View Full Version : Gamer Rage!

Silus Xilarian
Mar 4th, 2009, 07:01:02 AM
I hope, for the love of all that is good and holy, that I'm not the only person who gets this.

Playing TF2 this morning, and some fuck nut decides that its awesome funny and original to come in with really really nerve grating techno/trance music playing over voice chat. And I'm not talking real music here, its just synthesized voices and random sound skipping looped OVER AND OVER AND OVER. So, I mute him, and all is well in the world.

Well apparently the voice settings on the server I was playing on were screwy, so every time i died, or the match ended, I would have to hear this atrocious noise blaring in my headphones.

Stack that with getting killed in the most retarded of ways (Like going up to roast a medic, and getting one shotted by a random engineer shotgun blast from a retarded distance) and yeah, I was ready to go off.

I need to invest in a punching bag =(

Peter McCoy
Mar 4th, 2009, 07:40:00 AM
What do you get when you take our beloved Droo, stick him in a pot of Jedi Outcast, mix him with about 15 other players all running about on the Bespin level, with the other players annoying him by one-shotting and force-pushing and decapitating him? Hm?

What you get is one of the greatest TV shows in the history of videogaming blood-lust frenzies...

MILLIE FREAKS OUT!!!: In the depths of Bespin

I used to love watching him play that game. I'd rather watch him play that game than actually play it myself.

And then there's the time I owned him on Black Hawk Down :D Tee-hee-hee! :crack

Mar 4th, 2009, 08:21:38 AM
Guilty as charged. When I play games, I have to win, and if I don't then I enrage. One of the big reasons why I used to go nuts on Jedi Outcast, in fact any game from Black Hawk Down to Call of Duty to World of Warcraft, is because I hold grudges and embark on vendettas against anyone who has wronged me in some way on this game. Points no longer matter, the team no longer matters, I have to get that person and show to him/her that I am the better gamer and that I own their candy ass! :shakefist

As for you owning me that one time on Black Hawk Down, that was an evil combination of a bad map, beginner's luck and laaaag. So there!

And finally, it's Milly or Milli even, Millie would be a girl's name, you git!

Peter McCoy
Mar 4th, 2009, 10:06:34 AM
Your point?

Travis North
Mar 4th, 2009, 10:21:35 AM
LOL I brought up gamer rage last week with a friend when he was playing Street Fighter 4. He was trying to unlock all the characters and some matches the NPC gets that light punch in and drops him that sliver of health he needs to get perfects. It was jokes. Then while playing Halo 3 co-op he decides to frag me, which failed. I then proceed to own him each consecutive spawn cause I'm evil like that. Eventually he gave up leaving me fully stocked on ammo and nades so I solo the rest of the mission.

Growing up my cousin was the worst for gamer rage. I'd seen some of his fits while playing Legend of the Mystical Ninja, but there were ones I thankfully avoided - the only evidence from those fits of rage being broken SNES controllers. Now a days he doesn't game at all.

I've never actually had a fit of gamer rage, but I know I've sparked a few incidents online. I'm the person who gets those longshots in or that headshot outta no where (No h4x) and watch people just lose it. In WoW I've gotten the drop on Alliance, camped them to let them know this was Horde turf, had them drop me once, then got back up, wrecked and camped them some more. I like getting their hopes up and crushing them.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 4th, 2009, 10:33:53 AM
My biggest gamer rage was over a level in Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. It wasn't even a big important part of the game, but you had to wall-run whilst holding a rope, then let go and continue to wall-run whilst avoiding some circular saws, all positioned above a pit of spikes. It frustrated me so much that I ended up installing the game and leaving it for a year - but when I came back, I got past that part first time. So I don't know whether it was a glitch or what, but for a long time in my household we referred to any part of a game where you got stuck for a long time as the "Prince of Persia moment" ^_^;

I heard that poor Prince die waaay too many times >_<

Mar 4th, 2009, 12:06:13 PM
Yuck, I remember outcast. The Grip + Kick thing that would keep someone in one position while the user kicked him to death irritated me to no end.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 4th, 2009, 12:13:03 PM
Was it Jedi Outcast that some of us used to play together? It was one of the Jedi Knight games anyway... I remember the endless hilarity/frustration of using Force Grip to toss people off ledges and into bottomless pits :lol

Peter McCoy
Mar 4th, 2009, 12:26:52 PM
Either Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy.

Zenas Codrey
Mar 4th, 2009, 02:05:16 PM
I was notorious for these kinds of outbursts as a kid. Not so much these days, though some things do drive me up the wall. Gettin' ganked in WoW when I've got 5% health left on this one last thing to kill is aggravating. Similarly, group wipes. In console games these days there's not much that will make me mad. Guess I'm growing up?

Silus Xilarian
Mar 4th, 2009, 08:53:57 PM
normally when I get owned, I just laugh about it. It's prolonged BS that gets me worked up. Ever so often, if my team is REALLY bad, I'll get a bit worked up and start fussing with them a bit (not screaming at them mind you, just "come on guys, get to the point, don't be afraid to die!")

I also have a mini form of this that I like to call DemoRage. That's when I'm trying to play a class that I haven't spent a lot of time with in TF2, and I keep getting shut down at annoying times (Example: Spawning as a Sniper, only to be instantly gibbed by a scout who managed to squirrel his way to our spawn. Or playing an engineer, getting my sentry raped by a HORRIBLE spy who is abusing the blu vs red respawn time. First he suicide stabs me, then when he respawns in 5 seconds, and im respawning in 20, he trots out and saps my sentry and runs along his merry little way.)

Anyways, when situations like these crop up, that's when I spawn as a Demoman, come out and fill the air with shrapnel and carnage. =)

As far as WoW goes, i used to get angry losing to bad players in arena, solely due to a string of really bad luck, like stuns getting resisted, blah blah blah. and playing alliance in the Bloodlust battlegroup makes Battlegrounds a pretty depressing situation. Now I just don't bother PVPing. It's as unbalanced as it's ever been, and im not lucky enough to be playing a ret Pally or a death knight =p

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 4th, 2009, 10:42:47 PM
I used to play Jedi Academy with Travis and Visc, which was fun :)

As for rage, I don't really get angry, but I have been known to declare 'this isn't fair', and turn the game off. About the only thing that really gets to me is Silent Hill 2. I just can't play it for very long before it gets the better of me and I shut the damn thing off out of fear :ohno

Ask Mandi or Justin, though Mandi saw me freak out about it way more than Justin did.

Mar 5th, 2009, 08:23:40 AM
I have to say, most of my gaming rage was when I was playing in a competitive BF1942 clan. Losing or getting killed in clan ladder matches really got to me. Playing at a competitive level, I suddenly cared much more about my performance, and admittedly, there were quite a few times I swore, cursed, yelled in frustration and slammed my fist on the desk.

But barring that particular game and a few games that were so frustrating because they were so ridiculously hard and required above human reflexes, I rarely get emotional. After all, it is just pixels on the screen. The main point about gaming is relaxing and having fun. I am far, far more likely to get bored of a game than upset. If I play with friends, I just laugh at my losses. :)

edit - examples of things that might push me over the edge:
Action / platform games with wonky colision detection and erratic enemy AI, causing me to die at the same damn frustrating spot for 100th time.

Peter McCoy
Mar 5th, 2009, 08:50:05 AM
I used to get frustrated playing Age of Empires (the original one) when I'd try taking on a map full of AI-controlled enemies. I'd be doing really well (it's not a complicated game) and then now and again I'd suddenly get a string of bad luck where the AI would decide to mount an assault - every single empire all at once. I'd get really angry and use the good old 'photonman' code to spawn a laser trooper. Nothing like a good blaster at your side when you're up against the Ming Dynasty :)

I think I may have mentioned my C&C:Generals thing where I get wound up if I lose units as the USA. I usually concentrate on using Humvee's loaded with missile guys and tanks to soak damage, but when I lose units I reload (I save often) and break out the particle cannon (when I say the particle cannon, what I really mean is more like eight particle cannons. That's pretty much my reaction in Civilisation 2 when someone declares war - I just manufacture a shedload of nukes. My gamer rage is usually directed at the AI when it pisses me off.

Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 5th, 2009, 10:56:11 AM
I guess my worst would have to be Star Craft. I'd never get very far before the Zerg came rushing in, and I've NEVER been able to stop it.

It's like, ok, build a few buildings, make a few upgrades, and watch the bugs crawl in and slime all over it. :cry

I hate that game. :p

Xavier Synik
Mar 5th, 2009, 11:48:33 AM
I guess my worst would have to be Star Craft. I'd never get very far before the Zerg came rushing in, and I've NEVER been able to stop it.

It's like, ok, build a few buildings, make a few upgrades, and watch the bugs crawl in and slime all over it. :cry

I hate that game. :p

there's a couple methods to get around that... but depends on which other race your playing as.

As for rage... The only thing that really bothers me playing online are the idiots who decided they want to scream or make stupid random noises in the chat.

Silus Xilarian
Mar 5th, 2009, 08:18:09 PM
Between me and my friends, we can usually shame the idiots into silence, or they handle our abuse masterfully and are assimilated into our 'core'. Like I said before, it's the constant stuff, like people playing retarded music the entire time they're on the server, combined with using exploits to get themselves off mute lists that really irks me.

Oh, and medics who only heal one person, even that person is at full health. Having those types of teammates is a good indicator that our team is gonna get rolled over.

Travis North
Mar 5th, 2009, 09:34:20 PM
Oh, and medics who only heal one person, even that person is at full health. Having those types of teammates is a good indicator that our team is gonna get rolled over.

Medics were brutal in 2142. I've been in enough matches where we'd have the advantage and run Titan O before our shields dropped. We board and proceed to knock out consoles 1-4 and move on to the core only to get slammed back by the now frantic defense. We got enough infantry on board to put up a decent fight in the core only to get shut down when the medics on our team decide to get more than their fill of kills instead of defibrillating the vital support and recon units who carry the ammo and explosives to blow the core and win it. Set backs like that turn the game around often leading to the defending team turtling so the match is prolonged with missile silo control becoming the main objective again.

Mar 5th, 2009, 09:44:44 PM
Too many to list, dying and dying all over again in many games but probably the most recent one would be just a few months ago when I was about to finish CoD 4 in the Veteran difficulty and my Xbox gave me the RRoD *shakes fist*