View Full Version : Status of Alliance holdings.
Jan 19th, 2009, 09:23:15 PM
I have been working out something and I need some information.
The Faction roster has the representatives of the alliance listed, and a list of members of the advisory council.
Celeste Starborn (Representative for Alderaan)
Niev Minetii (Representative for Sullust)
Tukphen (Representative for Mon Calamari)
Ixgis Habas (Representative for Ithor)
Kameis Sallian (Representative for Chandrila)
Leeadra Longstar (Representative for Corellia)
Torrsk Oruo'rel (Representative for Bothawui)
My question is what of the planets themselves, in particular Corellia.Is the planet in the alliances hands? same of all the others. I know Mon Cal and Sullust are and Alderaan is destroyed. Has New Alderaan been estabished?
anyway I am wondering because some of us fleeters are planning something and the info would help tons.
Amos Iakona
Jan 19th, 2009, 09:44:57 PM
A quick, only slightly related aside from me - is Tukphen a Mon Cal or a Quarren? Does he represent the entire planet, or just the Mon Calamari "race"? In some of the EU stuff, there seemed to be a lot of division between the Mon Cal and the Quarren; would the latter be likely to demand separate representation, or are we assuming that both races are getting along okay in our continuity?
Jane Starborn
Jan 20th, 2009, 12:32:26 AM
From what I understand the Rebellion holds no planets, except maybe Mon Cal. I think the representatives simply represent the alliance members as a whole, from wherever they might be. Or maybe sympathetic planets whose people make up the majority of the Alliance?
Jan 20th, 2009, 12:45:06 AM
I know for sure we hold Mon Cal and Sullust I was just curious about the rest.
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 20th, 2009, 04:14:51 AM
Tukphen is a Mon Cal and he represents his entire planet, which is allied to the Rebellion. Sullust is likewise part of the Alliance officially. The Empire has no presence on Ithor or Chandrila, that I am aware of.
Corellia has Imperial occupation within some of its cities (mentioned in Upon Pillars of Salt, Pillars of Sand ( Bothawui is, presumably, subject to some Imperial occupation but given the planet's history it's safe to say that they are heavily sympathetic towards the Alliance.
There is no New Alderaan that I know of.
Just to explain the choice of planets -
As mandated by the Corellian Treaty, the Council's seven members were chosen as representatives of the Allied governments "who [gave] the most lives to the battle against the Emperor." Legally, the Council's only power was to approve or disapprove of the Chief of State's policy decisions, and could remove the Chief of State and call for a new election with a two-thirds majority. The Treaty also mandated that after the Alliance's victory, the Council assume executive power and convene a Constitutional Convention to determine the shape of the New Galactic Republic that would be formed.
As of 2 ABY, the Allied governments represented included the resistance movements of the Mon Calamari, Ithorians, Sullustans, and the Alderaanians, among many other species. The Council included three other Human representatives, likely representing at least Corellia and Chandrila.
Captain Untouchable
Jan 20th, 2009, 08:17:18 AM
According to the Star Wars wiki:
Although Bothawui remained neutral during the Galactic Civil War, the Bothans maintained a small defense force to protect the planet, along with Bothan colonies and economic interests. Aside from a figure-head governor and a small garrison of Stormtroopers, there was little Imperial presence. Both Imperial and Rebel Alliance intelligence, by a mutual, unspoken agreement, decided to let the planet serve as neutral ground, where they could engage in their clandestine activities without risking open conflict.
So, a shrub as the Moff and a small garrison of Stormtroopers on Bothawui itself; presumably there are other small presences on the other planets in the Bothan sector, but nothing significant.
Would it be worth having the Bothans 'liberated' at some point? It shouldn't really take all that much to dispose of the Imperial presence, and it gains the Alliance a useful blob of territory that the Empire probably wouldn't be all that upset about loosing - it's not really 'theirs' anyhow. *shrug*
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 20th, 2009, 01:11:17 PM
The "liberation" of Bothawui could make for an interesting RP I think.
Jan 21st, 2009, 09:49:23 PM
Thanx tor the Info
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 24th, 2009, 06:52:42 PM
So, who wants to liberate Bothawui? :)
Captain Untouchable
Jan 24th, 2009, 07:11:45 PM
The Empire has no presence on Ithor or Chandrila, that I am aware of.
According to Wookieepedia (, Ithor was attacked by the Empire shortly after Yavin. The Alliance evacuated some of the Ithorians, transplanting them to Bimmisaari ( But, that's all EU-established stuff, and so doesn't necessarily count from a Fans perspective.
Also according to Wookieepedia (, Chandrila was still under Imperial rule until the New Republic was formed: or rather, the Bormea Sector ( of which it is part had a Moff. But again, that's EU type stuff that doesn't necessarily apply.
So, who wants to liberate Bothawui? :)
Resh and I were chatting about this the other day. We're still spinning ideas, but we have a few vague ones in mind - something to do with a feint at Moonus Mandel to draw the most Imperials away from Bothawui. That'd leave Bothawui relatively undefended so that a small Rebel force can jump in and team up with the Bothan Defense Fleet to finish off the remaining Imps in orbit, while Intel lands people on the ground to liberate the planet itself.
Or something like that; memory is a tad hazy. :x That'd certainly incorporate my fleeting character(s) - probably as part of the small force attacking Bothawui itself. You'd have to double-check that with Reshmar though: he's the man with the plan.
I've been toying with the idea of setting up a Moff character; preferably someone fairly new to the political game. I was just gonna have him pushed up the ladder after Tarkin's post-coronation clensing, but I was wondering: since Bothawui only has a token Imperial presence, would anyone mind if I treated "Moff of Bothan Sector" as a noob/rookie assignment, and then had him given a "second chance" in another sector after Bothawui is liberated?
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