View Full Version : On the Clock Again

The Deliverator
Jan 10th, 2009, 05:03:04 PM
He's back in the saddle, after a long, long absence from work. He'd crashed horrendously on a run ages ago, proving why he was the best Coruscant had to offer, and now he'd just punched the timeclock to tumultous cheering from the pizzeria staff.

The Deliverator accepted a stack of pizza boxes, sliding them into a compartment on the back of his swoop bike, where they'd be kept warm and fresh for the customers. He checked to be sure his scarf was on tight, lowered his goggles over his eyes, and kicked the hatch on the pizza compartment closed. A display on his bike read: 30:00 in blistering red before counting down to 29:59.

"Be careful," called his boss. "You haven't done this in a while." The Deliverator nodded and roared off into the traffic.