View Full Version : BioShock 2
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 7th, 2009, 10:14:37 AM
<center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>
See the viral marketing website for the game here:
Emelie Shadowstar
Mar 7th, 2009, 12:39:22 PM
There aren't enough happy dances for my feelings on this. lol
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 7th, 2009, 12:41:26 PM
I really want one of those little Big Daddy dolls ^_^;
Peter McCoy
Mar 7th, 2009, 12:42:37 PM
Bioshock is an awesome game. But to warrant a sequel it's have to be different somehow - a new story wouldn't be enough. Theres bound to be some new gameplay features. But I honestly can't think of anything I'd like to see based on what was experienced in the first game. It's a tough one. I'm sure it'll be good at the very least. Maybe some swimming this time? I'm guessing the girl in the trailer has some weird power what with that sand spectacle.
Peter McCoy
Mar 7th, 2009, 12:44:10 PM
Just awesome!
Emelie Shadowstar
Mar 7th, 2009, 12:47:23 PM
I really want one of those little Big Daddy dolls ^_^;
I do too!!! So bad o_o
Maybe I can convince my friend to make one. He was after all behind this:
Morgan Evanar
Mar 15th, 2009, 01:30:31 PM
I'm really nervous since Ken Levine isn't heading up this one.
Dasquian Belargic
May 16th, 2009, 05:17:27 AM
There's a HD game-play vid here:
Playing with the drill looks fuuuuun :3
Peter McCoy
May 16th, 2009, 05:39:07 PM
Let's hope they don't screw it up. :p
Looking good up to now. I like that you can now play underwater especially.
May 16th, 2009, 06:14:12 PM
This looks like a great game, but in the end, is it just not more of the same?
I'm looking forward to it though. :)
Dasquian Belargic
May 16th, 2009, 06:19:18 PM
Aside from the new weapons.. that gamplay trailer does look very similar to the first BioShock, in terms of the HUD. I think the story and art director are very important for a game like this, and at least the visuals looked good in that trailer.
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 26th, 2009, 04:30:54 PM
<embed id="mymovie" width="432" height="362" flashvars="playerMode=embedded&movieAspect=4.3&flavor=EmbeddedPlayerVersion&skin=¶ video_player%2Fxml.php%3Fid%3D6237981%26mode%3Demb edded%26width%3D432%26height%3D362%2F" wmode="transparent" allowscriptaccess="always" quality="high" name="mymovie" style="" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/>
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 19th, 2010, 05:01:25 PM
Ordered myself the special edition today, comes with:
# BioShock 2 game
# 12" vinyl LP with BioShock orchestral score
# Audio CD with BioShock 2 orchestral score
# 3 vintage Rapture advertisement posters (rolled)
# BioShock 2 164-page hardback artbook
Jan 26th, 2010, 12:41:02 PM
I bought Bioshock on Steam for tuppence. Today I started playing it and I love it. The setting and atmosphere are wonderful, I just move around so leisurely, enjoying the scenerey, reading the posters, listening to the diary entries and demented ramblings of nearby splicers. It may take me a while to complete but I'm seriously going to enjoy it in the process.
Figrin D'an
Jan 26th, 2010, 01:04:04 PM
I bought Bioshock on Steam for tuppence. Today I started playing it and I love it. The setting and atmosphere are wonderful, I just move around so leisurely, enjoying the scenerey, reading the posters, listening to the diary entries and demented ramblings of nearby splicers. It may take me a while to complete but I'm seriously going to enjoy it in the process.
You'll love the plot twists that take place. Along with the environments, the plot was a big reason why Bioshock was a great game. I just replayed it a couple of months ago to remember everything, and I plan on getting Bioshock 2 the day it hits store shelves.
Barton Henning
Jan 26th, 2010, 01:19:29 PM
There are some neat little audio diaries relating to BioShock 2 on the Cult of Rapture website:
The stories of Rapture's citizens breathe life into the city even if the people who tell the tales are long gone. This Cult of Rapture exclusive brings you voices from BioShock 2 and gives you a taste of what is to come on February 9th. They introduce you to characters and locations that will soon become as familiar to you as the room you are now sitting in.
Spoiler Notice! While none of these clips will spoil the game for you (these diaries are strictly bonus cult-exclusive content and do not appear in the final game), they do include real story info. If you want to go into the game with a completely blank slate, please note that these may not be for your ears quite yet.
Emelie Shadowstar
Jan 26th, 2010, 01:58:11 PM
Oh Andrew Ryan... you ass.
...Though I sigh at the lack of Sander Cohen. <3 my creepy bunny man.
Peter McCoy
Jan 26th, 2010, 08:22:52 PM
I'm looking forward to it and will get it as soon as I can. But the very next game I'll be picking up is AvP3 a week after it. So I'll wait until I get paid at the end of February and then I'll kindly return to Rapture.
Salvo Starborn
Jan 27th, 2010, 02:57:06 PM
Once I picked up my new graphics card, I will definitely be replaying BioShock.
Although I was disappointed by how the game ended, like Droo I can just spend a long time wandering around listening to audio recordings and admiring the scenery. Plus, I love the dialogue you get with people like Andrew Ryan and Sander Cohen.
Especially "A man chooses. A slave obeys." :3
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 9th, 2010, 01:50:14 AM
Amazon shipped my Collectors Edition copy yesterday...comeee onnnn, Royal Mail :ohno
Peter McCoy
Feb 9th, 2010, 08:27:52 AM
Lol- royal mail ftl
Feb 9th, 2010, 11:36:56 AM
I finally finished Bioshock today. Having rescued all the little sisters I got the ending that goes with that. And I have to admit, I found the ending after you finished Fontaine far too brief, it was sweet, but it felt very rushed in terms of quality, effort, and detail compared to what I was used to seeing throughout the entire game. Anyway, that is a minor minor gripe.
This has been one of the most satisfying gaming experiences I've had in a long long time. I found the story, the setting, and characters to be of a phenomenal standard. Rapture is easily the most wonderfully atmospheric, stimulating, and thrilling environment I've ever seen in a computer game. It doesn't surprise me one iota that a film is in the works for this. How could it not be? And the character setpieces as the story unravels? Fantastic!
A few of my favourites:
Encountering the demented Dr. Steinman, with his crucified failures.
Catchin glimpses of the Spider Splicer, who then stalks you in the shadows on the ceiling for some time, occassionally reminding you she's there with falling rose petals. And then hearing the religious gibberings of her male counterpart in the interrogation room later.
A moment that really struck me and chilled me to the bone was after picking up a audio tape in which a distraut mother left a message for her abducted daughter Masha to come home, I then came across the hotel room mentioned in the tape and inside was her parents' corpses, lying rotting on a matress after having committed suicide. One final audio tape reveals they saw her extracting Adam from a corpse as a Little Sister. The moment the tape starts, the lights flicker and dim, leaving you in the dark with the two corpses. God, I love that stuff.
Chasing the Houdini Splicer for the first time, when there's a flash, you see a shadow on the wall from something behind you, you turn around and he looks right at you and says: "Hi there," before vanishing again. Chills!
Professor Langford's eerie demise, writing the code to her safe in the poison cloud on the window. That, and then using the Lazarus Vector to breath new life into Arcadia. I found the Farmer's Market exceptionally creepy!
And then there's Sander Cohen, absolutely brilliant character, and my whole Fort Frolic experience was magical in the most disturbing kind of way. Later, when I killed him in his home, I felt a twinge of regret... then took his picture! :D
The encounter with Ryan really threw me, I wasn't expecting it to pan out like that. Sadly, I knew the "Would you kindly..." twist from long ago, but the rest of the revelations kept things exciting.
After that, I loved everything from Olympus Heights to the Proving Grounds, and each level was suitably creepy and uniquely realised. However, I felt now that I knew the truth, and there were no new characters to encounter and fewer audio tapes lying around, it started to slip into more generic gaming realms. However, moments like finding Suchong's last audio tape and realising the corpse on the table impaled by a Big Daddy's drill is in fact Dr. Suchong, that makes up for it in spades.
And finally, the Little Sisters saving you was a very nice touch.What else can I say? Graphically it was faultless. The sound effects were spot on. The voice acting is in a league of its own - it was a joy to even eavesdrop on the splicers when they were talking to themselves, or bickering amongst each other, or even singing to pistols in prams. On top of all that, I don't think I even encountered a single bug during my time playing. Needless to say I'm one very happy gamer, I'm sorry it took me so long to gat my hands on Bioshock but now at least I don't have to wait for the sequel. Needless to say, I greatly anticipate my next trip to Rapture. :)
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 9th, 2010, 12:14:57 PM
:eee so glad you enjoyed the game (how could you not? :lol)
I love just listening to the splicers babble on! :D My favorite guy is possibly the one who groans: "I traded you, oh lord, for Mammon... and where did it get me?!"
Alice Kelly
Feb 9th, 2010, 07:36:00 PM
Started playing today! And so far it's the splicers dialog in some areas that is amusing me... rather than just the usual psychobabble (though there is a healthy dose of that) I've actually come across some that are having conversations. Fighting over a broken turret and how it never works... The guy was griping about it, the woman mocking him for it...he told her to shut up because she doesn't know anything about machines. Made it hilarious when I hacked it and it started shooting at them. rofl. It's just nice to see them interacting with each other a bit more :3 Gives you more of a sense of what is happening in the storyline with them *nod*
Oh... and the opening cinematic was wonderful... *nod* perfectly set the tone for the game!
Peter McCoy
Feb 14th, 2010, 10:18:14 AM
I'm loving the whole Adam gathering dynamic in the game. We now have multiple things going on beyond what was experienced in the first game.
I'm really enjoying the second phase after killing a Big Daddy, which is adopting the Little Sister, escorting her to an Angel and then setting her down to gather the Adam, while fending off the onslaught of the splicers.. I particularly like the preparation for the splicers - setting down cyclone traps, hacking nearby cameras and turrets, deliberately failing a hack so that the system sends two bots - which I immediately shut down and hack to get them on my side (to my memory you could only have one on your side at a time in the first game), as well as rivet traps and mini turrets.
So you get Adam for doing that and then a bit more when you harvest or rescue her. And as if that wasn't enouch, you get MORE Adam when you defeat a Big Sister.
Oh, and I almost forgot, you even get a bit more Adam when you're outside Rapture, walking around on the ocean floor - sometimes you'll come across one of the seaslugs - an extra 10 Adam right there.
The underwater sections can feel quite intimidating. The first time you go out you come across a shark - looks like a Great White and I crapped my pants. The fact that you're out in open and it's just swimming maybe 30-40 metres away was quite scary - I actually held my breath when I saw it.
Awesome game so far.
Peter McCoy
Feb 14th, 2010, 10:20:40 AM
Oooh, and I'm really looking forward to Cyclone Trap Level 2 - charge them up with other plasmid powers, such as an Incinerate Cyclone or an Electro Bolt Cyclone - just awesome!
Emelie Shadowstar
Feb 17th, 2010, 12:22:46 AM
I was never big on the Cyclone Trap. Not sure why...
As far as prepping a room for any battle... Mini turrets are officially my best friend :D
I just played through Siren Alley... missed out on an ENTIRE section that I figured the storyline would take me through...but it didn't, and the next thing I knew it was too late. >_< The Little Sister Orphanage! I figured I could just go back... But oh MAN the end of Siren Alley was amazing. Run awayyyyy!!! rofl
It's taking me a while to get through the game due to when I can play and such... but I almost think that I like this game better than the first. And I WILL play it again, that's for sure. If for nothing else than running around with the little sisters. "No one hurts MY Daddy!" "Oooh! Marshmallows!" and all the other cute things they say."
Peter McCoy
Feb 17th, 2010, 07:32:16 PM
I finished!
Oh my God! That was an awesome game! I thought the ending's tone was perfect. I was a bit teary what with the ending itself, everything thats led up to it, and the music. Very emotional, very good. Very well done 2K Games!
The ending is on par with Half Life 2: Episode 2 (one of my all-time favourites).
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 22nd, 2010, 04:54:56 PM
New DLC incoming...
US, February 22, 2010 - BioShock 2 is getting a healthy dose of new downloadable content.
Publisher 2K announced today it would be bringing new singleplayer and multiplayer content to the title over the next couple months. The first addition, Sinclair Solutions Test Pack, will be available starting this March.
"The fans who waited in the snow, rain and cold for the midnight launch of BioShock 2 have spoken and their message is that Rapture still has many fascinating stories to tell," said Christoph Hartmann, president of 2K.
"Downloadable content is a key part of our efforts to continue to entice the fans that have made 2K a household name - we intend to deliver single and multiplayer content that respects and expands upon one of the greatest fictional worlds ever created."
The Sinclair Solutions Test Pack enhances BioShock 2's multiplayer component by adding new characters, rank rewards, and weapon upgrades. It will cost you 400 Microsoft points on Xbox LIVE or $4.99 from PlayStation Network. Here's the breakdown of everything you'll get:
• Rank Increase to level 50 with Rank Rewards
• New playable characters Louie McGraff and Oscar Calraca
• 20 new trials*
• A third weapon upgrade for each weapon
• Five additional masks*
*Some items are only available after a player achieves a rank of 41 or higher.
While 2K didn't get too specific with its planned single player content in today's announcement, the publisher says it will include "more narrative, new tools and new challenges."
Feb 22nd, 2010, 06:45:15 PM
I'm really curious about the single player content. I just hope and pray that this patch/DLC or whatever you call it rectifies the issue with the vending machines not having voices or music. Really missing that while playing Bioshock 2.
Once I'm done with the single player, I'll obviously give the multiplayer game a go, I'm not expecting much to be honest, but that doesn't bother me since it's not the reason why I love the games. Although, I'll seize any chance to go around belting people with a wrench as Lady Smith crying out: "My mothers pearls! You bastard!" :lol
Feb 26th, 2010, 05:39:14 PM
I completed this today and loved it. The story this time, while lacking the sensational plot twists of the first, is much more personal. My primary concern with this game was the fact that you're a Big Daddy: "That's not a person! How can you interact with other characters? How can you form bonds or feel anything?"
My fears were put to rest the moment I watched the opening cinematic. This is a lovely emotional story. Like its predecessor, Bioshock 2 boasts some wonderful characters and an atmosphere which sucks you in and chills you to the bone, and while there aren't as many locations (and none I find quite as memorable as the majority from the first game), they are none-the-less brilliant in their own right. I noticed the music more this time around as well, used to perfection at critical moments, leaving you truly unnerved or touched. On that note, this time around you really feel a bond with the Little Sisters, and as their Big Daddy you really want to look after them - or maybe that's just me, you can after all be as mean as you want and harvest them all.
The Splicer dialogue is back. Although I noticed there was significantly more Lady Smith speech going on than almost any other splicer around - which didn't bother me, her being my favourite: "Beef... stew!? From a can!? Oh, the indignity!" :lol
And like with Peter, I found the ending very moving, since I was such a good Daddy and got the happy ending. God, I love these games. Bring on Bioshock 3!
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 26th, 2010, 09:08:39 PM
I am not going to play these (I am woefully bad and get too frustrated to get very far in games like this) but can someone PM me the storyline/s to the games? From the bits I've heard I'm fascinated, but I'll never find out for myself. :(
Nathanial K'cansce
Feb 28th, 2010, 12:39:27 AM
Just finished the first BioShock game this morning, and have started in on BioShock2. So far, I'm liking it. Had to switch the game controls to match the first game's/make it easier on my mind. But I can't save. WHY CAN'T I SAVE!?!? :(
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 28th, 2010, 04:36:49 AM
I am not going to play these (I am woefully bad and get too frustrated to get very far in games like this) but can someone PM me the storyline/s to the games? From the bits I've heard I'm fascinated, but I'll never find out for myself. :(
^ That should have everything you need to know!
And you're right, the storyline is fascinating.
Peter McCoy
Feb 28th, 2010, 10:14:56 AM
It uses Windows Live so I think you need to be signed in to save. If you don't have an online account you can make a local offline profile.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 3rd, 2010, 12:19:41 PM
<embed src="" flashvars="config=" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" width="650" height="389" wmode="opaque"></embed>
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 23rd, 2010, 08:47:57 PM
You know you want one.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 24th, 2010, 11:59:17 AM
I really do.
Emelie already has one, lucky bugger.
Jun 24th, 2010, 05:42:24 PM
Today only on Steam: Bioshock 2 -75%
If you get in on one of the 4 pack deals they have on SA, you can get it for like $11.
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 25th, 2010, 01:27:57 PM
Ever wanted your own splicer mask?
This deluxe set includes a full size resin "Bunny" Splicer mask, over 12" tall, that can be worn or hung as wall décor. Also included are 2 exclusive new figures of the Sinclair Big Daddy from the Alpha Series and a Little Sister in red dress. The
figures are fully poseable and include the following accessories: Grenade Launcher, ADAM Syringe, and Miniature Subject Delta doll.
These figures and mask are available only in this set and are a limited edition exclusive.
Detailed full size 1:1 replica of a Splicer Welder Mask, from the Bioshock videogame series. This authentic replica features weathered finishing.
Aug 25th, 2010, 01:41:34 PM
I want to take the ears off! :cry
Emelie Shadowstar
Aug 25th, 2010, 01:45:57 PM just wait for somewhere over here in the states to have them. :ohno
Otherwise I might be begging you to get me one and bring it with you to Burning Nerd, Jenny...
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 25th, 2010, 02:33:11 PM
Unfortunately they aren't released until December by the looks of things... so you might have to wait until Christmas, or Comic Con :mneh
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 28th, 2010, 12:13:39 PM
Mr Bubbles :3
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