View Full Version : Progressing the Galactic Civil War
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 26th, 2009, 10:53:17 AM
Just a little thought to consider.
Do you think there should come a time (i.e. within the next year or so) when the Rebellion begins to show signs of triumphing over the Empire, leading towards the inevitable refounding of the Republic and transformation of the Empire into something like the Imperial Remnant?
Jan 26th, 2009, 11:43:46 AM
God, yes. The thing that is most unappealling to me about the Empire is that they are in power. I would much rather play an Imperial in the struggle to return the might of the Empire to its former glory from scratch. Also, who's to say that should the Rebellion win, the New Republic will be as glorious and good as we'd all hoped? We all know politics aren't perfect no matter how noble the intention behind them, and compromises must be made. Yes, definately the tides of change are needed in the future, plus it would help our little Jedi community to flourish since we're all a bit rootless at the moment.
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 26th, 2009, 11:46:32 AM
Whatever you have voted, please give some explanation as to your choice - especially if you have voted 'maybe' :) I'm eager to hear what everyone thinks about how we should proceed with the overarching plot here.
Jan 26th, 2009, 12:24:58 PM
I personally feel that it needs to eventually happen. The natural progression of things is that both sides are in a struggle so one has to conquer the other. Even in the rise of a new face, I feel the Empire is publically too weak, albeit fittingly strong, to stay in power for too much longer.
Maybe I'm having delusions of granduer, but I just can't see the Empire staying in power throughout this Civil War. The way it is playing out points to new direction. Plus, I just feel it needs to happen because change is good. :)
Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 26th, 2009, 01:28:25 PM
I voted maybe because I liked the 'Years From Now' idea of the Galactic Alliance and Empire being at a stalemate (much like US/USSR during the Cold War). I think that would have the best chance of their being even more potential storylines (ex: say Estelle becomes station chief of Coruscant for Rebel Intel or Morewind becomes station chief of Mon Cal for the Inquisitors).
I like that the most, personally. Eventually, I think (much like the USSR broke up) the Empire could be defeated and that would bring about even more changes to the galaxy.
So I'm in the maybe camp and it all depends on the story really.
Charlotte Tur'enne
Jan 26th, 2009, 02:13:03 PM
Got a maybe out of me...
And like Kazaar I think I'm in the "depends on the story" category.
I rather like the idea of there being a bit of a stalemate between the two groups for a while... I think a year for the Rebellion to start "winning" isn't too far fetched, but I'd certainly hope that it went on for a while before any sort of collapse of the Empire was even remotely feasible.
:p But then again, I'm still one of the new kids...the heck do I know? lol
Jan 26th, 2009, 02:22:53 PM
Y'know, the title of the thread and the wording of the poll question don't match. ;)
If the title of the thread were there instead of the poll question, I'd say "maybe." Some of it would depend on your definition of "defeat." I've never read much of the EU and know next-to-nothing about the New Republic era; for me, Star Wars is the Rebellion and the Empire, small groups of heroes struggling against long odds. And yet that struggle really doesn't mean anything if nothing ever changes, so I voted "yes."
I definitely want to see the face of the galaxy change as the Civil War progresses. But, as others have suggested, it's never going to be as simple as pushing over the statue of Palpatine and celebrating our new utopia.
Here's an idea: after the Empire falls, a group of independent systems sets up something like the Old Republic, but with a bit more independence... a Federation, if you will, of Planets. Ships with interspecies crews can then explore strange, new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, um, wait a minute, let me rethink this.
Once the Empire has broken up, the independent systems realize they're in danger of a war to fill the power vacuum, so they decide to set up a station in neutral territory to hold their negotiations - a shining beacon in space, all alone in the night. It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last, best hope for peace-- aw, screw it.
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 26th, 2009, 02:55:32 PM
I certainly wouldn't expect the power shift to occur quickly. I'm thinking of the long-term development of the storyline, rather than any immeadiate sign that the Empire is going to topple.
I'd also agree that I like the idea of the Republic and the Empire being rival factions of almost equal power, rather than simply being one dominating the other. That seems like the most realistic way of approaching it too, since it would take a while for the Rebellion to overtake the Empire.
Having one faction with ultimate power doesn't interest me at all - as has been said, it's the on-going struggle between the two which makes the conflict interesting. Perhaps I should have phrased the thread title/poll question differently to reflect that, but it seems most people understand the idea I was trying to get across anyway :)
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 26th, 2009, 02:58:59 PM
Y'know, the title of the thread and the wording of the poll question don't match. ;)
I voted no because I thought the question was "should the Empire be defeated" >_<
I think certainly there should be some give and take. But it should be like a chess game, and leave it up to the RPers of those two groups as to what happens. Like, "Well played, Rebels, you win this round. But we'll be back." >D
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 26th, 2009, 03:02:14 PM
I suppose my main point in asking this is wondering where we as a community are going. The Empire has reached, arguably, the highest point it can: they have a popular leader and seem to be making easy work of infiltrating the Rebellion / stopping the Jedi from having any impact at all in the galaxy at large. Right now, there isn't a single threat of any real significance to their control. There isn't really much higher, as far as I can see, that they could rise - so it seems inevitable that they would have to begin the cyclical fall that inevitably comes with all empires.
Jan 26th, 2009, 03:14:34 PM
I put in as "Maybe".
I think anything that remains to static or unchanging is not an effective or fun enviroment to write in.
However, having the rebellion win purely for the sake of defeating the Empire would not be interesting. Even though this is star wars and for the most part its expected.
Like Kazaar mentioned a cold war would be most interesting to see happen. I think keeping a form of struggle in the galaxy makes everything more interesting. If its the struggle of Oppression, War, or the possibility of conflict breaking out.
Plus I would really enjoy see'ing the republic come into more balanced terms with the Empire strength wise. You guys seem to have the writers and the activity to make it happen so it makes sense to see things begin to shift.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 26th, 2009, 04:37:20 PM
I'm a 'maybe' voter myself.
I really like the Cold War angle that Taylor put forth, as it opens up a lot of possibilities as far as tensions, insurgency, counterinsurgency, etc. Plus, it would be interesting to throw in a bit of a Vietnam-type wrench into things as well. Fey'dann comes to mind, and it wouldn't be hard at all to incorporate that into a Rebels vs Empire theme. Heck, it might be awesome to pull from the pages of WW2 and have a Stalingrad-esque thread.
Tear is right in the activity and writers for the Rebels are enough to bring the two powers to a head, and I don't think it'd be too far-fetched to have a thread where the leaders of the different commands of the Rebellion meet to discuss how to further proceed. Perhaps draft an outline of the New Republic and mark out the territories they've taken. In essence giving them a firm foundation from which to begin formally pushing back at the Empire. This would mean we'd want folks in charge of Fleet, Ground, and Intelligence to be present, of course.
To quote Jenny, "we can have a little speech by the chief of state, then a couple of days of discussion, some cocktails.. it'll be great" ;)
On the matter of the Jedi, I know that Charley (as Decepis) wants to begin something of a split in them, though I'm not sure of the details. Nothing like kicking someone while they're down, right? Perhaps we could make a schism in terms of how some Jedi wish to re-establish themselves and how cautious they feel they need to be? That bit is certainly open for discussion, so if anyone has other ideas for what might be a good catalyst for division please speak up. I'll be pointing Charley to this thread when he gets home for work, so I'm sure he'll have thoughts to throw out as well.
Rossos Atrapes
Jan 26th, 2009, 05:22:18 PM
Haven't voted yet. I am quite enamoured of the idea of a "Stalingrad" for the Empire. A couple of planets come to mind, being Mon Calamari, Sullust, and others, but I'm thinking that we'd need a primarily human, urban landscape to serve as a backdrop for the Empire's push that starts to strain it.
I'd love to help plan something like that out. I even have a character idea that would I think help make it interesting; somebody like Che Guevara, who despises the Empire but believes that the Republic that the Rebels wish to bring about is equally flawed. He'd be like a non-force using, less subtle and hidden Darth Decepis. Alright, so the parallels aren't all that clear there, but instead of being something that would be like a steady march to victory for the rebels after this, bringing in a character like this would be opening the way for many a good storyline and plot devices.
Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 26th, 2009, 05:42:36 PM
We did have a thread like the Western Front called 'Warzone: Sarapin' we've tried it before.
Jan 26th, 2009, 05:45:27 PM
So when people are voting "Maybe," judging by their responses they're really voting "Yes"? I only assume so since what has been said reflects the notion that people want progression in the GCW and would like to see a shift in power, not neccessarily in complete favour of the Rebels/Republic but enough to even the playing field. I mean, at the end of the day, it stands to reason that someone who is interested in storytelling actually wants to see change and progression in said stories. Otherwise, what's the point?
Karl Valten
Jan 26th, 2009, 05:46:17 PM
Hey, we can try to revive it
Captain Untouchable
Jan 26th, 2009, 06:09:13 PM
I put maybe. I'd like to see the Alliance expand - maybe even become the New Republic - but not at the expense of the Empire itself. Fun as the fractured pre-Reset Imperials were,
Maybe something where the Rebels continue to secure territory in the Outer Rim, and it reaches the point where the Empire decides to consolodate its territory, and retreat back to the Core? That'd leave the New Republic in existance, but lacking the control of Coruscant: something that always seemed important to them in the EU and what not. That would provide some political issues for the Rebels, while the Empire has to grudgingly accept that, for now, the NR is too well established for them to topple them.
I guess that'd compound the US/USSR Cold War similarities: the New Republic with the poor, rural, and industrial Outer Rim, and the Galactic Empire with the rich, cosmopolitan, and capitalist Core.
Edit: I didn't read the poll question either. Yes, the GCW should definately show sighns of change. >_<
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 26th, 2009, 06:10:05 PM
We did have a thread like the Western Front called 'Warzone: Sarapin' we've tried it before.
You could always revive it :) If not, that was just one thread. What I'm suggesting is development in the over-arching story of our timeline as Droo said, towards a more level playing ground.
From my point of view, what will keep our story fresh and interesting in the years to come (however many more we may be all together here) will be the fact that we don't allow ourselves to linger in one state longer than necessary. I am not discounting the current state of play as stagnant, far from it. I love what we have going now, and I want to continue this story I love by progressing it as it (naturally) should. As I have said previously, I am thinking long term with this discussion - i.e. I would expect these changes to develop over the course of the entire year (OOC time, IC time it would be longer still, obviously).
I like s'Ilancy's suggestion of a meeting of the Alliance, if nothing else to establish our current 'state of the Rebellion' - what have we achieved, what do we want to achieve, how are we going to do it. The Alliance needs more stability, more structure, and the chance to evolve beyond it's current state of being little more than an endlessly drifting fleet and a handful of loyal worlds.
EDIT: Apologies (again) for the confusion of the poll question itself. I editted the topic title, hopefully that will limit any further confusion.
Jan 26th, 2009, 06:32:34 PM
Obviously you didn't adequately test this poll in focus groups before posting it! ;)
Jan 26th, 2009, 08:59:45 PM
Two things here:
1. The Empire needs to balkanize. They were basically glued together though the will of an absolute tyrant, and with him dead, it would be really interesting to see a couple of "Empires" start to crop up and pick at the scraps. Think of it in historical terms when Alexander the Great died in Babylon, and his Greek generals essentially became dynasts and ruled their own slightly smaller kingdoms for a while.
2. The Rebels need to become the Republic, but with great difficulty. One thing I've been keen on is to show that there's a potential battle for the Alliance's soul at work. My stuff with Byl was a test in how far do the ends justify the means? When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you, and that sort of thing. Even now, there's a Sith Lord in the high echelons of the Alliance. How do you deal with the transition of moving from a passionate, idealistic crusade into something more pragmatic, with the weight of the galaxy on a few shoulders?
Jan 26th, 2009, 09:50:01 PM
The thing that sprung to mind from Charley's Empire input is the fact that Khendon hasn't made a big impact for a while on the Imperial scene. I feel that if he would have reared Miranda's rise as a form of a new Empire that dynamic spoken of would have come to life.
I also favor the idea of the Empire holding control of the Core Worlds, most especially Coruscant.
Estelle Russard
Jan 26th, 2009, 11:40:23 PM
I voted yes - It must progress and change, for better or worse, otherwise were doing something wrong as writers.
I still think we should bring back the Cizeracks or a new Axis of power...Kraken (I think it was) mentioned he was interesed in some Nemoidian activity in another thread. Perhaps the rise of a new CIS to begin to topple the scale in a third arc, deflecting attention from the Rebels and/or assisting them against the Empire. In my mind, the reach of the Empire still far exceeds that of the Rebel Allicance in military might.
A third major player in the war would definitely throw off the status quo.
eg: WWII - Germany/Allies/Russia
Julian Davitt
Jan 27th, 2009, 12:03:07 AM
I voted yes - It must progress and change, for better or worse, otherwise were doing something wrong as writers.
I still think we should bring back the Cizeracks or a new Axis of power...Kraken (I think it was) mentioned he was interesed in some Nemoidian activity in another thread. Perhaps the rise of a new CIS to begin to topple the scale in a third arc, deflecting attention from the Rebels and/or assisting them against the Empire. In my mind, the reach of the Empire still far exceeds that of the Rebel Allicance in military might.
A third major player in the war would definitely throw off the status quo.
eg: WWII - Germany/Allies/Russia
[Rossos Atrapes is too lazy to switch accounts] That was the idea I had with the Che Guevara-esque character; he'd perhaps start something like a Russian Revolution in a few Imperial worlds or somesuch. If not a third bloc right away, he could siphon off support from the alliance or something like that, while providing the Empire with a large headache in the form of a die-hard resistance that is almost as cut-throat as they are. [/I am lazy]
Jan 27th, 2009, 12:43:01 AM
Mentioned previously the Empire is already splintering, at least OOC: With Miranda's bid and succession for Empress. Or did people miss Karl's declaration?;) More then a few disgruntled Moffs there in the stadium.
I see several things happening as a sort of cause and effect with Miranda. Removing the Moffs weakens the Empire's organization and effectiveness in quickly countering rebel activities. Purely due to the fact of a re-organized command structure.
It would take some time for newly appointed governers/Moffs to get a feel of their sectors and learn how to effectively defend them. This time gives the Rebels a good shot in futher distabalizing sectors and causing havoc. Maybe even becoming entrenched on certain worlds. (ala stalingrad)
Meanwhile the above sectors are the sectors actually supporting the new Empress.
While other sectors under the Moffs who were condemed have some how miraculously escaped?:rolleyes Who knows how. But a few have managed to evade the Inquisitoriate and will begin to fortify their sectors against Miranda Loyalists.
I see several interesting concepts springing from this state. The Imperial seperatists, to coin a term, wont be strong enough to oppose the mainstray of the Empire but to invade their sectors risks Imperial shedding Imperial blood. That could be some bad PR. Plus with the risk of open war it would weaken the Empire to the building pressure by the Rebellion. Who could start actually laying seiges and reclaiming outer rim worlds because of the Empires internal strife.
As for a new axes of power, I believe Salem is toying with the Hapans who apparently have a sizeable fleet. Cheeky Sith lord.
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 27th, 2009, 05:09:44 AM
I hadn't thought about Salem/the Hapans becoming a major power threat yet, but I suppose once we have assassinated the current Queen there is nothing to stop him from throwing the weight of the fleet around.
I do think a third 'faction' is needed to tip the balance, though, since it has been rightly said that the Rebellion isn't in a state - at the moment - to provide a decent opposition to the might of the Empire. Whether that is the CIS, Salem/the Hapans, or something else entirely (some horrible extra-galactic threat? dare I utter the word Vong?) ... I don't know.
Jan 27th, 2009, 09:07:43 AM
I personally like the idea of presented from the Che. It sort of ties up the loose ends between Miranda's rise and Rebel's inabilities presently and seamlessly. Although an extra-galactic source is interesting, I don't think it should be explored as of yet.
I do feel that the CIS and Hapan thing sould act as Allies, meanwhile the Che character could have some working with one of those two. Maybe as a head to the campaign afforded by the CIS or Nemiodians. Whatever it be, I feel that all the ideas being cooked up will eventually be consolidated in one whole that I feel is directing back to the Che character.
It just looks so promising to me.
Blade Bacquin
Jan 27th, 2009, 09:28:15 AM
Progressing yes if it's done right. I still put maybe but that was because I see few things that need to happen first before the new republic can be formed or even before the rebellion can move forward in it's struggle to free the galaxy.
There are four main components that are missing from the rebellion. Well I shouldn't say missing they are there it's just someone needs to step into those rolls.
The first is the lack of a Mon Martha, I shouldn't say lack there is is a new Mon I just don't know much about the character yet to have formed an opinion. The Mon needs to be some one the republic can respect and see as a defenitive leader. Basically they will be the Miranda Tarkin of the rebelllion with an exception. Unlike the empire the rebellion can't afford a split or a loss if there are those that don't favor the Mon. The empire can barely afford it but can manage to survive it , the rebels never would be able to recover if it happened to them.
Second you need a Han Solo or a General who will put himself in harms way and always come out shining. People love him/her maybe even want to be him/her. He drives people to do what ever it takes at all costs. There are few people with in the rebellion that could step up and take this roll. Some have even started.
A princess leia. Versitile both a diplomat and fighter. Never gives up hope and never gives in to the enemy. Again there are a few that can fit into her shoes amongst the rebelllion.
four you need a Luke. Someone to allie the Jedi on the behalf of rebellion. Someone to lead the Jedi. There is a catch here though this leader can't be a traditionalist Jedi. Passifism won't work in forging ahead and this Jedi Character will probably have to make some tuff calls especially if it comes down to weather to kill or not to kill. I see a allot of Jedi that could take this role. Yet out of those there are few that I don't think should try because it would cause other problems (IC problems not OOC ones.).
As for a third party rising I really like that concept even wanted to be apart of one at one time. It makes more the story more engaging then good versus evil.
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 27th, 2009, 11:31:46 AM
Han and Leia, Aurelias and Estelle? :mneh
We have a Mon Razien to replace Mon Mothma, but we specifically haven't had him as a player character because we didn't really want to have someone with the responsibility (OOC) of being the head of the entire faction. At least I think that's why we have avoided doing anything with him, besides using him as an NPC in occasional discussions.
I would volunteer Dasquian to be the charismatic leader (as he is in Years From Now...) but alas he won't be around much longer :rolleyes
Captain Untouchable
Jan 27th, 2009, 01:46:38 PM
I think Blade Ice has a point - the Jedi were always an important aspect of the Republic. Any steps that the Rebellion would need to take towards becoming the New Republic would no doubt require their participation: the New Jedi Order always seemed important in the EU stuff I've read.
Based on what I know about the Enclave, I'm not sure there is a definative "Luke" mixed in there. Most of the existing Jedi certainly have the potential to lead, but they've all got a downside from what I've seen - Navaria Tarkin being the sister of the Empress, Adia being a former Hand, and so forth. If we went down the route of bringing the Jedi in as peacemakers and arbitrators, then the idea of Daria being the "Justice is blind" Jedi could work: the Miraluka have enough of a heritage for that to beef things up as well.
The problem with a Han or Leia type character is that they need to have their achievements publicised. Having known faces would probably make Aurelias and Estelle's jobs pretty tough. :mneh Dasquian could potentially fill that sort of role though: the Rebellion could hold him up as a true martyr: he could be the kind of person that everyone wants to emulate, and the fact that said "hero" is dead would only make people hate the Empire more. Or something.
Rather than treating the CIS as a unified faction, what if it was more of a shaky alliance between some of the various non-Imperial and non-Rebel systems out there - some combination Hapes, Onderon, Chiss, Cizeracks, Hutts, Black Sun, etc - that have teamed up to resist the Empire/Republic/whatever? That'd create something extra for some of our existing roleplayers to deal with, rather than just bolting on a new faction that needs new stuff. Tear is drifting around being malevolant and evil as well - this might be the sort of thing he could get involved with as well, as a way of working against the current Imperial administration.
A totally disconnected thought that popped into my head the other day was connected with the Corporate Sector. TaggeCo is one of the potential companies in our continuity that could be involved with the Corporate Sector, and they're obviously quite closely tied with the current Imperial administration. It might be that they could do some political manoeuvering, and get an Imperial (the former Imperial Advisor, maybe?) appointed as Executive Officer, and declare him Moff for the Sector.
Provided that the Imperial Navy agreed to provide a fleet to defend the Sector, all of the Corporate Sector ships (which are older, Rebel-style ships) could be flooded onto the spacelanes where the Rebellion is currently performing its hit-and-run missions - kinda like a post-Reset version of the Sector Rangers. The Empire would gain territory, and in exchange for a few ships (which KDY and Rendili might build cheap, since they have business interests out in the Corporate Sector) they get a bunch of ships that are prefectly suited to protect convoys and such, so they don't have to waste Star Destroyers on such things.
Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 28th, 2009, 08:58:52 PM
I do like the idea of the Hapans becomes more of a player within the Galaxy. They always liked keeping things 'close to the fist'. But that's up to the KA guys.
I think there are good pieces in place so we'll see how it goes.
I do know Razien (whether PC or NPCed) will be involved in the 'Toxicity' storyline to a degree so people will get to more of them than they have in the past.
Morgan Evanar
Jan 28th, 2009, 09:34:37 PM
I doubt the Hapans would ally with anyone beyond "You stay away from this, this and this, and we'll stay out of your pie... for now." They have a VERY potent navy for a smaller state, and, barring an en-mass attack from either the Rebellion or Empire, would mop up damn near anyone else.
I'm not even sure we do need archetypal characters. I do agree that the Rebellion needs a visible figurehead, even if everyone else is getting the actual stuff done (this is how it happens IRL usually).
I'm with everyone else: several sector Moffs will want to take their ball and go home. I can imagine that some find a Tarkin in high office offensive, given what a fiasco the Death Star turned out to be.
The former members of the CIS probably want to tell Coruscant where to stick it, given that they don't want the Imperial Garrisons or the Imperial tax collectors around either. Some might throw their lot in with the Rebellion and some might wax nostalgic for their big 15 minutes again. I can't imagine the Rebellion could do much besides shrug it's shoulders. Maybe the "Byl" wing of the Rebellion might want to unseat some pro "CIS" ruler in favor of one that is pro Reb.
The Galaxy is ripe for a big upheaval.
Jan 28th, 2009, 09:50:43 PM
One possibly awesome wrinkle would be to have the relationship between the Rebels / Empire sort of transmogrify into almost an Israel / Palestine thing. Less bickering over land and religious stuff, but I mean in the way that Israel sort of held the moral center of gravity during the time when it was fighting existential wars against people trying to wipe them off the map. Once it was pretty much assured that they weren't going away, they began to lose a lot of the supposed innocence, and crack down in some questionable and harsh ways.
Also the whole CIS, Hapan, Trade Fed, Cizerack thing, I was thinking the common thread these guys have is that they're pretty rich people. I could almost see them becoming sort of like China, where they're flourishing wildly while the Rebels and Empire are still sort of punching each other in the crotch and are too busy to enrich themselves much.
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 28th, 2009, 10:02:22 PM
I doubt the Hapans would ally with anyone beyond "You stay away from this, this and this, and we'll stay out of your pie... for now." They have a VERY potent navy for a smaller state, and, barring an en-mass attack from either the Rebellion or Empire, would mop up damn near anyone else.
Yeah, it will probably take a while for Salem to convince the Hapans to do anything beyond the Consortium. I can see him possibly channeling funds from the Consortium into something like Charley proposed though, to get himself more footholds within the Galaxy. It would be a slow expansion though. Salem is no rush, and the KA is only just getting control of the Consortium.
Captain Untouchable
Jan 29th, 2009, 08:51:17 PM
What if we established some kind of dark-side influence thing?
It might be interesting in that instance to see someone like s'Ilancy become involved in the way the Rebellion is run as the main representative of the Jedi, put in place to (in theory) bring about Decepis' agenda, but in fact working towards her own Lupine-inspired ones instead; no doubt Vega would use that situation to his advantage as well.
Over in the Empire, Miranda has just discovered that she's Force-sensitive, and is being trained; her and her instructor represent one of the aspects there, who will no doubt tussle a little with Karl and Tear for the title of Most Evil Dude(ette) in the Empire.
And o'course, Salem and the KA represents a third aspect of that, with their sneaky third-party political manipulations; there are a few Darksiders that aren't specifically on one side of the fence or the other in the GCW, so there is the potential for an internal power struggle over there as well.
What if we established that the Darksiders were running the show on three sides, and then followed Palpatine's example and manipulated the Galactic Civil War to their own ends? However, rather than working together to bring about a new Sith Empire as was the aim of the Clone Wars, what if the three dark-side factions wind up competing with each other to establish who is the most evil / the coolest bad guy / etc? The factions over which they have influence would be their pawns in all this, and could lead to some developments that might not otherwise happen organically.
Doesn't rule out anything else we've discussed; I'm just thinkin' it might make a good driving force behind those political shifty bits that we talked about. Maybe the Independant Sector thing we talked about in the wake of Tarkin's ascension to Empress could somehow wind up allied with Onderon and Hapes, to bolster Salem's "faction"?
Jan 30th, 2009, 07:51:41 AM
Maybe the Independant Sector thing we talked about in the wake of Tarkin's ascension to Empress could somehow wind up allied with Onderon and Hapes, to bolster Salem's "faction"?
Those Sector Moffs will likely be under Tear's influence but it is a possibility. We'll see how it goes ;). Unless you were referring to the Corporate sector idea thats being tossed around?
I think from how things look on the boards there are a multitude of situations that can arise. Most stuff being mentioned here is already happening to a certain degree.
Empire is splitting, Salem trying to consolidate his power, Dan seeking to corrupt the Jedi/control the Rebellion, Tear rescuing the Moffs. I think all the players are in the correct places it'll just take a few more months of rp's to get things rolling and coming together.
The one thing that's left is the Rebels need a campaign plan. (maybe they have one already, I don't know) Once they figure out how to precede with their strategy things will all start to fall together.
Whats GCW stand for?
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 30th, 2009, 08:00:11 AM
GCW = Galactic Civil War
As for a Rebel campaign plan... I agree we need something that involves us all. Kazaar and I were talking last recently about how there seem to be three Rebel timelines right now: Dasq&Grace-verse, Aurelias&Estelle-verse and the Dan&sIlancy-verse. There needs, really, to be more overlap in what's going on with these three storylines.
Salem and the Empire... it is Salem's ultimate goal to become Emperor, so I do see him becoming involved with the Empire someday, but I'm not sure how. I think the first order of business with Hapes will probably be to start expanding and acquiring assets. Not necessarily publically - I'm thinking black market, criminal stuff. He has a group of apprentices at his disposal who can go off to far-flung Outer Rim worlds, acting as Hands to establish a network of influence. Salem as a character as always been about subtle influence, rather than overtly stamping his name on something.
Miranda Tarkin
Jan 30th, 2009, 09:36:27 AM
Trying to overthrow me already and my throne isn't even warm yet :shakefist
Captain Untouchable
Jan 30th, 2009, 11:26:25 AM
The Corporate Sector thing - if you're referring to what was posted over in the Imp section (, anyway - would likely bring them into Tarkin's Empire, given the loyalties of House Tagge, and some of the other key business players. The shift in allegiance of some other states could potentially be the genesis for that: with Sectors deserting the Empire, bringing another Sector into the fold - particularly one so wealthy - would be a shrewd political move on Tarkin's path. As pointed out by someone else as well, it adds a potential venue for Black Sun / Black Nebula activity as well.
If Tear is going to absorb some of the separatist Moffs, that'd be awesome. Him as some sort of creepy, manipulative Warlord would be fantastic. Presumably though, he's not the sort of person who would necessarily make a wise choice as "Emperor" from the public's perspective though: he seems more like the sort of person who would either manipulate things from behind the scenes in the long run, or who would go around like Darth Vader scaring the Sith out of everyone.
What if - in the long term - Tear and Salem got together? Salem has the savvy and experience to potentially work as a political leader; the Palpatine to Tear's Vader, although perhaps with a slightly more level playing field in terms of who is in-charge. Or maybe a more Russian/German/British governmental set-up, where Salem is effectively the Chancellor / Prime Minister who runs the country on a day-to-day basis, while Tear is the President / Monarch who has to sign off on all the policies, laws, etc, but ultimately leaves the Chancellor and government to look after itself while they worry about other things.
If the latter happens, can we buy Tear some Corgies? :lol
Its the sort of thing that could - once all the pieces are in place - potentially happen quite swiftly. If Onderon / Hapes / whoever was brought into Tear's little faction, Salem could easily be pushed towards the fore in terms of political leadership, with Tear's backing.
Sorsha Kasajian
Jan 30th, 2009, 11:51:42 AM
Trying to overthrow me already and my throne isn't even warm yet :shakefist
Just point, and I'll destroy. I'm the wild card that everyone seems to keep forgetting about in all of this. :mneh
Miranda Tarkin
Jan 30th, 2009, 12:08:17 PM
I for one, besides being silly, is drowning on what to do to save the Empire, or at least bolstering where and how. I suck at this. The Corporate stuff is good but besides new allies, trying to secure the homestead would be important too.
All this talk of beating me up :p I could use some help in figuring out how to strengthening what the Empire does/will have. I know that in EU, a lot of citizens were happy being part of the Empire and after the civil war, the Alliance and the Empire, as part of the truce, made it clear that they could choose.
So I guess I am lost in all the political craziness and need help too :)
edit - and when you all agreed in letting me be Empress, I was all down for the beat me up, I just didn't realize it was happening so soon, tho I do realize we are all still discussing this ;) I'm just overwhelmed :)
Jan 30th, 2009, 03:48:29 PM
edit - and when you all agreed in letting me be Empress, I was all down for the beat me up, I just didn't realize it was happening so soon, tho I do realize we are all still discussing this ;) I'm just overwhelmed :)
Your ascention has stirred the hornets nest and we are all buzzing now.:)
But Miranda has to stay in power for some time, otherwise, what was the point?
I think from how things look on the boards there are a multitude of situations that can arise. Most stuff being mentioned here is already happening to a certain degree.
This is true. I think events are gonna unfold without us all agreeing on a "Master Game Plan".
In fact, it will be interesting to come back in 6 months and read this thread and see what actually comes down.
I havent seen the board this envigorated since the Reset.
Btw, just tossing this out.. Who'd think Hera would make a terrific Queen of the Universe...?:D
Cyrus Haman
Jan 30th, 2009, 03:55:43 PM
Btw, just tossing this out.. Who'd think Hera would make a terrific Queen of the Universe...?:D
I would! As long as I can be Consort in Chief. ;)
Captain Untouchable
Jan 31st, 2009, 12:06:33 AM
I'm not sure we're actually planning to overthrow Tarkin: just to display some kind of opposition to her rule. You sorta started the ball rolling by having such vocal opposition to your ascension in the first place - it makes sense to continue that further. I agree that overthrowing Miranda - if it happens - should take a long time. I'd much rather see the core systems remain pretty much loyal to the Galactic Empire, and then divide up some of the outer rim territories between this Separatist faction and the Rebellion. Maybe something as simple as a Human / Non-Human split?
In terms of strengthening Tarkin's position, what about throwing in a race like the Chiss as allies for her? There was some talk of reviving them at some point earlier anyhow. Their support would provide a boost to Tarkin's military, that would perhaps be enough to ensure that she wasn't overthrown: the alliance with a strong military power would also increase the feelings of security within the core worlds - they'd feel that Tarkin was better qualified to protect them than the other factions - and might even lure some of the separatists back to the Galactic Empire, just so they don't get wiped out and stuff.
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 1st, 2009, 06:10:29 AM
I just want to clarify what I think I have said previously, that is I don't think there would be any significant change to Imperial rule for many months to come. Overthrowing Miranda Tarkin would be an impressive but of course fairly difficult to achieve feat, given how much has been invested (In Character) in getting her coronated in the first place, i.e. she has supporters in many areas and the people seem to love her.
Like Hera said, Miranda has to stay in power for a while - and I imagine that 'while' being a good chunk of the year, if not the entire year, whilst we shift our smaller game pieces - the crime syndicates, the Rebellion, Salem & the Hapes Consortium - around the game board, so to speak.
I havent seen the board this envigorated since the Reset.
Yeah. It's nice, isn't it? :D
Captain Untouchable
Feb 1st, 2009, 07:57:58 AM
Miranda has to stay in power for a while.
Does she actually have to stop being in power at all? Even if the Empire gets split in two, I can't think of anyone more qualified to lead the "Loyalists" than Tarkin. Whoever leads the Separatists is the sort of thing that can be fought over, but I think that the Empress would need to stay in power of the legitimate Galactic Empire, just to maintain some sense of stability.
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 1st, 2009, 08:01:13 AM
A fair point.
I suppose that was all I was trying to say.. that I would have no desire to see Miranda kicked off the throne any time soon.
Miranda Tarkin
Feb 1st, 2009, 02:08:34 PM
Well, we'll see how it plays out and yeah, after over a year in planning, my butt gets kicked so soundly would be oh so wrong :lol
I do look forward to the challenge, I'm just a tad ... @_@ weeeee what to do so many possibilities! But I have chatted with the darkness and some interesting things will happen for sure :D
Salem Ave
Feb 4th, 2009, 07:06:34 AM
Lilaena has proposed an interesting thought, that the Hapes Consortium become somehow allied with the Cizerack Pride - as both factions are matriarchal. The Queen Mother and the Pride Mother would make an absolutely terrifying alliance, in my mind (although the Queen Mother is dying soon anyway... but I'm sure Razielle could be just as terrifying if not more :love)
Both factions have a strong fleet, an interest in commerce and although the Cizerack look down upon those not of their own species, Hapans are the most beautiful near-human species in the galaxy so perhaps the Pride Mother will be able to overlook their genetic imperfection, somewhat :mneh
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 11th, 2009, 04:48:18 PM
Since this thread has been quiet for a little while now, I've unstuck it... but I thought I'd give it a bumping reply, just incase ;) There were some good ideas in here, after all!
Y'roth Helghast
May 14th, 2009, 09:15:44 AM
Yeah... Coming in a bit late... But I think it would be cool to see the rivalry between the two factions, the Empire and the Rebellion/Republic, rise. There are plenty of factors that could contribute to the overall weakening of the Empire, not to mention the span of time in which both sides have had to recover. Of course, I don't see the Alliance taking over Coruscant or anything anytime soon so the central location of the Alliance would be something to consider, and not in the Core or Inner Rim either.
The breakoffs in the Empire would be interesting as well but I think Tarkin should still have the majority of power underneath her. There were enough steps taken by parties involved to get her there to keep any kind of separation from being a close rival in comparison to what she might have. But who doesn't like the idea of a bunch of warlords traversing the galaxy wreaking havoc because they didn't get their piece of cake? ;) Or the whole cake for that matter.
And I don't know much about the rest to really give a valid opinion... Then again, given my absence... :lol
May 14th, 2009, 09:48:20 AM
Well now that you are back, you can help make some of that pop off on the Empire end. Ya know..speak it into existence. :)
Salem Ave
May 14th, 2009, 05:14:03 PM
Warlords... I like that.
I still need to get the alliance between Hapes and the Cizerack going... hmm.
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