing we can do; all that is to be done is to watch and wait. True, we can never know the ultimate aims of the Gods, but we can prepare for any eventuality.
"Myself, I have come here to help the Mer woman. She is a child of the waters, and I feel her to be within my charge because of that."
Her fingers traced fluid motions upon the table's surface.
"What she has undergone is a terrible thing for any gifted person; to endure an Affinity that is so against her own powers, but I do not think it is anything that can be forced out of her. Somehow she was able to absord the Lantern's magic without being isntantly consumed by it, and that is confounding enough. But to remove it is the higher priority. Once that is done can you begin to unravel this message that has been sent to you."
Galix Martonus
Jun 14th, 2009, 10:34:21 PM
"We nearly have her stable, though our progress of removing the essence is as of yet fruitless."
The mage drummed his fingers on the table as he thought about a prudent plan.
"I am confident we can keep her from destroying herself, and thus to make her stable enough to move. We cannot, as said, bring you into the Academy proper, but I may be able to bring the Mer to you."
A polite smile.
"Any insight from you would be valuable."
Itege Savarna
Jun 16th, 2009, 08:28:39 PM
That he was willing to bring the Mer woman to her gave her hope, and Itege gave the Fire Mage a deep nod of respect.
"I will give what I can."
The elder Glaucan tipped her head slightly at an angle as she afforded Martonus a curious look.
"Have you thought that maybe it is the Mer herself that is the only one able to return the Lantern's power? I have read the accounts of Fyrian in this matter, and she claimed that the Mer merely touched it."
Galix Martonus
Jun 16th, 2009, 09:15:09 PM
"I don't think that it's any willful act of the woman that controls the affinity within her, no."
He shook his head.
"She is quite beyond control of herself."
Itege Savarna
Jun 16th, 2009, 09:35:55 PM
She gave a mild shake of her head.
"No, I understand that it is beyond her control, but what I speak of is an involuntary reaction that is inherent in all of us - gifted or not. Igneon's power inside of her is a very painful thing, but perhaps her body cannot release it? Is it possible that she is clutching the very thing that is hurting her so out of an involuntary reflex?"
Pursing her lips, Itege explained further.
"When I was young, I grasped a fire-rod after being dared by friends, and instead of simply dropping it, my hand stiffened. The pain was so terrible that my body could do nothing but clenching tighter my hold on the very thing that was hurting me."
Galix Martonus
Jun 16th, 2009, 09:39:23 PM
The fire mage frowned.
"My concern is that, if transference takes place, damage to the receptacle could destroy not only the girl, but anyone near her. The potential for disaster is high."
Itege Savarna
Jun 16th, 2009, 09:55:45 PM
"If you attempt this in her current frame of mind, I've no doubts that you would most certainly be correct. She must be comforted and safe for any chance of success."
Thinking on this, Itege continued.
"What are her surroundings like? Is she near water at all?"
Galix Martonus
Jun 16th, 2009, 09:57:40 PM
"There is always water at hand in the Academy."
Galix nodded energetically.
"Fire may be our medium, but we're not so full of hubris to think that it won't burn an erring hand."
Itege Savarna
Jun 17th, 2009, 09:30:17 PM
The priestess smiled at this.
"That is a comforting thing to know then, and very useful. I would have preferred the open sea, but a private bath would do well just the same."
Galix Martonus
Jun 18th, 2009, 11:36:44 PM
The mage's brow furrowed as he tried to catch up to Itege's stratagem.
"I'm afraid I don't follow."
Itege Savarna
Jun 20th, 2009, 11:28:51 AM
"Mer are water-borne peoples; like any Glaucan, they cannot be kept indefinitely from water. We must take her to a place of comfort. If she is surrounded by soothing environments, it would be easier to coax out Igneon's power from her."
It was easy to see the look in his eyes, and Itege leaned forward.
"Please. It must be tried at least. You said yourself that every attempt the mages have tried has been unsuccessful; we must be willing to look beyond our normal venues and venture onto unfamiliar pathways."
Galix Martonus
Jun 20th, 2009, 12:31:56 PM
Ever cautious, Galix pondered the unorthodox idea.
"I could arrange some sort of basin to be drawn in the academy, certainly. It shouldn't be a hardship at all."
Jul 1st, 2009, 03:09:44 PM
Weeta moaned and cried out, her back arching against the cool stone that she laid upon as figures moved around her, muttering and chanting. She was quite unaware of anything that was going on around her, or how long she'd been in this state.
Her focus was solely on the battle within her, between her natural affinity for water and metal and that of the fire that was alien and raging inside.
Itege Savarna
Jul 13th, 2009, 10:30:54 PM
Itege gave the Necian a thankful nod.
"That would be wise."
She slowly rose to her feet.
Until then, I would like to see the girl."
Galix Martonus
Jul 14th, 2009, 10:41:14 PM
Galix looked troubled at this.
"A temporary movement of the girl may be acceptable if we can ensure stability for some time."
He rose to his feet as well.
"I must speak with the chamber mages. I can promise nothing now, you must understand."
Sep 4th, 2010, 04:30:04 PM
Weeta still lay on the floor, sweating profusely.
After a while the air began to shimmer around her and she arched her back, pressing her heels and the back of her head to the stone floor as light began to emanate from her eyes and mouth. The Necian mages, gifted as they were with fire magics, were forced to withdraw as she screamed, throwing their arms up to protect their eyes from the light.
When the scream ended they looked, and only a blackened spot remained where the Mer had been.
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