View Full Version : Empress Tarkin Debut
Miranda Tarkin
Nov 23rd, 2008, 04:08:41 PM
yes finally going to happen and the target date is this Wednesday :)
Mara is going to do an announcement thingy and would it be ok to sticky that since it's a boardwide important RP plot? If not well, there will be a special announcement anyway :p
The thread will start off with the Imps gathering and Miranda cutting into all the holonet so you are forced to listen to her ;) Gotta love breaking news! Then I figured people can post their reactions to it no matter what faction you are.
Thoughts, concerns, ideas?
Sanya Tagge
Nov 23rd, 2008, 04:09:42 PM
All hail Empress Tarkin :eee!!!
Yeart Quenn
Nov 23rd, 2008, 04:16:16 PM
*grovels slavishly at her feet*
It will be done as you say, you most majestic of all future Empresses!
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 23rd, 2008, 04:16:52 PM
Don't get cocky, woman. We'll blow you up just like we did the last one!
Miranda Tarkin
Nov 23rd, 2008, 04:19:56 PM
Yeah? Well, until I see a Death Star, I ain't dying. And that isn't gonna happen on my watch!
:: bows her head in remembrance of Papa and Daddy :: :(
Rossos Atrapes
Nov 23rd, 2008, 09:22:23 PM
The Inquisitoriate awaits this with anticipation and will serve the Empress and Her Order to the utmost of its abilities.
Park Kraken
Nov 23rd, 2008, 09:23:53 PM
All hail! Empress Tarkin!
*Sets off a festive firework display of a Rebel base being annihilated by a Super Star Destroyer*
Elias Akasha
Nov 23rd, 2008, 10:19:15 PM
Still in the market for a royal bodyguard / minion / dude to stand in the corner of your chambers and wave a fan? We never properly got that sorted, but I'm still game if you are!
Miranda Tarkin
Nov 24th, 2008, 12:12:45 AM
Sure, and I do believe Karl is going to revitalize our assassination thread ^_^
John Jackson
Nov 24th, 2008, 12:26:29 AM
Sure, and I do believe Karl is going to revitalize our assassination thread ^_^
Yay! :eee
Karl Valten
Nov 24th, 2008, 12:37:54 AM
Aye, will post tomorrow.
Miranda Tarkin
Nov 26th, 2008, 12:58:10 PM
It is up. Hopefully it's ok! O_O
Karl is going to post next
Then Miranda
Then Military people outside in orbit :D
Then me again :lol
Then everyone that wants to post ^_^
edit- sorsha made a short cameo herself besides my nod to her :)
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 26th, 2008, 01:30:12 PM
Looking forward to joining in :D
Karl Valten
Nov 26th, 2008, 01:51:59 PM
I'll be writing a post in the car on my ride to Madison. After that I'm driving for another 6 hours though so I may not have a post up until laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate.
Miranda Tarkin
Nov 26th, 2008, 01:58:33 PM
No worries. It's the holiday coming upon us! At least it is started! :)
Nya Halcyon
Nov 26th, 2008, 02:59:28 PM
And I'm getting the announcement done. will be up soon.
Rossos Atrapes
Nov 26th, 2008, 03:24:09 PM
Just a hopeful sort of question: I was wondering if Rossos might be among the Inquisitors either around, or one of the guards on the dais; something to make him feel...well, not warm and fuzzy, but satisfactory on the inside.
Miranda Tarkin
Nov 26th, 2008, 03:26:05 PM
Be my guest! You can be one of the guys standing guard on the dais with us :) The more the merrier. Hell if you wanted to post your reaction before Karl interjects, why not!
Rossos Atrapes
Nov 26th, 2008, 03:36:22 PM
Be my guest! You can be one of the guys standing guard on the dais with us :) The more the merrier. Hell if you wanted to post your reaction before Karl interjects, why not!
:o... W00T! The dais!
Nya Halcyon
Nov 26th, 2008, 04:15:10 PM
Hmmm.... can the Kuati Moff be amongst the others? Maybe make a humble presentation to the new Empress of the Majestic?
Oh, and I put up the announcement. Now can someone please sticky it boardwide?
Miranda Tarkin
Nov 26th, 2008, 04:16:01 PM
You mean when we take this outside in front of the public? Have your Moff present the new ship?
Rossos Atrapes
Nov 26th, 2008, 04:18:16 PM
Posted Rossos's 'reaction'. Kinda took some liberties, so if anyone has a beef with the details, let me know so's I can take care of it with some cement shoes and a long jump offa short pier. The details that they don't like, I mean. Not the person who has the beef. Definitely not. Would you honestly think I'd do that?
Nya Halcyon
Nov 26th, 2008, 04:18:24 PM
If you want?
Miranda Tarkin
Nov 26th, 2008, 04:19:26 PM
Rossos - I personally loved it.
Nya - Sounds great. You can announce the ship as it departs hyperspace and makes it grand entrance. Miranda will try and remain civil :mneh
Nya Halcyon
Nov 26th, 2008, 04:25:56 PM
When's this going to happen? COs I'll be offline for the night..... not feeling well, need some sleep...
Miranda Tarkin
Nov 26th, 2008, 04:30:04 PM
Not for a bit. Karl has to go, then me again to pretty much tell the dissenters this is how it is.
Then we were going to cut to outside. Prak and whomever, waiting around orbit watching the holonet while the Majestic is still in hyperspace.
Then it will go back planetside with Miranda's announcement and acceptance speech, with whomever wants to say anything then.
After that Quenn can give her the ship :)
then mass panic and rejoice throughout the galaxy :D
Nya Halcyon
Nov 26th, 2008, 04:36:23 PM
Okay.... gimme a shout when I should post then :p
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 29th, 2008, 04:45:39 AM
Can I post as Sanya soon? :D
Miranda Tarkin
Nov 29th, 2008, 09:29:53 AM
Oh sure :) Since Karl is still away on holiday (i think)
Karl Valten
Nov 29th, 2008, 07:10:15 PM
Yes, Karl is still on holiday and will post hopefully on Monday. I'm sorry for the wait again. I do have most of my post planned out, though.
Karl Valten
Dec 1st, 2008, 08:05:31 AM
Okai, it may take me a bit to post. My car broke down (thankfully AFTER I drove the bulk of the trip and made it to my family's house). But now I am stuck about four hours from my place in Minneapolis and won't be able to post until I get the vehicle fixed......and get all of my assignments that are going to be late done.
Damn car
Captain Untouchable
Dec 1st, 2008, 11:15:58 AM
Can I leap in as Elias at some point?
I'm working on the assumption at the minute that he's basically ISB. Since the Inquisitors seem to be providing Miranda's close-in bodyguard protection at the moment, maybe he's overseeing security on a general level - travel arrangements; coordinating the non-INQ Security staff; background checks on the aides/guards the Moffs brought with them; etc?
Kinda like Captain Panaka, only without the cool hat. :)
Miranda Tarkin
Dec 1st, 2008, 11:18:28 AM
Sure, I see no problem with that. There has to be some coordinated effort between the INQ and Imperial Command in some form :)
Miranda Tarkin
Dec 16th, 2008, 01:08:34 AM
Karl ... your finals are over ;)
Miranda Tarkin
Dec 24th, 2008, 10:14:57 AM
In my haze of sleepies, I realize that something might be confusing regarding the announcement. The post that I created was for the Moffs only since they needed a heads up before the public one. She is only addressing them in the entire thread. Behind the scenes shenanigans occurred with Anar, INQ, Grand Moffs, and Admirals and now the rest of the Governors needed to be brought up to speed before anything public.
There is a public speech that will occur with the coronation one hour after that. Does that make it clearer? I was reading over posts last night and it didn't hit me until this morning that it might not have been clear >_> I thought I was in my post, I apologize for that
Moffs that had been outspoken against her stood up in protest, but Tarkin's voice rose loudly over theirs to squash them. "And I will respectfully accept this great honor bestowed upon me before all of our people in one standard hours time."
:( I hate being unclear
Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 24th, 2008, 12:55:05 PM
Well Sasseeri only saw it because someone on the inside showed her. ;)
And, its been longer than an hour!
Miranda Tarkin
Dec 24th, 2008, 12:56:02 PM
... Well I know, I wasn't sure if I was clear to Tear. And since when does anything happen on time around here :p
Dec 24th, 2008, 08:04:06 PM
I presumed it was for senate/moff (I assumed smaller governer types too though? I can edit that out if need be) types only. The holofeeds were private sources Tear was using not some public live news release. Hence the profiling examining portion. I probably should have clearified that myself as well. Apologies
So no worries madam Empress your public announcement is still intact and safe.:)
Miranda Tarkin
Dec 25th, 2008, 12:19:30 AM
Ok we are all clear on being clear with one another! Besides your stuff Tear, I think I saw another post somewhere else (wish I could remember what >_>) with the same issue.
But as I said in PM land, I figured Tear was doing something like ;)
Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 3rd, 2009, 10:45:55 PM
I figured I'd update the timeline on the wiki (come on people do it yourself :p). Does 2 Years after Endor exactly work or did you want it like Two Years, One month?
And the Dasq/Grace stuff happens at the same time yes?
Miranda Tarkin
Jan 4th, 2009, 10:21:20 AM
D&G happens after the coronation
Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 4th, 2009, 12:44:18 PM
Right does the coronation happen 2 Years AE?
Miranda Tarkin
Jan 4th, 2009, 12:48:35 PM
I told you already it was 2 years :p
Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 4th, 2009, 12:50:00 PM
Well I was just double checking. I'd slept since then :p
Daria Nytherciria
Jan 4th, 2009, 01:14:37 PM
..have we had a public announcement yet? so I can freak out? >_>
Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 4th, 2009, 01:23:18 PM
Not yet, Karl's been MIA due to personal matters. Course, might as well just say it has happened already :\
Miranda Tarkin
Jan 6th, 2009, 01:10:20 AM
The Karl has posted! :D
I think I am up next
::checks ::
Yes I am. Then Prak and Quenn can post with their shippies.
Karl Valten
Jan 6th, 2009, 02:05:36 AM
Hey only took me 3 weeks. Sorry about that guys. RL stuff has cleared up a ton for me and I think I've caught a renewed creative streak.
No beatings please.
Nya Halcyon
Jan 6th, 2009, 05:19:10 AM
Excellent.... Yearty will finally get something to do again ... *rubs hands with glee*
Travis North
Jan 6th, 2009, 10:09:43 AM
I don't like it. Who's with me?
Miranda Tarkin
Jan 6th, 2009, 10:17:08 AM
Uh, huh? o_O
Kamvil Albrecht
Jan 6th, 2009, 11:14:18 AM
No takers... Bummer. Guess I'm going solo on this one.
Miranda Tarkin
Jan 6th, 2009, 11:15:15 AM
You are silly. I think.
And of course you're up too when it's Prak and Quenn's turn. I just couldn't remember the name of your Captain >_>
Travis North
Jan 6th, 2009, 11:17:12 AM
Someone has to say no and get away with it. Plus, I didn't like your campaign slogan.
Travis North
Jan 6th, 2009, 11:25:49 AM
I have such a good post to make too... Curse you posting order!
My bad on the double post.
Akasha Khan
Jan 6th, 2009, 11:32:09 AM
*Applies a "Don't blame me, I voted for Sevon" bumper sticker to the back of Travis's star destroyer*
Travis North
Jan 6th, 2009, 11:34:59 AM
Can that be my CT over the course of this year?
Miranda Tarkin
Jan 6th, 2009, 11:36:01 AM
:lol :rollin :lol
omg it should!
Travis North
Jan 6th, 2009, 01:01:33 PM
Thank you Family Guy.
Miranda Tarkin
Jan 6th, 2009, 01:03:30 PM
:lol :lol :lol :lol
Karl Valten
Jan 6th, 2009, 01:22:21 PM
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 6th, 2009, 02:04:56 PM
Haha, oh man. That is classic.
Someone has to say no and get away with it. Plus, I didn't like your campaign slogan.
What was your campaign slogan, Empress Tarkin? :D
Rossos Atrapes
Jan 6th, 2009, 02:40:23 PM
By the way, Valten, your post was gold, man. Especially the end. I could totally picture Inquisitors behind the Moffs who were there in hologram, igniting their lightsabres. Awesomeness!
Karl Valten
Jan 6th, 2009, 11:31:57 PM
Sweet, thanks dude! :)
Miranda Tarkin
Jan 9th, 2009, 12:14:51 PM
Haha, oh man. That is classic.
Someone has to say no and get away with it. Plus, I didn't like your campaign slogan.
What was your campaign slogan, Empress Tarkin? :D
Don't Frell with a Tarkin? ;)
Ok... um, those on the podium can like do a post I guess ^_^ Not sure if Karl is staying or going with them.
Prak and Travis can post outside in orbit if they want :)
Gallus Tagge
Jan 9th, 2009, 12:16:10 PM
You show them who's boss, darling :D
Miranda Tarkin
Jan 9th, 2009, 12:17:42 PM
:: pets her Hubby ::
Sanya Tagge
Jan 9th, 2009, 12:22:29 PM
*cackles at the Moff's getting arrested for treason*
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 9th, 2009, 12:51:59 PM
Arrested... or chopped up into little pieces and mailed to other dissenters as a warning? Hmm, who knows. ;)
*scribbles something down* Good to know there's a figurehead in place again....
Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:02:05 PM
Lilaena, my dear... with our combined power and feverish desire for revenge against the Empire, we could make quite a team >D
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:03:29 PM
.... hmmmmm......
Miranda Tarkin
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:04:39 PM
Lilaena, my dear... with our combined power and feverish desire for revenge against the Empire, we could make quite a team >D
You're just pissed because my sister beat the crap out of you :p
Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:08:24 PM
I will have you, Tarkin, mark my words. Soon, when you least expect it. You will wake in the middle of the night and feel a cold hand at your throat and a rough tongue on your cheek. I will sup upon the glistening jelly of your eyeballs, my dear Empress. Sup with glee...
Lamar Starworth
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:13:14 PM
Now that is scary...
Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:16:20 PM
And I will find you and finish what I started, Van-Derveld. The Dark Side may have spared your life the day we fought, but I have become more powerful then you could possibly imagine. Seek my sister, and you will find only death.
Karl Valten
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:21:35 PM
Both of you will have legions to contend with. I will not allow either of you heretics near my Empress.
Blade Bacquin
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:23:40 PM
Vega goes after Miranda, you go after Vega, you kill vega before he kills Miranda,. Then what Miranda has you killed for being a Jedi even though you saved her life. I tell you, you should just let Vega kill her.
Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:39:46 PM
I still love my sister. One of my sigs says so :( So alas, if that is my fate to die to save her, then so be it.
Miranda Tarkin
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:40:39 PM
I ... I don't know what to think about you yet. :|
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:42:21 PM
psh, 'legions'... I got near Anar, I can get this Tarkin upstart. :rolleyes
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:44:01 PM
I wish I was big and the boss of something so someone could come after me. :(
Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:45:31 PM
:: ponders ::
That could be true, from a certain point of view ;)
Miranda Tarkin
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:45:53 PM
Oi with the neutrality
:twak's Lianna
Sorsha Kasajian
Jan 9th, 2009, 03:10:25 PM
Karl ... your finals are over ;)
bonk bonk. :p
Jan 11th, 2009, 06:27:05 AM
Is it time to share our thoughts?
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 11th, 2009, 06:38:23 AM
I think we are still waiting on the public announcement...
Miranda Tarkin
Jan 11th, 2009, 09:40:57 AM
<_< .... I am kinda waiting on Travis, Quenn and Prak
Freight Train
Jan 11th, 2009, 11:29:56 AM
Let us know when we get to all flip out. :)
Grace Van-Derveld
Jan 11th, 2009, 11:30:41 AM
I will :)
Just wanted to make sure our fleet peeps were in position around orbit and then Hiiii! I'm your new Empress
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