View Full Version : The Battle of Mon Calamari
Park Kraken
Feb 24th, 2009, 11:35:51 PM
This has already been discussed at great lengths in the private Imperial forums, of which some of you have access and have already added your two cents, but for the rest of you, I give you, plans#1 and #2 for a battle over Mon Calamari;
Whoa whoa whoa whoa.
Ok, first off, let me explain a few things -
#1: I brought this idea to the Imperial forums to see if they would approve of the operation, then move it to the public forums if it gets good feedback, which it has.
#2: Ok, Mon Calamari, being the alliance of the captial, would most certainly have planetery shields, which would protect anything from the atmosphere downwards. The orbital shipyards, battlestations, and fleet/commerce from atmosphere out into space and beyond would not be protected, and of those mentioned, my goal is to destroy the shipyards.
#3: This is not an invasion/occupation, but a mere hit and run style gurellia tactic, partially to throw the Rebellion's own tactics back in their face, and also to restore morale and prestige to the Empire.
#4: The original plan was to take 50% losses, but after the inclusion of more ships and larger fleets, I now have a secondary idea -
Kraken's force is the herald of a much larger fleet. He pushes hard and destroyes/damages the shipyards, but loses 50% of his fleet, including his flagship. The Rebel fleet pursues, but is ambushed by a much larger secondary Imperial fleet that mauls the Rebel fleet, before helping Kraken's force withdraw into hyperspace. I would say about 50% of the Rebel fleet units stationed at Mon Calamari are destroyed, with another 25% damaged.
Ok, pending approval of this extended plan by the Imperial top commanders, I'll C+P into a public Rebel forum to get ideas from the people there.
It's a solid idea and I like it. Gives the Rebels a good punch to the nose.
Perhaps it could go like this?
1. Kraken takes his new fleet to Mon Cal. His goal is to damage or destroy the shipyards in orbit.
2. In the enusing battle he manages to damage or destroy the shipyards while losing 50% of his fleet and his flagship.
3. Meanwhile the Empire discovers that a meeting between high ranking Rebels is currently taking place on Mon Cal. So they gather a sizable force and head off to try to join Kraken before his attack. BUT are not able to get there in time.
4. Instead they find him limping away being pursued by the Rebels. To quote Kraken, the combined remnants of Park's fleet and the larger Imperial forces 'maul' the Rebels and they flee back to Mon Cal.
5. Each having bloodied each others noses are a little tentative to rejoin battle to instead a blockade is set up around Mon Cal and all adjoining hyperspace trade lanes. Like Dasquian added this is an attempt to prevent any rebels from leaving.
And thus the seige of Mon Cal can begin. A sort of gritty no side wants to stick their neck out for fear of it being shot off, stand off. The Empire lacks a sufficient force to crush Mon Cal outright and the force protecting Mon Cal isn't strong enough to engage the Imperials surrounding them.
A lot of neat things could come from this in a maintained thread. This could be an arena for alot of light skirmishes between patrolling vessels. IE: You squadron fighter pilots who want something to do but don't wish to do it in massive battles.
The area would be filled with wreckage and derelict vessels too crippled to continue and are abadoned. The Rebels could try to strike out to salvage these ships while the Empire tries to prevent it, in hopes of starving them out.
So, having read through the plans, I would like to have other peeps feedback on this thread and how they feel about it.
Captain Untouchable
Feb 25th, 2009, 02:20:00 AM
My biggest concern is that you don't seem to appreciate how big a deal attacking Mon Calamari is. The repercussions are potentially faction-changing. Losing the shipyards cripples our fleet. Blockading Mon Calamari cuts us off from our leadership. It also potentially hampers the Jedi as well - with Imperial ships around they're tied to the planet as well, so can't participate in threads anywhere else during that timeframe.
The Rebellion isn't like the Empire; we can't just casually brush off the destruction of our shipyards and rely on other locations, or rebuild them with a snap of our fingers. It'll have repercussions that will affect a whole slew of people, and that could potentially have an effect for months at the very least. That isn't necessarily a bad thing - changes like that are good. Its just a big deal, and should really be approached as such.
Its not necessarily a reason not to do it: I just think it needs to be thought about properly rather than done on a whim. :)
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 25th, 2009, 04:50:43 AM
I like the idea of the 'Siege of Mon Calamari', as proposed in Idea 2. My thinking was that it could begin as the 'Gathering of the Alliance' thread is drawing to a close - at which point the Jedi would not yet have arrived on Mon Cal, but the Alliance bigwigs would be gathered there. Roleplaying the planet under siege could be gritty fun, and I like the possibility that maybe the Jedi have to run the blockade to try and provide support to the people trapped behind its lines.
That being said, I agree with what the Captain said about the significance of Mon Cal (and this is a worry I previously expressed about this idea). So, I would ask that if we do go through with this, the Empire keep in mind that this is going to have huge huge impact for the Alliance and therefore treat it with the level of... respect (the best word I can come up with here) that it deserves.
Sumor Rayial
Feb 25th, 2009, 09:32:54 AM
I agree with the above comments.
This would cause a great change, but at the same time it would open up a lot of story arcs too...
I have two comments right off..
1) Saying that Kraken loses half his fleet is fine I respect your willingness to have that happen. But how does that balance out against the fact that the Rebellion would lose probably 25-50% of their entire Navy in the battle above Mon Cal and in the mauling you propose afterward. I mean realistically, why would the Empire stop. You've just crippled your enemy and gotten re-enforced. I'd be pressing the issue not laying back in a blocking position.
Now this is easily rectified by the order to hold position being issued for whatever reason, but that's one thing that popped into my head.
2) All of the senior leadership is at the meeting, but not all their forces are there. Again not a huge issue, and I like the idea of having threads where the NPC second in commands of some of the forces, as well as maybe Rogue Squadron and others have to fight there way back into the area.
Also depending on the type of blockade that was set up, nothing in or out vs. everything moving in and out is searched and only certain things are confiscated. I could see this opening up some story arcs for smugglers and even BHs. With the Rebs trying to smuggle their leadership out while the Imps might try and send BHs in to take care of a couple problems.
Istina Chriferre
Feb 25th, 2009, 11:56:27 AM
I personally like the idea, and not because I'm an Imperial Lackey(tm).
Think about it. In Yavin, all they had to fight the Death Star was a few squadrons of fighters, and this was one of the main bases of the Rebellion.
In Endor, I believe the Empire threw a Sector Fleet (or somewhat more, but not even close to their entire forces), and the Rebellion's main fleet was there and was quite hard-hit as well. This is par for the course, and quite in keeping the SW convention, numbers-wise.
But there is a point in that the Empire wouldn't stop if it had the upper hand. This could be rectified by a number of Moffs declaring non-allegiance with Miranda/defecting (either to their own side or, perhaps, to the Rebellion), which would prompt the Empire to spread its assets around, leaving them with too little firepower to continue the attack with sufficient chances of complete victory.
Feb 25th, 2009, 12:26:49 PM
If that was the case I think that the defection would have to be congruent or before this actual Siege/Battle because anything else wouldn't lend a hand to the arguement that they would stop.
I personally support the idea of a Siege. It does open a lot of Story Arcs that wouldn't be boxed in to Mon Calamari alone, simply because it's a central force as of now to the Rebellion. No matter where you stand in the war it'll have a vaccum force on you, and no matter where your character is it can still hold some power.
It'll be a big battle, is all I'm saying, and I support big things. Its the only way to win...well not so much since I'm on the Rebel side, but atleast it'll be fun.
Feb 25th, 2009, 01:31:40 PM
Addressing the issues by Tear.
Ramifications for attacking Mon Cal.
1. Damaging the shipyards will hurt the Rebellions fleet building efforts.
True, but do you think your ability to build ships is going to win the war? No matter how many ships the Rebellion has the Empire will likely always have more. It's through the people 'rebelling' against the Empire that will end up clinching a victory or a tentative peace.
The Rebellion has always taken smaller fleets into strategic engagements to win. So damaging your shipyards won't really affect your strategy in the long term. It may hurt moral to think you can't make a big shiny new ship though.
Plus who's to say is Kraken is even successful in destroying them? He may just damage portions and simply delay things for a time. Or he may fail all together.
2. The blockade of Mon Cal. With issues of the Jedi or people on planet not being able to get on or off.
In all seriousness, why wouldn't there be a blockade? If a planet is openly in Rebel hands the Empire would be swarming it. As for people getting on or off that only adds to the gruesome fun of it.
The boards have loads of smugglers with nothing to do for the most part. This event could be something unifying to bring various characters Jedi, Rebels, Smugglers, or other characters with Rebel sympathy's together for some fun RP's.
As for cutting off the Rebellion from leadership. It was my thought the rebels acting in self sufficient cells more or less? And if there needs to be major orders sent out or in i'm sure there are ways to do it. Smuggler, Stealth ship acting as a runner, Blockade runners, Traitors in the Empire letting transmissions go through, etc etc,
3. Why would the Empire stop its assault?
Perhaps 'mauling' was the wrong word. It could be safe to say that the persuing rebel fleet does some damage or their own with the Empires reinforcements come to save Kraken. But being out numbered they find it more logical to retreat to the orbital defense stations around Mon Cal. Which likely has Surface to space weapons like Ion cannons, extra compliments of fighters to be launched etc.
Krakens fleet taking 50% losses, losing their flagship, would be likely very tired, demoralized, the surviving ships may have casualties of their own and crucial repairs. The reinforcement fleet would likely take some of their own bumps in the brief skirmish and maybe together they dont have the overall strength or even will to push a second assault to the planet.
Not only would they have to contend with the Rebel fleet. But the Planets very sturdy and heavy defenses waiting for them. It would be logical from a strategic position to simply blockade the planet and try to starve them out through a long drawn out conflict. The idea behind it could be that the Imperials know the Rebels dont have the man power to last out against their larger pool of resources.
Not to mention this reinforcement fleet could probably be a smattering of lesser admirals or fleet commanders young with inexperiance and were called upon because they were simply the closest force. While the sector Moffs and higher ups are still being resettled by Miranda's take over.
What type of blockade would it be? Probably nothing in or out. I'd like to say the Empire would let some ships through like medical supplies but that really doesn't sound like the Empire to me.
Does that mean there won't be ways to sneak in? Of course not. I can just picture stealth assaults from the rebels slipping silently through space then docking with a Star destroyer who is still blissfully unaware of their presence. Then BAM! They make a raid on the ship for supplies, and flee back to the safety of Mon Cal's orbit with the loot.:lol
I think this thread shouldn't be about who wins or who losses what, but we should take it more as an opportunity for great stories. The Rebellion should feel that urgency where winning or losing is a very fine line. The Empire should feel shakey where their normal chain of command isn't there and things aren't as they should be. The Universe should know this is actually a war where people are dying or fighting to live.
Rossos Atrapes
Feb 25th, 2009, 01:43:58 PM
Continuing from Tear, I think actually that the Empire would push on, even as hurt as they were. But, with orbital stations still operational, and surface to space weapons, they'd get pretty high casualties going and would have to pull back, thus instigating the blockade.
Park Kraken
Feb 25th, 2009, 02:03:40 PM
Further thoughts -
As far as ship building capacity goes, the Alliance does have shipyards in other systems. Depending on how close to the original storyline we are following, Emancipator, Liberator, and Allegiance (3 ISD's captured at Endor) are nearing refitting completion in the Alliance shipyards in the Hosk system, something the Empire doesn't know about.
Not only that, but Mon Calamari does have shipbuilding facilities on the floating cities on the planet itself. But, just about anything over 750 meters in length wouldn't be atmospheric capable, and would have to be built in the orbital shipyards. So I would mainly be damaging the Rebellion's ability to build larger capital warships.
The Blockade thing, I'm still writing up plans for, but so far the 2nd Fleet that would come into play would originally be an invasion fleet that would turn into a blockade fleet. It's composed so far of two Super Star Destroyers, fourteen Imperial Star Destroyers, and 104 support vessels, plus the hordes of additional starfighters.
The Alliance Defense Fleet would be composed in a larger part of Mon Calamari vessels, a lot of MC-80's,-80a's, and maybe even some new -80b's, along with smaller MC-40s, a couple of one offs, and smaller frigates, corvettes, gunships, and lots of starfighter squadrons, plus the battlestations.
I figure Alliance fleet strength is 15 MC-80 cruisers, 10 various other large captial warships, and about 50-70 support ships and all the starfighter squadrons.
I'll add more later as I sort through the thoughts, but I'm going to put a lot of planning into this thread, since I know this will have a large impact on the war itself and both factions involved.
Xavier Synik
Feb 25th, 2009, 02:11:15 PM
I'm totally for the idea of the thread/story arc.
And I think what you put down is a valid reason for the Empire to stop and not press their advantage.
My question now is more on the logistical side of things. I'm not completely up on some aspects of travel in the SW galaxy. Like I know there are the common travel corridors which is where the Empire would set up blockades, but it's not like ships have to keep to those corridors right?
Also would the Empire OOCly give information about what ships are on what blockade point so we can think about other threads. To be able to even think about it, need to know where the weak point may be and if it's really a weak point.
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 25th, 2009, 02:14:05 PM
Communication will definitely be the key here, I think.
but I'm going to put a lot of planning into this thread
It's great that you're excited about this but... please don't go overboard in terms of lists and lists of ships, or laying down tonnes of stuff that people have to read to get involved? ^_^; I only ask this because whilst I know it appeals to some people, I am really not interested in what specific kind of ships are involved - either they are big and powerful or small and nimble. That is pretty much the only distinction I need, since everything I'm going to be writing will be primarily character-driven, with the ships themselves as just.. tools to facilitate story progression.
Park Kraken
Feb 25th, 2009, 03:55:35 PM
Communication will definitely be the key here, I think.
but I'm going to put a lot of planning into this thread
It's great that you're excited about this but... please don't go overboard in terms of lists and lists of ships, or laying down tonnes of stuff that people have to read to get involved? ^_^; I only ask this because whilst I know it appeals to some people, I am really not interested in what specific kind of ships are involved - either they are big and powerful or small and nimble. That is pretty much the only distinction I need, since everything I'm going to be writing will be primarily character-driven, with the ships themselves as just.. tools to facilitate story progression.
Noted. I'll put a small list of manifest up for storyline purposes, and to tell what the threat "level" of each ship is, but I'll also do a complete manifest, for notoriety purposes, but that one I'll just post into the Imperial forums, to keep track of the ships involved and for further storyline use down the road.
Feb 25th, 2009, 04:03:41 PM
Any timeline on when this thread should start rolling, because from the looks of things it's getting a green light on the blockade/siege front.
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 25th, 2009, 05:28:27 PM
Presumably once we have worked out a rough framework of what is going to happen. I'd rather get some basic plan laid down now than have us all WTFing in a few weeks, since this is a pretty big idea that is liable to become confusing and chaotic.
Ideally, we would have one big beginning thread, in which the attack happens the blockade is established.. and then we could branch off into smaller threads, to cover various aspects of the siege, people trying to run the blockade etc... and then eventually we bring it all back together again in one final push to oust the Empire from the system.
Jehkran Dmath
Feb 25th, 2009, 05:58:42 PM
I that it is a fitting structure, especially for a Siege of this porportion and impact.
Feb 25th, 2009, 09:32:52 PM
I like the Idea but the only problem I have is the timing. If the Empire attacks while the leadership is there that would put a large portion of all the alliance fleets at Mon Cal. So that makes for way too many Ships above the planet. Im having nightmares working with an entire sector fleet at Mandel and I would imagine if all the fleet commanders were at Mon Cal they would at least have a sector fleet worth of ships there.
As I have told some people once the 3rd fleet has taken the Bothawui system the fleet displacement will be changing and 4th fleet will be over the Calamari sector. I and my fleet will be heading to the Atrivis sector on the far side of the galaxy. Mabye a timed attack to take advantage of the change in command.
Reshmar would never let Calamari be as defensless as what would need to be for a single sector fleet to take it. the planet has 4 golan 2's and three of the seven planets are inhabited and have fighter garrisons.
Here is an idea... Mabye have the Quarren assist the Empire. It hasnt been that long since the Quarren- Calamari cival war. I would imagine there are still alot of Querran still around from the Sepertist days. They designed and built the cruisers the sepertist used so it could tie in good for alot of tangent storys.
Xavier Synik
Feb 25th, 2009, 10:51:47 PM
well could even have it that the Empire plants the seeds of mis-information that the Querran had something to do with the timing of the attack. That would cause rebel intel to go nuts trying to figure out if they were having to watch out for Querran on Mon Cal while the military was trying to figure out what the heck to do about the Imps. Might actually be more affective of a distraction for the Rebels to be chasing ghosts then for their actually to be some sort of Querran uprising.
As for Sumor's Expiditionary Unit. It's likely that no matter the timing he would have left them off in some region anyway and traveled by shuttle, as he wouldn't see the purpose of dragging a bunch of ground troops to a meeting like this. If this is relatively soon after the battle for Bothawui then it is more likely that he left his forces elsewhere to regroup, resupply and repair, and if not someplace where they could run drills or something.
They would however likely be in a position to make raids against some of the Imp forces once they set up the blockade.
I have a question though. And excuse my ignorance if I should know this, but what about communications? Would they be cut off as well, or could the leadership still be communicating and coordinating with forces and groups outside the blockade zone?
Captain Untouchable
Feb 25th, 2009, 11:36:56 PM
And excuse my ignorance if I should know this, but what about communications? Would they be cut off as well, or could the leadership still be communicating and coordinating with forces and groups outside the blockade zone?
I'm assuming no, given that the Trade Federation was able to cut off communications with Naboo.
- - -
Don't get me wrong; I think this is a fantastic idea; I just think it needs to be thought through a bit more before any decisions are made.
My biggest concern at this point is the question of "How long?"
If what Tear seems to be implying - that the Empire should have been blockading the planet since day one - is correct, then why would it ever stop? Logically, unless the Rebellion can sufficiently break the blockade so it is no longer sustainable, can somehow cut off its supply lines, or can somehow cause a situation where those ships are needed elsewhere instead, then the blockade should logically remain. Since the Alliance leadership is cut off (and half our ship-building capacity), I can't see the Rebels being able to achive an all-out military victory at this point.
To make it plausible for the story, I think we need to accept that Mon Calamari is gone for now, and have the Rebellion work around that. If they pour all of their resources into freeing Mon Calamari, they're going to suffer so many casualties that they won't have a hope of fending off Imperial attacks elsewhere. That could spell the end of the Rebellion.
What if instead of trying to free Mon Calamari, we tried to replace it instead: tried to gather more allies and territory? If we were able to go out and liberate other Rebel-friendly systems, we might be able to secure more military allies who would be able to help build up our fleet to a point where the Liberation of Mon Calamari is a logical military effort. As well, if we start breaking more systems away from the Empire, they might decide that some of the blockade ships can be made better use of elsewhere. That would weaken the blockade, and up our odds of success.
If Mon Calamari is cut off though, I don't think the Jedi should go there (assuming they aren't already there at the time of the Gathering). Being on a planet that is under an Imperial blockade is hardly a safe place to be, nor a particularly well-hidden one. What if instead the Jedi decided to be more proactive, and got mixed in with the rebellion on Naboo? Untimately they could help free the system (with the help of the Rebels), and establish Naboo as a stand-in capital: somewhere to run the Alliance from until Mon Calamari is free.
Also, would the Rebel leadership necessarily remain on Mon Calamari, or would some of them attempt to run the blockade and get to their ships? It might be worth doing that to get some of the military leaders out at the very least, even if the Alliance Council did remain under seige. The problem I can see with keeping the leadership trapped is that, once Mon Calamari is free, why would the people who have been running the Alliance in their absense actually relinquish control? Presumably a few individuals will have risen to positions of power, that they might not be willing to relinquish once their "superiors" are back.
Rossos Atrapes
Feb 26th, 2009, 07:09:30 AM
Also, would the Rebel leadership necessarily remain on Mon Calamari, or would some of them attempt to run the blockade and get to their ships? It might be worth doing that to get some of the military leaders out at the very least, even if the Alliance Council did remain under seige. The problem I can see with keeping the leadership trapped is that, once Mon Calamari is free, why would the people who have been running the Alliance in their absense actually relinquish control? Presumably a few individuals will have risen to positions of power, that they might not be willing to relinquish once their "superiors" are back.
This could pave the way for the Che character and his idea of a "people's revolution", and have some strife between the Rebels while the Empire slowly weakens.
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 26th, 2009, 07:41:31 AM
I was assuming that during the blockade the Rebels who were on Mon Cal would be making efforts to escape. I had images in my mind of slicers and cryptographers somehow working out Imperial vessel identification codes, so that shuttles could some how slip past the blockade unnoticed. Or, of defecting Imperials who smuggle support in/out of the planet under the illusion that they were still loyal to the Empire.
Presumably a few individuals will have risen to positions of power, that they might not be willing to relinquish once their "superiors" are back.
Perhaps, but I can see many just continuing to do their job regardless of the situation. The 'leadership' of the Rebellion moves around so much that it's rare that lots of them are gathered together, with the members of their individual departments. They rely on everyone being fairly autonomous as it is, regardless of what level they are in the command hierachy. Those outside the blockade would have to step up and take initiative, yes, but I can't see many members of the Rebellion being power-hungry enough that they want to exploit a situation like this to gain a rank.
Regarding the Jedi... I think they could be critical in breaking the blockade, personally. Obviously they wouldn't set up their base on Mon Cal during it, but situations like these seem like the prime time when the Jedi would be involved, trying to help overcome the odds -- and it would be an interesting test of their various loyalties to see if there are any amongst them who value the Rebellion above the safety of the Jedi.
Park Kraken
Feb 26th, 2009, 12:05:20 PM
Here is a proposal for the overall plans, with each Phase representing a thread. This is a very very rough draft, and is subject to much change and editing as needed and desired;
Phase#1: The Plan - Imperial Fleet forces are gathered up into the 104th Battle Squadron, where a senior commander proposes to fleet commander Park about attacking Mon Calamari. The idea is hashed out to destroy the orbital shipyards. A commander from another sector listens in on the meeting, then heads back to Coruscant. Imperial High Command decides that a full out invasion is in order and assembles another fleet.
Phase#2: The Execution - The Fleet leaves to raid for Mon Calamari before the second, more powerful fleet is assembled and ready to go, but they depart for Mon Calamari as well. Park's squadron arrives, and having achieved suprise, destroys about 40% of the orbital shipyards and damages about 30% more, and causing damage to the battlestations and some defending fleet units. However, the scope of Mon Calamari's defensive fleet and how many Alliance ships are gathered there alarms Park, and he orders a general withdrawal.
The presence of several CC-7700 Grav-Well Frigates makes the withdrawal complicated, and as the Alliance fleet organizes and rallies, a general pursuit is taken up, in which the Imperial forces suffer 50% losses, before the second Imperial fleet is pulled out of hyperspace by the CC-7700s, right on top of the rallying Alliance fleet.
A huge brawl ensues, in which the Imperials suffer a few further losses, but the Alliance fleet, caught between Kraken's still deadly force, and the arrival of the new Imperial fleet, is caught in a crossfire and suffers heavy casualties of it's own. They withdraw to the static defenses of Mon Calamari, and the Imperial fleet withdraws a distance to check it's own wounds before calling in reinforcements to establish a blockade.
Phase#3: The Blockade - Additional reinforcements arrive to set up a blockade, in which Alliance and Jedi try to run and most of the time do, but sometimes aren't able to, and a few skirmishes ensue as well. Finally, in order to try and make the Empire break the blockade, a series of feints are launched against some of the blockading fleet to get more supplies through, and a series of raids are launched against the Imperial worlds which are missing the ships used in the blockade, the absence discovered by Rebel Intelligence. The force the issue, the Empire decides on a final battle of Mon Calamari.
Phase#4: The Second Battle of Mon Calamari - Most of the blockading fleets are sent home, except for the invasion and battle forces. The Imperials advance once again upon Mon Calamari, but this time it is fully prepared for battle. The bloody battle dwarfs the Endor engagement, and lasts for three days and nights until the Empire finally drives away the Alliance defense fleet and surrounds the planet. Just as it looks like Mon Calamari will fall, reinforcements in the form of the former Bothan Imperial defense fleet, and other Alliance ships arrive and assault the Imperials from behind. The destruction of the Super Star Destroyer Dominion and the death of the generals in charge of the land assault forces the withdrawal of the Imperial assault fleet.
Although casualties on both sides are heavy, with the Calamari losing a few floating cities, most of their battlestations, shipyards, stations, and defense fleets, the Empire has been dealt another severe blow. Basically, it would end in a massive draw, but it would be an Alliance PR victory.
Feb 26th, 2009, 03:55:29 PM
If that is the case, I think the first two threads need to be done in speedy succession. Not to add pressure, but I just feel that a lot of Battle threads lose steam quite fast and end up being drawn out to points where no one is interested. The same is true with any other big thread ideas.
Park Kraken
Feb 26th, 2009, 05:42:36 PM
I was planning for it to be a one on one for the first fleet engagement. Me, and a Rebel fleeter, then I use a second character for the second fleet when it arrives.
We could also institute a 72-hour rule where if you don't post in a three day period, the opposition goes for you, but I'd rather not have to resort to that.
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 28th, 2009, 07:53:00 PM
No 72 hour rule, no thank you. I'm sure we all have the patience to wait for other people involved to post in a thread.
Xavier Synik
Mar 11th, 2009, 09:46:06 AM
*pokes thread*
This idea dead or still being worked on?
Park Kraken
Mar 11th, 2009, 11:57:01 AM
It's on hold right atm, but still being worked on.
Mar 11th, 2009, 12:29:06 PM
Being worked on by whom! WHO KRAKEN! GIVE ME NAMES!
Mar 11th, 2009, 04:46:49 PM
He wants a name so he can bug them to death to get it started ;)
No 72 hour rule, no thank you. I'm sure we all have the patience to wait for other people involved to post in a thread.
Not all of us are patient enough ;)
Park Kraken
Mar 11th, 2009, 05:13:45 PM
I'll never break! NEVAH!
But...there are other people who might be more willing to talk...
Picard, Arthas, Carville, and Sauron.
Oops, may have said too much...
*Disappears again*
Mar 11th, 2009, 05:26:44 PM
No 72 hour rule, no thank you. I'm sure we all have the patience to wait for other people involved to post in a thread.
Not all of us are patient enough ;)
This can be brutally true with threads that start off so combat oriented. Especially one such as this where if it stalls at the beginning (like we've seen) it could doom the rest of the threads to come.
As there are several stages of this arc. We could have the first battle which is crucial to setting up the whole seige of Mon Cal have time restriction on it. Something akin to 5 days. I think we can all agree a 5 day span is more then enough for anyone who is actively involved in this to post.
I think we should at least try it out. See how it works.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 12th, 2009, 02:36:04 AM
There will be no 'official' 72 hour rule at Fans. You can agree with people in a certain thread that you will all post within 72 hours of one another, but there will never be anything that forces people - who lack time or inspiration - to post. Roleplaying here is not a job, after-all; it's not our place to put 'deadlines' on posters.
That being said... if this is being worked on still, I'd appreciate if the planning was kept public. Communication is what will make this idea successful.
Park Kraken
Mar 12th, 2009, 11:55:50 AM
Well I haven't discussed anything with anyone anywhere else, right now I'm just sorting things in my head, and trying to put them into a presentable proposal for posting in this thread.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 21st, 2009, 10:23:25 AM
Any chance we could get some indication of whether or not this is going to actually happen?
I'll give you 72 hours to respond and then assume you aren't attacking :p
Mar 21st, 2009, 11:12:21 AM
Any chance we could get some indication of whether or not this is going to actually happen?
I'll give you 72 hours to respond and then assume you aren't attacking :p
Haha! See I like that! Get things done Dasquian.:lol
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 21st, 2009, 03:34:10 PM
I'm just playing by their rules :angel
Mar 22nd, 2009, 01:25:41 PM
I have a sneaking suspicion that Kraken is lost to WoW now and in those dark clutches will not have the time nor desire to launch out this epic beast.
Shadow Storm
Mar 22nd, 2009, 01:28:19 PM
Pathetically enough, I haven't even had time to play WoW over the past few days, although I had been playing a fair amount a week ago or so.
Can't talk today, going to the movies, and I'll be busy with yardwork over the next two days after that. I'll have company over on Wensday.
I'll have to see what is happening on Thursday. I may have some free time then to continue discussion about the thread.
In the meantime, are there any other issues which need to be resolved before the thread is actually started (1st thread, that is)?
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 22nd, 2009, 01:28:41 PM
EDIT: Oh there you are.
Issues? Well, it would be good to know what is actually going to happen, yes.
Shadow Storm
Mar 23rd, 2009, 04:46:36 PM
I'm thinking about toning it down quite a bit, seeing as how my workload has increased around here, I won't be quite as avialable to post.
I'm thinking about doing one thread instead of four, or maybe two, one with the event, and one with the aftermath.
Basically, the Imperial Plan is to invade Mon Calamari. Two fleets are dispatched. One, a raiding force under Park, hits the dockyards and shipyards around Mon Calamari, trying to catch as many captial warships and starfighter squadrons by suprise and destroyed as possible. His force then withdraws a short distance, where it is joined by the main invasion fleet.
The combined fleet then proceeds to invade the planet, taking advantage of the weakened alliance to capture their capital planet.
But they say no plan survives contact with the enemy.
The Rebel Alliance, due to it's leaders meeting on Mon Calamari, has a much stronger fleet presence then originally anticipated, and is also on guard because of the leaders meeting.
Park's force manages to destroy 50% of the shipyards, but his force is badly outgunned and heads for the rendezvous point.
The combined Rebel fleet, intent on finishing their victory, pursue.
Enter the main Imperial invasion fleet.
A massive brawl ensues.
The alliance is outgunned, so one of it's leaders orders a proton torpedo barrage on the flagship to cover the alliance's withdrawal back to the planet. The Imperial command ship targeted is destroyed, or badly damaged at least.
The generals in charge of the Imperial landing forces are killed in the melee, along with a few thousand shock troops when their transports are caught in the crossfire.
The Imperial fleet decides to withdraw.
The battle ends in a tactical draw, although an Alliance strategic victory for thwarting the Imperial invasion, although it's the kind of victory that can lose you the war.
Then an aftermath thread to deal with anything that comes after, and the cleaning up.
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 5th, 2009, 11:02:12 AM
It seems pretty clear that nothing is happening with this anytime soon, for whatever reason, so I'd like to propose that if there IS an attack on Mon Cal, it take place AFTER the Alliance gathering has taken place.
Why? This plan is holding up possible advancement for the Jedi, who are ready to push forward with their story now.
Apr 5th, 2009, 02:06:28 PM
Far be it from the Empire to hold up the advancement of the Jedi:rolleyes.(Oh dear!)
I agree though this plan has stagnated and smells of decay. I'm not sure why there was a new plan whipped up when we had something everyone seemed to agree upon.
Anyways by all means Jedi carry on. now.
Miranda Tarkin
Apr 5th, 2009, 02:10:04 PM
Aren't you so polite :p
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 5th, 2009, 02:13:10 PM
I'm not suggesting this isn't a good idea, but if the Jedi want to move onto Mon Cal (not confirmed yet) then I'd rather say... let them do that and push this idea back to take place at a later date in the timeline.
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