View Full Version : Daughter of the Empire - Unlocking Pandora's Box

Miranda Tarkin
Feb 10th, 2009, 02:18:18 PM
Coruscant - Lise Tarkin's Suite - Military Housing/Mainz District

Ten days after the assassination attempt by Vega Van-Derveld

This visit to her Mother's place came without warning. After everything that occurred on Doldur, Miranda Tarkin demanded answers as to validity of Lianna's claims of being her Sister - who was a Jedi no less! In her heart, the Moff knew the truth of situation and felt pangs of regret in handling her twin's appearance out of ignorant fear. Lianna's Force abilities scared all reason out of Miranda, overshadowing the inexplicable elation of having a direct blood relative alive!

She demanded answers and only one person could provide them since her Sister had yet to be captured by her Inquisitors. With things boiling down to simmer back on Doldur, there was enough time to make the trip into the Inner Core and confront her Mother on the details of Lianna's existence with no Inquisitorial involvement. She did not need to scare the information out of her, much to Valten's protests. This was her Mother! There was a damn good reason as to why this information had been kept from her. Miranda had rationalized Lise's reasoning was similar to her own in keeping her relationship with Sorsha a secret. Either truth would have been damaging to their family's career within the Empire.

The chime had been pressed and Miranda waited in a tailor fitted black blazer and skirt business suit, opting for civilian attire instead of her uniform. This wasn't some subordinate on the other side of the door that needed a reminder of who was in charge. On either side of her waited two SpecOps from Imperial Command that had been assigned to Miranda during her stay here. They had been approved by the Office of the Inquisitorate and would remain outside her mother's apartment once the initial sweep was completed.

Lise Tarkin
Feb 10th, 2009, 07:27:14 PM
:: Lise opened the door to see Miranda. It warmed her to finally have her home and she gave her Daughter a loving embrace ::

"Miranda, you're back!"

:: The scar on Miranda's head still troubled her, and so did the presence of the guards ::

Miranda Tarkin
Feb 11th, 2009, 10:18:37 AM
Miranda returned the hug, which hid the scowl that graced her lips. She was a bundle of nerves, elated to be back in her mother's arms but also troubled. Eventually she force herself to relax, allowing her head to rest against her mother's.

No order was needed as the two SpecOp Agents started going over the entire suite with scanners, looking for any listening devices as the two parted from the embrace.

"Yes, I've just returned for a short stay in the Core." A small twinge at the side of her lips forced a smile. "I wanted to see you. Doldur was ... intense."

Lise Tarkin
Feb 12th, 2009, 10:26:34 AM
"Let me fix you something." she said as they walked inside. Lise got annoyed by one of the guards getting under her feet.

"Dear God ... get out of my kitchen!"

:: Her eyes narrowed at him as he ignored her ::

Miranda Tarkin
Feb 20th, 2009, 11:17:36 AM
"Sorry, Ma'am," he said, bowing apologetically. "We must make an entire sweep of the house for the Moff's safety and yours."

"He'll be done in a moment."

A hand held scanner picked up no listening devices and he nodded to Miranda. "It's clean, Madame Governor."

With a small bow, he left to inspect the bedrooms while his partner moved out into the patio.

Lise Tarkin
Feb 21st, 2009, 09:11:24 AM
:: Lise relaxed, inviting Miranda to sit as she set about making some food. The cooking smells lured a little black kitten out of hiding from the many strange pairs of booted feet that moved around.

The feline's name was Dalethria, Miranda decided, before she had left for Doldur. With a high mew and a twitchy tail, the kitten announced it's presence as it entered the kitchen ::

Miranda Tarkin
Feb 24th, 2009, 03:18:50 PM
A half smile crossed the Moff's face before sweeping slender arms down towards the floor to scoop up the kitten. "And I've missed you too," she said, resting a chin against the top of Dalethria's head.

The smile faded as dark eyes watched her mother work diligently in making lunch as she wondered how to broach the subject of Lianna.

"Ma'am?" The guard just stayed out of the doorway to the kitchen. "The sweep is complete. We'll take up positions as you requested."

"Good. Leave us until called for."

He bowed and left, leaving Mother and Daughter alone.

Lise Tarkin
Feb 26th, 2009, 07:46:59 AM
:: Lise served her daughter's favorite drink, and went back to cooking as Miranda nuzzled Dalethria ::

"How long are you staying, Miranda?"

:: There was hopefulness in her voice, that it would be longer than a few solar days this time ::

Miranda Tarkin
Feb 28th, 2009, 10:28:37 AM
"Not long," she said as the kitten wiggled out of her grasp to find a nice warm spot on Miranda's lap. "Just a day or two until business is concluded."

She chewed on her lip while her Mother wasn't looking, still waiting for the proper moment to lead into the discussion of her sister. Miranda was nervous and she hated it.

Lise Tarkin
Mar 5th, 2009, 09:37:49 AM
:: Lise sighed inwardly, wishing that she could trump Miranda's authority for at least a week, but she was very proud of her Daughter.

She returned to the table with food and took a seat across from her. Something else was amiss. It was written all over her daughter's face like finger paint ::

"There's something else, isn't there?"

Miranda Tarkin
Mar 13th, 2009, 07:59:44 AM
She swallowed the lump in her throat and fought back the rage trying to seep outwards. Miranda would not allow herself to be so undisciplined.

Licking her lips, she finally asked the question plaguing her since Doldur. "Tell me of ... Lianna." Her tone was accusatory, but with good reason.