View Full Version : Deer Wyl
Teagan s'Ilancy
Jan 14th, 2009, 09:40:29 PM
Deer Wyl,
Its me Tak. How are you? Im fine. Hows your jedi trayning? I hope its fun. Zem told me he mite trayn me too, if I have the Forse. I dont no if I have it tho. We shuld go out and get food agen somtime. Maybe banthaburgers agen? Do you still have that sand panther tooth charm I gave you? I still have the stone you gave me. I keep it on my nitestand.
I was thinking that sinse we both might be jedi, we should make our own club. All the grownups do boring stuff that isent fun, but I bet you and me could do other better stuff that isent as boring as just talking. Is that a good idea?
Wyl Staedtler
Jan 14th, 2009, 10:36:29 PM
Dere Tak,
It is rilly good to hear from you. i am doing good and so is my trayning. Today Darea showd me how to throw things. Not reguler throwing like in laserball but with the Forse!!!!! It was so cool. But she says I can't use it to start food fites becoz that wasen't the point even if it is a rilly funny idea.
Yes I still have the sand panther tooth charm. I wasen't sure if I should wear it on my neck becoz that is what girls do and so I wore it on my rist. Then Morgin said that boys can wear necklases too espeshally if they are cool like this one. so now it is on my neck. I am glad you stil have the stone. Its smooth and taysts good.
I was wundering if you have "changed" again? Wen you did it it was rilly gross but it was amazeing to. Wen you "change" does it hurt? One time I broke my arm and that hurt but they fixed it. Does it feel like that sort of?
That is a EXSELENT idea!!! It can be a secrit club and we can have a secrit handshake and maybe even bages!!
wen are you and Zem going to come over????
Wyl Staedtler
we shuld have code names.
Teagan s'Ilancy
Jan 14th, 2009, 11:06:11 PM
Deer Wyl,
Wow! You can throw things? Ill tell Zem to teech me how to do that then we can throw roks and stuff off Cloud City! We can have a contest and see who can throw it the farthest.
I havent taysted the stone yet. I didnt know you culd, but sinse you say it taysts good Ill try it.
Ok, I taysted it. It is good! kind of salty a litle, but I like it.
I havent changed agen yet. It hurt when I did tho. I havent ever broken my arm befor, but it might feel like that. My Dama says that it always hurts lots the first times but it gets beter after lots of yeers. She told me it hurts her still but only a litle bit. She sed for her its like a big tooth ake thats all over your body.
If our club is secrit, we need to have speshul words that only we can use and the grown ups wont know. We shuld also have a secrit name for our club, but I cant think of anything. Can you?
I want my code name to be Fang! Whats yours gonna be?
I dont no when me and Zem are gonna come over. Ill ask him later tonite after dinner.
Tak s'Ilancy
Wyl Staedtler
Jan 15th, 2009, 04:46:41 AM
Dere Fang,
Bork! I think that shuld mean hi becoz it sounds like something you say wen you see someone. Plus its funny and eckoes rilly good if you showt.
Changeing sounds like it hurts wers than brakeing an arm. Are you going to try to do it again? If it hurt that bad I wuld definatly not!!! Well maybe I wuld coz if it ment transforming then the payn wuld be werth it. Wen you are a vornsker do you feel fuzy? It seems like it wuld be hot.
I will put my thinking cap on about a secrit name. <------- (that is what my old teecher on Corusant used to say wen he wanted us to branestorm. I don't rilly have a cap for thinking.)
Ok well I am going to go and hav something to eat now.
Pilot (ps that is my code name. this is stil Wyl Staedtler.)
Teagan s'Ilancy
Jan 15th, 2009, 07:24:39 PM
Deer Pilot,
I bet you chose that name coz you like to fly!
It feels reel funy wen Im changed. A litle warm sinse I hav fur and lots of hare. I had to be carful not to bite my tung tho coz my teeth wer way sharp. I want to do it agen, but im stil not shur how to start it. Maybee that laydee wil tel me. you rember her, rite?
Wen i com over we shuld mayk bages like you said, and we can werk on the hand shayk to. We will probly need to keep the bages in our pokkets so no one sees them, and we shuld only bring them out to mayk shur its us wen we see eech other. They shuld hav our names on them, but not our real names. itll be our secrit code names and my bage can hav a vornsker on it, and yours maybee a fieter ship!
I better go now. Zem is lookin at me funy and I dont want him to see our plans.
Wyl Staedtler
Jan 16th, 2009, 11:15:53 PM
Dere Fang,
Gess what? Bantha butt!!!!!
hahahaha isen't that a funy joke? I herd it from Magnifusent Mun. Hav you ever seen that cartoon? It is about a jawa who is rilly hillareus. His name is Mun. he has a pet womp rat and they travil all over the galexy together.
Any way.
I dont think that you shuld talk to that laydee agen. Even if she nose your Dama. It culd be a trap. It is rilly eesy to lie. But maybe if you took Zem with you it wuld be o.k. And i will come to becoz then we can play wen you are a vornsker and that wil be a interesting change (haha that is sort of a joke becoz it is 2 kinds of changes).
I still hav not thot of a name for our club yet. Evry time I try to branestorm something happins and I get distractid. Serena says that is becoz I have a vary activ imaginashun. Rianna says that i just have ants in my pants.
We shuld probbly hav a secrit qweschun to. Just in case somebody steels our bages. We can both hav one and only you wil no my anser and only I wil no yours o.k?
I think we need litesabers. Do you think that is a good idea?
(pick one)
I don't rilly have ants in my pants that is just an expreshun.
Teagan s'Ilancy
Jan 17th, 2009, 11:23:54 PM
Deer <strike>Wyl</strike> Pilot
Ive never herd of the Magnifusent Mun. He sounds funy tho!
Im going to ask Zem if we can see the laydee, and tayk you with us. He wont let any thing happen so we will be saef I promiss. Zem took care of my Dama when they wer yung, so I no he will tayk care of you and me.
Wenever I change agen, we shuld rase!
What if we named our club AMAKOEDOO? That means "secrit peeple". And sinse we want our club to be secrit, I think its a good name. A secrit qweschun will be good to, but I dont know what it culd be.
Yes we need litesabers! I dont know how to make one tho, so Im gonna need your help with mine.
Wyl Staedtler
Jan 18th, 2009, 03:34:42 AM
Dere Fang,
I bet I wil win in a rase even if you are changed and I only hav two legs coz I am fast and wil not get as hot!!! Hahahaha. (plus you are a girl).
WOW Zem must be rilly old if he took care of your Dama!!! He probly noes lots of secrits about the forse. Maybe jedis live longer then normal. That wuld be wiked. How old does a vornsker live?
Amakoedoo sownds like a good name and it isen't Basic so mostly no-one wil no what it means! What langwije is that any way or is it a made up word like bork?
Your secrit qweschun has to be something only you no like how my secrit qweschun is going to be, what is your favrit place in the hole galexy? And the answer is #1D yesemei heigts, wicko districkt, Corusant.
Hmm I don't no how to make a litesaber ether. But maybe I can gess if I take one a part. Bilding stuff is my speshulty. I wil try and then rite you.
Wyl Staedtler
Jan 18th, 2009, 03:37:05 AM
Dere Fang
I hav to be fast coz Im in trubble and Darea wil be back soon. I'm suposed to be meditayting on why litesabers arn't toys but I had to tel you abowt my discovrys. I don't no exzacly why yet but you need cristils to bild a litesaber. They are rilly important and
Oops I hav to go I here my master!!!
Teagan s'Ilancy
Jan 18th, 2009, 02:36:17 PM
Deer Pilot,
Cristils? Are you shure? Ill ask Zem too and maybee he can tell me more about them.
Zem isn't super old. hes a little older than my dama, and shes 47 I think. But he didnt wach her when she was a litle girl, it was wen they wer moar grown up, like 20 or sumthing. They used to be together, like closer then frends (they did grosse stuff like kiss). But he stil took care of her, so I no he will take care of us.
Ok, I just asked Zem, and he said that the forse can let you live a long time. He told me that there was a master at the tempil named Yoda, and Yoda was 800 yeers old! But Zem says that he prolly wont live that long, maybee 150.
Since me and Dama are Loopines, we shuld live almost 200 yeers, maybee more. Amakoedoo is a word from the Loopine langwij, so its definitly not basic.
I think I want my secrit qweschun to be 'whats your favrit holo movee,' and the anser is 'killer she-cat cyber spies from cathar'. (it was a holo movie that my frend Sanis let me watch. My Dama was gone sumwere and I wasnt rilly allowd to see it, but Sanis let me any ways. it was OSSUM! I shuld call him and see if he can sneek it to me so we can watch it!)
Zem says its time for bed now, and so I have to go.
P.S. - and there is SO no way you can win a race, coz fore legs are better then too!
Wyl Staedtler
Jan 29th, 2009, 03:28:08 AM
Dere Fang,
200 yeers old!!!!!?? That is stil old even if it isen’t 800!! Your going to hav lots of gray hair and probbly a cane and be rilly cranky. When you get older does your vornsker side get older to? Sometimes when animals get old they have to go to a vet and get put to sleep (A.K.A killed) becoz it’s crool to make them sufer. Also some times they get put to sleep becoz there are to many of them. On Corusant they have to put to sleep over ten milion and I no this coz when we went to the shelter I asked. It is a very sad fact. I hope you don’t hav to get put to sleep when you are old.
Did you ask Zem abowt the cristils yet? Only I am a little suspishus that he mite not rilly no becoz anyone who kisses a girl that isen’t a mum is a little bit crazy. You can get disesses from kissing. Sh’mr from my old school said his brother died just from sharing a fizzyglug with a girl. That mite not be all the way true tho. He also said that a mutant nek culd beat a rancor in a fite. That’s just stupid.
I ment to ask you last time: do you hav any speshul skils? (not changeing, even tho that cownts).
That is a good secrit qweschun!! Hav you ever seen ‘canable wookiees in the jungle of death’? Maybe your friend can bring that to. Then we culd have a holo marathon!!! You can stay over!! We culd make our bages and invent the super secrit handshake!!!
Okay you ask Zem and I will ask Daria.
do you think that geting marryd is grosse? I mean if there is no kissing or anything like that. I am just asking for no reson.
Teagan s'Ilancy
Jan 29th, 2009, 04:38:45 PM
Deer Pilot,
Whats marryd? Ive never herd that word beforr.
I asked Zema bout the cristils, and he said that they fokuss the energee and that what ever color the cristil is, thats what color the blade is. Thats kind of cool, isent it?! If thats true, I want a orenj cristil so I can have a orenj litesaber like my Damas. Hers is diferent than Zems though. His is like a reguler sord, but hers has too blades and ataches to her wrist. Shes rilly good at using it also.
I saw 'canable wookiees in the jungle of death' too! Isent it so cool?? I bet Sanis would bring it if I asked him. He's got bunches of movees liek that.
Can you rilly get disesses from kissing? I saw my Dama and Dad do it a cupple of times, but they both didnt look sick after. It shure looked weired wen they did it tho. I dont think Im ever gonna kiss a boy, coz then Id have to put my mouth on his. Im glad you think its grosse too, coz then Ill know you wont ever want to kiss me. And thats good.
Loopines have lots of speshul skils. We can smell stuff rilly good, and heer grate too. And if I get hurt it heels rilly kwik. I onse got a scrape on my nee and it was all heeled up in like too minets. Once, a long time ago, Dama got in a fite with a sith, and he cut her eye with his litesabre, and then put silver on it. Silver hurts Loopines and burns, so I have to be reel careful if I find som and I wont tuch it. But anyway the sith burned her eye with silver, and she lost her eye. Its all white now, and she has a skar thru it. She never wuld tell me how it happend, but I got my dad to tell me. He said it took her too weeks to heel.
Anyways, Im gonna go ask Zem if I can stay over with you. I wont tell him about the secrit handshayk or bages tho.
Wyl Staedtler
Feb 7th, 2009, 01:48:02 AM
Dere Fang,
Marryd is like a deel ware two friends sine a contrakt that says they hav to be friends forever and to promiss to look out for each other to. It's not like being reguler friends becoz you can only get marryd to one person and also you get to do cool stuff like stay up late and hav your own ship and sware. If we got marryd you wuld be my wife and I wuld be your husbind and one day maybe we culd buy some kids and hav a family.
Being a Loopine sownds rilly cool, almost like a superhero. I wish I culd heel fast. The cut on my arm still hasen't got better and that happind a rilly rilly rilly rilly long time ago. I bet that your gonna be a amayzing jedi becoz you wil hav jedi powers and speshul Loopine skils.
o.k if we got marryd we wuld hav to wear rings (sinse that's what marryd people do) but we wuld hav to be carful not to get silver ones. But that is kind of girly. I mean it is diffrent from wearing a cool necklase which isen't girly at all. So what I was thinking was this: insted of rings we culd find cristils for our litesabres together! That is even better then a dum ring becoz even when we are fiteing it wil be a reminder not to kill each other. What do you think?
Its going to be so cool when we get our litesabres. We can do fites like in 'Saycred Chopstick Fury' but with litesabres and not sords (ask your friend if he has that one and maybe the seqwels)!!! I don't no where to find the cristils but I wil ask Darea. Oh and she said it was o.k for you to stay over but no shuhnanigins.
Teagan s'Ilancy
Feb 18th, 2009, 09:20:04 PM
Deer Pilot,
Being marryd sownds fun, you and me shuld do it! I dont no abowt buying kids tho. Maybee wen we get alot older and stuff we can. My Dama says that having a kid is hard, but its also the best thing ever. I still dont want any right now tho.
I think we should get rings to. My Dama and Dad do, so maybee if we find some rilly cool gold rings, I can have Dama carve loopine simbals on them, like the ones for 'strong' and 'brave' and 'feerce' or some thing. We can still find our litesaber cristils together tho, since your rite, it wuld remind us not to kill each other.
I asked Zem if I culd come over, and he said yes, so Ill be over in a few hours.
I can't wait!
Wyl Staedtler
Jan 22nd, 2010, 03:57:10 AM
Dere Fang,
I have not wrote you a letter in a long time. but not becoz I don't like you, becoz I do. That's why your my wife. So don't think that I was haveing fun and saying 'oh who cares about writeing Fang, this is better' or anything becoz I wasn't. you are my favorite person to write to, but don't tell anyone becoz then they will start to say ooooooh like we are in love and maybe wink and that's just dum.
I hope you are O.K and that you still are checking your mail. I gess if you write back that means yes.
O.K. are you ready for some important news? It is kind of trajic but not as like when the evil hutt lord killed the leader girl in 'killer she-cat cyber spies from Cathar', wich was rilly sad even tho it was a cool holo. This is trajic but now it is also exsiting becoz there isn't any danger rite now anymore.
I am a for real explorer. and you will never gess who I met (hint: she has a sekrit power like you)
At first it was rilly scary becoz I did not no what was happening exsept that everyone was gone and I was alone on Cloud City. there was a rilly bad feeling and it hurt my stomack and I thot maybe the bad people would find me but they didn't. And then I met Amos (he is not a bad person). He keeps knives in his hair!!! It is rilly cool. I think I mite grow my hair like his if Darea will let me.
if I see her again, I mean.
where are you now? if you see my master or anyone please let them no I am not ded. You are my only hope.
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