View Full Version : Character Proposal: Admiral
Mar 12th, 2009, 10:49:23 AM
The last couple of months I've been following as best I can the unfolding drama within the Empire and the Rebellion, hoping to etch for myself an interesting slice of this Galactic Civil War. I've been indecisive as to which faction to be a part of and in what capacity, it seems to me the numbers are fairly even on both sides presently but I've noticed something of a vacuum in the Imperial military and specifically, in relation to the newly-instated Empress.
My character proposal is this: a strong, independent, and loyal military leader who can help the Empress move forward with military might, forging new foundations for the Empire, a Patton kind of character, if you will. I'm fairly sure I would love such a role and could bring a lot to the table with it but at the same time, the last thing I want to do is step on anyone's toes around here by suddenly summoning up this Admiral from out of the blue. I have a loose backstory in mind, which I'll divulge now, but I am open to suggestions.
Admiral Beth Archaedas, 42, born on Corellia, she has served in the Imperial Fleet for 24 years and is unquestionably loyal to the Empire. One year ABY, Commodore Archaedas was enjoying shore leave with her husband back home on Corellia, it was during this time she discovered he was a Rebel sympathiser and had been leaking information to the enemy. She turned him over to be tried and executed as a traitor.
The following year, Beth was promoted to Admiral and given a confidential mission from Darth Vader himself. She was given command of the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Nebulon and was instructed to take a small fleet beyond the Outer Rim to chart undiscovered territories, establish new colonies and forge a network of local alliances. The secret part of this mission was that Palpatine wanted her to search for evidence of any remnants of the ancient Sith Empire.
A year into the mission, the colonists were attacked by a formidabble force - the fleet under Admiral Archaedas's command had fought off minor threats before but this was different - this new enemy left two of the colonies in ruins and put the small Imperial fleet on the run. Many brief yet ferocious skirmishes followed, each side suffering their fair share of losses, and yet the mission continued.
It wasn't until three years later that this changed when the fleet encountered an Imperial distress signal and discovered a derelict scout ship, its crew dead, floating through space. They retrieved its logs and files and discovered that both Vader and Palpatine had perished onboard the Death Star and that the Empire's situation had become dire. Admiral Archaedas gave the order to abandon the colonies and return immediately to Imperial Centre to assist in the fight against the Rebellion.
So, my intention is to have this character return from beyond the farthest reaches of the galaxy in the year 2AE, she will bring with her what is left of a humble fleet, battered from years of war, and the iron will to bring the Rebellion to its knees and restore glory to the Empire. I hope I'm not imposing but please, let me know what you think.
Rossos Atrapes
Mar 12th, 2009, 11:11:45 AM
One year ABY, Commodore Archaedas was enjoying shore leave with her husband back home on Corellia, it was during this time she discovered he was a Rebel sympathiser and had been leaking information to the enemy. She turned him over to be tried and executed as a traitor.
Many brief yet ferocious skirmishes followed, each side suffering their fair share of losses, and yet the mission continued.
They retrieved its logs and files and discovered that both Vader and Palpatine had perished onboard the Death Star and that the Empire's situation had become dire. Admiral Archaedas gave the order to abandon the colonies and return immediately to Imperial Centre to assist in the fight against the Rebellion.
:clap Bravo!
That seems like an excellent character. The backstory seems perfect for character development and exposition too; she strike me as an Erwin Rommel sort of character, one you can sympathise with, and at the same time not get at all.
As far as I know, it should be fine, but I don't have a fleeter/ranking character in the Empire itself, so I can't be too sure.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 12th, 2009, 11:22:52 AM
You know I like the idea a lot :)
Mar 12th, 2009, 11:28:02 AM
Someone's been watching a lot of BSG ;). Sounds reasonable to me for the most part. I doubt you'll step on any toes because I believe most of the fleeters have the rank of Admiral?
Back in the day ranks used to be given as promotions to Imperials as a "well done" in that thread. Or for taking initiative in creating story arcs. I think those times have past somewhat as the boards lead toward better story telling in exchange for less of "game" quality. Within limits of course. Not to mention since your characters been out of touch for a while his contacts are probably few, even though he is an Admiral he is untested in the eyes of the higher ups. So there will still be that journey of making a name for himself.
Our resident fleeters are few and far between with Telan having the highest rank (I think? He's not been spotted in a while though), and then theres Park Kraken and Travis North (who will be may not be with us for much longer)
So hopefully one of those fleeters guys can give their blessing, tips, or critique. But it has my approval.
P.S Miranda needs all the help she can get ;)
Park Kraken
Mar 12th, 2009, 11:53:33 AM
Sounds good for the most part, I have a few questions thought -
#1 - I don't really see Darth Vader and/or Palpatine giving their approval to a female admiral. Tarkin was able to promote and send Daala as Admiral with a fleet away, but only because he hid her from the eyes of his superiors. Perhaps another Grand Moff that had a crush on Beth could do the same here?
#2 - There are several different ranks of Admiral. The list goes from Rear, Vice, Regular, High, Grand. Right now you would be in the middle at a regular ol' Admiral. Just letting you know.
That is all in the way of thoughts I can think of atm. Telan is a Grand Admiral I believe.
Mar 12th, 2009, 12:34:52 PM
I understand the ranking system. Also, regardless of what has come before in the Expanded Universe, I'd rather not have my character earn her rank or missions through the affections of an enamoured Moff. If I remember correctly, it was around this time that Palpatine personally sent Thrawn off to discover uncharted territory, he was an alien in his fleet, and in the same vein I don't think it would be a stretch to imagine a female capable of achieving the rank of an admiral warranting similar regard from her superior officers. What I'm saying is I don't want my character's status within the Empire patronised before I get her off the ground, otherwise she loses integrity and becomes immediately less appealing to write.
Secondly, I can't imagine why anyone other than the Emperor or Vader would be made privy to plans of finding remnants of the Sith Empire, it's not exactly an immediate Imperial priority, and the reason why I chose this was because it would provide a valid reason for my character to disappear and reappear without notice. If there is still issue with her having any contact from Vader then the nature of the mission will need to be changed, which I can do if neccessary.
Xavier Synik
Mar 12th, 2009, 12:47:20 PM
I agree with Kraken about Vader/The Emperor.
But if Beth was just a Commodore, and then was promoted as she was getting the assignment then it wouldn't be too far fetched to imagine that it would have to come down through the chain of command.
I mean it probably wouldn't have been unheard of (though probably unusual) for Vader or Palpatine to basically just pull a task force out of a larger fleet and assign them secretly without telling at least one superior officer why they were losing those ships, but someone else would likely have had to know.
Maybe could just say that Vader or Palpatine gave the Fleet commander sealed orders and told them to assign an Admiral who they could spare for an extended period of time.
Then the mission would still have been secret, but Vader and Palpatine would be complete removed from the decision to assign her specifically.
Just a thought on how to get around the small blockage.
Mar 12th, 2009, 01:01:30 PM
I still have difficulty believing a pair of Sith Lords would entrust the judgement of a fleet admiral to assign such a mission to a random officer. They would want to hand pick an individual they can trust. Consequently, since this whole Vader and Palpatine thing is such an issue, I'll write an alternative mission into her backstory. I'm not concerned with who gives her the mission but with where the mission leads her and how quietly and suddenly it allows her to slip off the radar.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 12th, 2009, 01:02:26 PM
Maybe fleet command wanted rid of Beth, so gave her the mission which they considered to be Palpatine and Vader's wild goose chase for the lost Sith Empire. It seems like a mission that will be impossible to accomplish, so it would stand to rights that they would give it to someone who they'd rather have as far away from general Imperial as possible - i.e. a woman.
Mar 12th, 2009, 02:05:39 PM
Maybe fleet command wanted rid of Beth, so gave her the mission which they considered to be Palpatine and Vader's wild goose chase for the lost Sith Empire. It seems like a mission that will be impossible to accomplish, so it would stand to rights that they would give it to someone who they'd rather have as far away from general Imperial as possible - i.e. a woman.
Ooo I like that one. Rings true of Xavier's idea as well.
Mar 12th, 2009, 05:03:20 PM
Welcome back to the Empire, Admiral.
Mar 12th, 2009, 08:30:50 PM
I think I will incorporate elements of Xavier's and Jenny's ideas into Beth's backstory. The only thing I am concerned about is turning my character into some embittered feminist out to prove herself to her chauvinistic superiors, that would be against who she is and would give her a chip on her shoulder. In the right proportion, that piece of backstory would certainly add to the character so thank you for your suggestions. :)
Xavier Synik
Mar 12th, 2009, 10:50:00 PM
Well Jenny never actually said that it would be because she was a woman.
Could be that she's considered a threat by her superiors for political reasons... There would have likely been a lot of backbiting in the Empire, trying to earn favour with the Emperor et al.
Mar 12th, 2009, 11:15:27 PM
Well Jenny never actually said that it would be because she was a woman.
It seems like a mission that will be impossible to accomplish, so it would stand to rights that they would give it to someone who they'd rather have as far away from general Imperial as possible - i.e. a woman.
But you are right with the other point, perhaps her superiors saw her as a threat because she rocks the boat too much, so to speak, that was something I had firmly in my mind for this character so it would certainly work. I like this.
Xavier Synik
Mar 13th, 2009, 08:19:58 AM
Symantics... I mean't she didn't say it had to be because she was a woman.
Mar 15th, 2009, 05:27:43 PM
I like this idea a lot and while I do agree that Vader might have had a problem with women in positions of power, he always did as Palpy instructed him.
Like it's been said before, Palps wasn't opposed to go vs his own beliefs if he believed in an idea (like the Thrawn point earlier) and in the EU he entrusted some of his biggest secret missions to a woman, the future Mrs Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade.
To me the fact that Palpy would've named her admiral himself would make the character even stronger for it'd mean she earned it and it wasn't handed to her, which would eliminate the whole patronising thing as well.
But that's just me
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 15th, 2009, 04:59:53 PM
Droo! I just saw you reading this. What happened to this idea? :ohno
Apr 15th, 2009, 05:27:18 PM
After creating the character, I took a look at the current situation of the Empire and roleplaying in general and realised I'd have to wait. I couldn't see an opportunity, situation, or other character I could work with to introduce her and frankly, even if I did, things are far too quiet and inconsistent around here lately for me to put the effort in.
Shadow Storm
Apr 15th, 2009, 10:06:11 PM
After creating the character, I took a look at the current situation of the Empire and roleplaying in general and realised I'd have to wait. I couldn't see an opportunity, situation, or other character I could work with to introduce her and frankly, even if I did, things are far too quiet and inconsistent around here lately for me to put the effort in.
I blame myself. I've been mostly lazy in posting anything as of late. Of course I've been busy for the past two weeks, and will be busy for the next week at least, with personal and buisness issues, but hopefully I'll get back to posting sometime soon. |I
Apr 15th, 2009, 11:09:52 PM
After creating the character, I took a look at the current situation of the Empire and roleplaying in general and realised I'd have to wait. I couldn't see an opportunity, situation, or other character I could work with to introduce her and frankly, even if I did, things are far too quiet and inconsistent around here lately for me to put the effort in.
I blame myself. I've been mostly lazy in posting anything as of late. Of course I've been busy for the past two weeks, and will be busy for the next week at least, with personal and buisness issues, but hopefully I'll get back to posting sometime soon. |I
I blame Shadow too. Bad Kraken. Bad.
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 16th, 2009, 11:17:53 AM
After creating the character, I took a look at the current situation of the Empire and roleplaying in general and realised I'd have to wait. I couldn't see an opportunity, situation, or other character I could work with to introduce her and frankly, even if I did, things are far too quiet and inconsistent around here lately for me to put the effort in.
Well, it won't get any less quiet if people aren't coming up with ideas and turning them into roleplays :( I thought this was a great concept and I'd love to RP with Admiral Archaedas if you decide to give her another chance.
Park Kraken
Apr 16th, 2009, 12:40:50 PM
The admiral could be involved in Mon Calamari, when I plan to pursue as a RP soon after I make my return.
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 18th, 2010, 04:40:43 PM
Droo! You're reading this again!!
Jul 18th, 2010, 04:46:47 PM
Collared again! :lol
I've been thinking about this one a lot lately. She's changing in my head a bit but in principle its all the same. I'm about to start jotting down some ideas so once I've got my thoughts in order, I'll post them here.
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 18th, 2010, 04:50:55 PM
Get her going! :D
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