View Full Version : The Most Awards 2008

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 1st, 2009, 01:40:48 PM
I know someone did 'Mister and Miss SW-Fans 2008' and there's the 'you don't know the joy' thread in the RP discussion forum, but apparently this is different. So I'll do it this year. Although I copied most of it from Karl's post from last year.

However, I will give a deadline of January 21th for nominations to be in.

Rules are the same as they were when started in 2005:

1. You can only nominate one character for each category. Example being most Sith like you can only nominate one character. Not all the characters you feel fit the title.

2. Nominated characters must have at least one or two roleplays/threads that they've participated in which show their character.

I dont really want someones character who has been sitting in the background to get nominated when they've done nothing.

3. Characters nominated should be characters from this timeline. Not pre-reset.

4. For categories like Most Sith like, Jedi like I'm looking for more of a movie likeness. The way the Jedi acted in the movies not in EU.

If anyone else has any ideas for a sensible rule post it.

The Categories:

-Most Jedi-like: For those that play Jedi on the boards it would be interesting to see who thinks who resembles a Jedi dealing with the old Jedi. Adhering to the code, not giving into emotions etc.

-Most active roleplaygroup/faction: Rebels, Imperials, Black Nebula/Sun, Jedi, Sith. This would be a kinda tricky one to figure out but I think "most active" would describe it's members acting on the factions behalf in the swfans community.

-Most Innocent: What character on the boards is the most innocent dealing with the world around him/her.

-Most dangerous: Self explainitory

-Most Dangerous group: A pack of Dark siders, Inquisitoriate, Shadow Squadron, Rogue Squadron, Gang within the Blacksun. That type of thing.

-Scariest Character

-Most Brave/Heroic

-Best bounty hunter: Unlike 2007 there are plenty of hunters out there now. Or more than two.

-Lowlife of the universe: The nastiest, most devious, or maybe cheapest, rudest, most irritating guy/gal.

-Biggest Reputation: Good or bad who's reputation in our universe perceieves the character.

-Most Influential: who can snap their fingers and make things just happen?

-Most Sith like:

-Most Imperial (Faction specific)

-Best Rebel (Faction Specific)

-Best Gangster (Faction Specific)


Roleplay/Story Specific: Just name the thread and the scene explaining what happened and why it applies to the category.

Same rules as above. One thread/Scene per Category.

Best Ongoing Storyline:

Best Fight/Battle Scene:

Saddest/Happiest Scene:

Comedic Scene:

Suspenseful Scene:

Best Dialogue:

Best Imagery:

Best Thread Title:

Best Newcomer (character, not roleplayer):

Best 'Didn't See That Coming' moment:

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 1st, 2009, 02:47:02 PM
I like this thread :) My votes are not complete, but I'll edit in more later!

-Most Jedi-like: Navaria Tarkin

-Most active roleplaygroup/faction: The Rebellion :cool:

-Most Innocent: Tak

-Most Dangerous: Lilaena De'Ville

-Most Dangerous group: Inquisitoriate

-Scariest Character:

-Most Brave/Heroic: Grace Van-Derveld

-Best Bounty Hunter: Darven

-Lowlife of the universe: Dan the Man / Darth Decepis

-Biggest Reputation: Miranda Tarkin

-Most Influential: Miranda Tarkin

-Most Sith like:

-Most Imperial (Faction specific): Tear

-Best Rebel (Faction Specific): Estelle Russard

-Best Gangster (Faction Specific): OW Outcast

-Sexiest: Razielle Alastor

Roleplay/Story Specific:

Best Ongoing Storyline:

Best Fight/Battle Scene: Signs And Portents: Mirror On The Wall (Lianna vs. Vega)

Saddest/Happiest Scene:
Sad -
Happy -

Comedic Scene:

Suspenseful Scene: Years From Now: The Hammer (Salem and Lilaena)

Best Dialogue:

Best Imagery:

Best Thread Title: Brash Blackadder and the Seasick Kid

Best Newcomer (character, not roleplayer): Rossos Atrapes

Best 'Didn't See That Coming' moment: s'Ilancy's fall to the Dark Side

Estelle Russard
Jan 1st, 2009, 05:00:31 PM
I like this thread, too. I'd like to add some catagories:


BEST NEW COMER (as in character, not roleplayer.)


Dasquian Belargic
Jan 1st, 2009, 05:06:40 PM
Good suggestions, definitely. I'll let Aurelias add them in where he wants to :)

Jan 1st, 2009, 05:44:35 PM
Not complete either, will add in more later.

-Most Jedi-like: Serena Laran

-Most active roleplaygroup/faction: Rebels

-Most Innocent: Tak

-Most dangerous: Rossos Atrapes

-Most Dangerous group: The Inquisitoriate

-Scariest Character: Dan/Decepis

-Most Brave/Heroic: S'Ilancy

-Best bounty hunter: Aurelias Kazaar (even if he claims he's an EX-Bountyhunter)

-Lowlife of the universe: Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta

-Biggest Reputation: Miranda Tarkin

-Most Influential: The Inquisitoriate (as a whole)

-Most Sith like: Decepis

-Most Imperial: Miranda Tarkin

-Best Rebel: Grace & Dasquian (as a team)

-Best Gangster: Kimiiki Crei (okay, he's an NPC but he's still the best!)

-Sexiest: Milivikal k'Vik

Roleplay/Story Specific:

Best Ongoing Storyline: Toxicity

Best Fight/Battle Scene: Aurelias Kazaar vs Kajeela Tarrruurri in "Duel of the Fates: Past Crimes - Tatooine"

Saddest/Happiest Scene:
Saddest: Grace realising she can't save Dasquian in "Spies, Liars and Love" (I had Adelaide's killing of Crei instead of that, but that's technically in 09 so it'll have to wait)
Happiest: Salem Ave and Razielle Shadana undergoing their own special marriage ceremony in "Til Death Do Us Part"

Comedic Scene: - undecided -

Suspenseful Scene: Ilias' and Oa Umi'u's nighttime meeting in "Ghost of a Good Thing"

Best Dialogue: Anything between Kazaar, Estelle and Milli

Best Imagery: Akasha Kahn's fight scenes in "Let the Games Begin"

Best Thread Title: "Revenge is a dish best served with fish flavored ice cream: The Duel on Dagobah"

Best Newcomer (character, not roleplayer): Rossos Atrapes

Best 'Didn't See That Coming' moment: Dan turning out to be Decepis

Estelle Russard
Jan 1st, 2009, 09:31:03 PM
Most Jedi-like: Serena Laran

-Most active roleplaygroup/faction: The Rebellion

-Most Innocent: Tak

-Most Dangerous: Salem Ave

-Most Dangerous group: Inquisitoriate

-Scariest Character: Vega VanDerveld

-Most Brave/Heroic: s'Il

-Best Bounty Hunter: Ecks

-Lowlife of the universe: Cyrus Haman

-Biggest Reputation: Miranda Tarkin

-Most Influential: The Inquisitoriate

-Most Sith like: Darth Decepsis

-Most Imperial (Faction specific):
Karl Valten - Inquisitoriate
Telen Desaria - Fleet
Tear - Best comeback.

-Best Rebel (Faction Specific): Aurelias Kazaar

-Best Gangster (Faction Specific): Kimiki Crei (I agree with Darven)

M: Morgan Evanar
F: Mili k'Vik

Roleplay/Story Specific:

Best Ongoing Storyline: The Tarkin Empress storyline.

Best Fight/Battle Scene: Duel of Fates thread series in its entirety. Honorable mention to Zenas Codrey for some of his posts in the Prison Break thread with myself.

Saddest/Happiest Scene:
Sad: "The Scribes Apprentice" s'Il sending Tak away.
Happy: "Making new Friends" when Crestmere and Cyrus meet. This makes me happy as they are both of them deserving of the other :)

Comedic Scene: "Fight Night on Dantooine" - The entrance made by Dasquian and Grace in pimpedout threads.

Suspenseful Scene: Waiting Karl's post in "Years from now" thread..:p

Best Dialogue: In "The Boy who Lived" and "Brash Blackadder and the Seasick kid" Acacius Blade & Abarai Loki.

Best Imagery: Tear in "When it all comes undone"

Best Thread Title: The Amazing Adventures of the Inexplicable Shirt Ninja: First Issue.

Best Newcomer (character, not roleplayer): Jane Starborn

Best 'Didn't See That Coming' moment:
Personally: Tear's return being revealed.
Boardwise: Tarkin being named Empress.

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 1st, 2009, 10:17:32 PM
-Most Jedi-like: Daria Nytherciria

-Most active roleplaygroup/faction: Rebel Alliance

-Most Innocent: Wyl

-Most dangerous: Milivikal k'Vik

-Most Dangerous group: The Empire

-Scariest Character: Vega Van-Derveld

-Most Brave/Heroic: Dasquian Belargic and Grace Van-Derveld (as a team)

-Best bounty hunter: Ecks

-Lowlife of the universe: Dan the Man

-Biggest Reputation: Dasquian Belargic

-Most Influential: Miranda Tarkin

-Most Sith like: Darth Decepis/Dan the Man

-Most Imperial: Tear

-Best Rebel: Estelle Russard

-Best Gangster: Sorsha

-Sexiest: Hera DrenKast

Roleplay/Story Specific:

Best Ongoing Storyline: Dasquian's capture by the Empire and Grace's rescue

Best Fight/Battle Scene: Estelle vs. Zenas on Kessel

Saddest/Happiest Scene: s'Il's fall to the Dark Side.

Comedic Scene: MMU reactivating for the first time in ages.

Suspenseful Scene: s'Il stripping Byl of his memories.

Best Dialogue: Wyl and Tak.

Best Imagery: RC-1197 describing the dead.

Best Thread Title: The SW-Fans Holiday Special

Best Newcomer (character, not roleplayer):

Board-wise: Darven
Personally: Adelaide Kasperian-Kazaar

Best 'Didn't See That Coming' moment:

Personally: s'Ilancy's fall to the Dark Side
Board-wise: Dasquian's capture by the Imperials.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 1st, 2009, 10:39:47 PM
-Most Jedi-like: Navaria Tarkin/Lianna Mal Pannis

-Most active roleplay faction: The Alliance

-Most Innocent: Tak

-Most dangerous: Tear

-Most Dangerous group: The Inquisitorate

-Scariest Character: Vega Van-Derveld (he's unpredictable!)

-Most Brave/Heroic: Wyl Staedtler

-Best bounty hunter: Darven

-Lowlife of the universe: Smitty

-Biggest Reputation: Tear

-Most Influential: Miranda Tarkin

-Most Sith like: Salem Ave

-Most Imperial (Faction specific) Karl Varten

-Best Rebel (Faction Specific) Grace Van-Derveld

-Best Gangster (Faction Specific) Sasseeri Reeouurrra

-Sexiest Sanjis Prrrent :cat

Roleplay/Story Specific:

Best Ongoing Storyline: Dasquian's capture by the Empire

Best Fight/Battle Scene: I still think the Post Script: The Battle of Endor ( has the best fighter pilot action ever, but for a recent thread I'll go with Signs and Portents: Mirror on the Wal ( ( between Vega, Daria, Miranda, Valten's guards etc, Lianna, and Adia. Just chock fulla it!

Saddest/Happiest Scene: Spies, Liars, and Love ( Grace reacting to Dasquian being taken out of reach of a rescue :cry

Comedic Scene: Merr-Sonn, Merr-Sonn, That's a Big One ( - Smitty and Sal find a surprise in their ship!

Suspenseful Scene: Old Friends, New Enemies ( - When will Bette find out that Kelly is working for the Rebellion!? And... what will happen??

Best Dialogue: anything with Aurelias and Estelle

Best Imagery: When it All Comes Undone (

Best Thread Title: For a Lack of Crunchables (Cloud 9)

Best Newcomer (character, not roleplayer): Akasha Kahn

Best 'Didn't See That Coming' moment: s'Ilancy's fall to the darkside :eek

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 2nd, 2009, 01:48:20 AM
(I like how you set the rules "nominate just one", Taylor, and then you nominate multiples :lol)

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 2nd, 2009, 10:40:51 AM
Do as I say, not as I do :p

Edit: Unless I fix my nominations, then do as I do :p

Jan 6th, 2009, 08:54:27 PM
Most Awards 2008

-Most Jedi-like: -Undecided Yet-

-Most active roleplaygroup/faction: Rebels
Rebel scum but very active rebel scum.

-Most Innocent: Wyl Staedtler

-Most dangerous: Lilaena De'Ville

-Most Dangerous group: Inquisitoriate.
Although I see this changing in the future with the rising of several other groups namely: Kuklos Ataxia and possibly the reforming Bounty hunter guild.

-Scariest Character: Vega Van-Derveld
Unpredictable and the need for wanton destruction.

-Most Brave/Heroic: Dasquian Belargic

-Best bounty hunter: Darven
I haven't read many threads with bounty hunters to be honest but on seeing things being put into motion. I have to give props to the one causing the hustle and move.

-Lowlife of the universe: -Undecided Yet-

-Biggest Reputation: Miranda Tarkin
The new face of the Empire. No doubt it will give the politician wanted and unwanted attention.

-Most Influential: Miranda Tarkin
Being Empress has its perks.

-Most Sith like: Salem Ave

-Most Imperial: Telan Desaria

-Best Rebel: Estelle Russard
University student gone Rebel.

-Best Gangster: Sasseeri Reeouurra
Im biased but shes so fun to read you can never get enough of sassy Sasseeri.

-Sexiest: Hera

Roleplay/Story Specific:

Best Ongoing Storyline: "Toxicity" by Kazaar, Mil, and Estelle.
Especially their latest chapter which is loads of entertaining.

Best Fight/Battle Scene: Estelle Vs Zenas in "Duel of the Fates: Prison Break - Kessel"
This was a hard choice being there has been tons of fight threads in just the last few months. Including the "Duel of the fates" series, The epic "Signs And Portents: Mirror On The Wall", with good mention to "To Hunt the Hunter" with Zenas and Rossos.

Saddest/Happiest Scene:
- Happiest: Wyl Staedtler in his opening post for "SwFans-Holiday Special"
- Saddest: Jordana Jax in "Rough Beginnings"

Comedic Scene: Jordana meeting Q'ark in "Rough Beginnings"

Suspenseful Scene: Si'l and Vega meeting during the rescue in "Into the rabbit's hole."

Best Dialogue: Estelle, Kazaar, and Milli in the "Toxicity" series.

Best Imagery: "Rough Beginnings" by Jordana Jax

Best Thread Title: Panic Now, Avoid the Rush: A Children's Illustrated Guide

Best Newcomer (character, not roleplayer): Rossos Atrapes

Best 'Didn't See That Coming' moment: S'Ilancy's fall to the Dark Side

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 10th, 2009, 12:30:23 AM
@_@ I suck at this voting stuff, but I'll try ... later :)

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 10th, 2009, 12:36:02 AM
Btw. I extended the deadline until the 14th so more votes could be put in.

Come ON people! :p

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 10th, 2009, 02:18:13 AM
I can never narrow it down and vote on all the categories. :uhoh

MORE people need to vote though! :shakefist

Lamar Starworth
Jan 10th, 2009, 02:39:48 AM
- Most Jedi-like: Serena Laran

-Most active roleplaygroup/faction: The Rebellion

-Most Innocent: Tak

-Most Dangerous: Tear

-Most Dangerous group: Inquisitoriate

-Scariest Character: Vega VanDerveld

-Most Brave/Heroic: Navaria Tarkin

-Best Bounty Hunter: Ecks

-Lowlife of the universe: Cyrus Haman

-Biggest Reputation: Miranda Tarkin

-Most Influential: The Empire

-Most Sith like: Darth Decepsis

-Most Imperial (Faction specific):
Karl Valten

-Best Rebel (Faction Specific): Estelle Russard

-Best Gangster (Faction Specific): Undecided

-Sexiest: Mili k'Vik

Roleplay/Story Specific:

Best Ongoing Storyline: Salem's Rise to Power

Best Fight/Battle Scene: Still Undecided

Saddest/Happiest Scene:

Comedic Scene:

Suspenseful Scene: "Years from now"

Best Dialogue: Undecided

Best Imagery:

Best Thread Title: "Revenge is a dish best served with fish flavored ice cream - THE DUEL ON DAGOBAH" by Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta

Best Newcomer (character, not roleplayer): Darven

Best 'Didn't See That Coming' moment: Tear's return

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 13th, 2009, 01:26:56 PM
Next to last day for nominations. Come on people nominate someone! :0

Rossos Atrapes
Jan 13th, 2009, 05:08:40 PM
Tear threatened to whip me. Help! :uhoh

- Most Jedi-like: Serena Laran

-Most active roleplaygroup/faction: The Rebellion
As Tear said. Scum, but active scum.

-Most Innocent: Wyl Staedtler

-Most Dangerous: Tear

-Most Dangerous group: Inquisitoriate

-Scariest Character: Karl Valten
That fanaticism will be the foundation for many an atrocity.

-Most Brave/Heroic: Dasquian Belargic. Dude's got guts.

-Best Bounty Hunter: Haven't really read up on the past Bounty Hunting threads, so I reserve judgement.

-Lowlife of the universe: Undecided

-Biggest Reputation: The Inquisitoriate.
Hushed whispers are turning into a low drone.

-Most Influential: The Empire

-Most Sith like: Darth Decepis/Dan the Man

-Most Imperial (Faction specific): Karl Valten

-Best Rebel (Faction Specific): Jane Starborn

-Best Gangster (Faction Specific): Kal Olorin
He fits my image of a gangster to a T.

-Sexiest: Oh dear. So many pretty ladies... Uhm.... Uhmm.... DANGER! DANGER! DANGER WILL ROBINSON! CRITICAL ERROR IN PROCESSOR FOUND! AUTOMATIC SHUT DOWN SEQUENCE IN 3... 2... 1... -------------

Roleplay/Story Specific:

Best Ongoing Storyline: Toxicity w/ Aurelias, Estelle, and Milivikal.

Best Fight/Battle Scene: Estelle vs. Zenas

Saddest/Happiest Scene:
Saddest: Jordana Jax's entire first post.
Happiest: Wyl Staedtler singing in "SW Fans Holiday Special"

Comedic Scene: -----------

Suspenseful Scene: Undecided

Best Dialogue: Anything between Aurelias and Adelaide.

Best Imagery: Undecided.

Best Thread Title: Panic Now, Avoid the Rush: A Childrens Illustrated Guide (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18180)

Best Newcomer (character, not roleplayer): Dunno.

Best 'Didn't See That Coming' moment: A bit too new, I guess; most everything went over my head.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 13th, 2009, 10:36:14 PM
-Most Jedi-like: Serena Laran

-Most active roleplaygroup/faction: Year of the Rebels.

-Most Innocent: Tak

-Most dangerous: Tear

-Most Dangerous group: Inquisitoriate. This year, it was awful news for Rebels and unaffiliated Force users. Next year they're going to have a run for their money.

-Scariest Character: Hera

-Most Brave/Heroic: Lianna Mal Pannis

-Best bounty hunter: Darven

-Lowlife of the universe: Smitty

-Biggest Reputation: Miranda

-Most Influential: Miranda

-Most Sith like: Decipis/Ave for the tie. They manipulate harder.

-Most Imperial (Faction specific): Valten

-Best Rebel (Faction Specific): Estelle

-Best Gangster (Faction Specific): Kal

-Sexiest : Razzy

Best Ongoing Storyline: Toxicity

Best Fight/Battle Scene: Duel of the Fates: Past Crimes (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18507)

Saddest/Happiest Scene: Tak is sent away :X

Comedic Scene:

Suspenseful Scene: What's Past is Prologue (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showpost.php?p=291026&postcount=17)
Best Dialogue: All That Glitters (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=17604) Smitty is a giant jerk and the thread is better for it.

Best Imagery:

Best Thread Title: "Revenge is a dish best served with fish flavored ice cream - THE DUEL ON DAGOBAH" by Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta

Best Newcomer (character, not roleplayer): Darven

Best 'Didn't See That Coming' moment - Dasquian's capture by the Imperials.

Miranda Tarkin
Jan 13th, 2009, 10:38:58 PM
can this just wait till the end of the month >_>

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 13th, 2009, 10:53:17 PM
Can this just what? O_o

Jan 13th, 2009, 10:55:37 PM
can this just flop around on its belly wearing a penguin suit till the end of the month >_>

That should do it!

Dallas Walker
Jan 13th, 2009, 10:57:30 PM
I'm sad because this is all SW people and I don't rp SW anymore :(

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 13th, 2009, 11:17:25 PM
Yeah, if we could extend this some, it would help. I'm going to be swamped at work all the rest of the week, and so my time is gonna be a little scarce, but I still want to put in my votes come the weekend :\

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 13th, 2009, 11:29:09 PM
I'm sad because this is all SW people and I don't rp SW anymore :(

And that stops you from creating your own version of 'The Most Awards' for non-SW writers because why...? ;)

Fine fine people I'll extend it another week. Yeesh, lazy bums :p

Dallas Walker
Jan 13th, 2009, 11:35:16 PM
Because I dont start "Favorites" contests? That would be the numero uno reason...plus it would be just as limited as this one, since so few people are involved in the Xmen rp.

Miranda Tarkin
Jan 13th, 2009, 11:35:27 PM
Dru only said that because I won't tell him who the gungan is XD

Jane Starborn
Jan 19th, 2009, 04:08:21 PM
Come on you lazy bums! Its been postponed and extended for ya, so get a move on! :p

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 19th, 2009, 06:00:27 PM
For now this is what I have. I'll edit in the rest soon.

Most Jedi-like: Serena Laran

Most active roleplaygroup/faction: Rebels

Most Innocent: Wyl

Most dangerous: Tear

Most Dangerous group: Inquisitoriate

Scariest Character: Vega Van--Derveld

Most Brave/Heroic: Dasquian Belargic

Best bounty hunter: Ecks

Lowlife of the universe: Byl Laprovik

Biggest Reputation: TBD

Most Influential: Miranda Tarkin

Most Sith like: Darth Decepis

Most Imperial: Karl Valten

Best Rebel: Grace Van-Derveld

Best Gangster: Sasseeri

Sexiest: Mili

Roleplay/Story Specific

Best Ongoing Storyline: Salem and LD

Best Fight/Battle Scene: TBD

Saddest Scene: When Bren dies

Happiest Scene: Wyl's singing in the Fans Holiday Special

Comedic Scene: When Wyl meets Tak

Suspenseful Scene: TBD

Best Dialogue: The Russard family at breakfast

Best Imagery: TBD

Best Thread Title: The Lies that Bind

Best Newcomer (character, not roleplayer): Jane Starborn

Best 'Didn't See That Coming' moment: Das' capture

J'ktal Anajii
Jan 20th, 2009, 12:01:00 AM
Aww, I haven't done any RP, like, almost at all this year, and I've not been reading many, either.

Looks like Mitch don't really get to vote. =(

Jan 20th, 2009, 04:43:34 PM
*Sounds the buzzer*

Estelle Russard
Jan 23rd, 2009, 07:59:40 PM
I kept thinking...Who is this TBD?? :rolleyes

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 23rd, 2009, 08:05:18 PM
Now just to figure out how the polls will be set up. Since I don't think we can do multiple polls in one thread...

Jan 23rd, 2009, 08:29:01 PM
Could always count the nominations as votes themselves I suppose.

Or we could make a pole for each category and a link to a corresponding thread for people to read. Then decide.

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 23rd, 2009, 09:08:28 PM
I'm thinking open the polls for a week or two (starting Sunday) for each category. Or something. *shrug*

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 24th, 2009, 12:29:34 AM
You can't do multiple polls in one thread, nope. :)

These awards have never progressed beyond nominations before though, I'm excited to actually have voting. :D

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 24th, 2009, 12:59:55 AM
I thought it was just figured up like a tally, but then again it's like Holly says; we've never gotten any farther than the nominations.

Rossos Atrapes
Jan 24th, 2009, 12:50:37 PM
I had a thought that we could spoof the Oscars by having something like an IC Most Awards show, but depending on how the voting occurs... unless the polling results could be made private, and then revealed later?

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 24th, 2009, 01:06:01 PM
I don't think they can be. Poll for Most Jedi-like I up. If someone else wants to post another poll go right ahead.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 24th, 2009, 01:15:15 PM
I had a thought that we could spoof the Oscars by having something like an IC Most Awards show, but depending on how the voting occurs... unless the polling results could be made private, and then revealed later?It sounds interesting, but time consuming.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 24th, 2009, 01:38:17 PM
I thought this was the voting thread? o_O

Morgan Evanar
Jan 24th, 2009, 02:17:12 PM
It would be easier to tally who put what instead of voting again.

Aree Ankarta
Jan 24th, 2009, 02:24:07 PM
I thought this was the voting thread? o_O

No, it's the Nomination thread :p

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 24th, 2009, 02:25:13 PM
Everyone here posted who they would vote for in each category.. so we already have the results of who votes for who. Making a seperate poll for each thing is just overkill, IMO.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 24th, 2009, 02:26:45 PM

That right there. I'm in the same bout as Mr. Devilishly-Handsome, there.

Aree Ankarta
Jan 24th, 2009, 02:30:40 PM
Yeah, I think it's a bit silly, too. Votes threads should only be necessary when two people have the same amount of nominations.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 24th, 2009, 02:33:16 PM
In which case, let me begin tallying the votes...

Most Jedi-like
WINNER: Serena Laran

Most Active Roleplay Group/Faction
WINNER: The Rebel Alliance

Most Innocent

Most Dangerous

Most Dangerous Group
WINNER: The Inquisitoriate

Scariest Character
WINNER: Vega "Babies for Breakfast" Van-Derveld

Most Brave/Heroic
WINNER: Dasquian Belargic

Best Bounty Hunter
WINNER: Darven and Ecks - it's a tie!

Lowlife of the Universe
WINNER: Cyrus Haman, Dan the Man and Smitty. I guess we have a lot of high quality scum!

Biggest Reputation
WINNER: Empress Miranda "Face of the Empire" Tarkin

Most Influential
WINNER: Empress Miranda "The Galaxy is my Play-thing" Tarkin

Most Sith-like
WINNER: "Dastardly" Darth Decepis

Most Imperial
WINNER: Karl "Ein Zwei Ein Zwei Build an Empire!" Valten

Best Rebel
WINNER: Estelle "Daddy's Girl" Russard

Best Gangster
WINNER: Sasseeri "Tickle my Tummy :D" Reeouurra

WINNER: Milivikal "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" k'Vik

Best Ongoing Storyline
WINNER: Toxicity

Best Fight Scene
WINNER: Duel of the Fates: Prison Break - Kessel

Jan 24th, 2009, 04:30:52 PM
Tear steps out onto center stage with several golden envelopes tight in hand.

"Ahem. As an Imperial I am well suited to play my part in the larger scheme of the galaxy. But there are times when you have to stop, and pay tribute to those special moments that...that." The Inquisitor squints, "I ...I cant read the tele. No, I'm saying its too small. What do you mean 'just continue', fix the problem. That is your job isn't it? Am I mistaken?"

The Grand Inquisitor's scowling face flushes an angry red as he stands with hands not so patiently clasped behind the small of his back.

His eyes brigthen suddenly with a small sense of surprise and relief. "Oh there it goes. Sorry about that ladies and gentlemen. You know technology, its great when its working but, oh boy when it stops.

Here are the winners for..." He sighs defeatedly into the mic. "There it goes again." Tear tosses the golden envelopes into the crowd. "YOU READ IT THEN. I don't even get paid for this frelling gig."

Saddest/Happiest Scene:

SAD: Amazingly its a three way tie.
Grace realising she can't save Dasquian in "Spies, Liars and Love" -2
Si'l in "The Scribes Apprentice" - 2
Jordana Jax in "Rough Beginnings" - 2

All three of which received two votes each. Congrats!

Breaking away by two votes is,
Wyl Staedtler in his opening post for "SwFans-Holiday Special"

Comedic Scene:
All winners in this category as no nominee received more then one vote.

"Fight Night on Dantooine" - The entrance made by Dasquian and Grace in pimpedout threads.

MMU reactivating for the first time in ages.

Merr-Sonn, Merr-Sonn, That's a Big One - Smitty and Sal find a surprise in their ship!

Jordana meeting Q'ark in "Rough Beginnings"

When Wyl meets Tak in Circle Circle Dot Dot now I got my cootie shot

Suspenseful Scene:
Close category with the winner breaking away to win with just one vote!
Years From Now: The Hammer (Salem and Lilaena)

Best Dialogue:
By a landslide,Anything between Kazaar, Estelle with Milli in for good mention.

Best Imagery:
One of the least voted categories, which is odd since there are so many threads out there with outstanding imagery.
"When it all comes undone."

Best Thread Title:
Pulling away with three votes."Revenge is a dish best served with fish flavored ice cream: The Duel on Dagobah"

Best Newcomer (character, not roleplayer):
Its a two way tie! With three votes each.
Rossos Atrapes

Best 'Didn't See That Coming' moment:
With a total of four votess'Ilancy's fall to the Dark Side

Thats it. Thats all folks! Congrats to the weenars. Is it safe to say we can have a tie? or should we do poll results for those that tied to try and find a winner?

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 24th, 2009, 04:44:40 PM
Oh Tear, you're such a wonderful presenter. And such a presence while on stage!

I think the ties should remain as is. And the Wyl meeting Tak scene is from Circle Circle Dot Dot now I got my cootie shot

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 24th, 2009, 04:48:00 PM
..you showboater :mneh

I kid, I kid. Thanks for finishing up for me, Tear - and 'grats to everyone. We wrote some great stuff in '08. Let's make '09 even better :cool

Estelle Russard
Jan 24th, 2009, 04:49:41 PM
:lol Tear...you just kill me.

And...Im not such a Daddy's girl am I??

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 24th, 2009, 05:05:57 PM
I think for his post alone, we need to make a 'Tear Award'.

Nya Halcyon
Jan 24th, 2009, 05:09:14 PM
I've got a suggestion for the next one:

Maybe we should already start a thread for the nominations of 2009. We can all go back to it and add bits and pieces as we read them, and at the end of the year revisit those threads and adjust our nominations if we want to. That way it's easier to keep track of things.

I'm suggesting it because, for example, I know "What's Past is Prologue" is my favorite for saddest scene and a couple of other categories, but by the end of 2009 I probably wouldn't remember what the title was anymore because there'd be so many other threads by then that I'd have read, so having someplace to post our nominations throughout the year would be a nice thing...

Jan 24th, 2009, 05:31:01 PM
I've got a suggestion for the next one:

Maybe we should already start a thread for the nominations of 2009. We can all go back to it and add bits and pieces as we read them, and at the end of the year revisit those threads and adjust our nominations if we want to. That way it's easier to keep track of things.

I'm suggesting it because, for example, I know "What's Past is Prologue" is my favorite for saddest scene and a couple of other categories, but by the end of 2009 I probably wouldn't remember what the title was anymore because there'd be so many other threads by then that I'd have read, so having someplace to post our nominations throughout the year would be a nice thing...

I've seen something sort of like that in other forums but less tweaked toward nominations of a yearly award.

Its something I've considered for this place as well. Basically their monthly submissions for good threads you have read.

Just threads though not characters or scenes per say. But just threads, any threads. Even a place for X-men, WoD, etc.

Basically someone would put it up like:

Thread name,

Then give a brief description of the thread. Premise,
Then a teaser line, something descriptive from the thread itself.
"Tears hunt for darkness leads him into the lair of Lilaena Deville...this SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY!!! ONE TIME ONLY!" ...sorta like that cept less..

Then there would be a selected paragraph with spoiler code covering it.

The whole premise is to promote threads and give an idea of what they're about. That way people can
A) Know where and what a thread is about without reading through tons of content to get an idea.
B) Bring interest to those who might otherwise just ignore it. I know I for one have little interest in the Xmen threads. (even though im an avid marvel and comic fan) but I simply have no idea whats going on or what the characters are about.
c) Its a good way to keep track of what people are doing.
d) Its fun! like a tiny movie trailer for your thread. Could even create pictures or cover art for it.

I think for his post alone, we need to make a 'Tear Award'.

Drama Queen award?:lol

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 24th, 2009, 05:35:22 PM
We have done that kind of thing before, with people posting what they are enjoying reading or writing in - and I think it's a great idea. I would be happy to see it become a monthly thing :)

Estelle Russard
Jan 24th, 2009, 05:37:15 PM
I think the ideas above are good ones (definitely the Tear Award one :lol)

I think the thread should be called The Nom Worthy Thread...or something. People can make it as simple or complicated as they like, adding to it for their own memory. I personally would probably just keep it quite streamline..the Thread name and why I like it.

But more elaborate is fine too :)

Its true, its easy to forget when you're reading so much through the year.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 24th, 2009, 05:43:12 PM
Haha, 'Tear's Hissy-Fit of the Year Award' :D

And yes, I think a thread just for noms is a good idea. Will help with the last-minute thread cramming/trying to remember if we can jot down what we're reading and why we like it as it's happening.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 24th, 2009, 05:44:38 PM
Nom nom indeed. Make it so, someone!

Estelle Russard
Jan 24th, 2009, 05:52:05 PM
I'll put something up, if you like. Feel free to edit in details I may miss.

Nya Halcyon
Jan 24th, 2009, 05:52:31 PM
Keeping it simple would be best. Just maybe a list of categories like in this one, and then we can go edit in our nominations over the year - and by the end of the year go over them and whittle them down to 5 per category, so there would actually be something like a voting that is necessary in the end....

Estelle Russard
Jan 24th, 2009, 06:00:14 PM
Oh, so you want like a monthly Nom list thread?

I thought it was more like a "postit note' list for our feeble memories.

Nya Halcyon
Jan 24th, 2009, 06:21:52 PM
No, the postit note list was what I had in mind, too, just with categories and all..... same as with this thread.

I mean - say, I read a post somewhere and think "This is great, I want to nominate this for best imagery" or something, then I go to this new thread and edit in what I just read and add it to my nominations. At the end of the year, when we have the Awards, then we all go over our nominations and whittle them down to only a couple per category, maybe.

Estelle Russard
Jan 24th, 2009, 06:34:18 PM
Ok. I put up the thread, and will edit in the catagories when I come back. Or you can if you have access :)

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 24th, 2009, 07:26:50 PM
You'll be updating the title every month instead of starting a whole new thread I take it?

Estelle Russard
Jan 24th, 2009, 07:55:05 PM
Sure, that works.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 24th, 2009, 08:03:45 PM
Awesome. In that case I'm gonna sticky it for easy locating.