View Full Version : Character Summaries to 2009
Jan 2nd, 2009, 02:46:46 PM
Im sure Im not the only person who has a spot of trouble following all the ongoing storylines for the many characters here at SWF. I hope not anyway :rolleyes For example....Darven has a whole backstory of threads apparently that I never realised were there. If a reader isnt directly involved with these characters, it's hard to keep abrest of everything.
So...How about posting a breif summary of your character to date. A general synopsis of who they are and the most recent story arc they are in. You can include thread titles etc so a more indepth look can be taken if wanted.
This doesnt have to be a epic biography - in fact please dont do that. It is a QUICK REFERENCE guide so folks can fast track to what is happening. A cheat-sheet sorta. We can use it like a Library research resource, or something. Im sure you're getting the idea and Im rambling in analogies for no good cause.
Anyway, please help me and other readers who feel they sometimes are trying to herd cats with all the different off-shoots of roleplays.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 2nd, 2009, 02:52:40 PM
Great thread idea! I'll be posting summaries soon. :)
Jan 2nd, 2009, 03:02:36 PM
Hera has been a prisoner of the Inquisitoriate for the past 2-3 years. Due to her having taken refuge and hidden on Myrkr for years to avoid the purge, she had lost her ability to access the force. This phenomenon was something the Imperials wished to examine and monitor in an attempt to understand and control force use. However, she was also kept at the Imperial Citadel in order to teach Tear (himself force-sensitive) in the ways and arts of the Darkside.
The recent return of Tear onto the scene has come about just as Hera is beginning to secretly re-awaken her own force powers. He has an agenda that is not clear, but it involves her and the clones he has created of her, without her knowledge or consent. Hera remains subjugated to the Inquisitoriate, and to Tear, presently unable to assert her own power or will. She is still playing the bide-your-time game, surviving for the present in order to see her own ambitions rise.
(RP forum)
When it all comes undone
The Devils in the Details: Part 1
(Imperial Forums-Inquisitoriate)
Making new Relations
Estelle Russard
Jan 2nd, 2009, 03:16:40 PM
ESTELLE RUSSARD: Rebel Intel Operative.
Estelle Russard is a Rebel Spy, partnered with the loose-cannon Aurelias Kazaar. She has grown from a shy, idealistic student from a priviledged background into a competent undercover rebel operative who recently has been given the charge to lead of a series of missions to uncover a traitor within the Alliance ranks. These missions are Code Named: TOXICITY.
Joining the duo in the dangerous task of rooting out the spy is Mili k'Vik, a Rebel sympathizer who also is a Jedi, brought in by the team leader (known as The Black Man) because of her unique gifts and skills, but also because she is outside the rank and file of the Alliance and is the one person that can truly be trusted.
(Rebel Forums)
Fight Night on Dantooine
(RP Forum)
In Sheeps Clothing
Toxicity: Obas - A prelude to Alarm
Toxicity and a Dark Lady
Toxicity and a Man Overboard
Adelaide Kasperian-Kazaar
Jan 2nd, 2009, 03:32:21 PM
ADELAIDE KASPERIAN-KAZAAR: Bereaved Mother, angry Ex-whatever.
Adelaide's arrival on the scene was a shock to many people, not the least her supposed Ex-husband, Aurelias Kazaar. The two, however, were not officially divorced, and even more surprising was that they had a son, Bren, whom Kazaar never knew of.
Through the evil orchestrations of the gangster Kimiki Crei, Bren, who was a very sick child, was used as a tool for leverage against Aurelias through his ex-ex-wife, Adelaide. Sound complicated? Not really. Bren dies, Kazaar goes nuts and Adelaide swears revenge.
The Kasperian-Kazaar's find a reconcilliation is beyond them, despite Adelaide's open desire for one. Weighed down by sorrow and loss, Del leaves her home on Brentaal and seeks solace in the dirty, dangerous streets of Ord Mantel, teaming up with a local tough-guy, Novus Kota. After time and some lessons in how to kill a man from Kota, Adelaide makes her way back to Imperial Center to exact retribution on the Albino for his actions against her and her family. With the aid of Jason Russard, father of Kazaar's partner Estelle (back to complicated) she is very close to realising her goal.
(RP Forum)
Just when things were going good.
A Bridge to....
There are worse things than lonliness - or so they say.
What's past is Prologue.
Jan 2nd, 2009, 03:35:02 PM
Darven (
Darven is short for Dar'vencuyot, which means "He Who is Without Future" in Mandalorian. He was "born" as RC-1197, one of the three million clone soldiers bred for the Jedi etc... he comes with a full set of accelerated-aging genes, so although he's only about 36, he looks double that age.
In short, he was one of the commandos, ended up in the 501st, and took part in Operation: Knightfall, Anakin's assault on the Jedi Temple. That's where RC-1197's military career ended, too. He killed Nya Halcyon's father, but not before the Jedi could implant in him a last command: to go save his daughter from being killed, too.
He spent several years running from the Empire and Jedi hunters, before finding another Jedi to train the girl he had taken on as a protege. She was trained as a Mandalorian as well as a Jedi, and when she was old enough the two of them were back together as a team of bountyhunters, this time.
Until she found out that he had killed her father, which was when she went a bit nuts and tried to kill him and left him for dead.
He's had a very hard time since: spent some months recuperating physically but he's been eaten up by guilt ever since. He blames himself for her fall from grace (and towards the darkside), and has become a severe loner who spends too much time being bitter about his fate and thinking of the past. Since she left his life (which was sometime in 8BBE, so not exactly yesterday anymore) he's continued on as a bountyhunter, and a while ago this had him running across Nya again, which was not a happy reunion. Recently he's been so unsatisfied with his general situation that he decided to see if the Bounty Hunter's Guild could be re-formed.
There are three separate storylines about him, currently.
Clone Wars Era: In the Shadows of the Republic spin-off Spoils of War (, the Darven of today remembers his first mission on Geonosis when he still thought of himself as RC-1197.
New Order Era: First of a series of RPs on the time Darven as Dar'vencuyot (having cast off his number and with it his allegiance to the army made up of his brothers, and truly feeling like one without a future) spent with Nya Halcyon, Catharsis: Strangers in the Night ( tells of the moments after he killed her father, and his first meeting with her.
Current: Now simply calling himself Darven, a number of RPs exist, starting with the one which has him re-encountering his former protegé in Aay'han (, a word in Mando'a that describes the bittersweet moment of experiencing both mourning and joy.
Then there are the RPs centering around the reformation of the Bounty Hunter's Guild: Recalling the Guild (, and its spin-offs: the meeting with Ecks (, and with Aurelias Kazaar (
Estelle Russard
Jan 2nd, 2009, 03:38:35 PM
Yes, fabulous. Thankyou!
Jan 2nd, 2009, 03:42:06 PM
Most of my chars have somewhat extensive Wiki pages :p Most of Dar's early beginnings are on there.
Nya Halcyon
Jan 2nd, 2009, 04:11:45 PM
Nya Halcyon (
Nya's the daughter of two Jedi who died early in her life: her mother at Geonosis, her father in the Purge. Deserter Darven rescued her from a similar fate and she spent years travelling as his protegé before settling down with a nice Mando family - where she received both training as a Jedi and as a warrior. After coming of age at 13 she rejoined Darven as a bountyhunter and they enjoyed some success together until she found out that he had actually been the one who killed her father.
Possessed of a wild streak and the quintessential Mando short fuse, she tried to kill Darven in a fit of rage, and left him for dead. Unfortunately her family - and trainers - cast her out for a lack of control, so she was forced to change her life. She changed her name to that of Aree Ankarta, tried all kinds of things, joined a mercenary army for a while before returning to bounty hunting; all the while trying to shut out the force and concentrate on her other skills because using the Force got her in trouble.
After a chance meeting brought her across not only Darven, but also an odd stranger by the name of Caran Val Counis, her life has changed a bit again as she's been hired by the latter man's wealthy family to do odd jobs. Recently this brought her to Velusia, going after the bounty of one Ilias Nytrau - a man who she didn't know had any force powers.
She exists in two separate storylines:
New Order Era: First of a series of RPs on the time the child Nya spent with former clone commando Dar'vencuyot (now Darven), Catharsis: Strangers in the Night ( tells of the moment she felt her father die, and her first meeting with her "saviour".
Current: Now going by the name of Aree Ankarta when in public, Nya makes the acquaintance of rich-boy-turned-private-eye Caran Val Counis in odd circumstances, and re-encounters her former partner Darven in Aay'han (
Some months following this, now in the employ of Caran and his wealthy family corporation, she is sent after the bounty of one Dr Jefsran Ollisen in Familiarities and Stranger Things ( (part of the duel threads), unaware that he's really the Jedi Ilias Nytrau.
NOTE: In the current threads, she runs under the name of Nya Halcyon - unless she acts publicly or is asked for her name by someone who doesn't (and shouldn't) know her real identity; then she'll appear as Aree Ankarta.
Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 2nd, 2009, 09:50:40 PM
AURELIAS KAZAAR: Rebel Intel/SpecOps Operative
Aurelias Kazaar is a Rebel spy, considered a loose cannon by some of his employers, partnered with the not-so loose cannon Estelle Russard. Despite his attitude towards most, Kazaar has shown the ability to not only get along, but perform very well with 'The Kid' as his partner. Although he's focused on discovered the traitor within the Rebellion's ranks, he is also dealing with the discovery of losing his only son (someone he never even knew existed) because Kimiiki Crei (a long-time rival turned full-time enemy) decided to use him, his ex-ex-wife Adelaide Kasperian-Kazaar, and Kazaar as toys.
Then there's OPERATION: Toxicity. Kazaar claims to have never been one for 'playing detective', but he, Estelle, and the Force User Milivikal k'Vik have been tasked with the assignment to find who's been feeding information to the Empire.
RP Forum:
Toxicity: Obas, A Prelude to Alarm
Toxicity and a Dark Lady
Toxicity and a Man Overboard
What's Past is Prologue
(Cloud 9 Bar and Grill)
Recalling the Guild: Aurelias
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 3rd, 2009, 07:55:47 AM
Dasquian is a long-time member of the Rebel Alliance who, up until recently, was head of the factions intelligence department. Continuing the theme of doubt and betrayal that has been seen in the 'Toxicity' thread series, Dasquian – along with his ever-present partner Grace Van-Derveld – has been captured by the Galactic Empire, thanks to a Rebel defector (Whill Shaoshin) and the Imperial Truth Minister Sanya Tagge, to whose home the Rebel traitor lead Dasquian and Grace.
Presently, Dasquian is being held as a prisoner on Coruscant, where he is undergoing interrogation by the Inquisitor Rossos Atrapes. His fate following this is uncertain, though the Rebel Alliance has made plainly obvious that they will not sanction a rescue attempt to retrieve the now former Director from the heart of the Galactic Empire, as such a mission would be tantamount to suicide.
The date of his execution continues to draw nearer, with no salvation in sight...
Spies, Liars and Love
Upon Pillars of Salt, Pillars of Sand
Demons Aren't the Only Ones Scared of the Light
Daria Nytherciria
Jan 3rd, 2009, 08:03:56 AM
A member of the small, but steadily growing, Jedi enclave currently based in Cloud City, Daria is a close ally of Lianna Mal Pannis (Navaria Tarkin). Through meditation and working together, the pair have discovered they have a connection in the Force that seems to give them strength. Accustomed to a life of solitude and keeping on the move, Daria has struggled to come to terms with the fact that she is developing an emotional attachment for Lianna.
This struggle comes to a head during a trip to Doldur, the Imperial world upon which Lianna's twin-sister is Moff. In the course of the Jedi's attempts to stop an assassination attempt on Miranda Tarkin, Lianna was thrown from the window of a tower block. Daria manages to wound herself deeply on the broken window, and unknowingly calls upon the power of the Dark Side to stay focus and fight her way free of Miranda's office.
In the aftermath of the trip to Doldur, Daria has distanced herself from Lianna as she begins to doubt herself and her commitment to the Force. Bowing to her fear, she has unknowingly begun to walk a path far closer to the Dark Side than she realises...
Signs and Portents: Mirror On The Wall
She Pick Her Own Way Down That Path (Cloud City)
In the Pursuit of Balance
Salem Ave
Jan 3rd, 2009, 08:23:03 AM
SALEM AVE (AKA DARTH CALLIDUS): Prime Minister of Onderon / Dark Lord of the Sith
Having risen from a mere advisor to the Queen of Onderon, to being Prime Minister for the world, the Arkanian politician Salem Ave is steadily beginning to amass a greater amount of influence in the galaxy. Key amongst his strategies to do this has been securing an alliance between Onderon and the Hapes Consortium, which was facilitated primarily by marrying Razielle Shadana (his apprentice) to the Hapan Crown Prince, Tristan Alastor.
Salem plans to gain control of the Hapes Consortium by systematically removing the current monarchy, starting with the Queen Mother Ishara Alastor, and instating his own daughter (presumed to be the child of Razielle and Tristan) as the new head of the Consortium. In doing so, he will gain a vast naval force which rivals that of the Galactic Empire - a perfect compiment to the Mandalorian army which his apprentice Lilaena De'Ville has sway over.
In addition to this, he continues to expand his coterie of followers, having acquired apprentices in the following characters: Razielle Alastor, Adraudia Basille, and Lilaena De'Ville (who has acquired students of her own), soon to be joined by Victer Dejan and the Villisar Twins.
Our Future Imperfect (KA)
Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall... (KA)
Advocatus Diaboli (KA)
Hunting for Witches (KA)
Bring Me the Head of Ishara Alastor
Miranda Tarkin
Jan 3rd, 2009, 02:44:15 PM
Miranda Tarkin: Empress of the Galactic Empire
Miranda Tarkin has come a long way since being a simple citizen working for COMPNOR as part of the Ministry of Propaganda. Her persuasive personality had won over several political and military figures, resulting in her promotion to Moff of Doldur, and now even more recently, Empress.
She realizes that many enemies will try to undermine her new position based upon greed and bigotry, but in the end, everyone realizes that someone needed to take the throne. The Empire had become stagnant and several individuals were gaining power and money due to this unrest. She would have none of it and as someone the citizens of the Empire could trust, who was deeply loyal and showed conviction in the face of adversity (whether it were against the Rebels or the other Moffs), the Inquisitors backed her as the best candidate for the throne.
Miranda had recently learned of the existence of a twin sister. She has been shaken by this news and has ordered the Inquisitors to find this Lianna at all costs. She will be paying her mother a visit for a more detailed explanation. Miranda has also married in secret to her long time childhood friend and lover, Sorsha Kasajian. In public, her marriage is to another childhood friend, Gallus Tagge. He serves as stable public figure in the eyes of her people. He and his sister, Sanya, have pledged themselves to Miranda, ensuring their loyalty to her reign.
Signs and Portents: Mirror On The Wall
Dealing in Absolutes
Daughter of the Empire: A Rise to Power
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 3rd, 2009, 06:59:35 PM
Raised as a Jedi, though taught the Dark side, Lilaena recently was confronted by Salem Ave/Darth Callidus with her true nature. Still seeking as much power as she can get, she realized that to fulfill her destiny she needed to ally herself closely with him. She became his apprentice, Darth Malleus (the hammer).
He has taken her to Dxun, to explore the tomb of dead Sith Lord Freedon Nadd together.
She is also the leader, Mandalore, of the Onderon Mandalorians. These Mandalorians are separate from any other clans in the galaxy. At the time they were stranded on Onderon they were almost the last of their kind, although this is not true any more.
Lilaena has also traveled to Mustafar, where she encountered Adia Issoris.
Most recently she was on Klatooine brokering a deal for new weapons to outfit her Mandalorians, as their weapons and armor are quite outdated and in some cases broken beyond repair. It isn't clear at this point if she did this with permission from the leaders of Onderon. Lilaena also bought a slave, a fierce Orrxyian female who showed Force potential in a Hutt's arena fight.
In the near future she will be traveling with Darth Anxia (Razielle) and her child to the Hapes Cluster, to assassinate the Queen.
(Kuklos Ataxia forums)
God Given
(Roleplaying forum)
Duel of the Fates: Mustafar
Let the Games Begin
Lamar Starworth
Jan 3rd, 2009, 10:52:31 PM
Lamar Winfield has gone from a simple college student to an AWOL Imperial in only a matter of years. Through the revelation of his Force-sensitivity and tact, he has developed through the troubling times after the fall of the Emperor to work behind the enemy's lines. Initially he was just a lowly Bounty Hunter, but with the studies he gained from his late aunt's Great Holocron and crafted lightsaber he rose up the ranks suspiciously fast.
Since the explosion of the Academy he had been trained in, very little data remained of his high midichlorian count until he revealed himself. The young Colonel, at the age of 19, after a range of battles across the galaxy exposed his skills as a Force-user to Miranda Tarkin. Afterwards his special case was handled by the INQ in hopes of re-developing him as a personalized asset to the Empire. In time as an agent he assassinated Rebel officers, and officals, before eventually going rogue. As of now he is on the run from the Empire, and in search of refuge with those like him.
Empire's Black Bone!
A Smile at Death on Doldur
Black Knight on White Square
Jan 3rd, 2009, 11:20:07 PM
KALE (unalligned Force adept, soon to be Jedi padawan)
Kale was raised in the slums of Coruscant by his mother, Onika Zarinova, a former padawan and survivor of the Jedi Purge. When Onika realized that Kale had inherited her sensitivity to the Force, she began to train him in secret. But, shortly after Kale's tenth birthday, Onika was discovered by Imperial agents and disappeared. Kale struck out into the Coruscant streets and developed his skills as a pickpocket and petty thief to survive.
Four years later, Kale encountered a Jedi padawan named Lorca Dawnstone. The two fell out of contact briefly until Kale began experiencing vivid dreams about his mother's memories. He decided to seek Lorca's help once more and, in the process, broke Lorca out of the custody of bounty hunters in the Coruscant undercity (Broken and Bound (
After hearing about Kale's dreams, Lorca agreed to accompany Kale on his quest to find the places from his mother's memories and to reassemble his mother's lightsaber. On their way to Dantooine, Lorca trained Kale in Force meditation; unfortunately, they also encountered Dark Jedi Lilaena De'Ville, who separated the two young adepts (Intersections of Light and Dark (
Spooked, Kale decided to pursue his dreams on his own. While on his way to Subterrel, his transport was unexpectedly diverted to Bespin. There, he tried to pick the pocket of Jedi Master Navaria Tarkin. Tarkin managed to chase the boy down, but, rather than prosecute him, invited him to join the enclave of Jedi that had sought refuge in Cloud City. The Jedi master would eventually take Kale as her padawan learner (Head in the Clouds (
Jan 11th, 2009, 03:38:07 PM
These are all great, you guys.
Keep 'em coming people.
Jesimae Lawson
Jan 11th, 2009, 05:20:20 PM
An ex-bounty hunter with hardships and losses as long as her arm. Sister to a murdered brother, she has spent most of her life avenging his death until she and her lover found him alive on Naboo. There a confrontation was settled by Jesimae's lover killed Jabari Phoenix. Afterwards, life went on with her being a housewife and caretaker of Taro Lawson's extensive family and she was soon married.
Since their marriage, Jesimae moved to Naboo with Taro to lose her past of merciless killings and gambling. A few months in, she was soon to give birth to a daughter, sadly it was murdered by her angered brother. After she finally killed him for the last time she left Naboo and everything she had grown accustomed to behind, going back to her roots in Coruscant and rehashing old rivalries and friends as well as enemies. Jesimae is presumed single, dangerous, and very bored with her life which causes a lot of possibility to her newfound reckless behavior and massive chip on her shoulder.
She is now back into bountying, gambling, and chain smoking as well as patching up her loneliness.
How I Could Just Kill A Man
Orenji no Taiyou
The Lawson Effect
Murphy's Law
Adia Issoris
Jan 11th, 2009, 06:53:46 PM
Adia is the disenfranchised former Hand of the Emperor. Through momentum, she continued to perform her duty as perhaps his most elite hunter of Force users.
She encountered Lianna Mal Pannis after tracking her down from Dantooine to Bakura ( (Barrel of a Gun), but found her actions hollow. She and Lianna agree to help one another reconnect with lost family. They end up on Umgul, where Lianna recieves a badly needed makover (The Assassin, the Jedi, and the Wardrobe Update ( and instruction on how to mimic her sister. They end up on Cato Neimoidia and pick up a Padawan during a speeder accident (Pit Stop ( They journey to Coruscant, where Lianna finally meets her mother (Mother and Child Reunion ( To celebrate the smooth sailing they dine at a nice resteraunt but end up Abducted ( They're handed off to a Rebel agent but the next hand off goes sour(Here and Back Again ( Adia and Lianna arrive to Vortex to meet the other Jedi, but it goes sour when Adia nearly kills Morgan(Convergence ( Adia and Morgan reconcile in her delirious state in (Strange Beginnings ( Morgan and Adia spend some time together, but find out Vortex is no longer safe (Panic Now, Avoid the Rush (
This leads to Signs and Portents: To Save a Soul ( , Mirror on the Wall (
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