View Full Version : Good Karma for the New Year

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 2nd, 2009, 02:51:04 PM
In this thread, please say something you appreciate about someone else on the boards.

Feel free to post as many times as you like about as many people as you like, but do try to spread the love as wide as possible. :) Oh, and use fun font colors. :D

I appreciate Jedi Master Carr for keeping the contests going in the Box Office Forums!

Adelaide Kasperian-Kazaar
Jan 2nd, 2009, 03:22:22 PM
I appreciate Yog cause he is always just so sweet.

Jan 2nd, 2009, 03:47:57 PM
I appreciate Kazaar for having an open ear and being an inspiring writer.

Estelle Russard
Jan 2nd, 2009, 06:27:15 PM
I also would like to mention Kazaar for being the best writing partner anyone could ask for. I have had so much fun writing E/K/A threads with you than you might know Tay, though I tell you repeatedly :p

Cheers to you, bud.

Jan 2nd, 2009, 06:29:59 PM
She already knows, but I appreciate Hera. My secret return took a huge leap of faith to trust a relative 'stranger' with her character. Not knowing who I was or what I had in mind she still dove in regardless. For that I am entirely grateful.

I am also very grateful to the mods for their support and gentle nudges of appreciation for my writing. All of which means a lot since I have such high admiration and appreciation of their own writing/stories.

In particular the lovely Lilaena.

Not forgetting the superb Dasquian

and last but not least Miranda in all her glory.

And I could definitely not close without thanking Si'l. Who has always been a good friend even before my disappearing act.

Also a list of others who I appreciate for just being a friendly part of the community and giving the thumbs up when they see something they enjoy

Mr. Kazaar
Karl Valten.
and Telan even dropped a word by randomly one day too before vanishing.

There are others but I could go on forever. Thats the bad thing with lists your bound to leave someone out ;)

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 2nd, 2009, 10:09:26 PM
There are plenty of people I appreciate on this board. Many of them for various reasons:

1) Miranda and Dasq for listening to ideas and dealing with questions I have about various board related things.

2) Morg for not only being my 'technical adviser' but also being willing to critique my writing and plot ideas. And for appreciating cigars too.

3) Kelly Perris for always saying "Hi".

4) LD and s'Il for listening to my many requests on signatures and my constant tweaking of them. Also for being good sports about story ideas and plot suggestions.

5) Drin Kizael for introducing me to this board in 2001.

6) Darven/Nya for knowing more about Mandalorians than I could ever know. And being a good writer.

7) Ogre for running the board and keeping it going.

8) CMJ for being a fellow UNT grad. Go Mean Green! We'll get out of the cellar at some point. Maybe in 2109.

9) Wyl for being a big hockey fan and chatting with me when I worked the overnights.

10) Estelle/Hera for convincing me to come back to the boards in 2006 and being there are a friend and confidant. There really is no one else I've ever 'connected' with as a writer where our plots and characters just mesh for whatever reason. From E/K to A/K to Hera/Cyrus, I have had so much fun writing with you and hope to continue to do so.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 2nd, 2009, 10:20:38 PM
I appreciate Miranda Tarkin for keeping me sane recently :)

Miranda Tarkin
Jan 3rd, 2009, 12:31:36 AM
I thank Dasquian and Morgan for being awesome sig/avatar helpers! Also, most importantly, for being my friends and listen to me rant when needed! :hug

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 3rd, 2009, 03:17:23 AM
I appreciate Taylor's writing skills and his story outlining skillz! You're very creative and I like being able to peek into the scripting process with you and Estelle in the Rebel forums. I wish I could have more time to read all your roleplays.

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 3rd, 2009, 08:14:18 AM
I appreciate everyone who has the patience to deal with my scatterbrain.

Especially Lilaena.

Emelie Shadowstar
Jan 3rd, 2009, 02:07:18 PM

I appreciate Dasquian...for talking me in to all this and there by keeping me sane. haha.

Pierce Tondry
Jan 3rd, 2009, 05:01:20 PM
I appreciate Wyl and Holly for still wanting me to come back and RP. (side note: one of my New Year's resolutions is to make good on my plans with Wyl)

I appreciate Jenny because all her posts make me laugh. (ALLL OF THEMMM)

I appreciate Dale because she is one of the nicest people IN THE WORLD. (PS, I think of you EVERY TIME I hear "Dani California")

I also appreciate Kazaar for calling me every so often and keeping me updated on what's happening with him.

I appreciate Charley for constantly providing me interesting recipes and activities to try.

I appreciate s'Il for being the kind of person that Something Gulch makes laugh.

And last for now, I appreciate the friends I am on vacation with.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 3rd, 2009, 06:14:14 PM
I appreciate Jenny for contributing to our fantastic WoD roleplays, I always have a blast and she's written some of the most complete and (imo) best roleplay story arcs of the General RPing forum! hugs!

Captain Untouchable
Jan 3rd, 2009, 06:51:55 PM
I appreciate all the people who've put up with my annoying questions, ideas, and pleas for help with setting up far too many characters since I arrived. Dasquian, Miranda and Lilaena in particular have been totally awesome.

I appreciate all the people who've kept me company on AIM, who've listened t my hair-brained schemes without rolling their eyes too much, and who've even at times found themselves bundled along for the ride - that means you, Wyl; you too, Miri!

I appreciate s'Il, partly for pouncing on me the other day for a 'long time no see' chat, and partly because her dotnet stuff continues to give me a good giggle whenever I read it. :D

I also appreciate Justin, particularly the fact that he has to keep waiting for Rosie and I to get around to posting... >_<

Jan 3rd, 2009, 07:05:44 PM
I appreciate Dani for being there for me through a lot of stuff over the last years, and being such a great friend :hug

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 3rd, 2009, 07:06:04 PM
I appreciate Ogre for being a great site owner and administrator. :hug

Jan 4th, 2009, 01:58:32 PM
I appreciate Yog for being someone I can always discuss Oscar related films with. :D

Estelle Russard
Jan 4th, 2009, 02:04:49 PM
I appreciate Eve and Daquiri for their long friendship. And that they always get my stupid jokes :D

Wyl Staedtler
Jan 4th, 2009, 04:01:58 PM
I appreciate Miri for being my late night chat sister and gabbing about kids and men and storylines and every other random thought that crosses our crazy minds. Also for being my other-dimension twin. :D

I appreciate Liam for the frequent phone calls and for the fact that he still talks to me even after I go off on a tangent. ^_^;

I appreciate Christen for being made of awesome in so many ways. Writing with her is such a joy. :glomp

I appreciate Charley for being such an inventive foodie - and for sharing his recipes which are wonderful!

I appreciate Jenny for always creating something interesting to read and making every day brighter with her hilariousness.

I appreciate Morg for his wit and generous spirit.

I appreciate Holly for being there and offering support through so much, particularly this last year. And for swapping mommy stories. :hug

I appreciate Dani for all the snurfles! *snurfles*

I appreciate Kazaar for shooting the breeze about hockey and life and writing; and for creating such an awesome character whose threads are always so well-written and enjoyable.

I appreciate Mark for his friendship through thick and thin, and for being such a fitness inspiration!