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Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Feb 5th, 2009, 08:51:05 PM
Kiattaarra Feessarro was bored.

Mind-numbingly, bone crushingly, appetite depressingly bored. She rolled over on her bed, tail flicking idly as she picked a hole in her silk sheets with a claw. Sighing, she slunk off of the soft mattress, retrieving a robe as she walked across the bedroom towards one of the other rooms of her private suite.

"Keerrourri!" She sounded petulant, but she didn't care. Kia pulled the calanic silk robe on over her slim cocoa shoulders, not bothering to belt it as she slapped a servant away from her. The male bowed low and scraped his way out of the room, his cheek red with her handprint.

She wasn't even hungry, but she retrieved a sajoi from a bowl on the sideboard in the sitting room, crunching it quickly. She needed a distraction.

Her mother had died a week ago from a cancer of the pancreas, and now she was the Pride Mother. The Ruler of the Carshoulis Cluster. She had inherited her mother's manservant (well, all of them, technically, except for the breeders, every Mother got her own breeders), and she'd found him as skilled as her mother had told her.

In all sorts of ways. Kia threw a plate at the wall. "Keerrourri!"

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 5th, 2009, 09:04:41 PM
If the wails for his attention grated at his nerve, Keerrourri Sarrtarroa was extremely practiced at never betraying it. He finished finalizing drafts with a panel of regional governors in one of the palace's many meeting rooms.

"Thank you all."

He bowed deeply in deference to the half dozen matriarchs of impressive capital and power. They were petitioning him, and by definition his young mistress, for the export rights to Mon Calamari, which was a lucrative bid that had just come up for consideration. He had already made up his mind to turn them down in exchange for a favor to another political ally, but it was important to receive their request in person.

As they left, Kiattaarra's high-blooded imperatives sounded louder in his ears. He passed off the documents to the palace notary, and left the meeting area to find his young mistress.


He prostrated himself deeply in her presence. No matter how petulant and immature she was, she had absolute power, and it was a fool who would not respect this.

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Feb 5th, 2009, 09:11:29 PM
"Therrre jyou arrre," she purred, her robe parted and revealing her smooth and naked skin underneath. "jYourrr meetjing took too long."

Kiattaarra flounced to a sofa and lounged expertly, a finger tracing her navel. "jI ssstjill don't know whjy jI can't attend." Truth be told, she could have attended the meeting, had she wanted, but Keer had suggested that for the time being her time might be better served studying her duties.

She looked at him through hooded eyes, "Oh, get up, jI need sssomeone to talk to. Everrrjyone elssse jisss ssstupjid, or annojyjing."

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 5th, 2009, 09:21:54 PM
Good. He wasn't particularly fond of prostration.

Rising, he smiled.

"The Keeva parrtjy goverrnorrss werre met. They want to open food trrade to the Alljiance."

The delicate act of informing her of what transpired and more importantly why it did without boring the young Pride Mother was an assuredly difficult burden to bear.

"Mjy ssuggesstjion jiss to decljine. Aataai'hee parrtjy alrreadjy wjisshess to take the contrract, and we sshould grrant them a kjindnesss."

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Feb 5th, 2009, 10:21:32 PM
"The Alljiance?" She sat up, her ears perking a little. "jIt would be fooljissh to take ssjidess jin the warrr. At leassst," she amended, pulling her robe closed, "That'ss what mjy motherrr alwajysss sssajid."

Kia waved a hand, "jIf jyou thjink the Aataai'hee parrrtjy desserrrvesss the contrrract, jI won't djisssagrrree wjith jyou."

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 6th, 2009, 11:38:47 AM
"Food sshjipmentss can larrgeljy be excussed forr humanjitarrjian purrpossess."

At least she was aware of the larger political ramifications of dealing with large states that may be at odds with each other.

"We alrreadjy have ssjimjilarr arrrangementss wjith ssome jImperrjial worrldss. Sshould we decjide laterr to jimprrove futurre trrade, food sshjipmentss arre a corrdjial wajy to begjin on good terrmss."

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Feb 6th, 2009, 01:40:01 PM
Kiattaarra frowned a little, but nodded. "Perrrhapss ssomedajy." She brightened at the thought of hosting some of the so-called 'heroes' of the Rebel Alliance as a trade agreement was hashed out.

The spy Dasquian Belargic had been splashed all over holovid channels coming out of the Core after his capture by the Empire. He was extremely handsome, for a forrrda. It would be fun to ... Kia realized that Keerrourri was still there, waiting for her to say something else.

"And the Empjirrre," she said, "jIt has rrrecentljy put a female hyuu-mann jin powerrr." She hesitated. "What do we thjink about that?"

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 6th, 2009, 03:18:07 PM
"We sshould commend them forr a prrogrresssjive chojice."

The Emissary's mouth turned upwards at the corners.

"That wjill appearr to appeasse the Empjirre, whjile alsso ssjignalljing to the Alljiance that we arre jin favorr of regjime change awajy frrom the deceassed Palpatjine. Not to mentjion jyou wjill gajin favorr wjith ourr own basse."

He didn't have to remind her about the importance of that. Solidarity against their own egalitarianist rebellion was an important theme in her mother's reign, and would likely continue to be important for a very long time.

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Feb 6th, 2009, 08:02:34 PM
"Rrrjight..." Kiattaarra yawned, and then she looked at her manservant. She had only been officially mated to him for a few days, and was having trouble with his obvious mastery of everything her position demanded of her.

He knew what he was doing. She was still figuring it out. It put her in a unique and delicate position of having to ask a male for advice. Her mother had never really talked much about the affairs of state (unless they were actual affajirrrss). So Kiattaarra was learning as she went, and it was hard to take it all in.

She patted the couch beside her, knowing that she would have to assert her control over Keerrourri quickly, and often, if she had any hope of actually wielding the power that came with the title she held. If she couldn't keep her own manservant in line... the Matriarchs would tear her to pieces. "jI am borrred," she pouted.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 6th, 2009, 08:44:39 PM
Keerrourri sat as he was wordlessly commanded to do.

"Perrhapss an jinsspectjion of jyourr arrmjy would make forr an jinterresstjing excurrssjion?"

It would also double to make her visible to the numerous soldiers that were to be personally loyal to her command. That sort of thing was best to keep any potential threat of a coup at bay.

Somehow, he didn't think that was the pursuit she was interested at this time.

"Orr wass therre ssomethjing elsse on jyourr hjighnesssess mjind?"

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Feb 6th, 2009, 08:58:11 PM
She fingered the torc around his neck, the gold collar that labeled him clearly as her property. "Sssomethjing elssse..." she purred throatily. "jYou mjight sssajy that."

Kia turned on the sofa so she was facing him, her robe falling open again as she pressed her lips against his neck, nibbling gently on his smooth skin. And then another servant entered the room, a meek but handsome male carrying a tray of datacards. Furious at the interruption, she broke off her kiss, shouting curses at the maleservant until he left.

This was all so hard. Kiattaarra curled up on the couch, her tail wrapped around her, her eyes welling up with tears. And now she was showing weakness in front of her manservant. Her mother would have known what to do. She had always known what to do...

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 6th, 2009, 09:06:34 PM
Keer quickly dismissed the lackey with a rebuke, and had the doors to the chamber sealed behind him. There was nothing beneficial to either of them by her showing such emotions to others.

"Sstop crrjyjing."

He rose to his feet and squared to face her.

"Neverr forr a moment let them ssee that frrom jyou."

He reached forward to rest a hand across her bare shoulder.

"jYou arre the Prrjide Motherr. jYourr worrd jiss law acrrosss all of ourr worrldss. But jit wjill onljy carrrjy jif jyou have the convjictjion to sspeak fjirrmljy."

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Feb 6th, 2009, 09:29:26 PM
She surged to her feet, and slapped him square across the face. He barely flinched. "jI am the Prrrjide Motherrr! And jiss jit not mjy rrrjight to grrrjieve mjy own motherrr?!"

Kia glared up at him, pounding a fist against his chest. "Excusse me jif jI don't have jit all togetherrr afterrr a week of cerrremonjiesss and memorrrrjialsss. jI don't anssswerrr to jyou, Keerrr, jyou anssswerrr to me!" In her anger her tears were forgotten, and she abruptly broke away from him, belting her robe tightly around her nakedness.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 6th, 2009, 09:35:11 PM
"jYou werre not the onljy one to grrjieve."

Keer coolly responded to her outburst.

"jYou arre entjitled to do sso. jI djid ass well. But jyou musst exercjisse djisscrretjion when jyou do sso."

She'd backed away from him in a furious state, and he fell silent.

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Feb 7th, 2009, 12:39:34 AM
Fuming, Kia rounded on her manservant. "Don't lecturrre me!" She grabbed a vase and threw it at him, missing by inches. It smashed spectacularly against the wall.

"jI wjill be a betterrr leaderrr than mjy motherrr wass. jI wjill!" Her eyes narrowed, and she walked towards him, taking hold of his lapels and forcing him down to his knees in front of her. "jI wjill be betterrr than herrr." Kiattaarra grabbed his ear and twisted his head to the side, exposing his neck to her. "And jyou wjill teach me how."

She bent over him, her breath tickling his face, "jI am sstrrrong. And jyou wjill not overrrsstep jyourrr authorrrjitjy."

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 7th, 2009, 12:57:19 AM
"jI wjill not."

With his head at an angle, he looked up to her with a serious demeanor.

"jI do what jI do, all forr jyourr benefjit."

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Feb 7th, 2009, 01:09:26 AM
"Good." Kia released his ear, and then knelt on the ground with him. "No morrre worrrdss." She tore at his shirt, claws making short work of it before retracting.

Her robe slipped off, and she pressed herself against him, hungry for satisfaction. She had only a few hours before a tataur'aasa'saanja was to arrive, seeking audience with the new Pride Mother. It would have to be enough time. Kia kissed him roughly.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 7th, 2009, 01:29:18 PM
Keerrourri did his duty, letting his shredded shirt fall by the wayside as he hefted his mistress up with ease, pressing her back to an adjacent wall as he kissed at her. His primary duty to her was to be her counsel in matters of high state, but like any male who wore her collar, he was above all, hers.

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Feb 7th, 2009, 06:04:36 PM
An hour or so later Kiattaarra was sleeping lightly, her right arm and leg draped over her manservant where they were laying on the floor, surrounded by calanic silk pillows. Keer shifted slightly, and she woke up, propping herself up on one elbow sleepily, her dark hair mussed prettily.

Her hair color was quite unusual, a dark brunet with reddish undertones. She liked being different than the rest of the inhabitants of the Carshoulis Cluster. Kia purred as he ran a hand down her back, nestling her head into his chest. Oh yes, Keerrourri was probably the best thing her mother had given her. "A prrrjiestessss is comjing ssoon," she murmured. "jI would ljike jyou to attend me durrrjing the meetjing."

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 7th, 2009, 06:38:48 PM
Keerrourri nodded. That wasn't an unusual request, as the religious rites of the Mother were often very procedural.

"jI wjill do sso."

He rose from where he lay, tapping a comm unit on an ornate table and asking for orderlies to bring wardrobe for both himself and his mistress.

"Wjill jyou be makjing the rrjitualss publjic?"

It was a decision that he didn't feel strongly about, either for or against.

Tataur'aa Sansarrcka
Feb 13th, 2009, 06:00:39 AM
"jYesss, korrrtjirrr, jI have an appojintment wjith the Keji'samaarraa'ssee'jaakreea," a lightskinned Cizerack female said to a servant in ante-chamber of the Pride Mother's lair. Her voice was gentle and soft, a low and pleasant purr that to the ignorant listener took the impatience out of her words and turned them into nothing more than a simple statement that she was here to see the Pride Mother and did not feel at all inconvenienced to have her reasons for being here contested.

This, however, was a mistake to assume. No one in their right mind in the entire Carshoulis Cluster would ever think the Tataur'aa Sansarrcka a gentle and patient creature. She was the High Priestess of Sanjaarra, the Sun Goddess. To some - unfortunately not enough to matter - she held a higher power than the Pride Mother herself; certainly she embodied that thought herself. The more gentle and unassuming she sounded, the more dangerous it was for the poor creature in her presence.

Her short white tunic fell loosely over her bust, and as she moved, the folds of the fabric swayed slightly and gave an unobstructed view of her breasts and the five sun-shaped scars on each. They bore fresh scratch-marks, which weren't yet very deep - a sign that the Priestess had not yet reached the peak of this month's Saanja-rrou, the recurring burning that all of the Godess' priestesses underwent and that usually resulted in the high mortality rate of the nomaa'aasa'saanja. But the presence of the light marks told the male korrtirr that the Priestess was even more dangerous to deal with, and hastened to advance into the Pride Mother's chamber to see if she was ready to receive the Tataur'aa.

At that moment, he didn't know which might be the worst scenario - that the Pride Mother would get angry for him for disturbing him, or that the Priestess would be made to wait more.

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Feb 13th, 2009, 05:00:30 PM
"Publjic? jYesss..." Kiattaarra stood and let the female servant who arrived with clothing drape a kimono around her nakedness. "The fjirrrssst tjime forrr the Kei'samaarraa'ssee'jaakreea mussst be jin publjic."

She sighed, "jI beljieve that the centrrral balconjy jisss rrrressserved forrr thjisss todajy." Her status as the Mother of the Pride would be cemented today in the eyes of Sanjaarra. Every year the ritual would be repeated, but often in private, although she'd read that some Mothers had always held the ritual in public.

A korrtirr knocked gently as Keerrourrri pulled on his pants, and carefully opened the door. "The Tataur'aa Sansarrcka jisss herrre, Motherrr.."

"Good, ssshow herrr jin," Kia said, turning to her mirror and working a brush through her mussed hair.

Tataur'aa Sansarrcka
Feb 15th, 2009, 04:11:50 PM
Both females seemed to be in a forgiving mood today, the korrtirr mused as he was on his way once again to the Kei'samaarraa'ssee'jaakreea's chamber, the Priestess trailing after him.

But Sarrckaassa Neeseerruu, the Priestess Sansarrcka, was anything but forgiving. She simply was too preoccupied with the ritual that was to take place shortly. Her private thoughts were that the girl was too young and inexperienced, and that Saanjarra might show her displeasure at the very last moment by some sign from above. She couldn't deny that this would please her greatly.

But most likely the Goddess would let the ritual pass by unchallenged, even unnoticed, and the Pride would get this impressionable young kitten to front it. What a great rrou-rrou laugh!

She managed to keep her contempt in check once she was standing in front of Kiattaarra Feessarro. It would not do to admit her misgivings. Not after the whole matter had already progressed thus far!

There was always the possibility that the young one was more easily manageable than her mother had been. And with this in mind, she genuflected before her, hissing a low "Sorraar'erro'rroussee'ssiborri" at her, the polite phrase of one female greeting another. Not yet was there any need to address her as more than just a simple female.

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Mar 4th, 2009, 05:00:00 PM
"Tataur'aa Sansarrcka," murmured Kiattaarra, her neck bending only a tiny fraction compared to the deep curtsy the priestess had given her. Keer bowed low, remaining face down while the females talked.

"Everrrjythjing jis rrreadjy forrr the Rrrjitual of the Sun?" Kia asked, rubbing lotion into her long slim limbs in preparation for what was to come.

Tataur'aa Sansarrcka
Apr 24th, 2009, 02:37:49 PM
"Everrrjythjing jisss rrreadjy forrr the Rrrjitual of the Sssun, Kei'samaarraa'ssee'jaakreea" the Priestess nodded as she replied, the question and its answer already part of that ritual. Unfortunately, this time she did have to use the honorific, and she surprised herself by keeping even the faintest trace of her contempt out of her voice as she said it.

"Nomaanji ssstandsss rrreadjy to gjive the gjift of Sssaanjaarra, if the Kei'samaarraa jis rreadjy to rrrecejive Sssaanjaarra's gjift."

Her own temple slave had been picked for this year's ritual. And since she was well acquainted with his "gift" and still could recall the pain it had caused even her, who was well used to all sizes of "gifts" after years of temple life, she was looking forward to seeing the young upstart take it without being able to utter as much as a scream of pain.

"He jis wajitjing on the balconjy," she hissed at the younger woman as the ritual had come to a stop when the girl simply stayed there and looked at her. "What arrre jyou wajitjing forrr?"

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Apr 30th, 2009, 07:29:32 PM
It had taken her a moment to remember the words for the ritual, and she carefully kept her annoyance off her face as the priestess hissed at her. "jI ssstand rrready to rrrecejive the gjifts of the ssssun goddessss, as Sshe sseess fjit to awarrrd them to Herrr serrvant."

Kimono loosely belted over her nakedness, Kia walked out into the sunlight on the balcony, the priestess and Keerourri following behind at a distance to observe the ceremony. Despite her straight back and demeanor, the girl was nervous. She was used to being in control, but in this ritual the male who was Nomaani's stand-in would be allowed to take her as he saw fit.

Standing in the open air, a cheer went up from the crowds who had gathered to observe their new Pride Mother prove her willingness to serve and lead them. A hulking male bowed low, already naked, and she let the kimono slip off, returning the low bow.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Apr 30th, 2009, 07:52:12 PM
Keerrourri stood just at the door's threshold, a bystander of note to the ceremony that would anoint Kiattaarra as the first woman of the Pride. An eyebrow quirked upward at the sight of the instrument of the ceremony, and Keer supressed a knowing smile, understanding it to be Tataurr'aa's passive vengeance at having to serve the whim of this new Pride Mother.

The crowd buzzed with positive energy as the scent of spiced smoke from cubes of incense smoldered in wide-brimmed pots at the far corner of the balcony. A chorus had begun below to please Sanjaara and to ask for her attendance of the ceremony. All very by the book.

Laarseerro Reeaarrro
Jan 18th, 2010, 03:05:15 PM
The nomaa'aasa'saanja did not bow. At his full height he – like Nomanni, the moon – would have eclipsed his mate had he not been bowed, allowing the Pride Mother a full view of her people. Some amongst them had witnessed the first of own mother's public dedications to the sun goddess and were eager for the spectacle to begin.

Lifting his head first, yet not looking into the Pride Mother's eyes, the man servant rose to his full height. His body was firm enough for war, but the ritual markings that adorned his muscular torso identified him as an acolyte of the sun temple and it's priestess. She had prepared him well for this day, providing ample practice for his sacred duty.

Broad hands fell onto the Pride Mother's hips, guiding her back towards the balcony and the cloth pennant which hung over its railing, plunging down into the crowd like a tongue of fire, proudly emblazoned with the Pride's emblem. He would take her against it, with her face turned to the crowd, so that every expression of exquisite agony was theirs to share.

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jan 18th, 2010, 05:44:17 PM
Kia allowed herself to be led, trying to keep in mind the object lesson she was supposed to be learning. Strong, yet humble. She might bend, but she would not break. The one who led the People would be led by the goddess and Her consort.

Leaning over the heavy railing, a thin red cloth between her body and the stone, Kiattaarra felt the male's grip tighten on her hips and then -!

Her lips parted silently and tears stood out in her eyes, but she did not cry out. The Pride Mother was strong. She was strong. jI am the Prrrjide Motherrr. The sun scorched her back as the crowd voiced its approval, and she felt Saanjarra's blessing even as her body suffered under Nomaani's gift. Kia gasped, and forced herself to smile with pretended pleasure.

Tataur'aa Sansarrcka
Jan 18th, 2010, 06:35:04 PM
Standing back two steps from the door, just off the balcony, she was enjoying an unobstructed view of the coupling. Seeing the tension, the stiffness in the young Cizerack's body, she knew their so-called Pride Mother wasn't enjoying it at all.

"Ssserrrvesss you rrrjight...." she hissed under her breath, after casting a furtive glance around to see if anyone could overhear her. But Keerrourri Sarrtarroa's attention was drawn fully to the spectacle before them, and Laar... he was busy.

A hot flush bubbled up from between her own shapely legs as she remembered the devotion she had let him perform on her this very morning. His absolution - to bathe in the juices of she who was most closely connected to Sanjaara.

A sneer now contorted her face as she thought of how she had been well able to take him - all of him - and get pleasure from it. Laar was her very best tool; she'd trained him to perfection ever since she'd discovered him. A jewel in midst the trash of a race, he had the stamina and prowess and size that once all slaves had reportedly had; it alone had been the factor determining whether a slave was fit to serve a priestess. But the others were too soft, too afraid nowadays. Were content with lesser specimens.

Fools... fools like Kia.

"Crrrrassssssst, gjirrrrl, don't stand therrrre as stjiff as a posssst! Turrrrn, turrrrn, let them see the gjift he gjives jyou, orrrr arrrre jyou scarrrred?" she hissed, louder so that Kia could hear her.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Mar 8th, 2010, 09:47:51 PM
Keerrourri's expression was slightly aloof during the ceremony. He watched the Priestess's servant deliver Saanjarra's blessing, and Kia, to her credit, bore it with a will harder than durasteel. Of course, Sarrtarroa knew she would. She shared her mother's sense of fiery ruthlessness. She was nearly tempered with enough wisdom to truly be the pinnacle of her people. All that remained was for experience. She had little left to learn from him. The rest would have to be learned quickly from experience.

Tataur'aa's words caused his attention to turn slightly with a smirk. For all of the demagoguery of the state religion, he knew that the Priestess was just as committed to the politics of their curious nature. Inwardly, the Emissary wondered if the woman would threaten his position as the Mother's first servant. It was always a possibility. The contradictions of his office meant his power was great, and yet terribly fragile. After all, his rights and privileges existed only on the spoken words of the Pride Mother's tongue. In an instant, he could be undone.

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Apr 29th, 2012, 09:48:46 PM
Kia gasped with each thrust, and then it was over and she walked on shaky legs to where a bull was standing. Milk white, the creature was anointed with oil and it's horns had been polished until it gleamed. The servants holding the head of the beast bowed as she approached, her claws extended.

She slashed at it's neck, opening the jugular, and then knelt beneath the hot flow, letting the blood pour over her head and body. The bull slowly collapsed, and the Pride Mother stood to the cheers of her people, stained with fluids but fully recognized as the leader of the Pride. None could deny her her birthright now.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Apr 30th, 2012, 10:40:20 PM
He scrutinized her poise and her appearance to the masses throughout, a dispassioned appearance on his face, though an undeniable desire skin deep. It wasn't his place to act on such things until called for, and so it sharpened his discipline to make sure that his charge behaved herself with every ounce of poise demanded of the Pride Mother. She bore Nomanni's gift with as much stoicism as could be expected, and rose from the crimson spray of the sacrifice like something reborn. The patina of blood against her dark skin, caught wonderfully by the warm sunlight. Keerrourri smiled at that. It was a wonderful shot, and one that would serve her image well.


The ceremony eventually ended, after the usual feasting and amorous jubilation that could be expected. Again, it wasn't his place to partake until called for. He saw to dignitaries as his mistress cleaned herself. Governesses, the Huntress Admiralty, and even an honored Imperial delegation that made a point to extend their congratulations in person. All networking. All important. Keerrourri made it a point to be an extension of Mother Feessaarro's divine authority. Petitions were given and received. Mostly received, as it was her majesty's most auspicious day.

Of course, he had an exact mastery of time management, and knew exactly when to send away the last appointment. His mistress would soon be ready, and she had an appointment of her own. He waited for her in the study commonly called the Opal Room, standing ready for her arrival.

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Apr 30th, 2012, 11:08:26 PM
The hydro-shower was hot enough to scald, but she stayed in it for a few moments before shifting it to a slightly cooler setting. Steam billowed around her in the large, ornately tiled space, as a manservant gently scrubbed her down. The water ran red down her legs and to the drain, and she sighed, more exhausted from the proceedings than she had imagined she would be.

Delicately scented shampoo was worked into her brown tresses, the smell of jasmine and citrus re-invigorating senses that had been dulled from hours of over stimulation. A final rinse left her body clean, and she stepped over the threshold of the enormous shower to a soft rug as a second manservant began the task of drying her off.

Kiattaarra looked at herself in the mirror as her limbs were rubbed with lotion and her hair was carefully brushed. She didn't feel any different. More tired, certainly, but not like the living avatar of the Goddess. Her clothes were brought and she dressed compliantly, slipping her feet into gold sandals as the white dress was belted with a thick golden band. It was sheer enough to hint at the loveliness beneath, and she didn't even shout when her tail was tweaked getting it through the back of the dress.

She walked alone to the Opal Room, or as alone as she ever was. Two guards followed her, stern females in shiny red armor, but they kept their distance and did not enter the Room with her. Keerrourri was standing there, waiting patiently. Kia managed a wry smile. "Djid jI do good?"

Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 1st, 2012, 07:52:37 PM
"jYou djid well."

Correcting the living embodiment of Saanjarra was always done carefully. With a velvet glove. Still, it would do them all a disservice to have her speak like a vulgar commoner.

"jI've sseen the cerremonjy perrforrmed fourr tjimess jin mjy ljifetjime. jYou arre rrjivaled onljy bjy jyourr motherr jin grrace."

They walked together, and he caught the subtle scent of her alluring shampoo as they left the Opal Room and headed down a long hallway that would eventually carry them to another balcony, upon which a shuttle waited.

"The trrjick now jiss to expand on what jyou learrn and ssurrpasss herr."

Teaching the Pride Mother was never done all at once. Parables, examples. The first woman of the cluster would never subject herself to a pure lecture. Her emissary had to make learning as natural as breathing air.

"jYou wjill have opporrtunjitjiess sshe djidn't have, jI thjink."

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
May 1st, 2012, 08:28:18 PM
Kiattaarra hid a smile, amused that her word choice had had it's expected effect. The guards fell in behind them as they walked out of the Opal Room, a different set than she'd had before as they'd left by a different door.

She wasn't sure how grrraceful she'd been, either. Sarrtarroa was a master of the kind lie, and she was sure he was feeding her one. Still, it was nice to hear.

"What sssorrt of opporrrtunjitjiess?" She raised an eyebrow, her ears pricking forward with interest. "And wherrre, exactljy, arrre we gojing?"

Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 2nd, 2012, 08:35:16 PM
"We'rre gojing to Oorru'Gurre'Gurre'."

She'd been aboard the Cizeri Navy's flagship before, but it was as a younger cub. This would be her first official visit to the dreadnaught.

"jYou musst jinsspect the Huntrresss Fleet. Thejy sswearr allegjiance to jyourr thrrone, Hjigh Motherr. Thejy arre the mosst rrecognjizable ssjymbol of jyourr powerr forr anjyone outssjide of the Clussterr lookjing jin."

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
May 2nd, 2012, 09:13:39 PM
Todajy? Do we have to go todajy?Kia knew better than to give voice to her complaint, no matter how sore she happened to be from the day's festivities. "Verrrjy well." What else could she say?

She smoothed her hair with one of her hands, wondering if she was dressed appropriately for an inspection of the fleet.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 2nd, 2012, 10:19:09 PM
The Hunter Marine Guards saluted on the landing balcony as they exited into the sunlight again. The gangplank was extended, and the Emissary led onward, escorting his Mistress by the hand.

The "shuttle" was a small yacht befitting the pomp and importance of the High Mother, of course. Exotic silks and over-stuffed pillows accented curved walls with their beautiful embroidery and warm colors. Sconces glowed in between ornate aquariums, and the vessel was entirely liveable. Sarrtarroa escorted Kia to her seat upon a dais which sat a bit higher than the others around her. A group of a dozen minders also filed in according to their station, and once secured, they began their skyward flight.

"Do jyou rrememberr jyourr lesssonss on the Clone Warrss, Mjisstrresss?"

The Pride's long break with practiced neutrality was a gamble Kia's mother had made, and lost. Even now, the effects of choosing the wrong side in the war were felt.

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
May 2nd, 2012, 10:56:44 PM
"Of courrrsse jI do," she said, her tone a titch irritated. "The Cana'darri sshjipjyarrdss werrre crrrjippled forrr yearrrss afterrr the Rrepubljic attacked the Prrrjide. We ssjided wjith the Trrrade Federrratjion, and pajid forrr jit dearrrljy.

"jIt'ss whjy we have ssstajyed out of the currrent Cjivjil Warrr." She smiled, reclining on her chair, kicking off one of her shoes and wiggling her toes.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 6th, 2012, 05:25:25 PM
He nodded in agreement.

"jYess mjisstrresss thjiss jiss trrue. Of courrsse ourr defeat hass alsso cosst uss vjital jinfluence along the Hjydjian Wajy. The Empjirre hass explojited ourr defeat to keep uss marrgjinaljized."

His ears ticked back slightly as he stated the sum of affairs as they stood to present.

"Thjiss jiss unacceptable."

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
May 6th, 2012, 10:26:33 PM
Her ears pricked up, but she did not straighten from her languid position. "The Empjirrre jisss the entjitjy that attacked usss. But what can we do?" She waved her hand dismissively. "Ourrr poljicjy of non-jinvolvement hasss ssserrrved usss well."

She paused, feeling out the words. "Mjy motherrr'ss poljicjy. Perrrhapss... a change?"

Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 8th, 2012, 09:19:24 PM
The Emissary remained standing, as he would do until commanded to sit by his mistress. He listened intently to Kiattaarra, showing due appreciation to the idea she breathed life into with her words, no matter how he may have led her to the conclusion.

"Clearrljy ourr petjitjionss to the Emprresss have gajined uss ljittle. No matterr how powerrful the Empjirre jiss, thejy have no dessjirre to make open enemjiess of uss when thejy have to deal wjith the Alljiance. We sshould...enjojy...the jinjitjiatjive that gjivess uss on ourr trrade lane."

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
May 9th, 2012, 12:34:51 AM
The ship bumped a little as it accelerated, and she waved Keerrourri to a seat. "Pleasse, ssjit."

Kia leaned forward a little as he did so. "Arrre jyou prrropossjing we open trrrade wjith the Rrrebelljion?" He couldn't be intimating that they actually back the Rebels. Could he?

Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 9th, 2012, 09:09:55 PM
Keerrourri dutifully took his seat beside his mistress.

"Open endorrssement of the Alljiance? That wouldn't gjive usss negotjiatjing powerr, becausse we would be an open enemjy to the Empjirre at that pojint."

He thought for a moment, his tail looping into his lap as he looked to his younger superior.

"But, jif we werre to openljy declarre a frree trrade zone to all comerrss and decljine to rrecognjize jImperrjial ssanctjionss of...otherr factjionss."

His eyebrows raised at that notion.

"Harrdljy an open thrreat, but one the Empjirre would be jincljined to negotjiate overr."

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
May 10th, 2012, 10:54:06 AM
It was practically the same difference, but Kia frowned prettily as if she were trying to understand it. "Sso we open trrrade wjith eveerrrjyone, which we practjicalljy alrrreadjy do, and sso trrrade wjith the Empjirrre'ss enemjiess... and we expect them to negotjiate overrr thjiss?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Alderrraan djid even lessss than that. Ourrr Hunterr Forrcess can go toe to claw wjith anjy Storrmtrrooperr, but what of ourr Navjy? Alsso," she added as a flippant afterthought, "jI do not want to be the Motherrr who ssstarrted trrradjing wjith the Huttss."

Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 12th, 2012, 03:28:57 PM
He dismissed the notion with a slight wave of his hand.

"The Huttss? Thejy have neverr demonsstrrated a dessjirre to trrade jin good fajith. No, jyou'rre rrjight, of courrsse, we won't trrade wjith them. The Alljiance, howeverr? The onljy jimpedjiment to thjiss jiss jImperrjial djisspleassurre, whjich grreat asss jit majy be, thejy rrealjize ourr jimporrtance to the galactjic economjy."

He nodded slightly.

"Ultjimateljy, thejy wjill do bussjinesss wjith uss. The onljy quesstjion jiss what the terrmss wjill be."

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
May 12th, 2012, 03:46:00 PM
It was a good plan - a way of thumbing their noses at the Empire without flipping them off completely. It wasn't without risk, but what Pride Mother rose to greatness without making daring decisions?

Kia idly picked a hole in one of the cushions with a clawed finger, the fine strands of calanic silk not easily parted. "Tell me about the Captajin of the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre. jIss ssshe old?"

Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 16th, 2012, 08:17:40 PM
"Huntrresss Captajin Neeirrahai? Sshe'ss jin herr ejighth decade, jif memorrjy sserrvess."

Of course he knew, but there was a certain amount of casual inflection to his Mistress's query, and he kept it as such.

"Sshe sserrved wjith djisstjinctjion underr jyourr motherr durrjing the Clone Warrss. Herr ssquadrron clajimed two Rrepubljic warrsshjipss."

By now, the sight of the Cizerack flagship loomed large in the expansive windows as they approached. The only ship of her class, the battleship dwarfed the Korri galleon cruising at a respectable escort distance, along with the Seeva frigates at the periphery of the flotilla. Two Tai'thaa fighters from the mother ship moved ahead, sweeping in a wide arc to assume the honor of escorting the High Mother to her inspection.

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
May 19th, 2012, 01:03:16 AM
Kia sat up a bit as she looked through the transparisteel windows, the display exciting her despite her efforts to remain bored. "Captajin Neeirrahai djid well durrrjing the Clone Warrrss. jI wonderrr what ssshe hasss been able to do sssjince then.

"Peace jiss prrrobabljy borrrjing forrr the Hunterrr Forrrcess," she mused.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 20th, 2012, 08:49:26 PM
The shuttle cruised under honor guard, at last approaching a massive hangar bay at Oorru'Gurre'Gurre''s port side.

"Peace brrjings prrossperrjitjy, Hjighnesss."

He raised an eyebrow.

"Warr can too, but onljy jif jit'ss ssomeone elsse'ss warr. We musstn't be qujick to brrjing warr unlesss we can be asssurred of ourr ssuccesss."

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
May 20th, 2012, 10:19:07 PM
Kia hmmed noncommittally, and rolled her shoulders. She was more than a little stiff and sore from the day's ceremonies and if this... jinsspectjion involved a lot of standing around and nodding she was going to kill someone.

The shuttle perched on the deck of one of the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre's hangars, and she got to her feet. She was unsteady, and a manservant stepped up, allowing her to stay upright by holding delicately to his arm. Kia looked up at him almost gratefully, but managed to school her face to stillness. Keerrourri was waiting ever so patiently for her to be ready to disembark.

She transferred her touch to him, and was grateful she wasn't wearing heels as they walked out of the shuttle and onto her flagship.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 22nd, 2012, 08:35:58 PM
The honor guard were in place. The marines, the naval officers, and an entire royal procession stood ready to accept the High Mother. Making sure that she was sure of foot just before she was visible to the others, Keerrourri walked with his Mistress as they moved to greet Huntress Captain Neeirrahai. The flagship Captain herself stood at attention, her yeoman speaking loudly on the deck.

"Sha urra gaitaa Kei'samaarraa'ssee'jaakreea sa'ssrree i'rra tai!"

On unison, the entire deck called out at once.


It was a formal salute. The Huntress Navy was recognizing their Surpreme Mistress. It demanded nothing from Kiattaarra, other than her inspection of the guard, and the formal briefing of the ship's mistress. As with so many things, there was ritual to be observed.

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
May 22nd, 2012, 09:26:50 PM
Kia stood as straight as she could, trying to remember what her mother had looked like at events like this. Imperious. Cold.


Completely unlike how she had appeared a few weeks ago, when the cancer had eaten her insides and she lay in her bed surrounded by pillows and manservants. The (former) Pride Mother had been a mere shell of the female she had been, each breath a painful labor until the glyocal had taken it all away, even her smile. Kaarrataani Feessaarro died without even a whisper, completely unlike how she had lived.

Kiattaarra walked the line alone, Keerrourri to her side and a step behind, the red uniforms of the Hunter Forces to her left as clean and pressed as she'd ever seen. She forced all thoughts of her exhaustion away, and faced the slightly taller Huntress Captain and her Mistress of the Ship squarely, awaiting Neeirrahai's carefully chosen words of welcome.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 23rd, 2012, 11:10:57 PM
Captain Neeirrahai struck a stoic figure, Her hair, auburn streaked through with the onset of grey, was pulled into a bun, and the white epaulets and sash she wore stood in contrast to the red of her duty jacket. She bowed deeply, followed by her Mistress of the Ship, acknowledging their fealty.

"The ssun rrjissess, and we marrk herr rrjissjing. Gjive uss ourr orrderrss, Hjigh Motherr, sso that we majy honorr jyourr rrjight to rrule the chossen of Sanjaarra."

Again, the deck sounded in chorus.


Kiattaarra Feessaarro
May 24th, 2012, 12:53:45 AM
Boring speeches were the order of the day it seemed; at least this one was mercifully short. Kia inclined her head ever so slightly. "Hold back the njight forrr me, be the rrrajyss of Saanjarra among the sstarrrss."

The marines roared a final "Urre!"

Kia felt relieved that she had delivered the correct response, but unsure of what else was to be required of her. She turned her head slightly toward Keerrourri, her eyes meeting his for a moment. As soon as she did it she knew she had done the wrong thing. The Pride Mother did not look for directions from her manservant, even if he was the Emmisary. She froze, her face suitably imperious, but her heart thudding in her chest.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 25th, 2012, 10:08:43 AM
No No No No....turn back!

His face remained inscrutable. Only his tail betrayed his alarm, stopping mid-sway. She had to rule them all. Conjuring pretext for her sudden attention towards him, Keerrourri bowed deeply before her, illustrating his proper role as her servant.

Everyone here: Captain Neeirrahai, the honor guard, the marines, and even him, were subject to her command. Now she must exercise her authority.

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
May 25th, 2012, 11:02:24 AM
She could still see the Huntress Captain, the female's sharp eyes on her, and Kia's mind raced to fabricate a reason for -

"jI wjill be vjissjitjing the brrridge," she said, still facing somewhere between the captain and her Emissary. "Brrjing sssome rrrefrrresshmentss forrr usss, Sarrtarroa." Kia ticked her head back toward the females in front of her. "jI am verrjy jinterrressted jin learrrnjing morrre about ourrr sshjip."

Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 28th, 2012, 08:35:53 AM
He prostrated himself before her, eager to show his subservience to her subjects.

"jIt wjill be done, Hjigh Motherr."

Inwardly, he was fuming. It was like watching a Kalaai songbird chick taking her first steps to the edge of the nest. And then you watch her fall. The way down was unforgiving, and her wings needed to catch air soon.

Excused from the entourage, he quickly networked through the proper channels to ensure a sumptuous riposte was available for Kiattaarra and the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre's executive staff, and others who would be attending. No doubt, Captain Neeirrahai would provide a suitably impressive patrol of the cluster. Maybe even a mock battle or a particle cannon broadside against a scuttled target. Nevertheless, this wasn't about entertaining an impetuous princess. This was about giving her a first real taste of leadership, and how to exercise it.

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
May 28th, 2012, 11:24:22 AM
Her entourage followed her to the bridge, which was enormous and filled with red uniformed females at computer consoles. The viewport dominated the front of the room, giving a breathtaking view of the stars of the Cluster: Saanja'Illa, Saanja'Lendaai, and Saanja'Nadaasi.

Everything was clean and well maintained, and Captain Neeirrahai insisted that she sit in the large captain's chair. Kia wasn't sure that was a good idea but there were no other seats suitable for the Pride Mother and she didn't want to stand any more than she had to. She settled carefully, asking appropriate questions about the ship and finding herself interested in the answers. The Captain obviously loved her ship and kept her crew in check with admirable discipline.

"And could the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre hold hjiss own agajinsst an jImperrjial Ssuperr Sstarr Desstrroyjerr?" Kia added, "Mjy educatjion djid not touch on morre than the bassijcss of sspace combat." Too honest? Who the frell knew?! Where was Keer?

Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 29th, 2012, 09:43:31 PM
"Two sstarr desstrrojyerrss, mjisstrresss."

At last finished with the task of delegating Kia's wishes, Sarrtarroa returned to her side. He shared a brief glance with the Captain, her ears rising faintly with the affirmation he gave of her ship's prowess.

"Oorru'Gurre'Gurre' jiss classjifjied asss a sstarr crrujisserr, a classs of sshjip morre capable than the jImperrjial desstrrojyerr ljine. Of courrsse, ssuch powerr comess at conssjiderrable expensse. Sshe jiss currrentljy the onljy sshjip of herr classs."

He left that comment open. Kia's penchant for brinksmanship might yet prove an interesting complement to that particular issue.

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
May 29th, 2012, 10:53:09 PM
"Ah," she said. "Sso we have nothjing that can go agajinsst a Superrr classs sshjip. jI ssupposse jit jiss good that we arrre frrrjiendss wjith the Empjirrre, then."

They were a rich cluster. Surely all that grain money was going somewherrre. She made a note to have Keer bring her all the information she could get on the Cana'darri shipyards. A manservant brought a wineglass to her hand, and she sipped it as the Huntress Captain showed off another of her ship's abilities.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 29th, 2012, 11:08:58 PM
Sarrtarroa said nothing to that, except to quirk his left ear slightly. Friends? No. It was never that simple.

"Frrjiendss orr enemjiess, mjisstrresss, jit pajyss to know jyourr nejighborrss. A drreadnaught'ss powerr jiss onljy asss usseful asss the rrange of hjiss gunss. Knowledge hass no rrange and no ammunjitjion ssuppljy to deplete."

The High Mother's first day was nearly done, and from here, she would be shown the teeth of her domain, and their capacity to carry out her commands. Keerrourri had a feeling that his tempestuous matriarch would find a use for them sooner rather than later.