View Full Version : Sanctuary
Mar 12th, 2009, 12:23:25 AM
Lucian stood outside the great door to his new parish. This would be the first time in a long, long time that he had been outside the walls of the monastery, but the Bishop had "asked" him to take this assignment. Ever obedient he packed his bags and said goodbye to the brothers. His brown habit stood out greatly against the pale stone of the church. His eyes looked over the intricate carvings into the facade of the door. Taking a deep breath he pushed open the large wooden doors and stepped into the church. The inside of the church was just as magnificent as the outside. As he made his way to the rectory, where the pastor that he was replacing was waiting for him. The pastor was in his mid 80's wrinkles lined his face his eyes were sagging from exhaustion. A weary smile played on his face as Lucian walked up and extended his hand. They exchanged pleasantries as the pastor showed him around the day passed pretty fast. The next day would begin his official work in the church. First thing in the morning would be confession and then morning mass. He could not wait. His room was on the street side one story above the main door. He fell asleep fairly quickly. The morning was looking bright and beautiful from his eyes.
Thomas Seagraves
May 7th, 2009, 07:43:44 PM
The morning was dull and dreary. It was raining so hard that the Thomas thought that the rain would tear right through his umbrella. He was wearing a nice suite and tie, and his trusty gloves. He stopped outside of the massive doors to the church and watched the people file in. He made a quick look over of his hands and arms to make sure there was no part of him that would put someone out. As looked at the entrance of the church and was surprised to see a new priest standing in the doorway greeting the congregation as they entered. Thomas let out a long yawn as he reached the priest, it was only 7:00 in the morning, he was tired from the long walk from Cullen's.
May 19th, 2009, 10:36:01 PM
Lucian smiled as he saw the young man yawn. He remembered when 7am was early for him. He reached out and rested his left hand on Thomas' shoulder.
"I know the feeling my son. Hopefully you won't be falling asleep during the mass?"
Lucian played with Thomas as he chuckled at his own joke. He happened to see Thomas' gloves and knew that something was amiss. He knew perfectly well that Cullen's was just about 2 miles south of the parish. His face went sullen as he looked back into Thomas' eyes.
"Are you going to be alright with all these people around, my child?"
Thomas Seagraves
May 21st, 2009, 06:07:01 PM
Thomas stopped as he looked at Fr. Lucian. Realizing what he was talking about he nodded his head as and faked a grin. In all honesty he was not sure how things would work out with him anymore. Training and studies were wiping him out and almost every morning he would wake up with different scares or bruises. He walked into the large doors passing the holy water he decided that he had better not dip, as is custom. He just made the sign of the cross and went into the narthex. He found a pew relatively secluded in the back. he genuflected, and stepped into the pew. Kneeling he started his custom prayers and waited for mass to start.
May 24th, 2009, 08:17:39 PM
Lucian watched as the last bit of people filed in. His servers were already at the door in line waiting for him. Closing the outer door to the street he took a deep breath before turning around and nodding to the MC to ring the bell for the congregation to rise for the procession to the alter. The bell rang, and the people stood. The walk to the alter seemed longer than it did last night when he was here alone. So many people. . .he was not prepared for such a large crowd. He said a prayer to calm his nerves as the procession reached the bottom of the stair that lead to the alter. He and the deacon ascended the stairs bowed and kissed the alter, and moved to the celebrants chair. Face the people he started the mass in the customary way.
Mass proceeded quickly from there in what seemed like only minutes to Lucian it was time for his homily. He stood at the ambo looking out over the some 150 people that were there, his eyes resting on Thomas he smiled and started talking.
"Today I want to talk about diversity." His eyes moved over the crowed as he watched some squirm in the pews. "Many people think that being different, diverse from the norm is bad. That in order for us to be members of a society we must be like one another. We must look the same, talk the same, dress the same, or think the same. That any thing out side of normality is hostile, or even evil. But what does our Lord say about it. What does our church say about it. For we are called to be different, are we not? We are called to live our lives in such a way that we stand out. Our thoughts are to be different from the worlds, our actions different from the society that we live in. For we are not people of this world, we are told. Our residence is heaven where all people, no matter who they are, are treated with dignity and respect."
A lot of the in the crowd were nodding there heads, some just were not paying attention. Other though, others were listening intently with malice in their eyes. Lucian knew what they were thinking, he knew the prejudice that was among the people, not towards regular people but the mutants. He continued.
"Now many of you are thinking, 'Father how does this apply to us? We know this already.' Well my response is this. . . How are you acting out this segment of your faith? Are you treating others equally, and with love. I know that there is a large population of mutants that live in the this part of our great country-" At this phrase most of the people tensed up greatly. A few cast weary eyes to others in the crowd.
"Hear what I say now my children, these people are our brethren. Just as the Anglicans , African Americans, Hispanics, and all peoples that once were persecuted by society are one in the love of God the Almighty Father so too are these people who, by his grace, have such abilities."
Lucian cast a glance at Thomas to make sure he knew that this homily was just for him. To let him know that he was accepted. . . and loved. Lucian could tell that he was lonely and needed some one to love him. He continued his homily for about ten more minutes and went to sit down. He closed his eyes as he said a prayer that the peoples hearts would hear the love of God speaking through him, for theirs, and for the mutants own sake.
Thomas Seagraves
May 27th, 2009, 02:04:14 PM
Thomas stood when the bells rang at the beginning of mass. Watching the procession he thought how he use to serve in his old parish in Ireland. After the opening prayer the people sat down and listened to the Word proclaimed by the ministers. Thomas found it hard for him to keep his eyes open
"Not surprising" He thought as he tried to stay concentrated on the mass. When Father started his homily Thomas was still trying to fight off the urge to fall asleep.
". . . large population of mutants that live in the this part. . . " Thomas jerked himself awake when he heard this. No one ever spoke so openly about mutants in such a positive light that he knew. Most the time the only people he knew to talk about mutants in the open were the ones that wanted them all dead. Then he saw it. The priest looked dead at him. His looked pierced into his very being. This was for him. . .
The mass continued with the prayer of the faithful, the preparation of the alter, and the Eucharistic prayers. When it came time Thomas joined the que to receive Holy Communion. When he stopped in front of the priest he bowed slightly and opened his mouth to receive on his tongue so that he would not have to worry about touching the priest or any thing like that.
May 29th, 2009, 08:09:08 PM
The rest of mass followed at usual. The normal half breathed, half hearten responses. As the communion line filled in front of him he was sure to look each person in the eye as he gave the Blessed Sacrament out. When he saw Thomas he smiled as he placed the Host gently on his tongue. Then he reached up and tapped him on his check and smile.
Thomas Seagraves
Aug 10th, 2009, 02:59:37 PM
Thomas nearly jumped back as he felt the priest bare hands touch his cheek. He settled himself and walked off, looking over his shoulder as he walked back to his seat. Praying the whole time that Father would make it to the end of mass before his fell uncountious.
Aug 12th, 2009, 03:54:35 PM
Fr. Lucian looked at Thomas as he jerked away from his touch. For a brief moment he wasn't sure what was going on till he felt the slight touch of drowsiness. Then he understood. He stiffled a yawn as he turned to the next communicate. Finishing communion he went back to the alter and finished mass. At the very end he gave a blessing and lined up with the rest of the servers and deacon. As they processed out he fought hard to stay awake. Looking at Thomas as he passed he gave a smile and a slight nod. He reached the back and grabbed the deacon gave him his chasibel and stole as he broke off of the rest of the group. He fumbled through his pockets for the key to get into the side hall that lead to his room.
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