View Full Version : Where do I belong?

Jan 27th, 2009, 09:31:15 PM
Hiyas! Before I try and poke my nose into the rest of the x-men world, I want to open up with the background story for Durandal that I've been mulling over for the past few days.

However, when I think about the way things are going in the x-men world, I'm not entirely sure where he would fit in. Seeing that he needs to drink blood in order to survive, he seems to be more suited to the roll of a villain, but his personality is not congruent with that roll.

But his mutation would also make it very hard for him to be accepted into a "hero" roll, or to get along well with other heroes. At least, that's what I'd expect, unless there are some very understanding and possibly uncaring hero type people out there.

Any help, info, or planning advice would be appreciated from anyone and everyone. Thanks in advance!

Jan 27th, 2009, 09:35:59 PM
If you've ever read any of the X books, there is a villian who has a similar power named Emplate (from Generation X). He feeds off mutants (bone marrow, not blood) and has thralls that he has specifically for that purpose. Maybe do something similar with Durandal?

Captain Untouchable
Jan 27th, 2009, 10:03:19 PM
You might want to go down the tortured hero root, and take a page out of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer plot route - have him raid the occasional blood bank or hospital in order to get the blood that he needs.

Is it specifically mutant / human blood, or could he be the creepy guy that has to feed of rats / stray cats / other animals? That might make him a known sort of person among the local vigilantes, who might catch him up to that sort of thing at night. And o'course, there can be the times when the cravings get so bad that he has to fight / kill someone: the way in which he chooses his victims could be interesting. Is he a killer of opportunity, or does he mix in some Daredevil style quest for justice, and only kill people that "deserve" it?

Jan 28th, 2009, 05:32:05 PM
Well, after the rash of vampire movies/books/teenage fan girls, I think the classic villain vampire is incredible.

After watching girls my age act half their age over Twilight, one more good vampire is going to make me tear my eyes out.