View Full Version : Late MFF Report

Dec 12th, 2008, 11:40:55 PM
Okay, so, back in November I went to Chicago to be a dealer at Midwest Furfest. Turned out to be one of the best furry cons I've ever been to, and I really enjoyed the atmosphere of respect and courtesy that everyone exuded--a real change from most cons!

Didn't do as well as I hoped monetarily, but I had fun. Sadly, I was too busy working on things to take many pictures, but, here are two I thought you all might appreciate.

Me at my dealer's table during setup. For FC (Further Confusion) in January I will have a much more elaborate setup, and a cool standing banner sign thingy.

<img src=http://www.mongooseink.com/mitch-table-1.jpg>

From left to right on my table:
- Pricing guide with cute red panda and a bowl of noodles.
The BLUE BIN! Original sketches and concepts in blue pencil and marker, only $10 each. People go ga-ga over blue pencil for some reason...
- Big huge binder of prints for sale, and my name plaque.
- Behind it, me, in several con badges and a shirt by another artist that totally confused everyone. =)
- In front of my hand, my logo block stamp. Yes, I have a custom rubber stamp!
- Lil' sign stating what I'm accepting at the moment, with sonic screwdriver right in front of it.
- Green box with the radioactive symbol on it is my art markers. About $700 worth... Box is an ammo can. Fun getting that through airport security. =)
- All three volumes of N'duk the Hunter--my books!

And, for fun, got my picture with Sarah Palin. I'm such a doof.
<img src=http://www.mongooseink.com/mitch-palin.jpg>

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 13th, 2008, 01:56:07 AM
Great pictures!!! Looks like you had a good time, too bad about the money thing. :(

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 13th, 2008, 04:40:38 AM
Your table looks so neat and professional.

Do you self publish those books or..?

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 13th, 2008, 09:40:04 AM
That's so awesome :D

I can't wait to see what your table looks like with the kilt pattern you were telling me about!

Dec 13th, 2008, 11:43:53 AM
Yes, I do self-publish my books for the time being, and if all goes as planned (and it's going well so far) I should have volume IV complete and ready for sale by mid-January, and my web store should be set up by then, too. Also, all the books will be getting new covers, and any and all typos which might still exist in volumes I-III will be completely fixed.

MFF was a lot of fun, and brought back the feeling of the first cons I used to go to in Seattle. It was incredibly well-run, and I still got to hang out with my friends and fellow artists. Even got to go to a few room parties, including the very fun "Meet the Brits" party. It was also the second largest con I've been to, and the third largest furry convention in the US, fourth biggest in the world. In January I'll be at FC in San Jose, which is the second biggest, so I'm really going to stepping up my game for that.

Hartus Kenobi
Dec 14th, 2008, 07:52:05 AM
was I the only one that thought MFF referred to something else?