View Full Version : Bull

Feb 2nd, 2009, 04:35:00 AM
Full Name: Boune "Bull" Phluche
Species: Herglic
Homeworld: Giju
Age: 32 GSY
Height: 7'3"
Weight: 546 lbs
Training: Ex Jedi Youngling


Boune "Bull" Phluche was, as many Jedi start their career, taken in by the Jedi Order at a young age after beign detected on his homeworld of Giju. He resided at the Jedi temple on Coruscant until he was 7, when Order 66 was issued by Darth Sidious. During the sacking of the temple, the young Bull escaped to the upper levels and fled on a speeder, before taking the next transport out of Coruscant and heading towards the Mid-rim.

Bull lived throughout the Mid and Outer-rims, moving between planets and trying to avoid possible detection, unaware of any other Jedi activity. He preffered to stay on various forest planets, living out in the wild and attempting to keep some kind of connection with the living Force. Though his skills remained extremely limited, Bull has tried to live as a Jedi should, and maintains a peaceful, friendly character, even when visiting planets such as Nar Shaddaa - usually in some kind of gambling outfit.