View Full Version : Force Sensitive Mute/Plot Ideas

Ad'ana Saesrin
Dec 7th, 2008, 04:07:33 PM
So I came up with this character idea based upon a former one a loooooong time ago in a galaxy far, far away from the reset :p

Basically Ad'ana is from Kiffu. She is a full blooded Kiffar that has the ability of psychometry as well as the ability to use the Force. For whatever reason, she never learned to speak. Her muteness was thought of as a curse by some of Clan Saesrin, since it had become far rarer for a child to be born with that ability since the purge and it might bring doom from the Empire to occur. Some just felt that perhaps she couldn't speak due to a physical deformities, yet some of the older Kiffu had postulated that it had to do with her Force ability, but there was no way to prove this because there are no Jedi to teach the young girl.

They were right. It takes all of her concentration because all living and non-living things are open to her scrutiny, either by touch or through Empathy. If she does not keep a tight reign on her abilities, she gets lost in a sea of emotion and thoughts, and her psychometric abilities get out of control. It gets easier for her as each year passes but without any formal training, she has to keep the walls up. Also, the bare faintest of communication she has learned to do is through images or emotions.

For the Kiffar, they revere the girl as a Truth Seeker. Because of her abilities, she is often sought out by the Clan Vos to mediate disputes.

She is still on the planet, and with rumors of the Jedi returning, Ad'ana secretly yearns to find them and gain more insight into her powers to control them. However, duty to her people keep her on Kiffu. She is 18.

So any thoughts how to get her integrated?

Dec 9th, 2008, 05:55:51 AM
If shes stuck on a planet that's a tough one. Maybe the Empire comes a knockin' to enslave the planet and the rebels show up in a raid to try and free some of them?

May give her a chance to get pointed in the right direction by the rebellion?

Riani Starchylde
Dec 9th, 2008, 02:10:57 PM
How about stowing away on a visiting ship? I'm kinda stuck on how to get my character integrated. Since My character is searching for the Jedi too; it could be a boon for us to team up. The only thing is that we need at least one other person who is in the rebellion or a Jedi to make it work.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 9th, 2008, 10:09:20 PM
How about stowing away on a visiting ship? I'm kinda stuck on how to get my character integrated. Since My character is searching for the Jedi too; it could be a boon for us to team up. The only thing is that we need at least one other person who is in the rebellion or a Jedi to make it work.Not a bad idea. Riani could end up in trouble for helping someone, and Ad'na is called in to seek the truth.

Of course the truth is I like big butts and I cannot lie /Mix-a-Lot

Zenas Codrey
Dec 9th, 2008, 11:36:38 PM
Zeke needs another kick-start, and he's got a trade ship that has a tendency to attract stowaways and every reason in the world to be on any given planet.

Ad'ana Saesrin
Dec 10th, 2008, 08:36:48 AM
Okies that could work. Did Adia want to still be involved? That way she could be the link to the Jedi

Morgan Evanar
Dec 10th, 2008, 12:17:28 PM
My schedule is pretty hectic right now but I think we could make it work.

Riani Starchylde
Dec 10th, 2008, 03:01:10 PM
Sounds good to me. Any particular person I'm trying to help to get in trouble?

Ad'ana Saesrin
Dec 11th, 2008, 12:50:32 AM
Nope, just an NPC that you can do whatever with, long as it comes to a needed mediation by my character.

Then Adia and Zeke show up somehow XD

Dec 11th, 2008, 09:11:11 AM
Perhaps the issue could be between the NPC and Zeke? That way everyone that needs to be aware of the ship in order to stow away/have shenanigans can be there and make plannings.

Also, Zeke is a Jedi, so if that can work out to anyone's advantage, lemme know. :)

Ad'ana Saesrin
Dec 11th, 2008, 09:27:21 AM
That could work, you or Riani. Or maybe it IS you or Riani :p

As for Zeke, does he know where the Jedi are? if not, Adia needs to come into play. Plus Morgan had some ideas for her about the thread

Riani Starchylde
Dec 11th, 2008, 05:37:09 PM
Then I can say I was scouting for a ship to get this npc off the planet because they needed to leave descreetly. As my ship is being detained for a search for the Npc who is a fraind of mine. That sound alright?

Dec 12th, 2008, 09:06:37 AM
Zeke knows of a few Jedi, but not where any are trying to meet/form a new order. However, Zeke is also trying to find Jedi and help start a new order, so, things line up nicely. =).

Also, Zeke can help people leave discreetly so its all good. =)

Ad'ana Saesrin
Dec 12th, 2008, 09:20:21 AM
Ok so Riani and Zeke are having are having issues regarding this NPC (which you two can create) then come to me for mediation.

I did figure that this character does little and big dispute resolutions for offerings. Considering that the people kinda revere here, they basically donate things to her, and if they need her counsel, they offer food, clothing, credits so she can live. She doesn't live in opulence either :p Just comfortable, because of those nice wealthy Clans that need her ;)

S'il is still working on my avatar/sig so hopefully we can start this soon. We can still flesh things out or wing it. I don't care :)

Ad'ana Saesrin
Dec 14th, 2008, 08:22:59 PM
I gots a face :eee

So we can get this rolling anytime now. Perhaps either Zeke and Riani might start it off and then Ad'ana can magically appear and everyone is all oooo and aaaaah :mneh

Lamar Starworth
Dec 15th, 2008, 01:01:23 PM
I see that this is getting started, so I was wondering if it was at all possible for my character to get involved in this. If there is any room for a rogue adept to meddle around, I'll be sure to wiggle in. :)

Riani Starchylde
Dec 15th, 2008, 01:38:22 PM
Okay I'll get the ball rolling. Give me a couple of hours and I'll have something posted.

Miranda Tarkin
Dec 18th, 2008, 01:33:22 PM
So what happened to the thread startings? :D

Riani Starchylde
Dec 18th, 2008, 02:48:16 PM
Sorry I had issues with my internet server. I'm on now so I'll get started.

Lamar Starworth
Dec 18th, 2008, 02:54:43 PM
Am I still gunna be involved? <.<

Riani Starchylde
Dec 18th, 2008, 08:10:35 PM
How do you want to be involved?

Lamar Starworth
Dec 18th, 2008, 11:15:08 PM
Maybe Lamar could come behind the two in search of mediation over his own troubles on getting off planet due to his "fugitive" status. Or better yet, I had already come to her about trying to get off planet, and the solution somehow involves me?

Miranda Tarkin
Dec 19th, 2008, 12:20:16 AM
Ok ... from what I saw looks like Riani and this NPC got busted for being stowaways. So if Lamar were to be involved, have to be the first option.

Would Zeke be going next since it was supposed to be his ship?

Dec 19th, 2008, 10:57:39 AM
Sure, I'll go next. Just a sec.

EDIT: Next!

Aria Sihin
Dec 22nd, 2008, 01:26:09 PM
Zeke's turn ;)

I figure it'll be you two going back and forth until you show up at the station.

Zenas Codrey
Dec 28th, 2008, 08:31:23 PM
Okay. Well, christmas is over, so I'll hop to. =)

Jan 3rd, 2009, 02:23:38 PM
Ok, I habeeb we can now begin adding the rest of the characters. We're at the place where the security or whatever is, which I believe is what's needed. If not, let me know, I'll edit. =D

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 3rd, 2009, 02:48:52 PM
Not sure if Lamar or Adia wanted to make an appearance before I?

Lamar Starworth
Jan 3rd, 2009, 10:53:56 PM
I'll jump in before ya...I think that'd work.

Miranda Tarkin
Jan 4th, 2009, 10:25:48 AM
Okies! Sounds good :)

Riani Starchylde
Jan 4th, 2009, 05:50:48 PM
Omg sorry I post before checking in. I hope this can still work with my post if not let me know and I can edit it.

Miranda Tarkin
Jan 9th, 2009, 12:36:52 PM
Should be fine... just waiting on Lamar :)

Lamar Starworth
Jan 9th, 2009, 12:40:42 PM
Here I am, posting now. :)

Riani Starchylde
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:31:15 PM
Good post Lamar. Loved it. So Miranda is next.

Miranda Tarkin
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:43:01 PM
Yeah that would get her attention for sure XD

Ad'ana - :: hears gun fire ::


:: stomps out and glares at every one of you ::


Ad'ana Saesrin
Jan 9th, 2009, 03:17:45 PM
I postededededed! :D

Riani Starchylde
Jan 9th, 2009, 05:20:17 PM
Okay so who's up? Zeke?

Lamar Starworth
Jan 9th, 2009, 05:22:15 PM
I think the order, if we all fall within order, would be You, Zeke, Me and then Ad'ana until someone comes in and shakes it up :)

Miranda Tarkin
Jan 9th, 2009, 05:33:38 PM
What the traitor Imp said ;)

Riani Starchylde
Jan 9th, 2009, 05:37:50 PM
*Senses tension in the Force between Miranda and Lamar* I'm going to post

Lamar Starworth
Jan 9th, 2009, 05:38:10 PM
I just got too sexy for that Imp uniform. :)

Riani Starchylde
Jan 9th, 2009, 06:07:59 PM
Posted. So I guess we wait for Zeke then.

Jan 12th, 2009, 09:19:32 PM
Made my post. Didn't mean to let it drop off page 1. >.>;;

Lamar Starworth
Jan 15th, 2009, 02:50:59 PM
I dropped my post. :)

Morgan Evanar
Jan 15th, 2009, 06:11:43 PM
I've decided to bow out, I think this thread would be too complicated then.

Lamar Starworth
Jan 23rd, 2009, 11:24:56 AM
Yeah. I could see how it could end up getting jumbled.
Guess Riani is up next.

Riani Starchylde
Jan 27th, 2009, 01:45:37 PM
To quote Lamar "I dropped my post." :p

Feb 16th, 2009, 11:53:23 AM
Riani's up again. Where's she at?

Riani Starchylde
Feb 18th, 2009, 09:28:38 PM
Sorry My computer Got fried so I had to by a new one
I'm on it right now

Riani Starchylde
Feb 18th, 2009, 09:46:49 PM
Posted. Again sorry guys.

Morgan Evanar
Feb 18th, 2009, 09:48:52 PM
Bummer :( What happened to your PC exactly?

Feb 19th, 2009, 10:00:24 PM
It's all good, just wanted to be sure you were here. :) We miss our folk when they leave! Also, posted.

Riani Starchylde
Feb 20th, 2009, 03:05:04 PM
'Our Folk' I'm considered 'Our Folk'? I feel special now. *grins* My neighbor over loaded his stereo system and blew out his whole system. Some how that overloaded my computer and my TV. did the same for several others in the apartment complex. Let's just say none of us were happy campers. At least I have renters insurance I was able to get a claim filed just took like forever to get the check.

Riani Starchylde
Jul 29th, 2009, 01:55:13 PM
Sorry I haven't been on I finally gave birth to My son so I have been a little preoccupied with him. But I have posted

Aug 3rd, 2009, 06:36:23 PM
Good news to hear. Now there is another kid running around playing Jedi in the world. :)