View Full Version : Shifting Tide: The New Boss (All BN Members.)
O.W. Outcast
Dec 27th, 2008, 11:15:54 AM
Planet: Tatooine
OW sat at the head of a long table in a meeting room in what use to be Jabba's Palace. He nervously chewed on the end of a cigar as he waited for the Black Nebula members to arrive. He wasn't sure how well this meeting would turn out considering he had some bad news to deliver to the organization.
Behind OW stood two women who were already privy to the information OW had. To his right was Tirsa and to his left stood Kazia. Not only where they privy to what was going on they were also bouncers just in case things got out of hand.
OW was also nervous that no one would show up considering it was he who had sent for everyone and not Sorsha. Yet that is where the bad news came in there was no more Sorsha in this organization. At least there wouldn't be to anyone except OW and a select few who needed to know. There was a new Boss and OW was in charge of getting everyone acquainted with him.
Arriana Rezner
Dec 29th, 2008, 06:52:09 PM
It wasn't that Arriana had any particular disliking for Tatooine – it was difficult to dislike somewhere that could be so profitable, for someone in her business – but it was, frankly, an inconvenient for the Cathar, at that moment in time. Business on Bespin was booming, and though this was certainly a good thing, the more successful she became the more of a liability it was leaving the business behind. It wouldn't have been such a hassle if it had been Sorsha who had called upon her. It was Kasajian's influence which had placed Arriana on Cloud City to begin with, after all.
The door to the meeting room hissed open and in the smuggler strode, in spite of herself. To her surprise, she found that the room was mostly empty, save for OW and the two women behind him, both of whom elicited a smile from Arriana.
“Vhere is everyone else?”
Jan 7th, 2009, 08:35:37 AM
:: Varla arrived, returning from an assignment on Geonosis, and took a seat at the table next to OW ::
Sirus Blackjack
Jan 7th, 2009, 08:39:07 AM
The door slid open once more, and in stepped Blackjack, dressed as sharply as ever, with a heavy, black duster coat over it all. He glanced briefly at the two women that had enetered just before him, before settling his gaze on OW. Sirus had been tucked away for some time now, left to his own devices and having not heard from Kasajian. Something was up, especially if the sticky-fingered little Duro was suddenly calling meetings.
Brushing his hair back with his fingers, he made his way along the table, taking a seat opposite Varla and leaning back on his chair, pushing it up on to two legs and waiting patiently.
Bambi Maddox
Jan 8th, 2009, 07:58:06 PM
Maddox made an entrance in her usual fashion, sauntering in on her long legs and looking unimpressed to have been pulled from whatever fascinating passtime she had been engaged in like, say, polishing her swoop-bike, to join in the town meeting. And on Tatooine for fracks sake, who's brainchild was that?
She passed a fleeting assessment over Kazia and Tirsa, and then an over-emphasized tilting down of her head to enable her to make eyecontact with the duro. Anything to push the midget's buttons. The rest of the company she basically ignored. Apart from her good buddy Xel-Naga and Kalail, who she'd recently been on a job with, neither of whom was yet present, Maddox didn't much give a rip about anyone else in the room.
"So, whats the broo-haha about, short-stack?" she addressed OW, folding herself into a chair, "Some one steal the lifts outta your loafers?"
Kalail Rotas
Jan 9th, 2009, 09:05:06 AM
There was a snort behind Bambi as Kalail, Sorsha Cousin, walked in. Bambi's joke lightened her mood since she was none to thrilled to be here either. Tatooine equated to boring, as far as she was concerned. Big city life made her blood pump with adrenaline and excitement.
A sand covered planet guaranteed nothing more then sand in your crotch and backside.
She had dressed low key for this meeting, tan pants and boots, with a 3/4 coat red as blood and took a seat next to Bambi. Considering she had loose lips, Kalail kept her mouth shut or she might give away the purpose of this meeting. If one was astute enough to engage in the news, it could be deduced that their fearless leader had moved onto new ventures. If you happened to be blood related, you already knew the entire picture before stepping into this office.
It would be ... interesting to say the least how OW was going to handle the big responsibility given to him. But if he frelled it up, she was given strict orders to take him down ... permanently. But there was also a twist ... It all depended on how the crew took the news.
That alone made her smile sweetly to the little guy.
Jan 9th, 2009, 09:55:04 AM
:: The others arrived, one by one, with Corvus appearing fashionably late. He casually took the seat at the opposite end of the table ::
Allex Mcgraves
Jan 9th, 2009, 10:53:47 AM
Allex walked in behind Corvus. He didn't know who the guy was but dang he was a big guy. Hopefully nothing to big was going down here today, he didn't want to be the one facing off against the big one. As he walked in he scoped the room noting all the ladies in attendance. He had never met the Sorsha that ran this organization before but it was pretty evident she had something for the female persuasion.
The only person he knew in the room was Varla and she was the one that told him to come here to this meeting. So he did and now he found himself wondering where he should sit. Finally he took a seat near the one eyed chick and her sidekick he guessed.
O.W. Outcast
Jan 11th, 2009, 01:35:50 PM
"They will be here shortly."
He said just as people started to pile in the room. He laughed slightly as it gave him chuckle to think his words had some sort of summoning magic behind them. He cocked his head towards Arriana.
"Told you they would be here."
Giving her a small smile afterward to show there was no menace in his words. He then took note of the new comers first Varla by checking her out even taking a slight look at her bum trying to be too obvious. After that cam Sirus, OW didn't check him out though just nodded to him and moved his sights back to the door.
Then she came waltzing that bloody hot assassin and her sexy sidekick. He eyed her ever so slightly as those words slipped from her lush lips. He didn't let on at first making her think for just a second that he didn't get a kick out of her comment. Then slowly his child grin started to grow on his face until it was as wide as he could push it.
"Nice to see you too sweat cheeks."
He cocked his head to the side taking a longing glance at her bum for as he could. Although not to long he didn't want her to flip out and kill him just yet. He was going to make a joke about her depth perception but felt it would be too much of a cheap shot so he held his tongue. Soon all the rest arrived along with one new comer that sat down by Bambi. He must have been the one Varla said she was bringing and the one that had called OW her pimp which made him laugh. Not because it was funny just cause if he was her pimp he wouldn't have to pay anymore.
As they all took their seats OW looked at each of them individually again. This time his look was purely serious as he determined there threat level in his mind. The crazy and joking midget Duro faded faster than anyone in this room had seen before.
"Alright ladies and gents it's time to tell you all why I called you all here. I was a servant and loyal employee of Miss Kasajian for the past two years. Yet times change and so do the hands of who you all work for. Miss Kasajian left an opening her absence and I took advantage. There has been coup d’état and you all have a new boss."
OW stood silent as commotion rose amongst the masses judging all their words with an open mind. Before he would continue he would let them all say there piece or even draw their weapons if they wished as he saw the two women behind him prepare for anything.
Bambi Maddox
Jan 11th, 2009, 02:07:37 PM
Bambi grinned broadly - the little Duro cracked her up.
She slouched in her chair, not recognising the earnest seriousness in OW's eyes.
"This is a joke right?" she laughed good naturedly, "What'd you do, p-q Sorsha off so bad she told you to throw yourself to the wolf-pack as punishment?"
She looked at Kalail, thinking what a great sense of humor the boss had. But Kalail didn't return her grin.
Maddox took another look at OW, who had his small hands folded together neatly in front of him, and a patient expression on his face. The pair of women behind him though were not nearly as benevolent looking and, actually, appeared kind of threatening, now that she thought of it.
"This is a joke, right?" she repeated, without the former mirth.
Arriana Rezner
Jan 15th, 2009, 04:52:10 PM
OW's declaration was still settling in, for most of those gathered in the room. Their brows furrowed as they glanced amongst one another, wondering what was going on. To some, the meeting had suddenly begun to smell like some kind of set-up. In the face of the confusion, Arriana remained impassive. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked down her nose at the man who presumed to call himself her boss.
“I vill believe zis vhen I hear it from ze Vigo Kasajian herrrself.”
O.W. Outcast
Jan 16th, 2009, 11:27:19 AM
OW eyed both of the women with his big bug eyes. He knew this transition wouldn't be easy for the group as a whole to take. Yet he was hoping for as little resistance as possible. He couldn't let everyone at the table know the truth, that he was protecting Sorsha not actually stealing her position. Yet in order to protect her he had to keep the fact that she was still in charge as much of a secret as possible. So OW turned his attention to Bambi first since she was the first to take position of opposition.
"There is no joke her Miss Maddox. I'm your new boss but if you don't like that you can always leave. Then again if you leave I will have to put a bounty on your head and I think we both can agree we don't want this to get messy?"
His tone was serious and cold as he stared darts at her. OW was jovial for the most part but he knew how to be serious when it was needed. He was not afraid to go head to head against any of them at the table. He knew what he was doing was for the greater good of this business and if any of them thought they could do better without knowing the information he knew so be it. He then turned to Arriana giving her the same cold stare.
"You will not here from Sorsha. She has given up her voice in this society. You all should know by now this business is a cut throat one. Hands of power change allot in this job. I'm the Boss now do any of you have a problem with that?"
Kalail Rotas
Jan 17th, 2009, 11:04:00 AM
Kalail was well aware of the truth. Being Sorsha's cousin certainly had its perks. However, the truth had to remain concealed to an extent.
"The bugged eye guy is right," she said begrudgingly. "Sorsha has too much on her plate on Coruscant. Keepin' an eye on the throne and all that. In order for Black Nebula to prosper, we need a solid leader who'll be a consistent figurehead for all of us. Not someone that'll show up outta the blue and give orders, just to disappear for weeks, months on end."
She leaned back in her chair, arms behind her head with a big old dren eating grin. "That's why she turned over leadership to OW ..."
The woman laughed softly, sighing in such utter delight before giving OW a most innocent looking grin, "... and myself."
Bambi Maddox
Jan 21st, 2009, 10:22:51 PM
She eyed Kalail uncertainly. She liked Rotas well enough, and they'd done a good job on that Imp Officer together, but how far to trust her...? Maddox's loyalty was to Kasajian, not her cousin and not this trumped up little upstart.
Maddox turned a hard stare on OW, "I find that hard to believe" she said as Kalail finished speaking. She stood, fingers twitching noticibly, "And if Im not mistaken - you just threatened a bounty against me." She moved forward, very aware of the twin guards flanking the Duro but not at all daunted. "You expect me to submit to that meekly? You got alotta nerve, but you aren't too bright."
Jan 23rd, 2009, 09:53:54 AM
:: Kazia looked at Bambi in the eye, her hand resting on the pistol in the swivel holster on her hip. She mouthed her words quietly so Bambi could read her lips ::
*please don't make me ...*
Bambi Maddox
Jan 27th, 2009, 12:53:50 AM
Maddox frowned, not quite certain she'd read Kazia's message right. She gave a halting look the girls way, then focused back on OW.
"I admit, takes some guts to pull this kinda stunt, kermit. But why put you in charge? Why" The idea appealed. Bambi Maddox, Vigo of the Black Nebula. Did we still use the term Vigo? There had been some big changes recently, and Maddox - who normaly didnt bother with the politics of things - still didn't understand all the implications. All she knew was, she worked for Sorsha. Killed, for Sorsha. And now that was turned upsidedown....the whole thing just smacked of, well it smacked of...Bambi being out of the loop and the Duro well within it. That sleight alone was reason to kill the little villian.
Jan 30th, 2009, 06:15:50 AM
"Be sure your picking a fight you can win, Maddox..." came Xel's voice from the doorway. While every had filed in nice and neat-like into the offered chairs and seats, Xel-Naga had opted for standing just inside the doorway, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Like everyone else in the room he was armed and carried a blaster on his hip, but he made no moves for it, not even once. His arms remained cross against his chest, his eyes looking out into the room at all those gathered, most of which seemed willing to lay down and take this little take over. Only Maddox seemed upstart about it. If not the seriousness of the situation he might have giggled a little.
Xel could care less who ran this place, so long as he was still getting paid and earning his way, in other words still getting sent out to pummel people into submission and take their possessions or credits for Black Nebula. So long as the particulars of his employment stayed the same he did not care if he was being ordered around by a Duro or Darth Vader himself. Schutta. Call him a coward for playing it safe, but he really did not have any reason to fight this. Bring it on. Woohoo. Party, an inauguration speech, and then back to work. Cannot let Black Sun make all the credits.
"No sense getting yourself killed just yet."
O.W. Outcast
Jan 30th, 2009, 12:16:16 PM
"I threatened you? I thought I was giving you an option?"
His bug eyes stared cold into her eyes as he said it. He didn't show his surprise as Kalail mentioned that she had her foot in the door as well. Although he was surprised by the revelation, he knew Sorsha had done it to keep him in line. Sorsha wanted this transition to go smoother then it was and she was hoping Kalail would be the one to help. He noted Kazia moving in as Bambi spoke but OW raised his left hand to stop her.
"Why not put Xel, Varla, Corvus or Arriana in charge? I will tell you why not because you all good at what you do. As I am good at what I do and what I do is business. Xel there is good at getting money thru extortion. Arriana is good at getting information. Varla well she is good at allot of different tasks. Corvus can get person to pay up just because they don't want to mess with him.
Then there is you Bambi, you are good at killing people. Getting rid of the garbage that stands in are way. Me I do business and I make sure the books are good. I also deal with people in the living and unbeaten sense of the word. That's why I sitting in this chair Bambi."
In wasn't the complete truth but it would have to do for now. OW was in actuality chosen for this job because he was willing to put himself in the line of fire for sorsha. She had enemies and OW was the willing to step up and take the bullet from those enemies for her.
Bambi Maddox
Jan 30th, 2009, 11:05:15 PM
Words of wisdom and restraint from Xel-Naga? If Maddox hadn't figured Mustafar had frozen over with announcement of the Duro's power-bid for Sorsha's special chair, then hearing words of levity from baldy over there cinched it for her. What was the world coming to?
Still, OW made a smattering of sense in his reply. More than, really, and Maddox conceded that the choice of any one of the nefarious individuals in the room were not the administrative types needed to keep the organization running smoothly. Rotas would like as not burn the whole Nebula down with everyone inside it. And Corvus wasnt the play-well-with-others type. None of them were, except maybe OW. The little frog had a point. This made Maddox grin sheepishly, which OW took for renewed insult.
'Alright, alright" Maddox said, pre-empting any retalitory action from the Duro - or his guards - and taking a step back, conceded, "That sounds logical, atleast"
In the back of her mind, Bambi formulated a plan to confirm this whole deal with Sorsha herself. If OW was on the up and up, terrific. If not and Kasajian wanted him 'offed,' Maddox would find the right time and place to show OW just how really good she was at what she did.
"You mighta thought of another way than just springing it on us all Huttfisted-like. Scum like us dont like surprises much" she assured him. In reality, however, OW had to be respected for the sheer guts of the move.
She moved to sit back down, catching Xel's eye as she did so and tossed him a flirty smile.
"So what now?" Maddox asked pleasantly, as if no confrontation had ever transpired.
Feb 1st, 2009, 02:53:53 AM
Xel did not give two schuttas for Maddox, he just wanted to be the one that killed her. He had a grudge, and a well placed one. She poisoned him via lethal cobra, paralyzed him and made him feel helpless, and then managed to get him thrown out the window by their employer Kasajian because he put a gun to Maddox's head for what she did to him. He survived the fall but broke every bone in his legs and was hospitalized for a week for bacta treatments and a very painful bone reconstruction. He was fine now, brand new. His legs were better than before, but he still resented the woman for everything that happened. No one was going to kill her. It would be him. If she did something stupid and started a firefight with Outcast and his goons then Xel would draw his weapon and shoot her dead first. It was only fair.
However, Maddox backed off and sat down. Was she actually listening to him for once, or did she just realize how futile it was? Whichever it was she sas sitting down again, but not before she flashed him a little smile that confused him. Damn that woman. He would never understand her, and he did not have to. You didn't have to understand a person to put a laser between their eyes.
"So what now?"
"Back to business," Xel replied, his voice as deep and raspy as ever. Cryo had a way of playing with your body, and his voice had been one of the things it messed with. Maddox has seen his eyes mist up. That was another way cryo broke him.
Arriana Rezner
Feb 1st, 2009, 09:03:46 AM
That the Duro had a point did not especially soothe Arriana's irritation. Like Bambi Maddox, she did not appreciate being out of the loop. It was her business – all of their business – to be in the know, especially when it came to the inner-workings of their organization. More than that, she felt a vague sense of offense that Sorsha had not chosen to deliver this news personally. They were more than just business acquaintances, they were friends.
“Back to business,” Xel-Naga intoned, as if to draw the meeting to a point of conclusion. Beneath her breath, the Cathar muttered something dark in her native tongue. She could accept the situation, but that didn't mean she had to like it. When she spoke aloud to the group, there was a hint of spite in her voice.
“Vhat arrre ourrr orders, then? Business as usual?”
Kalail Rotas
Feb 2nd, 2009, 10:23:09 AM
Kalail slinked out of her chair took up a position on the table next to OW. "Yes business as usual of course, but there'll be a few extra surprises. Starting with Kuat."
She looked over to the Little Green Man and flashed her devious pearly whites, "We need to kick out the rest of Black Sun's influence, yes?"
Feb 3rd, 2009, 09:32:39 AM
:: Garrik steepled his fingers beneath his chin deviously as he admired Kalail, and his smile widened when she mentioned Kuat ::
"You need back up? I'm your man." :D
Bambi Maddox
Apr 9th, 2009, 07:52:11 PM
"Somebody needs disappearin'?" Maddox queried in her slow drawl.
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