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View Full Version : MU: Origins?

Captain Untouchable
Nov 23rd, 2008, 11:05:03 PM
I was just thinkin' - we've already got some in the future and in the past threads for the Star Wars section of the forums. Since the Wolverine installment of X-Men: Origins is out next year, what about doing something along similar lines for Mutants, Unite?

From what I've seen, there's pleanty of interesting backstory to be had and played about with a decade or two before the current timeline - the origins of groups like Vanguard and Jericho, a younger (and more alive) Doctor Cullen, Dragon working for the North Koreans, Saladin and Ion's days at students / teachers at Cullen's, and so forth.

I've chatted with a few people about it already, and have a few ideas; has anything "official" like this been done before, and is there much of a timeline for what was going on back then, or are things fairly vague?

What about future stuff too - anything been done before?

Mandy with an I
Nov 23rd, 2008, 11:32:50 PM
Yes, there has been a future/past thread with Oracle. I did a future thread as Banner and Felixs' son.

Jericho was originally my idea but that got taken to the next level by Dragon, and now is taken to another one by Klaus. I would ask either of them about the origins for that.

Nov 24th, 2008, 12:00:43 AM
Knock yourself out, and if you/Klaus want to do something with Jericho, be my guest - it's a great example of one of those things that's been built by the community. :) I had originally thought it was just an American thing, but it's even more insidious as an international organization.

I'm working on a thread that peeks into Dragon's backstory (Eden's Solitary Way), but, unfortunately, it's going to be on hold until Liz is back in action. It will explain the origin of John and Clarity's son, Ridley.

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 24th, 2008, 03:45:02 AM
'Time To Say Goodbye' is a past/future/alternate reality thread. We haven't finished that yet, though :(

Miranda Tarkin
Nov 24th, 2008, 09:19:22 AM
Yes we do need to finish that. >_< Dasq I'll talk to you later about it, or PM land so we don't derail this thread